


基本的にはこれらの建築様式は、平安時代後期(11 – 12世紀)の第3次八省院(延久4年(1072年)再建、治承元年(1177年)焼亡)を再現したものとなっております。この時の大極殿などの姿は、後白河法皇が作らせた「年中行事絵巻」に描かれているそうです。ただ、大極殿と応天門の間には本来は会昌門と朝堂12堂が存在し、応天門の左右には翔鸞楼と栖鳳楼という楼閣が付属していましたが、これらは平安神宮では復元されておりません。また、平安神宮の社殿の瓦はすべて緑釉瓦となっていますが、近年の研究によると平安時代の大極殿では軒先と棟部分だけにしか緑釉瓦は使われていなかったと推定されております。

明治28年(1895年)、平安遷都千百年祭が開催されるにあたり創建されることになった平安神宮の社殿一帯の風致保存のために庭園を築造することになり、神苑造営が企画されました。 当初に設けられた本殿東西の蒼龍池(東池)と百虎池(西池)の二つが最も古いそうです。


Hello everyone.
Recently, I started taking a walk in the neighborhood of my house, but there was a man dashing in the park, so when I tried to imitate it, it was Staff N who hurt the back of his thighs.
I felt the importance of the preparatory movement.
In addition, I was about to hit a man on my smartphone while walking on the way home from posting, and I was about to have a big accident.
Walking smartphone is really dangerous. let’s stop.
It was a continuation, so let’s take a look at the pictures of Heian Jingu and let’s be healed.
Speaking of Heian Jingu, the image of Norika Fujiwara having a wedding is strong.
I checked about Heian Shrine here.
Heian Jingu is a shrine located in Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City.
A part of the back of Ouchi at the time of the relocation of Heiankyo was planned as the centerpiece of the National Industrial Exhibition held in Kyoto on April 1, 1895 (Meiji 28) to commemorate the 1100th anniversary of the relocation of Heian. Initially, it was planned that Suzakumon would be located in Senbon Marutamachi, where the back of Ouchi was actually located, but the land acquisition failed and the location was moved to Okazaki, which was a suburb at that time, in 1893 (Meiji 26). The groundbreaking ceremony was held on September 3rd. The shrine was reconstructed on a scale of 5/8 of the actual shrine and completed in 1895 (Meiji 28), imitating the Chodoin, which is the main office of the Ouchi back of Heiankyo.
It was founded on March 15th, prior to the exposition, as a shrine dedicated to the 50th Emperor Kanmu, the emperor who relocated to Heian. In 1940 (Showa 15), which is the 2600th year of the imperial era, the 121st Emperor Komei, the last emperor to spend in Heiankyo, was added to the deity. At Heian Jingu, the amulets of the four gods that protect Kyoto are awarded.
On January 6, 1976 (Showa 51), a fire (Heian Jingu arson incident) broke out and nine buildings including the main shrine and the inner worship hall were burnt down. However, the Shintai was carried out from both the eastern and western main shrines, and the Daigokuden, which is the outer worship hall, also survived the spread of fire. Since the construction was relatively new, these buildings were not designated as cultural properties at that time, so subsidies from the country for reconstruction could not be expected. However, the main hall and the inner hall of worship were rebuilt in April 1979 (Showa 54) by raising funds from all over the country. The fire was later discovered to be the crime of Saburo Kato, a new left-wing activist in Japan.
The main shrine is a reduced version (about 5/8 of the length) of the Chodoin (Hachishoin), which is the main office behind the Ouchi area of Heiankyo. The front gate, which is characterized by a large red glowing vermilion, imitates the Otenmon gate of Chodoin. The left and right halls inside it are a reproduction of the morning assembly hall. The outer hall of worship imitates the main hall of the Chodoin, the Daigokuden (with the Souryu Tower and the White Tiger Tower attached to the left and right). It was completed in 1895 (Meiji 28).
Basically, these architectural styles are reproductions of the 3rd eight provinces of the late Heian period (11th-12th centuries) (reconstructed in the 4th year of Enkyu (1072) and burned down in the first year of the Jisho period (1177)). It has become. The appearance of Daigokuden at this time is said to be depicted in the “Annual Event Picture Scroll” made by Emperor Go-Shirakawa. However, between Daigokuden and Otenmon, there were originally Kaishomon and 12 Chodo, and on the left and right of Otenmon, there were towers called Shogunro and Suhoro, but these are at Heian Jingu. It has not been restored. In addition, all the tiles of the shrine of Heian Jingu are green glazed roof tiles, but according to recent research, it is estimated that green glazed roof tiles were used only for the eaves and ridges in the Taikyokuden during the Heian period. ..
In December 2010, 6 buildings including Daigokuden were designated as national important cultural properties. In addition, the large torii gate on the approach road has a height of 24.4m and is registered as a national tangible cultural property.
The site area is about 20,000 tsubo including “Heian Jingu Shrine” which is a Japanese garden of about 10,000 tsubo.
This time, the hotel had a breakfast plan with a view of Heian Jingu Shrine, so I was afraid to go there.
Heian Jingu Shrine is a modern Japanese garden with a strolling style of Ikezumi in Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture. It is composed of Nanjinen, Nishijinen, Nakajinen, and Higashijinen, which are arranged around the Taikyokuden of Heian Jingu, with an area of 33,000 square meters, and the garden is Ogawa Jihei. It is designated as.
In 1895, a garden was to be built to preserve the scenic beauty of the Heian Jingu shrine, which was to be built when the Heian-kyo 1000th Anniversary Festival was held. I did. It is said that Soryu Pond (Higashi Pond) and Hyakutora Pond (Nishi Pond), which were originally established in the east and west of the main shrine, are the oldest.
In my life, I was so happy that I couldn’t have such an elegant breakfast.
It happened that there were no other customers and it was reserved, so I was able to enjoy the quiet Heian Shrine in the morning.
The staff told me that the chairs and stones in the garden tell me where the landscape looks beautiful, so I was able to take pictures of the landscape.
I was walking halfway like an aristocrat, but I was absorbed in giving carp and turtles sweets at the bridge on the way.
I’d like to give it to a turtle and a small fish, but I’m disappointed that it’s blown away by the wind and stolen by only a big carp.
It seems that the wedding was held at the same time, but unfortunately I couldn’t meet.
I was impressed by experiencing the scenery of Kyoto just born 1200 years ago.
It was a day when I was happy to be born in Japan.
See you soon
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