今日テーマカラーは白(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




今日テーマカラーは白(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Suddenly, I discovered a routine that seems to be a habit of mine at my age, even though I have lived for decades and should know myself well.


I had never noticed it before, but it seems that I have decided on a theme color for the day in the morning. This morning, as I was waiting at a traffic light, I looked in my rearview mirror and saw a car behind me cleaning the dust off the dashboard with a large white brush.

The white color of the brush caught my attention, and when I noticed that the cars around me were surrounded by it, I decided to call it “white today.


It is my mood of the day as to what color I am caught up in, but the color that catches my eye quickly seems to be the theme color of the day. And at the end of the day, I would say to myself, “Today I saw XX color there and XX color there…” and so on. I just look back at all the interesting XX-colored things I found today, and it’s a routine that is not productive and not worth catching.


I did some research and found that some of the greats of the past had their own habits and routines, which I found interesting and would like to share with you.


Take Leonardo da Vinci, for example. He often used a special method called mirror script to record his ideas and observations in his notebooks. This is a technique of writing backwards, from right to left, rather than left to right, and is generally unreadable without the use of a mirror. This practice not only helped keep his thoughts secret, but also seems to indicate that da Vinci was always striving to think from different angles, and this method of his also brings new perspectives when finding creative solutions.


Also, Bill Gates of Microsoft and Jeff Bezos of Amazon, who are considered the richest people in the world. In fact, the nightly routine that both of these men perform together is washing dishes.

Microsoft’s Gates said, “I wash dishes every night after dinner. Even if someone else offers to do it for him, he doesn’t give in. I love the way I do the dishes. Amazon’s Bezos also said, “I am convinced that of all the things I do, [washing dishes] is the sexiest thing I do.


Whether they know it or not, recent studies have shown that washing dishes has an effect on the autonomic nervous system, including the sense of accomplishment of getting the dishes clean, the rhythm of washing dishes, the natural sound of running water, and the coolness of the water.

I don’t know if they were doing the routine with the expectation of these effects, but I am sure that they continued to do it because they were aware that “this must be good.” I don’t know if they were doing the routine because they expected it to work, but I am sure that they continued to do it because they were aware that it was good for them.


Compared to that, my routine has no effect or meaning, just a little bit of a puzzle piece that I was able to fit together well, but I still don’t know why I do it unconsciously.


My strange routine aside, why don’t you take a chance and start washing dishes if there are any dishes left today? You may become a millionaire.


Have a good day.



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