


教科書でみたあの国宝と再会(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術品買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)

























先日の再会は、鷹見泉石像(渡辺崋山筆)、法隆寺の「竜首水瓶」「鵲尾形柄香炉」、三代目大谷鬼次の江戸兵衛 (東洲斎写楽筆)、風神雷神図屛風(尾形光琳筆)、遮光器土偶 (青森県つがる市木造亀ヶ岡出土)、そして国宝ではありませんが、見返り美人図 (菱川師宣筆)など。何十年もかけて有名人にやっと会えたような感動であります。














Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

Issue. Today is November 11. What day is it?

Pocky Day. Well, that is the standard answer, but November 11 is also “Pocky Day,” “Cheese Day,” and in other places, “Chinago Day,” “Bean Sprouts Day,” “Kiritanpo Day,” “Eyelash Day,” “Dry Cell Day,” “Clog Day,” “Wiring Device Day,” ……, etc. I found many anniversaries that I did not even know about.

According to the Japan Anniversary Association, there are 54 anniversaries on November 11, making it the day with the most anniversaries along with October 10.

The JMA notes that November 11, with its “1” in a row, is easily registered as the anniversary of a stick-shaped object, and says, “There are still many stick-shaped objects and objects related to the number 1 in the world, and the number of anniversaries on November 11 will continue to increase. I’m sure there will be some kind of regulation, but I thought I would try to think about what I would have for an anniversary on November 11, too.

Anyway, today seems to be a good day. I am laughing at myself for having just bought a pile of Pocky on a prominent display shelf at the supermarket without even noticing that it was November 11. (I later learned that it was November 11…)


Now, to get back on track, I would like to continue with the exhibition of national treasures from the other day.

In the first period, we spent some time on the “Pine Trees” by Hasegawa Tohaku, and then moved on to the next target, “Heiji Monogatari Emaki” (Heiji Monogatari Picture Scroll) (Rokuhara Gyokoumaki).


The “Heiji Monogatari Emaki” (Rokuhara Gyokomaki) is a picture scroll based on the “Heiji Monogatari” and depicts the Heiji Disturbance (1159), which involved a power struggle between Minamoto no Yoshitomo and Taira no Kiyomori, who were successful in the Hogen Disturbance (1156), and a conflict between Fujiwara no Shinobu and Fujiwara no Michinori (Nobunishi). The “Rokuhara Gyokoumaki” depicts the scene where Emperor Nijo, imprisoned in the inner palace, attempts to escape and flees to Kiyomori’s Rokuhara residence. The tense situation of the upheaval is beautifully depicted with moving group portraits, such as the size, density and arrangement of groups of figures, crisp lines and beautiful colors. The text is written in a very skilled handwriting, so we can only read the story through the pictures, but we can understand it quite well. The expressions on the faces of the people and the precision with which they were depicted made it possible to read their intentions, and I found myself peering at the scroll for quite a while.


On a different note, one of my ways of enjoying national treasures is to “reconnect with memories of the past. What do you mean? You may be wondering what I am talking about. It is a reunion with exhibits that I remember seeing in my history textbooks, and it is a very moving experience.


The recent reunion included a statue of Takami Izumiishi (by Watanabe Kazan), the “Ryuubi Suibin” and “Magpie-Tailed Incense Burner” from Horyuji Temple, the Edo Hyoue of Otani Onitsugu III (by Toshusai Sharaku), an Byeongbu of Wind God and Thunder God (by Ogata Korin), a Shakogi clay figure (excavated from Kizuki-Kamegaoka in Tsugaru, Aomori Prefecture), and although not a national treasure, the “Mukorogi Bijinzu” ( (by Hishikawa Shionobu), etc. It is a moving experience to finally meet a famous person after decades of hard work.


) And when I actually met these exhibits again, I remembered the first time I saw them in my textbooks. It was a deeply moving time for me to look back on my time in front of them, which have remained unchanged over the decades that have passed since then. I do not know when we will meet again, but let us look forward to another reunion.


There was so much more I would like to tell you, but seeing is believing. If you have time, please come and visit us. Reservations for the fourth and final session are still open.


Have a good day.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN




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