ブログ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 26




あの形が一番なのでしょうか…(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)










調べてみますと、傘の起源は、遥か4000年も前にあったとされています。 古代ギリシャでは、高貴な身分の人が従者に持たせて歩いたそうで、当初は主に日除けとして用いられました。 開いたり閉じたりすることができる、画期的な開閉式の傘(日傘)が誕生したのは13世紀のイタリアと言われています。


雨や雪、直射日光などが当たらないように頭に被る道具「かさ」として、日本で最も古くに登場したのは、「かぶりがさ」として知られる笠。 最古の歴史書である「日本書紀」に登場し、古墳時代には笠をかぶった埴輪なども残されているようです。
材料は、イグサ、ヒノキ、竹などが使われ、現在も屋外の労働に、雨や日除けとして広く東南アジア各地でも使用されているものだそうです。 一方、軸を中心に頭の上に広げる「傘」が日本に伝来した時期については詳しく分かっていませんが、古墳時代の後期、欽明天皇の時代には、百済から仏具の傘(天蓋)が日本に献上された記録が残っているようです。


和傘は柿渋や油などを塗って防水加工した和紙などが用いられています。 その和紙を数十本の骨組みで支える構造で、柄と骨部分には主に竹や木が使用されています。














Hello everyone, this is Staff T.
The cold rain from this morning has stopped and the weather in Nagoya has recovered.
Whenever it rains, I always think, “I wonder if umbrellas are the best in that shape. I wonder if that shape is the best for umbrellas. ……

You may have thought about this at least once. I too have thought about the invention of a “different shaped umbrella” when I was a child. I thought it would be nice to have an umbrella that didn’t block my hands and didn’t get my shoes soaking wet. And in my childish mind, I wondered why umbrellas have remained almost unchanged in shape since ancient times….

Research shows that umbrellas originated as far back as 4,000 years ago. In ancient Greece, it is said that people of noble rank walked around with it carried by their attendants, and it was initially used mainly as a sunshade. It is said that it was in Italy in the 13th century that the revolutionary retractable umbrella (parasol), which could be opened and closed, was born.
In 1928, the folding umbrella was introduced in Germany.

In Japan, when it first became popular in the Edo and Meiji periods, it was mainly used as a parasol to protect the wearer from the sun, but later, with the evolution of Japan’s unique structure, it was used more and more against rain.

As a “kasa,” a tool worn over the head to protect it from rain, snow, and direct sunlight,
The earliest kasa to appear in Japan was the kasa known as the kaburi-gasa. It appears in the oldest history book, “Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan),” and haniwa (clay figurines) with kasa headgear were also found in the Kofun period.
The materials used for the kasa include Igusa (rush grass), cypress, and bamboo, and it is still widely used in Southeast Asia for outdoor work and as a protection from rain and sun. On the other hand, it is not known in detail when the umbrella, which is spread over the head around a shaft, was introduced to Japan, but there is a record that a Buddhist umbrella (canopy) was presented to Japan from Baekje during the reign of Emperor Kinmei in the late Kofun period.

After the Heian period (794-1185), advances in papermaking and bamboo crafting techniques led to the production of “wagasa,” a waterproof umbrella made of Japanese paper coated with oil that could be opened and closed.
Wagasa is made of waterproofed Japanese paper coated with persimmon tannin or oil. The handle and bones are mainly made of bamboo or wood.
The most widely known types of umbrellas in Japan are the bangasa, the janomezasa, and the tsumaoregasa.

When Western-style umbrellas were first introduced to Japan in the Edo period (1603-1868), they were so expensive that the general public could not afford them, and only a few people such as samurai families, doctors, and Western scholars used them.
In the Meiji era (1868), Western-style umbrellas began to spread with the civilization’s opening to the outside world, and “Takeh Nenpyo,” a geographical journal of Edo (Tokyo) published in the first year of Meiji (1868), states that “Western-style umbrellas began to spread among the general public.

In the 1900s, the umbrella evolved: in 1928, Hans Haupt of Germany invented the folding umbrella. The folding umbrella became a worldwide hit and is now the most popular umbrella style in the world. Later, the Asakusa umbrella manufacturer White Rose invented the vinyl umbrella in 1958. The vinyl umbrella, which gained popularity in Japan, became famous around the world after the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.

I had thought that the shape of umbrellas had hardly changed, but there is an epoch-making umbrella.
When closed, it is no different from an ordinary umbrella, but when opened, it has a long umbrella only on the back side. The image of the shape is that of a colored hat worn by children at a nursery school, which covers the whole of the child’s neck.

A round umbrella can only cover half the area, and the back or bag tends to get wet. I always thought so, so I felt inclined to applaud the developer for materializing and commercializing it.
There are also unique umbrellas that “do not require a belt to fasten” to eliminate the hassle of wet hands when wrapping wet umbrellas, and “the wet part becomes the inside when closed”.
Perhaps we will see more advanced umbrellas in the future.

See you soon.
















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



古いもの楽しみ方はいろいろある。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)




























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Recently, many memorial programs for the world-famous conductor Seiji Ozawa, who passed away the other day, have been aired. I would like to express my deepest condolences as well as my heartfelt gratitude for his great contribution to the world of music.


In the midst of all this, I saw a program on HNK the other day.

The Endless Experiment: The Music of the World’s Ozawa

It was very moving, and I am sure some of you may have seen it.


At the end of the program, he performed Tchaikovsky’s “Serenade for Strings,” which he performed for only seven minutes on stage after his first return to the stage in 2010 following his medical treatment. He performed only one movement, as it was physically difficult for him to perform all the movements, but the program also included his condition toward his comeback. Seiji Ozawa’s view of the world and his view of life after his comeback were all packed into those seven minutes of the performance.


I am sure that those who were in the audience must have concentrated so hard that they could not miss those 7 minutes. I could still feel the tension through the TV. I thought it was one of the most powerful pieces that the audience and the stage worked together in that wonderful tension.


This “String Serenade” was once used in a commercial for a certain temporary staffing agency. Everyone knows the famous song, “Oh, that song…” It would be rude to say that this “Serenade for Strings” was quite funny, but it matched the image of that commercial very well. Yes, they are the same song.


Perhaps it is because I always work with antiques and antique artifacts from the past. Old things fit surprisingly well into modern life, some people reform kimonos and turn them into clothes, and recently, I’ve seen stores that have renovated old private houses, which I think are stylish in a roundabout way…. I think it is interesting to see things mixing, evolving, and reviving, and I don’t think it is limited to things that can be picked up and seen.


Classical music is also a kind of music that at first glance seems to have a high threshold, but the performance conducted by Seiji Ozawa and the commercial for a certain employment agency are the same “String Serenade,” and I was surprised that the tension in the performance I just mentioned and the sense of humor in the commercial were created by the same music.


I do not know what Tchaikovsky would think when he sees the commercial in which this song is played today, but I wonder how these songs and the scenes in which we hear these songs will evolve or revive in the future, how the past (the old) and the future will mix together. It’s not a “string serenade,” but I’m kind of looking forward to seeing where it goes.


Have a good day.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





桜の開花が待ち遠しいですね(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)











イギリスの4月のことわざにも「April showers bring May flowers.(4月の雨が5月の花を咲かせる)」というのがあります。もしくは、こちらで知っている方もいるかもしれません。「March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers.(3月の風と4月の雨が5月の花を咲かせる)」












Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

Today is the first day of spring. It is said that “hot and cold lasts until the other side of the equinoxes,” and although it seems to be warmer than normal, it is also said that the cold has returned, so you may feel a little chilly.

However, it seems to be warmer than usual, but it is also said that the cold weather will return, so you may feel a little chilly. The blooming of cherry blossoms in Nagoya is expected to be around March 20, which is a little earlier than normal. The full bloom is expected around April 1. The blooming of cherry blossoms is expected to be earlier than normal nationwide, and we may hear news of a rush of blooms in various areas next week.

However, I am concerned about the weather. The weather is forecast to go downhill from tomorrow, but the weather is always unstable during the cherry blossom season. Just when we think the cherry blossoms are in full bloom and we are ready for cherry blossom viewing, it often rains, and every year we wonder if the cherry blossoms will last until the entrance ceremony.
The weather from late March to mid-April, when the cherry blossoms bloom, is unstable.

There is also an English proverb for April, “April showers bring May flowers. Or you may know it here. March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers.

England is famous for its changeable weather. When I was a student, I learned in class or something that there are four seasons in a day in England, and I was fascinated by Harry Potter and thought it was wonderful, Still, it’s quite disappointing when it’s …… that there’s not a day when it doesn’t rain.

Perhaps because of such weather conditions, the proverb “April rain makes May flowers bloom” is not only an expression of the season, but also a way of saying “Even if bad things happen, good things are ahead. In Japanese and Chinese proverbs, it is like, “If there is pain, there is joy,” or “All is well that ends well.

It is a reassuring message to know that even if you are going through a bad time or a tough time, if you persevere, there will be good things in the future.
April is the month when a new life and a new semester will soon begin. I am looking forward to seeing the flowers in full bloom to cheer me up, although I am not all that happy about it. I can’t wait to see the cherry blossoms in full bloom.
See you soon.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



純白の花を見て思うこと(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

The warm spring weather is making me feel light on my feet. The people who pass by are dressed in different outfits, which reminds me of the change of season.

After reading Staff Y’s blog the other day, I too have been looking around to see if I can come across any early-blooming cherry blossoms, but unfortunately, I have not encountered any yet.

Still, when I walk along the streets, I see many spring flowers and my spirits are lifted. It is strange to think that in the past, seeing flowers did not make me so happy.

The cherry blossoms in my neighborhood were still in their buds, but the pure white magnolias were blooming beautifully instead. The petals are large and each petal is as gorgeous as a smooth fabric, but there is also a sense of dignity and strength in the way they are all blooming toward the sky at once.

I researched and found that magnolias are said to be the oldest flowering trees on the earth.

Fossils of magnolia trees have been excavated from the strata of the Cretaceous Period, when dinosaurs roamed the earth. It is said to have already looked like this more than 100 million years ago. In fact, it is known that herbivorous dinosaurs ate them.

The magnolia originated in southern China and was introduced to Japan for medicinal purposes in ancient times. The dried buds before the flowers open are called “shin-i,” and as a herbal medicine, it is believed to be effective against rhinitis, headaches, cold, and bronchitis.

It is unknown if dinosaurs knew of its efficacy, but imagining herbivorous dinosaurs such as Triceratops eating it is a fun way to travel back in time to ancient times.

There are two types of magnolia with fresh fragrance and large flowers: “purple magnolia,” which has purple flowers, and “white magnolia,” which has white flowers. There are various theories as to the origin of its name. It was once called “magnolia” (mokuran) because of its resemblance to an orchid flower. Later, it was called “magnolia” in China because the flower resembled a lotus flower, and so it came to be called “magnolia” in Japan as well. In English, it is generally called “magnolia. Magnolia” is a familiar name from movie titles, but it is also used to refer to magnolia.

It is also said that the magnolia’s radiant beauty when in bloom contrasts with the browned appearance of its blossoms when they fall.

Cherry blossoms remain vividly colored even when they fall, and are described as a “cherry blossom snowstorm,” and their floating form on the water is called a “flower raft,” which is a delight to people. The small, round petals of the ume (plum) flower fall in a manner similar to tears spilling from the flower, hence the expression “ume ga goboreru” (“plum blossoms spill”). Camellias also fall with their beautiful flowers still intact.

What about magnolias? During this season, you may see a large number of brownish magnolias falling on the road. I have never seen the moment of falling, but rumor has it that many petals sometimes fall at once, even though there is no wind. The petals are so large that they make a “disintegrating” sound. The mysterious thing about plants is that they fall all at once, as if they have a will of their own. By the time they fall, the pure white petals turn brown and pile up on the ground.

Of course, it is moving to see the beauty of the falling petals, but perhaps it is my age that makes me love the magnolias that remain on the branches even after they turn brown and fall as if they are running out of energy.


I will see you next time.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





梅は咲いたか桜はまだ…ではなかった。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)



























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

I’ve been thinking about the “plum blossoms” and “cherry blossoms”…
What happened all of a sudden? You must be thinking, “What’s going on all of a sudden? Is your head a little fuzzy because it’s spring? I guess you could say that.

This is a song that is often sung in a tatami room with shamisen music.
It is an Edo hauta or kouta based on the popular song “Shongae-bushi” that was popular in the Meiji era (1868-1912), and is famous today as an otsashiki (tatami room) song, as it compares geiko of the Hanayagi world to seasonal flowers and shellfish.

I think I mentioned the other day that the ume (plum blossoms) had bloomed, but I had not yet seen the sakura (cherry blossoms), but the other day I saw them in full bloom!

Kawazu-zakura” cherry blossoms, I guess. Kawazu-zakura originated in 1955 when Katsumi Iida of Tanaka, Kawazu-cho, Kamo-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture, happened to find a 1-meter-long original tree in the weeds along the Kawazu River and planted it in his garden.

It has been in bloom since 1966, and was initially called “Komine-zakura” (meaning “Komine cherry” in local dialect) because of the name of the Iida family who discovered it, but later, through academic research, it was found to be a cultivar of hybrid origin, which had never existed before.

It seems to be a cherry tree that has a long blooming season, so it was very windy that day, but the petals were firmly clinging to the tree. The petals were firmly clinging to the tree.

Now, it has started, hasn’t it? The annual spring cherry blossom relay by the Fumikosha staff has begun. Please look forward to seeing which cherry blossoms will appear again this year.

Have a good day.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



ちょっとしたストレスを解消してくれるもの(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

It was very windy in Nagoya today, and it was hard to move forward even when walking. I feel that walking in a strong wind makes me twice as tired.

Now, I would like to introduce a Bizen ware “Katakuchi” at Fuhkosha. It is a small vessel with a diameter of about 6 cm, but even among so many other vessels, it catches the eye. The movement of the maker’s fingers can be felt and it has a warmth, and when you hold it, the indentation on the side fits your thumb. I feel that it has been carefully calculated to fit comfortably in the hand and to make it easy to pour.

The name “katakuchi” comes from a sake bottle with a handle called choshi, which was used in the Kamakura period (1185-1333), and those with a spout on both sides were called morokuchi (double spout), while those with a spout on only one side were called katakuchi (single spout).

Decanting is the process of pouring wine into a decanter, and the effect of allowing the wine to come into contact with the air is to bring out the aroma and mellow out the flavor. Sake also mellows out when exposed to air.

Sake that has been stored in a refrigerator, such as ginjo-shu, is snow-cold (5°C) when it is just taken out of the refrigerator. It has a refreshing taste, but its aroma and sweetness are not as pronounced. At temperatures between 10℃ and 15℃ to 20℃, the aroma is more pronounced and the sweetness is stronger. If poured into a single sip, the aroma and sweetness can be enjoyed slowly from there.

In particular, Bizen ware has minute pores inside and some ventilation, so it is likely to further enhance the aroma and mellowness of the sake.

Although the vessel is quite functional, its appearance is also one of its charms. The bird’s beak-like spout is adorable, and just by placing it on the table it seems to be a feast for the eyes.

I have long been curious about the shape of the spout of this Fukosha’s one-way spout. When I took the plunge and poured a glass of water into it, I was impressed by how smoothly the water poured out, much smoother than I had imagined. When selecting a vessel for pouring liquids, it is said that the sharpness of liquids such as sake is important. It would be a little stressful if the liquid dripped every time you poured, wouldn’t it?

The narrower the spout, the better the sharpness of the liquid. Also, a slight bulge at the base of the spout is better for ease of use. This bulge is said to prevent the liquid from flowing out all at once, allowing the right amount to be poured. Come to think of it, many kyusu also have a bulge at the base of the spout. The spout of Fukosha’s katakuchi also appears to be random, but it is designed so that the liquid does not flow out all at once. The size of the hole, the angle of the spout, and other details seem to test the skill of the maker.

It suddenly occurred to me that the small one end spout could be used not only for liquids, but also for spices such as salt and shichimi (seven spices) to put on the table. I think it would be easier to adjust than shaking it in from a jar or scooping it in with a tiny spoon. I am tempted to give it a try.


On a side note, it has been a little stressful for me when cooking eggs, because after pouring the beaten eggs into a frying pan or other container, the remaining egg liquid drips out of the container. I was just researching about spouts and found a way to prevent the egg mixture from dripping out of the bowl. It seems that after pouring the egg mixture into the frying pan, the bowl should not be turned up, but instead rotated forward and downward. Is that all? I thought, “Is that all?” but I will definitely give it a try tomorrow morning.


See you next time.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





小さいながらも迫力のあるお顔です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

The other day, two Japanese films won awards at the Academy Awards held in Los Angeles. It has been a while since I have seen them on the big screen.

Now, this Karamono Cloisonne Lion figurine is a new addition to the Fuhkosha. It has a powerful face with sharp teeth, but it also has a charming face that makes you smile when your eyes meet his. The head can be moved a little, and when you turn it around, it shows a different expression.


The curls on the head, the mane, the tip of the tail, and the shape of the feet on the balls are all very realistic.

The Tang Lion is a fictional creature created in China, where lions do not exist, based on the lion that was installed in Buddhist temples in India as the most powerful animal. It was designed for artistic and decorative purposes and became a heroic figure with a mane of curly hair.

Going further back, in Egypt, the lion was a symbol of the king’s power and the sphinx was created. In Western Asia, lions were decorated on gates to protect castles, and in China, lions were also thought of as animals that protected against misfortune.

In the Asuka period (710-794), the sphinx was introduced to Japan along with Buddhism, and was initially made of wood or metal and placed inside the main halls of shrines and Buddhist temples.

Initially, the lions were a pair of Chinese lions, as in China, but from around the Heian period (794-1185), the lions were placed on the right side and the komainu on the left.

They were called “Shi-shi (lion) and komainu (guardian dogs)” in the “A-Un” style, with the lion with its mouth open and the guardian dogs with their mouths closed.

This is believed to be because the ancient Japanese respected the natural form of the animal rather than artificial designs, and they found asymmetrical figures to be beautiful. It is believed that this is why the “komainu” was placed as an imaginary creature unique to Japan in contrast to the “lion,” a legendary creature in Chinese folklore.

Incidentally, the ancient Indian Sanskrit word “A-Un” means “A” for the beginning and “Un” for the end of life, from the beginning to the end, or “everything in the world. I learned a lot.

In the beginning, komainu had a single horn on their heads, but gradually, komainu without horns appeared, and their names changed from “lion and komainu” to simply “komainu” (狛犬).


Karashishi are also familiar in Japan as lion dances. Although they are rarely seen today, they have penetrated into the daily lives of Japanese people as they are used in festivals and other occasions to drive away evil spirits and pray for a good harvest. I think the reason why both Fumikosha’s Karashishi and the lion dance are so charming is because of the magnificent eyebrows (actually, I heard that they even exist), which lions do not have on their faces.

In fact, eyebrows play an important role in showing emotion, and it is said that an expression without eyebrows makes it difficult to read emotion. I have a delusion that the ancient Chinese understood that emphasizing the eyebrows would convey emotion to the viewer.


Now, back to the komainu (guardian dogs). In Japan, it seems that a wide variety of animals are placed as gatekeepers. It seems very Japanese.

I have heard that there are some people who are fanatic about komainu (guardian dogs), so I will pay attention to them when I visit the shrine in the future.


See you next time.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





思いがけず拝見できました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)












































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

The Nagoya Women’s Marathon is being held today, and I can see security guards on the road near the Fukosha to provide detour information. Recently, I often see women running dashingly in fashionable wear. I just look at them and think how cool they look.

The other day, I came across a poster for a powerful exhibition while passing by, and as usual, I had to change my plans a little to see the exhibition. It was an exhibition of works by Enku, a Buddhist monk of the early Edo period who traveled around the country and carved many Buddhist statues.


I had learned from a program featuring Enku that Enku Buddha can be viewed at Arako-Kannon-ji Temple in Nagoya City on the second Saturday of every month. I had hoped to someday see it in person, and I was unexpectedly blessed with the opportunity. Some of the works could be photographed, and I was able to capture some of them.

At the entrance, we were greeted by a standing statue of Kongorikishi (Nioh), Un-gyo, which stands over 2 meters tall. Normally, he would be glaring at us, but here his mouth looks as if he is smiling.

It is said that he carved the two statues of Kongorikishi (Nioh), A-Un and A-Un, by placing a ladder on two Sen-noki trees that were rooted side by side in the precincts of Senko-ji Temple in Gifu Prefecture. They remained in the mountain for a while, but about 150 years ago, the roots decayed, so they were cut down and are now enshrined in the Enkuji Treasure House. At the exhibition, only the “Un-gyou” was on display in good condition.

The wooden hump on its back shows that it has indeed emerged from a large tree.


We were also able to see the seated statue of Binzuruzonja, which is said to have been carved by Enku himself.

The surface of the statue has a sheen as if it has been stroked for many years, and as a “petting Buddha,” it must have received people’s wishes wholeheartedly. The calm appearance of the statue makes it easy to understand why people would unintentionally confide their worries and sympathize with the statue.

Enku was born in Mino Province in 1632, and is said to have entered Buddhism at a young age after the death of his mother at the age of seven, but the details of his life are not known. It is said that he left behind as many as 120,000 Buddhist statues while traveling around the Kinki region, Tohoku, and Hokkaido, without belonging to any temple. While holed up in the mountains and continuing his severe ascetic practices, he carved Buddhist statues while chanting the Buddhist prayer to save people suffering from diseases, disasters, and droughts.


Early Buddhist statues were carefully carved with smooth surfaces, but gradually they became simpler, using locally available wood with knots, cut surfaces, and chisel marks left by the carving process. Some, such as the “Kannon 33 Genshi-Zo,” are simply carved with lines for eyes, nose, and mouth on unevenly cut pieces of wood.


Although he may have wished to reach as many people as possible, Enku himself believed that the wood already contained deities and Buddhas, so all he had to do was to remove and take out the unnecessary ones. Therefore, even small pieces of wood from the wood-carving process were used to create the Buddha, with eyes and noses attached.


It is said that the smiling faces of many of Enku Buddha’s sculptures may be a reflection of the artist’s search for his mother, who died when he was very young. A mirror and other mementos of his mother have been found inside the body of the eleven-faced Kannon, which is said to have been carved on the 33rd anniversary of his mother’s death.


In any case, Enku-butsu still gives us a sense of peace and tranquility after such a long time.

I will visit Arako-Kannon Temple again.


See you next time.















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10:00-18:00 OPEN





日本のソールフード(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)




























Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

Suddenly, I am making lunch every day. However, when my family is on holiday and I am the only one working, like today, I just can’t muster up the energy to make it. There are days when I have to go out and make only onigiri (rice balls) to rouse my unmotivated mind, but today I don’t have the energy to do so. So today I decided to fill my belly at an onigiri shop I found while walking around the Kakuozan area a while ago.
I like onigiri that can be easily bought at convenience stores, but freshly made onigiri is delicious. I was sucked into my stomach in no time at all (lol). Today I would like to write about the charm of onigiri.

Onigiri is a food that is probably well-known to people of all ages and both sexes, no matter where you go in Japan. It is a simple dish made by simply rolling up cooked rice. It is a traditional food that combines the staple food, rice, with a side dish of ingredients.
It can be said that onigiri is Japan’s soul food, and fossils of onigiri have been found at ruins dating back to the late Yayoi period (about 1,800 years ago). The origin of onigiri is known to be a food called “tonjiki” in the Heian period (794-1185).

Tonjiki” was a lunch box distributed to servants in the garden during banquets held by the court and aristocrats.
In the Warring States period, onigiri came to be eaten by warriors as a “military food” that they could preserve and carry with them, leading to the Edo period (1603-1868).
It was during the Genroku period (1688-1704) in the mid-Edo period that onigiri began to be wrapped in seaweed as we know them today. It is said that it was during the Genroku period (1688-1704) that processed square sheets of laver began to be sold to the public under names such as “Asakusa Nori. Until then, onigiri was similar to today’s shio-musubi (salted rice ball).

The good thing about onigiri is that they can be eaten anytime, anywhere. The appeal of onigiri is that it can be eaten quickly and easily with one hand. In ancient times, onigiri were wrapped in bamboo skin and were very popular as travel companions for Japanese people. In addition, they are delicious not only freshly cooked and freshly nigiri (rice ball), but also even when cold. Onigiri may be a uniquely Japanese food that can be enjoyed any time and any place.

Onigiri is also good in that it can be digested slowly and is healthy. Since onigiri is not a “powder food” like bread, but a “grain food” in which the shape of each piece of rice remains, it is digested slowly. In addition, because it is often eaten after a long period of time, the amount of “resistant starch,” a type of starch similar to dietary fiber, increases, making onigiri a healthy food that keeps you full longer. Onigiri can be eaten at any time of the day (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, or evening meal), depending on how hungry you are.

When I was a child, there were probably several reasons for this, such as ease of portability and not having to choose where to eat, but I always brought onigiri to field trips. Now that I have been on the making side, I realize that making onigiri is surprisingly troublesome.



I would quickly grip the cooked rice, ready to burn myself, add the ingredients, grip the rice with exquisite force, and finally wrap the rice with nori seaweed. I realized that it takes a lot of effort to make many, many kinds of these. So, onigiri have rarely appeared in my bento boxes, but recently my family has been experiencing an onigiri boom, so they appear fairly often…. Recently, they seem to prefer onigiri with several kinds of ingredients. They are looking forward to seeing what kind of ingredients are in one onigiri today. It’s not easy to make onigiri, though.

Incidentally, in the past, onigiri wrapped in aluminum foil were the standard for field trips and athletic meets. I thought it was a matter of course, but I heard that wrapping onigiri in aluminum foil is the key to bring out the best taste. This is because even if the onigiri is freshly made, moisture escapes moderately, it does not become sticky, and the texture of the onigiri does not change. If you have never tried it, please give it a try.

See you soon.















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10:00-18:00 OPEN





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この「国際女性デー」は、1904年にアメリカ合衆国のニューヨークで、参政権のなかった女性が労働条件改善を求めて起こしたデモがはじまりとされ、 1910年の国際社会主義者会議で「女性の政治的自由と平等のためにたたかう」記念の日と提唱したことから始まりました。 1975年には国連によって「国際女性デー(International Women’s Day)」として制定され、日本でも「女性の生き方を考える日」として、さまざまな活動が行われているものです。


また、イタリアでは3月8日を「FESTA DELLA DONNA(フェスタデラドンナ)=女性の日」とし、 男性から普段お世話になっている女性に旬のミモザをプレゼントする風習があり、3月8日は「ミモザの日」とも呼ばれるようになりました。

























Hello everyone, this is Staff T.
The warm daytime weather and the cool morning and evening temperatures have made me completely ill. I hope you are all taking care of yourselves.

Today, March 8, is International Women’s Day. Yellow mimosa flowers are all over social networking sites, and many yellow mimosa flowers can be seen in flower stores, which is very soothing.

International Women’s Day was first celebrated in 1904 in New York City, U.S.A., when women who did not have the right to vote held a demonstration to demand better working conditions. In 1975, it was established as “International Women’s Day” by the United Nations, and various activities are being conducted in Japan as “a day to think about women’s way of life.
In Italy, March 8 is “Festa della Donna” (Women’s Day), and there is a custom for men to present mimosas, which are in season, to women whom they have taken care of in their daily lives.

Although there are other women’s days similar to International Women’s Day in many countries around the world, only in Italy are mimosas the designated flower to be given as a gift. This was proposed by the Italian Women’s Union on the first Women’s Day after World War II in 1946.
At first, violets were considered as a candidate, but the mimosa was chosen because it is a familiar flower that grows wild in Italy, whereas violets are expensive, and anyone, rich or poor, can express their gratitude to a woman close to them.

When one hears the word mimosa, bright yellow flowers come to mind. It is characterized by its clusters of small, round flowers that look like pompons. The tree grows quickly, reaching over 5 meters in height, and during the flowering season, the entire branch of the tree looks soft and fluffy like a yellow cloud or cotton candy. The flowers remain a beautiful yellow color even when dried, making them popular for interior decorations such as wreaths, swags, and dried flowers.
The mimosa is a pretty yellow flower with a fluffy appearance that can be enjoyed from March to April. You can enjoy its soft, fluffy, sweet, gentle fragrance that you can smell when you put your nose close to it.

Although people tend to focus only on the flowers, the leaves are actually distinctive as well.
The official name of the mimosa is the acacia (Acacia chinensis), which means “silver-leafed acacia. To be precise, there is no variety of mimosa plant, but rather a generic name for a member of the acacia family. The acacia tree is a tall evergreen tree native to Australia, classified in the genus Acacia of the Fabaceae family.

Originally, mimosa was the scientific and common name for the osmanthus. Because the leaves of the acacia resembled those of the tussock, when the acacia was brought to Europe, it came to be called “mimosa acacia,” from which the name “mimosa” is said to have taken root.
As the name “silverleaf acacia” suggests, the leaves of the mimosa are called “silverleaf” and have a slightly silvery color. When you see mimosa (silverleaf acacia) at a flower shop, pay attention to the leaves.

I feel that mimosa flowers are becoming more common these days, not only in florists’ shops.
In addition to cut flowers (branches) such as bouquets and arrangements, resin accessories, wreaths, swags, and other accessories using yellow mimosa make me realize that spring has arrived

Mimosa, with its bright yellow color, heralds the arrival of spring. It is a flower that cheers us up with its lovely appearance of blooming like a cluster of small pompons.
The typical words of the mimosa in the language of flowers are “grace,” “friendship,” and “gratitude.
It is suitable as a gift because it looks very pretty and the meaning of the language of flowers is all positive, but the meaning of the language of flowers differs depending on the color of the flower.
It is not limited to mimosa, but if you give a gift without knowing the meaning of the language of flowers, it may be taken to mean something you did not intend.

Mimosas are cheerful from the outside, but as a hay fever sufferer, I can’t be too careful with those fluffy fresh flowers, so I can only decorate with dried flowers every year.

See you soon.















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10:00-18:00 OPEN







