梅雨の時期、香りでリフレッシュするのはいかがでしょう(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




梅雨の時期、香りでリフレッシュするのはいかがでしょう(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





















香を焚く作法は流派によって違いがあるようですが、基本的には香元(こうもと)が7種類の火道具である火筋 (こじ)、灰押 (はいおさえ・はいおし)、羽箒 (はぼうき)、銀葉挟 (ぎんようばさみ)、香筋 (きょうじ)、香匙 (こうさじ)、鶯 (うぐいす)を使い聞香炉の灰を整え、その上に銀葉と呼ばれる雲母版を置き、さらに一片の香木を載せます。









Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

How are you all doing during the rainy season?

I feel that the air in my room is stale due to the humidity. I have been writing about fragrant woods since the other day, so I pulled out some incense sticks and aroma goods that were sleeping at home and have been using them. I feel refreshed.


The ancient Japanese were also very sensitive to fragrance, and “Kodo,” or the way of incense, which was born around the end of the Muromachi period (1336-1573), has been handed down to this day as one of the “Three Ways” of Japan, along with “Chado” (tea ceremony) and “Kado” (flower arrangement).

There are various schools of Kodo, but the two major schools are the Shino school, which has been practiced by samurai families since the Muromachi period (1333-1573) and has simple tools, and the Oke school, which is based on the gorgeous culture of the court nobles, including waka poems, and has glittering tools.


The basic method is to warm a piece of fragrant wood without burning it to create an aroma, and listen to the subtle fragrance. The process of distinguishing the fragrance of multiple fragrant woods by listening to them became a form of guessing the fragrance, and developed into a game called kumiko, in which literature and seasons are enjoyed through fragrance.

In order to deeply enjoy Kumiko, various manners and rules were developed, and various types of competitions were devised to incorporate seasonal and other aspects, such as Genjiko, Kagetsukiko, Kokin Koko, Tanabatako, and Tsukuyu Koko.

For example, in Genji-ko, five kinds of fragrant woods are prepared, and each of them is wrapped in five incense wrappers, making a total of 25 wrappers. Five of these are randomly selected and burned in an incense burner.

The incense burner is passed around to each participant in turn, and the participants are asked to listen to the different fragrances. Five vertical lines are drawn on a piece of paper, and the five scents that are thought to be the same are connected by a horizontal line. The resulting pattern consists of 52 different patterns, each named after a chapter in the Tale of Genji (some of you may remember the mathematical game “Kumiawase”). This design is also used in kimono patterns.


It is said that it is more important to concentrate on tasting the incense while paying respect to it, rather than trying to guess the correct answer. If you have a chance, I would like you to try it and experience the “Six Provinces and Five Flavors” systematized by Ashikaga Yoshimasa.


Although the manner of burning incense seems to differ from school to school, basically, the kogen (master) uses seven types of fire tools: koji, haioshi, haibouki, ginyoubasami, kyoji, kousaji, and uguisu (bush warbler) to prepare the ashes for the furnace, On top of the ash, a mica plate called a ginga (silver leaf) is placed, and then a piece of fragrant wood is placed on top.

The incense burner is passed from one guest to the next, who holds it horizontally with his left hand and covers it with his right hand, listening to the fragrance three times before passing it on to the next person.

The atmosphere in the quiet and solemn sitting room is similar to that of Zen meditation.


The tools used in kodo also vary from school to school, but the main ones include a “midarebako,” which is a tray to hold the tools necessary for burning incense, an “kobo,” which is used to listen to the fragrance, an “kobo” to wrap the fragrant wood used in kumiko, a “ginba,” which is placed on top of the charcoal burner and on which the fragrant wood is placed, a “ginyoban,” or stand for placing the ginba, and a “ginyo-dan,” or box for holding the ginyobas. A “Ginyo-bako” (box for silver leaves), a stand for placing silver leaves, and a box for holding silver leaves.

Some of them are decorated with maki-e (gold or silver lacquer), so please look for them.


See you next time.















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