


行って参りました、特別展「兵馬俑と古代中国~秦漢文明の遺産~」(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)







特別展 日中国交正常化50周年記念「兵馬俑と古代中国~秦漢文明の遺産~」










兵馬俑、お墓の中から発掘されたと思われがちですが、実はそのお墓の東側1.5kmに位置する陪葬墓から1974年に農民の井戸掘削の際発見されたという世紀の大発見であります。最近も大量の金銀銅俑が出土しており、まだこれからも発掘は続くのでしょうか。スケールの大きい王はお墓もスケールが桁違いのようでちなみにこの始皇帝のお墓はなんと、エジプトのクフ王のお墓ピラミッドよりもはるかに大きいようですので、想像してみてくださいね笑。また、今回展示された兵馬俑が発掘された兵馬俑坑は3つあり、坑内には陶俑陶馬8000 点、青銅器が4 万余点が見つかったとのですから、そのスケール感にもう笑うしかないですね。


ですが秦は、約550 年続いた群雄割拠の春秋戦国時代を終結させ紀元前221 年に史上初めて中国大陸に統一王朝を打ち立てたにもかかわらず、わずか十数年で滅亡しまいます。そんな短命な秦時代の彼の墓に眠る兵馬俑(へいばよう)が、今なお我々にその絶大な国力を伝えているのですから、その当時の勢いたるはすごかったことも想像できます。



「戦服将軍俑」統一秦 秦始皇帝陵博物院 *一級文物
















その後紀元前202 年、漢(かん)の劉邦(りゅうほう)が西楚の項羽(こうう)を破って中国再統一を果たした漢王朝が、秦の国家制度を引継ぎ、秦の時代は終わり漢の黄金時代が。













Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

It is a beautiful season with clear autumn weather all over the country.

Whether you are an artist, a gourmand, a sportsman, or whatever, I went to a special exhibition with four friends the other day to make the most of this fine weather.


Special exhibition: “Terracotta Warriors and Ancient China: Legacy of Qin-Han Civilization,” commemorating the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China.

I wonder if some of you have already seen it. Normally, I tend to skip Nagoya for special exhibitions like this, but it is rare that this exhibition is held in Nagoya.

The other day, I went to the exhibition first thing in the morning, but I had it all wrong. I was impatient, but I managed to buy a ticket and went inside.

I was very happy to learn that, with the exception of the first part of the exhibition, photos without flash are not allowed. I’ll show you more photos today.


Before that, let’s talk about the terracotta army and the tomb of Qin Shi Huangdi, the first emperor of China.

The terracotta army is often thought to have been excavated from inside the tomb, but in fact, it was discovered in 1974 when a farmer drilled a well in a burial tomb located 1.5 km east of the tomb, which is the great discovery of the century. The tomb of a king of such a large scale also seems to be of an extraordinary scale, and a large amount of gold, silver, and bronze yong have recently been unearthed, so it seems that excavation will continue in the future. Incidentally, the tomb of the First Emperor is much larger than the pyramid of King Khufu in Egypt. There are three terracotta mines where the terracotta warriors and horses exhibited this time were excavated, and 8,000 pieces of pottery and horses and more than 40,000 pieces of bronze vessels were found in the mines, so we can only laugh at the scale of the excavations.

However, despite the fact that the Qin Dynasty was the first to establish a unified dynasty on the Chinese continent in 221 B.C., ending the 550-year-long Spring and Autumn Warring States Period, the Qin Dynasty fell in just a dozen years. The terracotta warriors and horses that lie in the tomb of the short-lived Qin dynasty still tell us of the great power of the country, so we can imagine how powerful they were at that time.


The terracotta warriors are also exhibited for the first time in Japan.

Terracotta Warriors in War Clothing, Museum of the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, Unified Qin Dynasty *First class artifact


The terracotta warriors of high-ranking military officers who rode on chariots and led small units of infantry and cavalry are called “generals.” Of the estimated 8,000 terracotta warriors buried in the terracotta army of Qin Shi Huangdi, only 11 have been confirmed to date. This is one of the most valuable pieces, which is being exhibited for the first time in Japan. However, the imposing appearance of the figure makes everyone understand that he is definitely a great man.


His belongings and what he wears indicate his rank and what role he played in the battle. The expressions on their faces are so realistic that they look as if they are about to start moving and talking.


When I think about it calmly, all of them were made in the B.C. period. I was amazed at the civilization of Egypt when I visited there, but when I see the high level of civilization in China, such as the realism and fineness of workmanship of the objects made in those days, I immediately wonder what Japan was like in those days. I immediately think, “What was Japan like back then? It was a time when there were no letters, no ornate decorations, no technology, and barely any agriculture… This disparity in civilization confuses me in many ways.


Here is a terracotta army about 50 cm tall


In 202 B.C., Liu Bang of the Han Dynasty defeated Huang Yu of the Western Chu Dynasty to reunify China, and the Han Dynasty took over the state system of the Qin Dynasty, ending the Qin dynasty and ushering in the Han golden age. The terracotta army also changed its appearance. I didn’t know that the terracotta warriors before the reign of Qin Shi Huangdi were small, but in the Han Dynasty they became small again, and only the terracotta warriors of Qin Shi Huangdi seem to be life-size for some reason.


It makes you wonder why.

According to one theory, Alexander the Great of Macedonia, the great-grandfather of Qin Shi Huangdi, led an expedition to northwestern India during his time, and Greek culture, which produced life-size realistic sculptures, was introduced. Therefore, it is likely that he had some contact with Greek culture. In those days, tombs were being built even before his death, so it was probably his own will, and I wonder if his desire to incorporate such things, combined with the strong will of an immensely powerful person, made him do so. However, Liu Bang, who later established the Han Dynasty, was from a rural area and seemed to have loved the culture of Chuxi, so he may have returned to the era of small terracotta warriors.


In the 3,000 years of China’s history, the reign of Qin Shi Huang may have been a brief period of time, but the terracotta warriors are still here today, conveying the tremendous momentum of that era. The terracotta warriors are a reminder that the Qin Dynasty was a time of unimaginable power and scale in every way.


If you have time and interest, please visit.


Have a good day.










骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN




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