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3月と言えば・・・(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)













また、英語で3月は「March」ですが、これはローマ神話の「マルス(Mars)の月」を意味する「Martius」に由来します。 マルスは「戦と農耕の神」で、「軍神」とも呼ばれます。 古代ローマ暦では、新年が3月であり、気候がよくなり軍隊を動かす季節、また、農耕を始まる季節に良いとされ、そこから3月はマルスを称える月となりました。














昭和世代は、卒業式の歌と言えば「蛍の光」と「仰げば尊し」が定番でした。ですが、 平成頃からは時代の変化で恩師への感謝を 強要しているという考えや、 古い日本語の表現を 理解することが難しいとの理由で 歌われなくなったようです。







Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

March has finally arrived. Every time I am surprised to see that another month has already passed.
There is a saying that goes “January goes, February runs away, and March goes away,” so it seems as if the time between the beginning of the year and March goes by in a flash.
And as I realize that a quarter of the year is over, the more I grow older, the more I feel a strange sense of impatience, wondering if March is already over.

Well, March is also called “Yayoi” in Japanese, which is a Japanese-style month name. Incidentally, of the 12 months, only March and December do not use the Chinese character for “month.
The word “Yayoi” is said to be derived from “Yayoi,” which means that all plants and trees will finally grow in the warm weather. Ya” means “finally” or “more and more,” and “Sei” means that plants and trees will sprout.
There are many other different names for March, such as “Sakura-tsuki,” “Hanami-tsuki,” “Kage-tsu,” and “Hanasaki-tsuki. From now on, it is the season for cherry blossoms and other flowers to bloom. I am looking forward to it.

March is also called “March” in English, which is derived from “Martius,” meaning “the month of Mars” in Roman mythology. Mars is the “god of war and agriculture” and is also called the “god of war. In the ancient Roman calendar, the New Year was in March, which was considered to be a good time for the weather to improve and for armies to move into action, and also a good time to begin farming, and from there March became the month to honor Mars.

What do you think of when you think of March?

The first thing that comes to mind when I hear the word “March” is “graduation ceremony. The others are “Girls’ Festival,” “Vernal Equinox Day,” and “Spring Vacation.
In Japan, all schools and universities, including kindergartens, have graduation ceremonies, but in Europe and the United States, only university degree conferment ceremonies are held.
The school system began in Japan in 1872. At that time, diplomas were awarded at the end of the school year.
The graduation ceremony began around the mid-1870s (10th year of Meiji), when the awarding of diplomas at the end of the school year became an independent ceremony.

Graduation ceremonies, which we feel like a spring tradition, are actually a culture unique to Japan; only a few countries have graduation ceremonies in March, and in Europe and the United States, the graduation season is in September. In the southern hemisphere, it is held in December, and it varies from country to country.
There is an image of a moving graduation ceremony where everyone sings and cries together, but for me, I have no particularly moving memories of graduation ceremonies (laugh).
Looking back, I remember feeling a strange pressure to cry during the emotional scenes and feeling somewhat uncomfortable. I also remember that I was made to practice many times, which was a bit troublesome….

Graduation ceremonies and tears are like a set, but the songs also seem to have a special meaning. Japan seems to be the only country where so many graduation songs exist.
For the Showa generation, “Hotarunohikari” and “Aogeba Toutoshi” were the standard graduation songs. However, since the Heisei era, these songs are no longer sung because of the change of the times, the idea that it forces people to thank their former teachers, and the difficulty in understanding the old Japanese expressions.
Instead, “March 9” and the choral piece “On the Day of Departure” have come to be sung.

I feel that more and more songs are being sung to bid farewell but also to cheer those who are moving on.

The shape of graduation ceremonies may be changing, but I still think it would be better to have a culture in which everyone sings a graduation song together. We only get to experience this at least twice in elementary and junior high school, and maybe three times if you include high school.

So, see you again.














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10:00-18:00 OPEN


本日2月29日、うるう年です。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)


















また、そんなうるう年、英語では「leap year(リープ・イヤー)」と言うようです。「leap」には「跳ぶ、跳ねる」という意味があるようで、たとえば、平年の場合は、2021年1月1日は金曜日、翌年の2022年1月1日は土曜日という具合に、同じ月日を見ると、翌年はひとつ先に進んだ曜日に当たります。


しかしうるう年の場合は、翌年の曜日が2つ先に進むこととなります。たとえば、2020年1月1日は水曜日ですが、2021年1月1日は金曜日でした。そのように、曜日がひとつ先に飛ぶことから、「leap year」という名前がついたのではないか、と言われています。面白いですね。
















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

Today is February 29. Yes, this year is a leap year.
I feel like I only pay attention to it once every four years. Please read it when you want to take a break.
Originally, the word “leap” itself means “more days or months than in a normal year,” and a leap year is a year with a leap. A leap year is a year in which one more day is added than in a normal year.
The solar calendar, which is based on the cycle of the earth’s orbit around the sun, is widely used in the world today. However, it takes 365.2422 days (365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds), which is a quarter of a day longer than 365 days, for the earth to make one full revolution around the sun, This was discovered by astronomical observations since BC, and the leap year was established to compensate for this fact.


The history of leap years dates back to 45 B.C., when Julius Caesar, a Roman hero, was born. The Julian calendar was introduced in 45 B.C. by Julius Caesar, a Roman hero, but the Numa calendar, which had 355 days in a year, was used until then. However, due to negligence on the part of those in charge, the leap month was not inserted correctly, resulting in a situation where the calendar and the actual seasons did not match.


Therefore, Julius reformed the calendar with the Julian calendar, which set the normal year at 365 days. The Julian calendar at that time also established a leap year once every four years.
At that time, most people in Japan probably did not have the concept of a calendar and were just gazing at the sun in a daze, and I feel the gap in civilization very keenly.
In English, such a leap year is called a “leap year. For example, in a normal year, January 1, 2021 falls on a Friday and January 1, 2022 falls on a Saturday.


However, in the case of leap years, the following year’s day of the week is advanced by two. For example, January 1, 2020 is a Wednesday, but January 1, 2021 is a Friday. It is said that the name “leap year” may have come from the fact that the day of the week jumps ahead one day. Interesting.
I also mentioned that a leap year was established every four years in the “Julian calendar,” but over the long, long years, a discrepancy between the calendar and the seasons occurs, and eventually it reaches a level that cannot be ignored. Pope Gregory XIII, however, demonstrated through astronomical observations that the earth’s orbit around the sun was only 0.2422 days longer than 365 days, and in 1582 the calendar was changed to the “Gregorian calendar,” which is still in use today. In the Gregorian calendar, leap years are defined as follows (1) A leap year is a year in which the western calendar is divisible by 4. (2) A leap year is a year in which the western calendar is divisible by 100 and not divisible by 400.


In addition, since the time that needed to be corrected was 0.2422 days instead of 0.25 days, it seems that not only did a leap year need to be inserted “once every four years,” but also a slight correction was required. It is true that it is difficult to handle the error in order to properly adjust the movement of the earth and the sun to the calendar.
By the way, there are people whose birthdays are on February 29 sometimes, and I am wondering when they celebrate their birthdays. Do they move it forward or change the date on their birth certificate in the first place?

Today is just a once-every-four-years birthday, so I hope that everyone who has a birthday today will celebrate it in a big way for the past four years.

Have a good day.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN


幻想的な光に見入ってしまいます(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Yesterday was a windy day. On my way home from work, I found many things on the road that I would not normally see. I hope everyone was safe.

Today, Nagoya turned out to be a much calmer day. In the afternoon, sunlight streamed into the store of Fuhkosha, and the shadows of the displayed items stretched long and beautifully. The uranium glass with a faint yellowish green color emits light when exposed to ultraviolet rays, creating a fantastic appearance in combination with the beauty of the shadows. The raw material, uranium ore, is a fluorescent mineral, so it emits light when exposed to black light or ultraviolet rays. I think it is difficult to convey the beauty of the luminescence with my photographic technique…


Is this a vase for a single flower? The plump, bulging curves create a gentle, retro atmosphere. It looks like you can enjoy the change of color by sunlight when you put it on the window sill.


It is said that uranium glass was first produced in the Bohemia region of the Czech Republic around 1830. After that, various types of uranium glass products such as vases, tableware, and accessories were made in large quantities throughout Europe and in the United States. Today, only a very small amount of uranium glass is produced due to the high price of uranium, the safety of the manufacturers, and the discovery of other raw materials that produce a green color. Incidentally, in the United States and other English-speaking countries, it is called “Vaseline Glass.

The word “uranium” is often thought to be harmful, but tests have shown that the amount of uranium contained in glass is so small that it has absolutely no effect on the human body.

Originally, the glass was not made to shine, but was made for this pale yellowish-green coloration, and what was mixed in for coloration happened to be a uranium compound. In the days when there were no black lights, people enjoyed the glass when it was illuminated by the sunrise or sunset, which contained a lot of ultraviolet rays.


In Japan, Japanese uranium glass was manufactured from the Taisho era to the beginning of the Showa era (10-15 years), but it was discontinued once and “fairy forest glass” using Japanese uranium was developed at Ningyo-toge in Okayama Prefecture in 2003. You can see both foreign and Japanese uranium glass at the local “Fairy Forest Glass Museum. It seems that there are also works by Emile Gallé, which I recently featured in my blog. I would love to visit there someday.


I have always wondered why it glows even though there is no power source. There are many living things that emit light, not just minerals. Fireflies, jellyfish, squid, mushrooms, and many other creatures emit light themselves. They may have their own reasons for their light to survive, but I just can’t help but admire their fantastic light. Perhaps it is because light is out of reach for those of us who have to make a great deal of effort to obtain it.



I will see you next time.














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10:00-18:00 OPEN





想像力を試されている気がします(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

How did you spend the holidays? We cleaned up our house extensively, and we are feeling refreshed. I pretended to ignore it because it was a hassle to clean up, but I may have unconsciously felt it was quite a burden. I found many items that I missed and many items that I don’t understand why I kept. It makes me think about what is really necessary for me.

Now, since ancient times, Chinese literati even called stones their lifelong friends and cherished them. They loved them as desk ornaments and composed poems about them. In China, there is a culture of “appreciating stones,” and even today there are many stone lovers who enjoy the patterns on stones as if they were landscape paintings.

There is a stone called “Taihu Stone” in the Fukosha store. It stands with a slender foot and is exquisitely balanced.


Taihu Stone is an unusual limestone stone produced from Taihu Lake, which used to be an inland sea in Suzhou, China. Over the years, the lake water and wind and rain have eroded the stone into intricate shapes with hollows and holes on the surface. It has been prized as a work of art created by nature.

Some say that Taihu Stone was discovered by the Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi (Bai Le Tian), who is known as a connoisseur of the stone. During the Song dynasty (960-1279), Taihu Stone was used as a peak in gardens and as an ornament in study rooms. It was also a very popular motif in paintings and crafts.

There are various theories on how to appreciate the stone, but the most well-known are the following criteria: slenderness, leakiness, wrinkles, and translucency. Slender means long and thin, and freestanding. Leakage is a complicated hole in the surface. Wrinkles are those with good stone skin, and the wrinkles and patterns have a certain elegance. The word “toru” means that the view from the back can be seen through the holes of various sizes. It is said that the highest-grade pieces were collected by emperors and aristocrats.


However, their unique and unusual shapes were not meant to please the eye. According to Chinese literature, from a Taoist perspective, the intricate holes were thought to be portals to other worlds, and other worlds were considered to exist within a single taihu stone. The odd stones were also thought to be miniature collections of universes, and people imagined that the eternal worlds were condensed in them.

The universe for the people of that time must have been an endless, unfathomable space far beyond anything we can imagine today. They must have enjoyed the freedom of thinking about such a world away from the mundane world as they sat at their desks. Was he peering through a hole or into his own head? Either way, I feel that the viewer’s imagination is put to the test.

Influenced by China, Japanese people have also adopted taiko-seki as a motif in their paintings and crafts. In Imari ware, since the early Imari period, Kakiemon style and Kinrande style have also been used to depict flowers extending from the back of the strange stones. However, as time went by, the drawing of taiko-seki became simpler, and it gradually came to be represented as a simple circle. If you wonder what these circles are in the design, they may be the remnants of Taihu Stone.


This is a digression, but the other day I received some hina festival sweets. They are so cute that I can hardly bear to eat them, and their pale colors are indescribably beautiful. I would like to enjoy looking at them for a while.


See you next time.















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10:00-18:00 OPEN





犬派か猫派か、どちらでしょうか。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)


















あるアンケートの調査では、「犬派? 猫派?」の問いに、「犬派」が59.2%、「猫派」が40.8%という結果に。全ての世代で犬派の方が多かった。20~40代は犬派が50%台にとどまったが、50代では65.9%、60代では62.7%と割合が高かったようです。ちょっと犬派が多いのかなところでしょうか。自分の中では、この二派が年替わり、日替わり、いえいえ時間替わりで入れ替わるのですが、まあ、どちらも好きです。


























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


This morning, as I was passing by Nagoya University on my way to work, I saw a signboard informing me of the second round of examinations.It seems that today is the second round of examinations.I could tell immediately that the atmosphere was very tense, with reporters and parents anxiously watching the students.
To all the students taking the exam, I send my best wishes for your hard work up to this point from the car, from a stranger. Good luck!


By the way, recently I have been watching a lot of animal videos and images on social networking sites.It’s funny to see all the animals on social networking sites, and among them, there are a lot of images of dogs and cats.
Both are cute, but are you a dog person or a cat person? Which do you prefer, dogs or cats?Which do you prefer? I am sure there are people who prefer rabbits, pigs, etc., but for now, let’s just say that there are a lot of people in the two groups.


According to a survey, the question was “Dogs or cats? Cats? 59.2% of the respondents were “dog people” and 40.8% were “cat people. All generations were more dog-oriented; dog-owners in their 20s to 40s were only in the 50% range, while dog-owners in their 50s and 60s seemed to have higher percentages at 65.9% and 62.7%, respectively. I wonder if there are a little too many dog people in this group. In my mind, these two groups switch from year to year, from day to day, or even from hour to hour, but I like them both.


I used to have a dog and a cat together, but since that was a long time ago, discipline was far from a given. The dog, who had a destructive habit, and the cat, who was selfish and pretending to be cute, would fly a glance at each other every time they saw each other, and eventually they would fight each other.


So, when it comes to actually living with animals, I still can’t picture my dream, but I love watching videos and images of them. I also see well-disciplined and well-behaved cats and dogs on social networking sites, and I am always impressed and admire that there is a world where people can live with animals so elegantly… but at the same time, I always wonder what those children I used to have at home were like… and I always laugh. At the same time, I always remember with a wry smile what those children we had at home were like. Nowadays, I miss those children who were rampaging around.
So I began to wonder about the history of my relationship with those dogs and cats.



Dog bones have been found at some 400 archaeological sites from the Jomon period, which leads us to believe that Iainu, or so-called Jomon dogs, already existed in Japan during the Jomon period.

The earliest burials are dog bones excavated from the Kamikuroiwa Iwayashin site in Ehime Prefecture and the Natsujima site in Saga Prefecture, which date back to the early Jomon period, and they were small to medium-sized dogs. It was probably kept for hunting. As for the roots, it has been elucidated that the genes of Japanese, Korean, and Mongolian dogs are close, and it was pointed out that the dogs were introduced from Northeast Asia to Korea and then to Japan. However, some Japanese dogs have the same type of genes as dogs from Southeast Asia, so it can be said that they do not have a single origin.


In addition, the oldest evidence of the Aeneko (not a wild cat, but a domesticated cat) in Japan is a radius (forearm bone) found at the Karakami site (late Yayoi period) in Iki City, Nagasaki Prefecture, which was surveyed in 2011. Although no genetic analysis has been conducted, it has been concluded that the bone is most likely that of Ae. aegypti, since a bone of a cat (the type of cat has not been identified) has been found in a shell mound from that period. If these are indeed bones of Ae. eneko, then there were already domesticated cats in the Yayoi period, probably kept to protect grain from rodent damage.

Until now, reliable evidence of domesticated cats was not seen until the 6th or 7th century, so if the bones at the Karakami site are indeed those of an Aedes aegypti, it would be a significant step back in the history of cats in Japan.
The beginning of our life with dogs and cats seems to have started as a relationship with them as servant dogs and cats that spent time with people’s lives, rather than as “healing” beings as they appear on social networking sites today. We hope that dogs and cats will continue to live with us as our closest companions and heal us.


I hope that they will continue to be with us and heal us as they are the closest thing we have to humans.


Have a good day.















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10:00-18:00 OPEN





無性に食べたい・・・そんな時は(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)










栄養失調と聞くと、 食糧が乏しいことによって起こるものだと想像しますが、現在では食事制限のダイエットや、栄養素のバランスが悪い食事による食生活の偏りなどが原因で、女性や子供に多く見られるといわれています。




フライドポテトやチキンなどのファストフードや、ポテ トチップスなどの脂っこいお菓子が食べたくなる人は カリウム不足が考えられ、欲求に任せて、油ものを思う存分摂取すると、太る原因に。また、カリウムが不足すると排泄機能が低下し、水分を溜め込んでむくみの原因になる可能性もあるそうです。















Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

I know this is sudden, but do you ever have a sudden craving for something?

Yesterday, I had an uncontrollable craving for potato chips, so I stopped by a convenience store on my way home from work.

I have been on a diet and have been trying to keep my weight down, so I had a taste of them for the first time in a while, and to my surprise, they were delicious. However, I was immediately filled with guilt afterwards. ……

This state of “I want to eat 00 irresistibly” or “I eat 00 a lot these days. It is common, but in fact, it may be a sign of nutritional deficiency.
It seems impossible in an age when food loss is a hot topic, but the number of malnourished people is actually increasing.
When we hear the word “malnutrition,” we imagine that it is caused by a lack of food, but now it is said to be more common in women and children due to restrictive diets and unbalanced diets.
A sign of nutritional deficiency due to such “new-type” malnutrition, for example, may be when you have an uncontrollable craving for 00.

It may be a good idea to pay attention to it, as it is often a sign that the body is craving it due to unseen stress.

By the way, when you want to eat junk food, you are ‘potassium deficient.

If you feel like eating fast food such as French fries and chicken, or greasy snacks such as potato chips, you may be deficient in potassium. In addition, when potassium is deficient, the excretory function declines, which may cause water retention and swelling.

These fits of uncontrollable cravings are also troubling, but aren’t there times when you stay up until midnight and somehow get a craving for something sweet because you are feeling a bit mouth-watering?

To our surprise, the reason why it is so hard to stop the habit of eating at night is not because of our personality or willpower, but because of the way our brain works.
When I heard that lack of sleep makes people eat sweets in the middle of the night, I vowed to review my lifestyle.

The longer the brain is awake continuously, the more depleted and energy-deprived it becomes, and the brain’s function after being awake for 20 hours drops to the state of weak intoxication, when you are drunk.

Even if you were simply up late, the brain judges this as a lack of energy, and in an attempt to replenish energy, it reduces satiety hormones and increases appetite-stimulating hormones.
However, there is no need to replenish energy at this time of the day, just because we are awake when in fact it is already time to sleep, and therefore we are lacking energy.

This reaction, so to speak, is a misunderstanding of the brain, and it seems to happen to everyone if they stay awake until midnight, but people who are usually sleep deprived feel the appetite more strongly.

Also, the relationship between sleep deprivation and diabetes has been revealed, so it may be easier to lose weight by increasing sleep than by holding back the desire to eat (lol).

In order to go to bed even 15 minutes earlier a day, from now on, if I get hungry in the middle of the night, I will remember that it is a misunderstanding of my brain and try to get through it.

See you later.













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10:00-18:00 OPEN





癒しをもとめて(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)





















Hello everyone, this is Staff T.
The three-day weekend has started off with cold and rainy weather.


Yesterday was “Cat Day,” and as I was feeling a little tired, I was healed by cat videos.
I lost track of time looking at pictures of cute cats and fluffy canines on social networking sites. Even if we cannot actually touch them, just looking at pictures and videos of adorable animals heals us. It has been scientifically proven that animals have a healing and relaxing effect on humans.


It is said that we think cats are “cute” when we see them because their faces fit the physical characteristics that humans instinctively find cute, known as “baby schema. Their heads are large compared to their bodies, their eyes are large and round, and their arms and legs are short. The same is true of human babies. It is said that just looking at them, even without touching them, makes people feel “cute” and relax.

In recent years, animals have also been active in “animal therapy” settings such as senior citizen facilities and hospitals. Elderly people’s expressions light up when they see a cat, they pet a cat lovingly with their limp hands, and they gradually open up to each other through cats.


Although the number of pets kept today is said to exceed the number of people under the age of 15, cats have been a part of people’s lives since as far back as the Edo period (1603-1868). Cats have been a part of people’s lives since as far back as the Edo period (1603-1867). Some cats are depicted in ukiyoe woodblock prints as pets, others as ghost cats, and still others are depicted as anthropomorphic cats. Cats have had a long relationship with people as far back as the Yayoi period (710-794).

I used to be a “dog person,” but recently I have come to prefer cats. I used to be a “dog person,” but now I find cats more appealing.

Not only photos and videos, but also paintings and anything else, you can relax while gazing at them, or you can laugh out loud at the interesting animals and feel refreshed. I hope you will be healed as well.

See you soon.














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10:00-18:00 OPEN





みんな大好き富士山(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)



































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Today in Nagoya, the weather is a little bit chilly and not so clear. The other day it was unusually warm, and I had to think that there is no such thing as three cold and four warm days…. Staff Y is feeling a little tired these days, but I hope everyone is feeling well.
We are all looking forward to spring, but I was thinking the other day, “Hey, hey, if you come here so soon, I’ll be confused…” The other day, I thought to myself, “Hey, if they come that early, I’ll be confused.


By the way, the other day, I was talking with my sisters and we got into a conversation about Mt. Fuji. We started by talking about our recent trip to the Gotemba Outlets, and they sent me some pictures they had taken of Mt. Fuji, which was so dynamic that it looked as if it was right there in front of us. No matter how many times I see it or where I look at it from, Mt.


It goes without saying that everyone living in Japan loves Mt. Fuji as much as they love cherry blossoms, but even so, I have never heard of anyone who hates Mt. Fuji is also ranked as one of the most desired mountains for sightseeing not only by us but also by visitors from overseas, so there is no doubt that it is a mountain that attracts people from all over the world. Fuji is full of indescribable charms, and we would like to capture its inexpressible charms in images.


It seems that I was not the only one who felt this way. It seems that too many people have contributed too many photos of Mt. Fuji, resulting in a collection of more images than required for an encyclopedia.

Wikipedia is an Internet encyclopedia, not a Mt. Fuji image submission site,” and we ask everyone to refrain from uploading any more photos. In fact, this “not a site for posting pictures of Mt. Fuji” statement appeared in 2009, when Wikipedia initially admonished its enthusiastic users in warm terms. Fuji, but please refrain from using multiple images of the same type, as it can bloat the page.”
So, as well as the cherry blossom photos, the fever to capture Mt. Fuji in a beautiful image by all means was apparently more than I had imagined.


Wikipedia seems to have removed this description, but if you click on the Mt. Fuji page of the Japanese Wikipedia, you can see many photos taken from various angles by internet users around the world, which is like searching for Mt. Fuji in a gallery or on Flickr Fuji is the most popular mountain in Japan in this sense as well.


Fuji is also popular in Japan in this sense. When we were talking about this, I asked him if he would like to see both the cherry blossoms and Mt. Fuji,” and a luxury-level plan came to mind. I am not confident in my photographic skills, so I am secretly planning to go and see the scenery with my own eyes this spring…but if I can do it, I will try to post some pictures when I forget about it, so please forget about it for now.


So please forget about it for the time being.
















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花が恋しくなる季節です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






















Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

It seems that this week is going to be a rainy week all over Japan. It is said that the “rape seed rainy season” is coming. It is said that “rape seed rain” means “spring rain” or “long spring rain” and is also called “saika-rain”. It is said that it is a “rainy season” that lasts from late March to early April, with cloudy or rainy weather lasting all day or for several days. The name literally comes from the rain that falls during the season when rape blossoms bloom. Thanks to this rape rainy season, spring plants sprout and many flowers bloom for our enjoyment.


However, when you think about it, it is still February, a little early for the rape seed rainy season. Is this due to the mild winter?

Cherry blossoms are expected to bloom a little earlier than usual nationwide this year. From a short-sighted point of view, it would seem that if the average winter temperature rises, the cherry blossoms will bloom earlier and earlier, but this does not seem to be the case.


Cherry buds are formed in the summer of the previous year and stop growing before winter and go into a dormant state. After that, when they are exposed to a certain temperature (around 3 to 10 degrees Celsius) in winter, they wake up from dormancy (kyumindaha). From there, the plant grows as the temperature rises. If the required low-temperature period is not sufficient, the blooming may be delayed, and since 2020, there has been a reversal phenomenon in Kyushu, with the cherry blossom front moving from the north to the south.

Furthermore, if the dormancy is not broken properly, we may not be able to see cherry trees in full bloom, according to the report. Full bloom means that 80% of the standard trees are in full bloom at the same time, but if the temperature drops too low and the dormancy is not broken properly, the buds will grow differently on each individual tree, causing the buds on a single tree to bloom at different times and in different ways, and we may not see the full bloom of the cherry trees. The shock is so great that I am at a loss for words.


Dormancy breakthrough. It is a very powerful word. It is said that not only cherry blossoms but also other plants turn on the germination switch due to various factors.

The fact that cherry blossoms “break dormancy” by cold air instead of warm air is both mysterious and philosophical. It seems to unintentionally apply to human growth as well. Is it possible that we cannot break through if we are only immersed in lukewarm water? Perhaps. Whenever I find myself in a difficult situation, I try to think of cherry blossom buds.


I have moved around a lot in my life, but no matter which area I visited, there was always a cherry blossom spot nearby. I used to think that I would be able to enjoy the cherry blossoms in full bloom in the spring, but my heart tightens when I think that the day may come when I won’t be able to see them as a matter of course.

This year, I would like to appreciate and love them even more.


See you next time.















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サイレンの音にソワソワしてしまいました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






























Hello everyone. This is Staff T.
Thank you very much for coming to our recent appraisal session. We look forward to seeing many more customers at the next one.

It is already unseasonably warm in Nagoya, with temperatures already exceeding 20 degrees Celsius. On my way to work today, I encountered many fire trucks, ambulances, and other emergency vehicles. I watched them pass by so as not to disturb their activities, but for some reason the sound of their sirens makes my heart pound and my nerves flutter, even though I have done nothing wrong.
Today, police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances all had their sirens blaring and were rushing to the scene. and then, “Wooo! This time, an ambulance passed by.
What was that? Did the police car and the ambulance have the same siren? And then, “What kind of siren did the fire truck have? What kind of siren did the fire truck have? So, as usual, I did some research and learned a lot.

First of all, the siren of a police car is only “Wooooo! only. When I hear this siren sound, I get nervous for some reason (lol).
The siren sound of a police car is higher, so that the sound can reach farther and farther. Also, the “Woo!” sound of a police car is not just one type of sound. is not only one type of sound, but also the repetition cycle of “Woo! is repeated in three different cycles: a 4-second cycle, an 8-second cycle, and a manual cycle.

Basically, ambulance sirens are not “Woo! but “beep-beep-beep”. When ambulances use “Woo! is used when they go through a red light or when they run the wrong way. The ambulance “Woo!” I heard today seemed to be this. was this one.
By the way, I heard that ambulances also used “Woo! but “beep-beep-beep” came to be used because it startled patients and residents around them.
Incidentally, if you ask them not to sound a siren in your neighborhood, they will come to your house without sounding a siren.

There are three types of fire truck siren sounds, and they are used in different ways.
When the siren sounds an alarm bell, it is the sound of a fire truck going to the scene of a fire. When the siren only sounds “uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh,” it is used for rescue, emergency support, and warning other than fire. When a fire engine returns to the scene of a fire after the fire has been extinguished, the only sound is the sound of a bell. The bell is meant to inform the firefighters that the fire has been extinguished even though they were dispatched with the siren sounding earlier. Incidentally, when a fire engine is dispatched to a fire, it sounds a three-pointed bell, but when it returns, it sounds two-pointed bells with a prolonged “ding, ding, ding” sound.

As an aside, it is generally believed that the reason fire engines, which children love so much, are red is because the color of steam pumps and fire engines imported from abroad was red, and the same color has been used ever since. It is also said that the color has an appealing effect on the human senses, and that simply seeing a fire engine appeals to people to be on the lookout for fire.

As we head into spring, the cityscape is beginning to show pops of color here and there that are pleasing to the eye. With today’s sunny weather, spring is just around the corner.
See you soon.














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