この夏は何本食べることになるでしょうか(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




この夏は何本食べることになるでしょうか(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




いよいよ蝉も鳴き始め、暑中見舞いを出すのもこの頃です。うっかりすると暑中見舞いを出してしまいそうな暑さでしたので、今ならもう胸を張って、暑中お見舞いを申し上げられますね。 これからの猛暑を乗り切るために、たくさん食べ、体力をつけておきたいところです。





















Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

According to the calendar, the 24th day of the month has changed from summer solstice to “Shosho” (short summer heat). Shosho” refers to the time when the rainy season is over and the heat is in full swing.

The cicadas finally begin to sing, and this is also the time when we send out our summer greeting cards. It has been so hot that we might have inadvertently sent out a hottest summer greeting card, so now we can now offer a hottest summer greeting card with our hearts in our mouths. In order to survive the coming heat wave, we should eat a lot and keep our strength up.


Well, there are many delicious foods in summer as well. Eggplant, cucumber, and tomato are the three major summer vegetables, and fresh fruits such as watermelon, melon, and peach are also a delight. Another thing that can be eaten with bright and full of energy, which is unique to summer, is corn.


In terms of seasonal words, corn flowers are classified as summer and corn is classified as autumn, but in the sense of the word, corn is a summer food. Come to think of it, I don’t think I have seen grilled corn at summer festival stalls in recent years, but how about in your area? The aroma of the burning soy sauce is a very uplifting smell at festivals, but….


Corn is said to have been cultivated in Mexico for more than 5,000 years, and was brought back to Europe by Columbus, who discovered the New World at the end of the 15th century, and spread to Japan by the Portuguese in the Edo period (1603-1868), starting from Hokkaido.

Although corn was introduced from Portugal, Japan at that time called all imported products “Tang” as if they came from China. It seems that the name “Tang corn” came about because the shape of corn resembles a crop called “maize.

Corn is written in Chinese characters as “gyokushokubi. It is not easy to read at first sight. The Chinese character for “corn” is “shokubi,” so when corn was first introduced to Japan, it was called “karashokubi. Later, because the grains of corn are beautifully arranged, the character for “jewel” was substituted for “tang” and the name was changed to “gyokushokubi”.


Corn, a grain, is an important crop because in some regions, such as South America, people use it as a staple food. In Japan, it has not achieved the status of a staple food, but it keeps a good position in the vegetable market in summer.

The good thing about corn is that it can be simply boiled and eaten as is as a snack. The happy yellow grains are appetizing and have a charming appearance.



When it comes time to cook the kernels, we peel off the many layers of skin that surround and protect the kernels on a sheet of newspaper, thanking the farmers for their kindness. When the skins are removed, brand-new, shiny, and lovely berries are revealed. The kernels are lined up in a neat row, looking as if they are smiling.



Eating boiled corn “harmonica-eating” is a blissful experience that can only be enjoyed in summer.

How many stalks of corn will we eat this summer? Since the corn is in grains, there is no need to chop it into small pieces. I would like to enjoy the happy yellow color by inventing original dishes.


See you soon.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


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