ブログ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 25




まだまだ未知の世界があるようです(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Recently, when I walk outside, I see various kinds of flowers blooming in gardens and along roads. In the past, there were many flowers and trees whose names I could recognize, but recently I have been encountering unfamiliar flowers and trees, which tickles my curiosity.

This is a Ko-Imari long dish with a familiar pine, bamboo, and plum motifs. The rim is decorated with a fine minced arabesque pattern. The cool coloring of the plate is very attractive due to the hot weather

The back side of the rim also has a relaxing arabesque pattern.

This rectangular long dish is one of my favorite shapes among tableware. Just by placing this rectangular dish on a dining table with many round dishes, a change is created and it becomes a little more colorful. It is a wonder that the same dishes look stylish just by arranging them in a straight line on a long plate, whereas it would be difficult to arrange them on a round plate. Another advantage of long plates is that they are easy to store.

In Japan, long dishes began to be made in the late 17th century and were called “ayu-zara” (sweetfish dishes), and were used to serve grilled fish, meat, vegetables, eggs, and sashimi. It is thought that people enjoyed eating meals by serving seasonal foods on long dishes and adding them to the dining table, although most of their daily meals consisted of one soup and one dish.

Long dishes were made by pressing a clay plate against a mold and cutting away the overhanging clay to form the shape. The thick, rectangular shape with the four corners slightly turned inward is believed to have continued to be made until the 19th century. Since even I find it easy to use, it must have been popular among people in the Edo period. Many of the same shapes with different designs are said to have been used. I feel the spirit of Edo craftsmen who continued to create dishes that made dining enjoyable, while devising various ways to meet the needs of a culture that enjoyed eating and the demands of its people.


Now, I mentioned earlier about unfamiliar flowers and trees, and here is an unfamiliar tree I saw this morning.

A white, fluffy, fluff-like flower? I was curious and looked it up. I was curious and looked it up, and found that it was a “melaleuca” tree. It is also called “tea tree” because its leaves were drunk as tea. Captain Cook, a marine researcher who landed in Australia around the 18th century, also drank the leaves as tea.

Tea tree? If you think the name sounds familiar, essential oil is extracted from the leaves and stems, and it is also used as an herb. I think it is the kind that is always placed in stores that deal in aroma oils. So it was made from this tree.

It was used as an all-purpose medicine by the indigenous Aborigines of Australia due to its bactericidal, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. Even today, tea tree aroma oil is said to be effective in preventing colds and influenza.

I used to have little interest in aroma oils or herbal teas, but when I was having trouble sleeping well, a friend gave me a cup of herbal tea to try, and I could not believe how well I slept. I was surprised at its efficacy, whether I am a simple person or whether it is undeniably the power of herbs. The power of nature is amazing! I felt that the power of nature is amazing! It seems there is still a world out there that I am unaware of.


See you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPE

当たり前ではない平和な光景です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

It was a pleasant morning with the air still dry and crisp, although summer is gradually beginning to show itself. It is said that when humidity is added to this, it suppresses sweating and increases the risk of heat stroke. So we need to pay attention not only to temperature but also to humidity. I tell myself not to be overconfident.

The other day, I wrote about small sake cupholders, and this slightly larger one has joined the lineup.


The elaborate patterns on these pieces contrast with the white margins, giving them a fresh impression and making them stand out just by displaying them. Sake cup stands come in a variety of sizes and shapes.


After midday, we see cheerful elementary school students leaving school in front of the Fumikosha store. I noticed that they were turning around, stopping, or walking in a zigzag pattern from one end of the street to the other, and it seemed that few of them were walking in a straight line. As an adult who has become accustomed to walking straight, I feel a little envious.


Today, May 21, is “the day elementary schools were opened. Until then, there had been schools for children of former shogunate vassals, but there were no “public elementary schools” that any local child could attend, and on May 21, 1869, the “Kamigyo 27th Program Elementary School” opened in Kyoto. This was three years before the Meiji government promulgated the “school system,” which mandated elementary school education.

Most of the town of Kyoto was burnt down during the upheavals at the end of the Edo period, and with the capital moved from Kyoto to Tokyo during the Meiji Restoration, Kyoto’s population declined sharply and the economy declined. Under such circumstances, the government and the townspeople of Kyoto began working to create a place where children could receive an equal education and learn about domestic and international culture and history, instead of a terakoya.

The “program system” played an important role in raising funds, and each program was funded by the town’s self-governing organization. The funds were also used to purchase inkstones and writing brushes, and a total of 64 elementary schools were built one after another.

From that time on, classes on Japanese painting and other art-related subjects were also introduced in order to nurture human resources who would carry on Kyoto’s traditional industries such as Nishijin textiles and Kiyomizu-yaki ceramics. As a result, many of the school’s graduates are artists, such as Kitaoji Rosanjin, and their donated works are displayed in the school. It is an enviable environment. I feel the depth of nostalgia and unity of the people of Kyoto.


Hearing the high-pitched, energetic voices of the elementary school students makes me want to thank them for being able to attend school as a matter of course. Moreover, it is said that there are few countries where children can walk outside unaccompanied by adults like in Japan. An American TV personality once told me that he saw an elementary school student leaving school alone and, worried that he might be kidnapped, followed the child home. It may seem a little suspicious to see a strong Westerner walking behind a child, but…. But it is such a rare sight.

Also, “Hajimete no Otsukai,” a Japanese TV program in which a 4- or 5-year-old child carries a purse around his or her neck and goes on an excursion by himself or herself (watched by an adult, of course), seems to be popular overseas, but the idea of taking a toddler on an excursion seems too far from reality and even fanciful.

I hope that the Japanese environment will remain safe for children forever.


See you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN

特別な日のお酒を演出してくれそうです(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

After yesterday’s early summer heat, today is rainy and the temperature is dropping. It’s a bit of a problem from what to wear to bedding.

Now, I would like to introduce a new item that has joined the Fukosha family. At first, I thought it might be a candlestick, not knowing what kind of use it would serve. I was not sure what kind of use it would have, and at first I thought it might be a candlestick, but it is called a “sake cup stand. The pale hues of indigo and white blend together to create a fitting image of snow on the top of Mt. Fuji, by the way, Fuji right?

Also, a dragon is drawn on the top, floating three-dimensionally. On the side, there are violent splashes of waves, and although it is a small item, you will never get tired of looking at the very powerful design.


The sake cup stand was originally used for tea ceremonies. At the tea ceremony, sake was served, and the sake cup was placed on the tatami mat in front of the guests. The name “hiki-bai” comes from the fact that the guests would pull one thin sake cup from the stack for each guest.

In the early days, sake cup stands were painted black, but later they were painted vermilion, and by the end of the Edo period, they were made of porcelain.

It seems that placing the sake cup on this sake cup stand creates an extraordinary and special atmosphere. In tea ceremonies, it can be said to be a ritual to deepen the bond between the people sitting at the tea table. Although it is not so common nowadays, sake is an essential part of important events such as “sansankudo” at Shinto weddings and Kagamibiraki, where a barrel of sake is broken with a mallet at a celebration. It is not only for drinking sake…right?

I have a fantasy that there is a fashionable scene where you can enjoy sake with a sake cup on a sake cup stand for daily use. I have looked into it and found that there are a variety of designs and sizes to enjoy.

The Mt. Fuji depicted on the cup reminds me of the first time I saw Mt. Fuji when I was a teenager on a trip to Hakone, Japan. I parked my car on high ground, got out and saw a divine mountain I had never seen before! What is this beautiful mountain? I thought to myself, “That is Mt. I know this may sound funny to those of you in the Kanto region, but I had no idea that Mt. Fuji could be seen from Hakone, and although it was impressive, it was my sudden first encounter with this slightly silly and longed-for Mt.

Fuji is one of the most beautiful mountains in Japan, and I wondered why it has such a beautiful conical shape. Fuji is a stratovolcano that has repeatedly erupted on a large scale, spewing and depositing volcanic ash and lava alternately, gradually expanding its base and growing.

Fuji is a rare volcano in Japan because the rock from which it erupts is basaltic, whereas most volcanoes in Japan erupt mainly andesitic lava. The basaltic ejecta is less viscous and flows easily, so it is said to have spread over a wide area and formed the broad base of Mt.

As a Japanese, I have always wanted to climb Mt. Fuji and see the sunrise someday, but I am now approaching the age where that may no longer be possible. First of all, I need to strengthen my legs and back! I am talking long-windedly about such things again.



I will see you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN

まろやかな美味しさです(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)











日常使いの いつもの日本茶がお水で入れられる手軽さが、ズボラな私にはぴったりでして、お水で出すと、苦味や渋みが抽出されず、旨みや甘みがゆっくりと抽出されます。旨みと甘みが凝縮した、とろっとした美味しいお茶が手軽に楽しめるのが良いところ。














『ちゃつぼに おわれてトッピンシャン ぬけたら ドンドコショ~』








Hello everyone. This is Staff T.


I heard lively cheers from a nearby elementary school this morning. It seems that today is the main day of the field day.

However, it is not only refreshing today, but I can feel myself getting sunburned. I have heard that some parents have fallen ill because they were distracted by cheering for their children, so it is important for both adults and children to drink water frequently.


May is also the season of freshly brewed tea, which is fragrant in the fragrant breeze.

On a hot day like today, I feel like drinking cold tea. However, tea has a unique taste of astringency, bitterness, and umami. For adults, the taste is appealing, but for young children, tea with astringency and bitterness is often their favorite ……. Recently, I have been enjoying “mizu-dashi green tea” (water-dashi green tea).



The convenience of being able to make my usual Japanese tea with water is perfect for me as a lazy person. When I make it with water, the bitterness and astringency are not extracted and the umami and sweetness are slowly extracted. The good thing is that it is easy to enjoy a mild and tasty tea with concentrated umami and sweetness.

Any Japanese tea can be served with water, including gyokuro, sencha, kabusecha, kukicha, hojicha, bancha, and genmaicha! It is very easy to make and I selfishly believe that the taste is the same whether it is brewed by a professional or by me (laugh)!


The amount of ingredients extracted from green tea depends on the temperature of the water used.

Caffeine, the bitter component of tea, and epigallocatechin gallate, a type of catechin, the astringent component, dissolve more easily when the water temperature is high, and the amount of catechin that dissolves increases dramatically when brewed with water at 60°C or higher.
Slow brewing with water reduces the amount of caffeine and epigallocatechin gallate extracted, which in turn reduces the bitterness and astringency of green tea.


On the other hand, amino acids, which are sweet and umami ingredients, and epigallocatechin, a type of catechin that gives green tea a relatively mild bitterness, are easily dissolved in cold water and are extracted in much the same way as when brewed with hot water.
Therefore, mizudashi green tea has a mild sweetness and umami flavor with less bitterness and astringency, making it a delicious drink for those who are concerned about caffeine intake, those who dislike the bitterness and astringency of green tea, and even children.

In addition, mizudashi green tea has been confirmed to help improve immunity. Theanine, a type of amino acid abundant in green tea, is said to relieve stress and improve the quality of sleep.


Incidentally, during the Edo period (1603-1867), there was a procession of tea pots filled with tea to present Uji tea, a specialty of Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture, to the Tokugawa shoguns.

The procession was institutionalized in 1633 and continued until the fall of the Tokugawa shogunate. The tea pot procession was so prestigious that even the daimyo’s procession had to make way for the messengers carrying tea pots and accompanied by an ostentatious procession, an event that caused tension among the people.



In the lyrics of the warabe song “Zu-zu-zu-zukorobashi,” there is a phrase that goes like this: “Chatsubo ni owa-awai.


Chatsubo ni oarete toppinshan, nukeruwa dondokosho~.”


This phrase is used to describe a scene during a tea ceremony, in which a procession of people were coming to the house, so they closed the door and ran into the house, and were relieved when the procession passed by.


If you have tea leaves at home, please try brewing them. Even if you have bought good tea leaves, the taste will deteriorate after opening the package, so don’t be wasteful (laugh). (Laughs) Try drinking it cold, and enjoy the different aroma and taste than when you make it with hot water.

See you soon.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN

今さらながらハマっております・・・(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)







大半の方にはブームは過ぎてしまったでしょうか?ご興味ない方もいらっしゃるかと思いますが、『アニメ 鬼滅の刃』を毎週楽しみにしています。決してガチ勢ではないのですが、気づけばすべての放送を見てしまっております。





300年前のものが「新しい」!? いったいどういうことなのか……。
















Hello everyone. This is Staff T. It is a beautiful sunny day here in Nagoya today.


It was a beautiful sunny day in Nagoya today, and I hope you are feeling well.

Well, today is finally Friday. I would like to refresh myself on Saturday and Sunday, but it is not so easy these days. It’s a hectic weekend, but I have a little something to look forward to.

I hope that the boom has passed for most of you. I know some of you may not be interested in this, but I look forward to watching the “Anime Oni-no-Blade” every week. I am not a fanatic by any means, but I find myself watching all the broadcasts.

This time is the fourth season “Hashira Rehearsal Arc”. It is a preparation period for the upcoming showdown with the last boss, so there may not be any major climaxes, but I look forward to the wonderful images that are depicted in each episode. Personally, I was fascinated by the images of the swords of the “Pillars” that appeared at the ending.


Speaking of swords, there was a scene in the previous episode, “The Village of the Swordsmith,” where Sumijiro was surprised to see a “sword that is over 300 years old” in his hand. Indeed, 300 years is a very long time. I am ashamed to say that I did not know that, in fact, swords made around that time are classified as relatively young as Japanese swords.

In the anime, the swords are referred to as “more than 300 years old” and “the Warring States period,” so they do not seem to fall under this category. However, if we were to go back 300 years from the Taisho period (1912-1926), the period in which “Oni no Hane” is set, that would be the early Edo period. This period is called the “Shintouki” period.

Something 300 years old is “new”? What in the world does that mean? ……


What is the history of the Japanese sword and how far back does it go?

According to my research, the single-edged wanto (bayonet) that comes to mind when one hears the term “Japanese sword” was established in the mid to late Heian period. Before that, swords had existed in Japan since the Kofun period (burial mounds), but they mainly followed the shape of those imported from the continent (straight swords or swords with blades on both sides).

From there, it is believed that the Japanese sword gradually developed in its own unique way. The date is around 1000 A.D., or about 1,000 years ago.

Japanese swords have been made from about 1000 years ago to the present. There are still sword smiths working today. There are various theories about the last 1000 years, but it can be roughly divided into three (or four) eras.

Those made between the establishment of Japanese swords and the Warring States period are called “kotou,” those made between the Edo period and 1876 are called “shinto,” and those made after that period are called “gendaitou.


I have written only a rough description of what they are called, but I lost track of what I was researching as I was looking into the details of the changes in shape and whatnot, so if you are interested, please check it out.

By the way, I saw on a TV commercial that “Nagoya Sword World/Nagoya Sword Museum (Mehaku)” has opened as a place where visitors can appreciate Japanese swords from all over Japan. The museum can display up to 200 swords, 50 pieces of armor, 150 ukiyoe prints, and 250 firearms and old Western-style rifles. I am a bit intrigued by the way the swords, armor, ukiyoe prints, firearms, and old Western-style rifles are all displayed together.

I will enjoy the anime for now, but I will try my best next week, cheered up by Sumijiro’s positive words and earnest attitude.

See you next week.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN

女子力を高める展覧会(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)









「コスチュームジュエリー:美の変革者たち シャネル、ディオール、スキャパレッリ 小瀧千佐子コレクションより」

















「これは、偽りなく美しい “ニセモノ” のジュエリー」と、あえて本真珠と模造パールをあわせて身に着けたガブリエル・シャネルの言葉が残っているように、彼女をはじめ、かつてのデザイナーにとっては、素材が何であれデザインやスタイルにこそ真の価値があることを表しているようであります。


私もかつて2年ほど前に名古屋市科学館で開催された宝石展を訪れたのですが、国立科学博物館のコレクション、国立西洋美術館や各地の博物館の所蔵品や、アルビオン アート・コレクション、ヴァン クリーフ&アーペル、ギメルなどのすごい作品から多種多様な宝石を拝見してまいりました。それはそれは凄かったのですが、本物の宝石の装飾やそのパワーを前にしますと、人間ため息しかでません…。これらの宝飾品を身に着けていた方もきっと身分の高い方でしたので、もはや殿上人の世界であります。





























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y[.


Golden Week is over, and I’m sure there are those of you who, like me, are feeling depressed thinking about the upcoming vacations. I am trying to figure out how to keep my motivation up…but just then, I received an invitation from a friend of mine, “You look cute, why don’t you try it? I was just about to do so when a friend of mine asked me to go to the show.

Costume Jewelry: Reformers of Beauty from Chanel, Dior, and Schiaparelli’s Chisako Kotaki Collection


I went to the exhibition.

Even the flyer and the entrance are already motivating me, or rather, boosting my girlish power. Let’s get started.


By the way, what is costume jewelry? You may be thinking, “What is costume jewelry?


Costume jewelry is fashion jewelry made of various materials such as glass, shells, and resin, without using precious stones or metals. Costume jewelry was pioneered by Paul Poiret at the beginning of the 20th century, which was free from gemstones and other materials and allowed for free design proposals.

If you’re thinking, “Oh no, it’s not real jewelry…”, you’re in for a disappointment.


Gabrielle Chanel, who dared to wear a combination of genuine pearls and imitation pearls, said, “This is a beautiful ‘fake’ piece of jewelry, without any pretense. I was once in Nagoya about two years ago.


I visited a gemstone exhibition at the Nagoya City Science Museum about two years ago, and saw a wide variety of gemstones from the collections of the National Museum of Nature and Science, the National Museum of Western Art and other museums, the Albion Art Collection, Van Cleef & Arpels, Gimel, and other amazing works. It was amazing. It was amazing, but when confronted with the ornamentation and power of real gemstones, one can only sigh…. The wearers of these jewels must have been people of high rank, so we are now in the world of the high priests.


However, looking at the costume jewelry, I was able to imagine and sometimes laugh at the fashions and trends of the time, and the real life-size women of that era. Costume jewelry seems to have spread widely in Europe and mainly in the U.S. after the war, and women of that time must have enjoyed not only dressing up but also wearing them, bringing vitality, freedom, and independence to their lives. The images of such life-size and realistic women come to mind.


It is no wonder, then, that the materials, design, and freedom are truly unique.


Jacqueline, wife of John F. Kennedy, also wore one.


The motifs can be animals, flowers, humans, creatures, and so on. The materials and colors are varied, and everything is free. It is also important to look at jewelry as “fake” or “real,” but it is also important to look at jewelry as “fake, but what is it? However, the jewelry that is presented in such a dignified and cute manner, as if to say, “It’s fake, but what’s wrong?


But somehow, the costume jewelry gave me girl power, energy, and even a giggle.


Have a good day!


見慣れたはずの景色が新鮮に見えました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




































Hello everyone, this is Staff H.

The other day, I visited Tenmangu Shrine, which I have worshipped at since childhood, for the first time in a while. Perhaps it was because it was in the evening and there was a light drizzle, but the shrine was almost completely rented out. I took a lot of pictures, but I hope you enjoy them. I took a lot of pictures, but please bear with me if you like.

I had been researching about komainu (guardian dogs) on my blog, and perhaps because my interest had been piqued, the bronze komainu in front of the main shrine caught my attention. It was dedicated by the Nishijima clan of Kitahama in 1738. I do not know who it is, but I want to tell him that it is a very attractive guardian dog.


I must have passed by it many times, but I stared at it again and wondered if I had ever seen such a gorgeous figure. I stared at them again.

The tail and mane have a flowing movement, and there is a dignified strength in the gorgeousness. I had passed by it for many years without paying attention to it.


There are many other guardian dogs in the precincts of the shrine, and this one is made of Bizen ware, with a powerful sacred tree towering behind it to protect the shrine.


The ume (plum) garden behind the main shrine is also famous. The tunnel of plum tree branches was magnificent, and I could only imagine what it would be like to take a walk surrounded by the fragrance of plum blossoms.

A small bridge has also been donated to the park, and from the bridge you can enjoy a panoramic view of the carpet of plum blossoms. Next year, I would like to visit there at the right time of the year.

Sugawara Michizane, one of the deities of Tenmangu Shrine, was an aristocrat and politician in the Heian period. He was known as a brilliant man who rose to the position of Minister of the Right, which is why Tenmangu Shrine is said to be the god of learning.

For this reason, the ema (votive tablet) on which he hung is lined with the words, “Success in the school of your choice! is written on the hanging ema (votive picture tablet). It is said that Sugawara Michizane occasionally visited his aunt Kakujuji, who lived at a temple in this area, and that when he was transferred to Dazaifu, he visited her to bid her farewell. In the Treasure Hall, an inkstone, mirror, comb, and other items said to have belonged to Michizane have been handed down as sacred treasures, six of which have been designated as national treasures.

Sugawara no Michizane was a man of great misfortune who died shortly after being moved to the left to Dazaifu due to the false allegations of his rivals. After his death, the capital suffered repeated natural disasters and epidemics. It is said that Michizane was cursed by the gods and that Tenmangu Shrine was built in Kitano, Kyoto, to quell the curse. It is said that Michizane, facing death, said, “Let a cow, not a man, take my corpse, and it will stay where it goes. It is said that Michizane, on the verge of death, left a last will and testament: “Let my corpse be led not by a man, but by an ox, and bury it wherever the ox goes and stays. As per the will, he was buried at Anraku-ji Temple near the place where the cow lay motionless on the way to the burial site. This temple later became Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine.


Many cows are enshrined at this Tenmangu Shrine as well. Among them, there is a legend that if you stroke a sick or unwell part of your body and then stroke the same part of the cow’s body, your illness will be cured.


I also stroked the parts of my body that bothered me on a daily basis. I can almost hear the cow’s voice in the name of “Even if you stroke me here and there so much…”.


Well, I will see you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN

太陽フレアのせいなのかな?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Due to the effects of large-scale solar flares, which are explosions that occur on the surface of the sun, auroras have been observed over a record-breaking area, including a series of reports of red night skies over Hokkaido and Honshu on the night of the 11th. We hope everyone in the area was able to observe the phenomenon.


On the other hand, the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) is calling for caution until around the 16th, as there is a possibility of communication problems related to the flares. There is also a lot of talk about whether the solar flares are to blame. I have been seeing a lot of stories about “due to solar flares,” such as the fact that all four Ozeki of the Summer Grand Sumo Tournament were in the black from the first day of the tournament.


As for myself, due to the solar flare, my GPS, which is better than GPS under normal circumstances, malfunctioned a little, and the other day, my car did not go anywhere. I would like to say that it was just raining and the car didn’t go anywhere as it should have lol.


Along with such trivial stories, images of the aurora borealis appeared on social networking sites, and I was fascinated by the beautiful and dynamic images of various colors.


In fact, there have been reports of auroras being observed in Japan and China for a long time under the name of “Sekki,” which means “red spirit.


The earliest mention of Sekki in Japan is found in the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan), dated around 620. Later, in the Kamakura period (1185-1333), Fujiwara no Teika’s diary, “Meigetsu-ki” (The Diary of Fujiwara no Teika), mentions that he saw akakuki in Kyoto, indicating that the aurora was confirmed again.


In 1770, it was recorded in a book titled “Hoshi Kai” that auroras could be observed from the Matsumae domain (Hokkaido) to the Satsuma domain (Kagoshima Prefecture), and furthermore, in the Meiji period, auroras were named “Kyokko” and were frequently witnessed in various parts of Japan.


In the past, auroras could be observed not only in high latitudes such as Hokkaido, but also in Kyoto and Kagoshima.


It is said that in old Japan, people used to abhor the phenomenon of “lunar eclipses” and would chant a kind of sutra to stop something bad from happening. I wondered if the aurora borealis was one of such abhorrent phenomena, but the classical book “Hoshi Kai” in the collection of Matsusaka City reproduces the shape of a pictorial record of the aurora borealis in 1770, and I have a theory that many people probably looked at the sky with wonder, but how true is the truth?


So long, and have a good day.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN

母の日はやはり定番のお花でしょうか(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



















ちなみに、日本で初めて母の日のイベントが行われたのは明治末期頃と言われています。1915年(大正4年)には教会で お祝いの行事が催されるようになり、徐々に民間に広まっていったとされています。








Hello everyone, this is Staff T.


Today is Mother’s Day. I am both the giver and the receiver of gifts, and every year I wonder what to give her, and in the end, it is flowers again this year.

I think that flowers should be a gift for sure, but…. I am always troubled by this.


Why is it, then, that so many people begin to love plants and flowers as they get older? And I wonder what I, who started to step into them at this age, will have a new interest in when I turn 60 or 70.

I found an interesting tweet about the theory that people become more interested in flowers as they get older, and I think it’s true.

When I told him that I was not interested in flowers when I was young, but I started to think flowers are beautiful when I was over 30, he said, “When you are over 60, they turn to stone.


I heard that Tamori-san also said in Bratamori that after flowers, birds, wind, and moon, they become stones.

It seems that when people lose interest in humans, they become interested in animals, then animals, then plants, and finally stones.

I have not reached that point yet, but I wonder if the day will come when I will think about stones.


I heard that about 80% of people give gifts to their mothers on Mother’s Day. The most common gifts are flowers, food, and sweets, in that order.

There are various theories about the origin of Mother’s Day, but the well-known story is that it began about 100 years ago in West Virginia, the United States, when a woman named Anna Jarvis distributed white carnations at a church in Grafton on May 10, 1908, in memory of her late mother.


In 1910, the governor of West Virginia declared the second Sunday in May to be Mother’s Day, and this custom eventually spread throughout the U.S. In 1914, the second Sunday in May was established as “Mother’s Day.
The first Mother’s Day events in Japan are said to have been held around the end of the Meiji period (1868-1912), and in 1915, celebrations began to be held in churches, gradually spreading to the private sector.


Mother’s Day has become a day to give carnations, but it is also a day to express gratitude to mothers for their daily hardships.

Although I am more of a dumpling person than a flower person, I would be satisfied if she made me a cup of tea.


See you soon.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN

そもそも印籠って(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)









印籠なんて生まれて初めて手にしましたので、面白がって水戸黄門のワンシーンのように「ええぃ頭が高い、 この紋どころが目に入らぬか。」などと懐から取り出し、印籠を突きつけるの決め台詞の茶番をやってみたりして、ちょっと楽しんでおりました。(大人げない笑)





















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Since the other day, Inro has been appearing on our blog and SNS from time to time.

I was so amused that I pulled it out of my pocket and thrust it at him like a scene from “Mito Komon” (a popular Japanese comic strip show). I would pull it out of my pocket and thrust the Inro at him. I was having a bit of fun. (not very mature lol).


Inro was originally used to carry valuables around the waist, but it is said that it was mainly used to store medicines and was also called “Yakuro” (medicine basket). A string was threaded through the holes in the lid and body (often three or five-layered), and a netsuke was attached to the end of the string to prevent it from slipping.

The materials used for the Inro varied, including lacquered lacquer, ceramics, and metal, but most of them were decorated with gorgeous makie (gold-relief lacquer) and netsuke, and we can infer from the designs that they must have been a fashionable item at that time.


Now that we know what an Inro is, I guess the important thing in the scene of Mito Komon was the Aoi no Gomon, but if the scene where the Inro is pointed at is a myth, why did it become an Inro…? I am beginning to wonder why it became an “inro” if the scene in which he puts an inro to the man is a fiction…?


Before that, family crests were first created in the Heian period (794-1192). It was during the Warring States period, when it was necessary to distinguish friend from foe, that the culture of family crests developed greatly, and they were used to mark flags, armor, helmets, bows, swords, etc. in battle. Therefore, a family crest was, so to speak, an identification card of the family at that time, and a “hollyhock crest” must have been like a business card with a title of an official.

If so, anything with a “hollyhock crest” on it would have been fine. However, since the “Aoi no Gomon” is on the Inro, which was a very important item to be carried in those days, there is no more convincing identification card, is there?


And above all, the scene in which Tadasu-san (probably) holds out the Inro with Aoi no Gomon on it, I can’t use any other Inro items to make a good impression now…. I would like to ask you all to take a look at it again, imagining what it would be like if the Inro pose in that famous scene in Mito Komon had been made with another item.


Have a good day.
















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10:00-18:00 OPEN








