お知らせ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 114




「青」の歴史は深かったです。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




























また、青は現在の黒のイメージと同様に、死と地獄と結びつけられることが多い色でした。 ですが、青がゲルマン人の色であるならば、ローマ帝国衰退後帝国に置き換わったゲルマン人の諸国家が青を好んでもおかしくないのですが、中世期(ローマ帝国衰退後)の長い間、青い服を着るのは喪のしるしだったようですので、色のイメージとはそう簡単には変わらなようですね。






聖母マリア、讃える呼び名として「Maris Stella マリス・ステラ(海の星)」が古くから用いられておりまして、その聖母マリアを表す「海の星」からくる海の青いイメージを宗教画・絵画のアトリビュートとして関連付けられ描かれたのが青い衣。有名な絵画ですとレオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ《受胎告知》などですが、確かに宗教画の聖母マリアのイメージは青い衣ですよね。













Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The blue sky here in Nagoya is like today. And even in the heat, it’s getting tougher.


By the way, have you noticed …

From last month, the Asahi Shimbun advertisement of Fukosha has changed into a summer version! ..




This summer, goldfish are swimming swaying on the cool water surface of light blue. We hope that the bright and cool blue that catches your eye on the paper and the goldfish will be a healing moment for everyone.

When you see it, please take a look while being healed for a while.


By the way, it is such a healing color blue, but interesting results have been obtained.


A questionnaire in a certain research the other day, “What is your favorite color?”

As a result, “blue” is overwhelmingly popular. Blue was the first place with 39.6%, and the difference with the second place and below was large and the result was outstanding. Next, “green” was ranked 2nd at 16.4% and “red” was ranked 3rd at 15.5%, which are almost the same. Purple in 4th place is 9.1%, which is the result of such a difference in score.


No, even so, there are differences in age and gender, right? It’s easy to think. However, “blue” was the first in both men and women, and the second and third places were divided into “red” and “green” depending on the gender, but both men and women were young. Is “red”, and “green” seems to be popular among the elderly.


In addition, the tendency of young women (30s or younger) is a little different from other groups, and “purple” was ranked third, but the result was that everyone liked blue regardless of gender. We are here.


Certainly, there is a lot of “blue” in the things that surround us, but if you look up at the sky, it will be the blue sky, the blue sea, and the blue earth. When this happens, I can’t help but think that “I like blue” is already in the DNA that was ingested before we were born.


By the way, I used to write about Vermeer Blue on my blog, but now “blue” is a color I admire, and even though it is so close to us, it is not appreciated in the West. It seems that it has a long history.


A long time ago, for the Roman Empire, which built the Great Empire, blue seemed to be the color of the labor class, the color of the barbarians, and the people of the Roman Empire were basically Latin people, whereas blue was a different ethnic group. It seems that it was the color of a certain Celtic and Germanic people. Therefore, did it become an image of the color of the working class?


Also, blue was a color often associated with death and hell, similar to the current image of black. However, if blue is the color of the Germanic people, it is not surprising that the Germanic nations who replaced the empire after the decline of the Roman Empire preferred blue, but for a long time in the Middle Ages (after the decline of the Roman Empire), it was blue. It seems that wearing clothes was a sign of mourning, so it seems that it is not so easy to change from the image of color.


And above all, the blue dyes that can be taken in the West did not seem to develop very well. Indian indigo (later called indigo in the West), native to India, also seemed to have already been brought by Persian merchants during the Roman Empire, but it was expensive because it crossed the sea, and minerals rather than dyes. It seems that it was never used as a dye because it was believed to be.


However, the turning point will come to “blue” here. Blue is used in the clothes of the Virgin Mary in the paintings.


“Maris Stella” has been used for a long time as a praise for the Virgin Mary, and the blue image of the sea from the “Our Lady” representing the Virgin Mary is an attribute of religious paintings and paintings. The blue robe was associated and drawn as. Famous paintings include Leonardo da Vinci’s Annunciation, but the image of the Virgin Mary in religious paintings is certainly a blue robe.


The pigment used at that time was lapis lazuli, which was imported from Afghanistan. At that time, lapis lazuli was more valuable than gold, so using such an expensive item in the painting would have meant a praise to the Virgin Mary. Certainly, the reason why the blue of the clothes looks divine is because the information flickers …


And now, many people have the image of healing, peace, peace, friendship, etc. in blue, which seems to be the most popular color in the West.

I just said, “I love blue!”, But in reality, “blue” itself has a deep history.

We hope that you will be able to experience the history of blue while gazing at the blue water surface and goldfish.


Well then, good luck.












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN


今年も折り返し地点ですね(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)















































Hello everyone. This is Staff M.

It was early and this year was also around the turning point. In my sense, it was just the beginning of the new year, but I feel that the time has passed year by year.


June is the border between spring and summer, which is the beginning of summer, and from this time on, the rainy season begins in all parts of the country except Hokkaido. This year’s rainy season is later than normal in Kyushu-Kanto, and almost normal in Hokuriku and Tohoku. However, the full-scale rainy season is just around the corner, so it seems better to prepare for heavy rain early.

By the way, I already have my favorite boots I bought last year at the entrance, so it looks like it’s okay to get into the rain anytime! 


By the way, yesterday, Staff N was enthusiastically talking about the movie “Top Gun: Maverick”, which is a hot topic, and I want to see it soon. .. .. While thinking. When I thought about the treasure of Tom Cruise’s home, it was a little interesting and I sympathized with it. So I will continue to talk about movies for a while.


Do you have any memorable works that say, “The rainy season is this movie?” My rainy season movie is … “The Garden of Words”. This movie is an animation work written, directed and written by Makoto Shinkai of “5 Centimeters Per Second” and “Children Who Chase Lost Stars”.


To briefly explain the outline, it is a work that depicts a faint love story between a high school boy and an older woman who is clumsy to live in modern Tokyo. Most of the scenes are rainy days, and the depiction is beautiful. It is a short movie of 46 minutes, but it is also a spectacular movie. The seasonal setting of this movie is “rainy season”, but one of the highlights is that various types of rain are drawn according to the emotions of the characters. After all, Director Shinkai is very good at delicate and delicate depictions, and his beauty creates such a depiction that even the memories and emotions of the viewer are shaken.


In addition to animation, “The Garden of Words” is made into a novel by Director Shinkai himself, incorporating many characters and episodes that were not drawn in the animation, creating a new world of work unique to the novel version. And in that novel, the poems of Manyoshu are quoted many times, and the meaning is also written in the novel, so you can also touch the classics. Speaking of classics, I’m in the process of deepening my knowledge little by little, so I wanted to see it again when I thought that I might be able to enjoy it in a different way.

I’ve talked about movies enthusiastically for two days in a row, but this time I would like to know your recommended works.


愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取
『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』
TEL 052(734)8444
10:00-17:00 OPEN

映画トップガンマーヴェリック(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)




















Hello everyone, this is Staff N.

May is the last day, and from tomorrow it will be June.

Have you seen the movie “Top Gun: Maverick”?

I can’t say much about it in case it’s a spoiler, but … it was insanely interesting.

It’s been a while since I met a movie with a great immersive feeling, and it made me very excited.

The top gun starring Tom Cruise, which was screened more than 30 years ago, is a well-known masterpiece, but the sequel is this “Top Gun: Maverick”.



I think you all know the previous synopsis without explaining it.

This time, Maverick, formerly known as a genius pilot, will return to the US Navy’s elite aviator training school as an instructor. Some of the students are the sons of a pilot who once teamed up and died during training. Chasing after his father’s back, he has a grudge against Maverick. Meanwhile, I will challenge the mission.

I went to see it with my companion, so I didn’t expect much because it was a sequel to be honest.

Now I can say, I definitely recommend watching it in the cinema and at IMAX.

I thought that breathing, face and luck were really real, but it seems that he was actually in a fighter plane.

In order to be able to withstand the gravity applied to the pilot himself during maneuvering, the performers started by riding a small propeller plane, then aerobatic plane, and then a jet plane.

By the way, in the previous work, the actors boarded the F-14 fighter and went to shoot, but the actors other than Tom Cruise seemed to be unable to use the video because they either fainted or spit.

I saw the making video on YouTube, and it was awesome because I was shooting to the point of fainting.

It seems that it was a simulated experience in the movie that asked “how to send the audience to the cockpit of the fighter”.

As the director and Tom Cruise expected, I think N was leaning with the actor on the plane (laughs).




And what surprised me most was the appearance of the World War II airplane called “P-51” at the beginning and end, and it seems that it is Tom Cruise’s private plane.

Was there a conversation such as “If it’s real, it’s in my house, use it?”

The scale was too big and I laughed.

I wonder what kind of treasure is in Tom Cruise’s house.

It seems that plastic models are also selling due to the Top Gun effect.

I don’t know if I can buy an airplane, but I will buy photos during the war and old ones.

See you soon

愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取
『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』
TEL 052(734)8444
10:00-17:00 OPEN

法観寺 八坂の塔(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)


八坂の塔は内部に入ることができるうえに、塔の2層目まで一般人が普段から拝観で登ることができる日本唯一の重要文化財指定の五重塔でございます。ただし、公開は不定期(寺院関係者の都合の良い日のみ)であり、10:00 – 15:00という公開時間も、天候や寺院関係者の都合等により早く閉鎖されることもあります。シーズン中の週末に公開日は集中しますが、シーズン中の週末でも悪天候時は休むことが多く、好天の週末に休むこともあり「必ず内部を拝観できる日」は存在しないそうです。稀に平日に開いていることもあるため、確実に拝観したい場合は事前に電話等で確認が必要になります。
Hello everyone, this is Staff N.
I’m in trouble because my PC isn’t working well, maybe because of the temperature difference.
May is already over.
I still remember the Kyoto I went to at the beginning of the month.
This time, I investigated the five-storied pagoda of Hokanji Temple.
Hokanji is a temple of the Rinzai sect Kenninji school located in Yasaka Kamimachi, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto. It is located near Kiyomizu Temple. The five-storied pagoda that rises in the city is commonly known as the “Yasaka Tower” and is a landmark in the surrounding area. Since the precincts are narrow and there are no outstanding buildings other than the tower, “Yasaka Tower” is also known as the temple itself.
According to folklore, the five-storied pagoda was built by Prince Shotoku in the 5th year of Emperor Sushun (592) according to the dream of Nyoirin Kannon.
The theory of the opening of Prince Shotoku can be found in “Higashiyama Hokan-ji Buddhist stupa in Yamashiro” (1338). Although the folklore of the founding of Prince Shotoku is doubtful, it is certain that it is an old temple that existed before the relocation of Heiankyo, and it is believed that it was built as a temple of the Korean Peninsula Toraijin, Yasaka. Seems to be influential. The style of the tiles excavated from the precincts suggests that the building dates back to the 7th century. The existing five-storied pagoda was rebuilt in the 15th century, but it was built on the site of the tower at the time of its construction, and the underground foundation stone (foundation stone of the pillar) peculiar to ancient temples remains. The temple name was originally called Yasakaji, and the first appearance in the literature of Yasakaji is said to be in the 4th year of Jōwa (837) in “Shoku Nihon Koki”.
In “Engi-shiki”, Yasaka-ji is one of the seven temples that receive offerings from the Daizen profession. The five-storied pagoda was burnt down in the 3rd year of the Jisho era (1179) at the end of the Heian period due to a conflict between Kiyomizu-dera and Gion Shrine (Yasaka Shrine), but was rebuilt in 1191 with the assistance of Minamoto no Yoritomo. it was done. After that, it was burnt down by a lightning strike in 1291, and was rebuilt in 1309 with the assistance of Emperor Go-Uda. The current tower was reconstructed in 1440 with the assistance of Shogun Ashikaga Yoshinori after it was burnt down in Eikyo 8 (1436).
Meanwhile, in the first year of Niji (1240), Kennin-ji VIII’s Kennin-ji Temple entered the temple and became a Zen temple belonging to the Rinzai sect Kennin-ji school. Furthermore, from the first year of the calendar (1338), Takauji Ashikaga built Ankoku-ji Temple and Risei Tower all over the country at the recommendation of Muso Soseki.
During the Warring States period, a daimyo from a rural area raised a flag with a fixed crest on the temple to let the world know who became the new ruler and heavenly man. Also, Mitsuyoshi Oshima shot ten arrows into the window of this tower at the behest of Hidetsugu Toyotomi.
The Yasaka Pagoda is the only five-storied pagoda designated as an important cultural property in Japan that can be entered inside and can be climbed up to the second floor of the pagoda by ordinary people. However, the exhibition is irregular (only on the days that are convenient for the temple staff), and the opening time of 10:00 –15:00 may be closed early due to the weather and the convenience of the temple staff. Open days are concentrated on weekends during the season, but even on weekends during the season, it is often absent in bad weather, and sometimes it is a holiday on a sunny weekend, so it seems that there is no “day when you can always see the inside”. In rare cases, it may be open on weekdays, so if you want to make sure to see it, you need to confirm by phone in advance.
When you enter the inside of the tower, you can see Buddha statues, mural paintings, cornerstones, and pillars. If you climb the steep stairs to the second floor, you can see the cityscape through the window. However, it seems that there are not so many paying visitors because the precincts can be seen from Yasaka-dori, which passes by. Also, because the stairs inside the tower are steep and dangerous, you cannot see them under junior high school students. Partly because of the rest of the day in bad weather and the increased likelihood of slipping on the stairs with wet shoes. If you look at the old photos, you can see that the wire mesh is on the top layer and the viewer can climb to the top layer.
I didn’t climb the Yasaka Tower because I could see it from anywhere during this sightseeing.
When I looked it up this time, I regret that I should have climbed it.
At dusk, cameramen gathered one after another, so I mixed in and took pictures.
The five-storied pagoda from various angles has a different taste and is beautiful.
When you come into contact with the lives of old people, you will become more and more interested in antique art.
See you soon
愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取
『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』
TEL 052(734)8444
10:00-17:00 OPEN

暑さが目前にせまってきておりますね汗。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取致します 古美術風光舎名古屋店)













特別展「国宝 東京国立博物館のすべて」が、2022年10月18日(火) ~ 2022年12月11日(日)に開催されます!



その記念の展示や企画などは4月から始まっておりますが、その中でもその大きな節目を記念して、 150年の間に積み重ねられた約12万件という膨大な所蔵品の中から、国宝89件すべてを含む名品を一挙公開。また、 明治から令和にいたる150年の歩みを物語る関連資料を通して、東京国立博物館の全貌を紹介もするという 展示は2部構成。合わせてなんと計150件を展示とのこと。



















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


It’s getting hot here in Nagoya today as well. Is the heat just around the corner?

Staff Y is already sick, even though we have to think about various measures against the heat this year as well.

This is the usual means, and when I was thinking about making some kind of travel, LIVE, event, or something rewarding goal, I jumped in and cried, my next goal.

I’m already uncomfortable, but some of you may have already heard about it in the news.


The special exhibition “All about the Tokyo National Museum, a national treasure” will be held from October 18, 2022 (Tuesday) to December 11, 2022 (Sunday)!


As you all know, the Tokyo National Museum (Tokyo National Museum) is the museum with the longest history in Japan. The Tokyo National Museum will celebrate its 150th anniversary in the 4th year of Reiwa (2022). The commemorative exhibitions and projects started in April, but in commemoration of the big milestone, the national treasure 89 was selected from the huge collection of about 120,000 items accumulated over 150 years. The masterpieces including all the cases are released at once. In addition, the exhibition, which introduces the whole picture of the Tokyo National Museum through related materials that tell the story of the 150 years from the Meiji era to Reiwa, consists of two parts. A total of 150 items will be exhibited.

The collection of Tokyo National Museum is about 120,000. It is the largest collection in Japan as a museum, but this time, in addition to 89 national treasures in its possession, a total of 150 selected works including 24 important cultural properties will be exhibited at a special exhibition. However, it is said that it is the first time in the history of Tokyo National Museum 150 years that these 89 national treasures will be released at once in a certain period.


How difficult this is is that museums usually limit the exhibition period of exhibits in order to balance the preservation and disclosure of cultural properties, so each field has a cycle of about one to several years. It seems that they will make a schedule to release several items in a planned manner. Under such circumstances, it seems that it is necessary to adjust the exhibition plan in anticipation of several years in order to publish it all together in a certain period. The point is, it’s an adjustment every few years to get this far.

With the understanding and cooperation of researchers in each field, these were miraculously done because they were founded 150 years ago, and if they could be done next, it might be 50 years later. A researcher at Tokyo National Museum also said, so for national treasure enthusiasts, it was nice to be able to see these national treasures at once while they were alive. Also, when you hear such a story, I would like to feel the enthusiasm of the people of Tokyo National Museum, their feelings for this special exhibition, and their pride, as well as the masterpieces of national treasures.


The number of national treasures held by the Tokyo National Museum covers eight fields, which is about 10% of Japan’s national treasures (arts and crafts). The details of this exhibit have already been posted on the website, so I checked it all over.


However, these special exhibitions consist of four periods, and when they are partially replaced and exhibited, this is the case. The session isn’t that long, so I’m already annoyed looking at the calendar. Can I go all four terms … This is Nagoya.


For the time being, I was considering a goal for summer, but my goal was to skip the seasons and it was already autumn. For the time being, I will make a detailed plan to carry out this, but there is still time until autumn …


Well then, good luck.











愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN

修学院離宮行ってまいりました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)

































































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


This time, it is a sequel to Shugakuin the other day, but if you review it later, there are many photos that are not good enough, and I would like to spell it out today, wondering if I can convey this impression.

Shugakuin, originally a temple called Shugakuin, was built in the latter half of the 10th century, but it was a mountain cottage that was built by Emperor Emeritus Mimizuo from the first year of the Meireki to the second year (1655-1656). I have.

After that, the construction was repeated many times, but in 1964, the paddy field of 80,000 m2, which was located between each palace, was purchased and used as an attached farmland, and the current Shugakuin palace was opened to prepare for the preservation of the landscape. I am doing it.


Well, let’s go inside.

It is divided into three palace, upper, middle and lower, and there is a gate at each palace. Each palace is a little far away, and you can visit it while passing through the paddy fields I mentioned earlier.


First of all, from the lower palace where you can see the view of Suzuki.

First of all, you will enter the Shimo Rikyu from the Miyuki Gate of Itado (upper photo), but when you pass through it, you will be in another world. First of all, I was impressed. When you exit from the east gate, which is located opposite the Miyuki gate, you can see a wide field of view, and you can see the mountains of Higashiyama and Kitayama from the Hiei sacred mountain beyond the rice fields. Mt. Hiei is also in the background.


Further down the middle gate, a garden opens in front of you, and on the gentle stone steps is the entrance to the view of the Suigetsu, “Mikoshi Yori”.

When you go up the garden road with sleeve-shaped lanterns, Korean lanterns, etc., the view of Sugetsu is very quiet. It was revived according to the old regulations during the Bunsei era, but it is said that the flat amount of “Suzukikan” that hangs in one hour is written by Emperor Gomizuo.


The building is a persimmon-roofed main building with a sukiya-style structure, and it is in great condition no matter where you look.
This is a fusuma painting of Sanma. The author is Toyohiko Okamoto.


As you can see from the fusuma paintings, it is by no means gorgeous, but at that time, it seems that it was equipped with facilities that could provide considerable hospitality along with the now-defunct Kyokukaku.


Then, go through the paddy fields to the Nakarikyu.

This space of movement is also a different world, and only a limited number of visitors are in this space without people and cars coming and going. As for me, everyone is very quiet to feel this space as much as possible.

Go to Nakarikyu while feeling the refreshing breeze in the large site.


And then to Rakudaiken.


Rakudaiken is a fairly old building, and it seems that it was built in Kanbun 8 (1668) or the year before, judging from the biane chronological inscription in the present Hayashiokaji Temple. On the south side, a wide rim facing the garden is set up, and the floor is lowered to deepen the sense of unity with the garden.


If you look inside, you will first see the fusuma sliding doors with a checkered pattern and a half-length display shelf, which are the novel colors of the time. It is called “Kasumi shelf” because the five large and small shelves arranged alternately are called “Kasumi shelf” because it looks like the haze is fluttering. And it seems. Was there “three major XX” on the difference shelf?


I have lived in Japan for several decades, but I have never looked at the alcove or the different shelves, so when I look at it again, there are various seasons and hobbies of the family in this limited space. I felt a new sense of novelty in creating a space that can express new information and a sense of the world.


In addition, the author of Sugito who drew the picture of the halberd of Gion Matsuri is said to be Gukei Sumiyoshi, and the author of this carp picture is unscrupulous, but it is said that only the net of the carp picture is the brush of Maruyama Okyo. .. There is an anecdote that a net was added at night to prevent the carp from escaping.


And finally, the upper palace.

Return to Shimo Rikyu. Go up the steep stone steps through the high pruning in the fields. The view is obstructed by the pruning on both sides, and the stone steps are curved, so I have no idea what is waiting for me when I climb up, but next door is at the top.




If you turn around, you can see Yuryu Pond below, and beyond that you can see the mountains of Rakuhoku, and you can feel that the palace is already familiar with the scenery of the mountains. I’m sure I’m completely in the background. I’ve climbed quite a bit, so the cityscape of Rakuchu spreads out to the left, and the peaks of Nishiyama are far beyond that. When it’s sunny, you can see Abeno Harukas in Osaka.

I don’t know if the view from here was made or if it happened to have such a landscape, but Emperor Gomizuo at that time would have been very happy.


Then, when you cross the Kaede Bridge of the wooden bridge, you will finally find the treasure-shaped teahouse Kakutei at the top of Nakajima. Although it was restored during the Bunsei era, it is the only existing building at the time of its construction, but this is also really simple. Inside is like this.




The flat frame of “Kanjou” is written by Emperor Gomizuo and consists of 18 tatami mats and a room of the attached Mizuya. I handed a low plate to the emeritus. I’d like to see the scenery from inside this building, but I’m sure someone would have wanted to take a nap by laying a futon on a tatami mat that passes through the pods. (excuse me)


Then, while going around Yuryu Pond, we look back on the mountain cottages we have visited so far. In Yuryu Pond, there is a quiet and familiar landscape such as Kaede Bridge, Dobashi, Benimiya, Mihogashima and other gardens made by humans, and a clearly made beach located on the large pruning. The impression is that the bright and laid-back landscapes such as Nishihama are contrasting. The ponds are arranged casually, but if you think about it carefully, it might have been a lot of work. However, it’s very casual.


Well, I ran through the Shugakuin Imperial Villa. No matter where you cut it, the mountains of Rakuhoku and Hiei drew the background of this vast palace, yet the palace, ponds and fields stood casually in it.

I am also grateful to the blue sky in May, where I was able to lavishly enter into such a casual landscape and enjoy the extremes of the scenery to my heart’s content.












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN

名東区のお客様より買受いたしました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)



















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

蛸唐草文様の花器(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)




































Hello everyone. This is Staff M.

The cool breeze after the rain was still blowing around 9 am, but it seems that the temperature will rise steadily around 10 am and the sun will shine. When you go out, be sure to keep hydrated and take care of your physical condition. By the way, today I have a work I would like to show you.


This is a vase with an octopus arabesque pattern. It’s a work that is cool and has a strong presence just by looking at it. Octopus arabesque is a pattern that is expressed by attaching an abstract leaf pattern to one side of the spiral arabesque. The origin of the arabesque pattern, which is said to be the prototype of the octopus arabesque pattern, dates back to ancient Egypt.


The Karakusa pattern was introduced to Japan during the Asuka period from ancient Egypt through ancient Near East, ancient Greece, ancient India, and ancient China. In ancient Egypt, arabesque patterns called “lotus” were made with a lotus motif, but various arabesque patterns were born in each country in connection with the local culture.


It was in China in the early 10th century that arabesque patterns with leaves, such as octopus arabesque, began to be seen. Many such patterns were drawn on pottery made in China at that time. This pattern was introduced to Japan in the Kamakura period, when the shape of this arabesque pattern with leaves looks like an octopus foot, so it was named “Octopus arabesque”.


This octopus arabesque pattern became popular in the middle of the Edo period. At that time, Imari ware, which was made in Hizen Province centered on Saga and Nagasaki prefectures, has many vessels depicting this octopus arabesque pattern. With the popularity of Imari ware, octopus arabesque has become widely known. The Imari ware made at that time is said to be Koimari in modern times, and it seems that many people collect it, but the arabesque pattern of 蛸 Karakusa drawn on Imari ware becomes larger as the times go by. It seems that the older the age, the more meticulous the arabesque.


This blog will be the antique art learning edition of Staff M. (I just noticed it while writing) The arabesque pattern is a pattern that you often see in furoshiki, but I wasn’t very familiar with octopus arabesque, so I learned a lot. I hope this “octopus arabesque” will become familiar to everyone. First of all, please come and see it in person. We’ll be expecting you.











愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

石黒亜矢子ねこまたごよみ原画展(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)













中国では日本より古く隋時代には「猫鬼(びょうき)」「金花猫」といった怪猫の話が伝えられていましたが、日本においては鎌倉時代前期の藤原定家による『明月記』の天福元年(1233年)8月2日の記事に、南都(現・奈良県)で「猫胯」が一晩で数人の人間を食い殺した という記述があるそうです。これが、猫又が文献上に登場した初出とされており、猫又は山中の獣として語られていました。ただし『明月記』の猫又は容姿について「目はネコのごとく、体は大きい犬のようだった」と記されていることから、ネコの化け物かどうかを疑問視する声もあり、人間が「猫跨病」という病気に苦しんだという記述があるため、狂犬病にかかった獣がその実体との解釈もございます。また鎌倉時代後期の随筆『徒然草』(1331年頃)に「奥山に、猫またといふものありて、人を食ふなると人の言ひけるに……」と記されております。























Hello everyone. This is Staff N.

Unfortunately it was raining today, but it was a thankful day for the purchases to continue from the morning.

The other day, I went to Ayako Ishiguro’s “Neko Matagoyomi” original painting exhibition.

If you like cats, you’ll probably have seen this picture once, but each one has a story, laughter, and always makes you feel dull.

When I first saw it, I thought it was a little frightening, but the more I see it, the more I become attached to it.

The picture book written on the theme of spring, summer, autumn and winter is fun because there is a growth process of the cat family and you can discover it no matter how many times you read it.

It’s fun to find out where the cat family is in the picture, like looking for Wally.

This time, I investigated Nekomata.

Nekomata is a cat youkai found in Japanese folklore, classic ghost stories, and writings. There are two types of cats, one is said to be a beast in the mountains and the other is a cat kept in a private house.

In China, the story of monster cats such as “cat demon” and “golden flower cat” was told in the Sui period, which is older than Japan, but in Japan, “Meigetsuki” by Fujiwara no Teika in the early Kamakura period. In the article on August 2, the first year of Tenpuku (1233), there is a description that “Cat” in Nanto (currently Nara Prefecture) ate several people overnight. This is said to be the first appearance of Nekomata in the literature, and was described as a cat or a beast in the mountains. However, since it is stated that the cat or appearance in “Meigetsuki” was “the eyes were like a cat and the body was like a big dog”, some people questioned whether it was a monster of a cat, and humans said ” Since there is a description that it suffered from a disease called “cat straddle disease”, there is also an interpretation that the beast with rabies is the substance. Also, in the essay “Tsurezuregusa” (around 1331) in the latter half of the Kamakura period, it is written that “There is a cat or a cat in Okuyama, and people can say that they eat people …”.

Nekomata, a collection of ghost stories from the Edo period, is said to be lurking in the mountains or in the mountains, and there is a story about Nekomata, who appeared as a human in the deep mountains. There are many stories about Nekomata in the club. It tends to become larger as it becomes a cat in the mountains or later literature, and it is about the size of a cat or a wild boar caught in the mountains of Kii Province in 1685 (Jokyo 2nd year) “New Book Collection”, 1775 (1775) In “Jokyo Shiori” (4th year of Yasunaga), it is described that the bark of Nekomata echoed in the mountains, so it is thought that it was as big as a lion or a leopard. There was a cat that had a dog in it in 1809 (6th year of culture), or a cat with a total length of 9 shaku and 5 inches (about 2.8 meters).

Nekomata is said to have eaten people in Etchu Province (currently Toyama Prefecture), and Nekomata is said to have eaten people in Aizu (currently Fukushima Prefecture). It may be the name of a mountain. It is believed that Nekomatayama is not only folklore, but that large cats actually lived in the mountains and attacked humans.

On the other hand, in the story of the Kokon Chomonju (1254 manuscript), which was also established in the Kamakura period, the Karaneko kept at the Saga Sanso escaped with a treasured guardian sword, and people escaped. He told him that he had disappeared after chasing him, and left this domestic cat as a monster. It is said that after a while, it will become garbled and eat and kidnap people.

After the Edo period, the idea that cats kept in private houses became old and turned into cats became common, and as mentioned above, it is also interpreted as a cat in the mountains or such an old cat moving from the house to the mountain. It became so. As a result, the popular belief that cats are not kept for many years has been born in various parts of Japan.

In “Anzai Essay” by Sadatake Ise, a profession in the middle of the Edo period, there is a description that “a cat of several years old has a bifurcated tail and becomes a youkai called Nekomata.” Arai Hakuseki, a scholar in the middle of the Edo period, also stated that “old cats become’nekomata’and mislead people.” However, the mystery of such a cat was reported.

In general, it is said that the etymology of Nekomata’s “mata” is that the tail is divided into two parts, but this is questioned from a folkloric point of view, and since cats become older and more garbled, in the sense of duplication. There is a theory that it is seen as “again”, and as mentioned above, it was once thought to be a beast in the mountains, so it means that it can freely move between trees in the mountains like a monkey. There is also a theory that the etymology is “)”. There is also a theory that the origin is that the skin on the back of an old cat peels off and hangs down behind, and the tail seems to increase or divide.

Due to its eyesight and mysterious habits, cats have been thought to be magical since ancient times, and it is feared that they will be revived at funerals and that if they are killed, they will be killed by their 7th generation. It is believed that the legend of Nekomata was born. In addition, it is believed that the popular beliefs about cats and the dead are due to the fact that carnivorous cats have a good ability to sniff out rotten odors and have a habit of approaching dead bodies. And Nekomata are sometimes equated.

Also, there is a ghost cat that is known as a Japanese cat youkai, but Nekomata and a ghost cat are often confused because they must be ghosts.

In addition, a picture of a cat with two tails is taken in Canada.

In the Edo period, many picture scrolls of the youkai style were produced, and cats or their picture scrolls are often the subject of youkai paintings. In 1737 (Hyakkai Zukan) published in 1737 (Hyakkai Zukan), Nekomata dressed as a human woman is depicted playing the shamisen, but at the time of the Edo period, the material of the shamisen was female. Since the skin of cats was often used, it is interpreted as playing a cat or shamisen and singing a song that pity the family, or a kind of irony.

As you can see, cats were feared in Japan in the past.

A long time ago, I met a 22-year-old cat who was as beautiful as a dragon, but I remember being surprised by the transcendental features of a youkai.

What is a cat of a certain age wearing an aura?

How do cats and cats feel in this era when cats have become more popular than dogs?

There are a lot of things in the room, and if they aren’t cleaned properly, Nekomata may come.

If you are worried about youkai, please contact the antique art Fukosha to purchase it.

See you soon










愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN

千種区のお客様より買受いたしました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)



























愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


