「虫の音」は癒されるのか?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.
September is a very mysterious season, isn’t it? It was very hot here in Nagoya yesterday, but as soon as I fell asleep, I could hear the sound of bell bugs and crickets coming from somewhere. I wonder how insects and animals are coping with this change in climate, but for the first time in a long while, the sound of insects coming through my open window relaxed my whole body and soothed me very much.
The other day I learned from something that only Japanese people are soothed by the sound of insects, and that for Westerners, the sound of insects is considered noise, or they don’t even hear it anymore. What? You might ask, “Do you really not hear the sound of these insects? I might ask, but it is strange, isn’t it?
Professor Tadanobu Tsunoda of Tokyo Medical and Dental University has conducted a very interesting study based on his own experience. Let me briefly introduce his research.
When he attended an academic conference in Cuba, Professor Tsunoda noticed that the “sound of insects” around the conference venue was like a cicada’s whistling, but other people did not seem to hear the “sound of insects.
The human brain is divided into the right brain and the left brain, each of which has its own specialty. The right brain, also called the musical brain, processes music, mechanical sounds, and noises, while the left brain, called the language brain, handles logical and intellectual processing, such as understanding human speech.
Japanese and Western people share this function, but a difference has been found in which brain is used to listen to insect sounds. He found that Westerners process insect sounds in their musical brains as if they were mechanical sounds or noises, whereas Japanese people process them in their linguistic brains, which means that Japanese people hear “insect sounds” as “insect voices.
Furthermore, it seems that Westerners become accustomed to the intense “sound of insects” as a usual noisy noise, and it does not even register in their consciousness. However, Japanese people hear “the sound of insects” in their language brain just like human voices, so it is impossible for them to ignore it as noise, so the professor’s left brain heard the conference presentation and the intense sound of insects colliding with each other.
However, depending on which brain processes the same sound of an insect, it can be perceived as healing or noise, and when it reaches the level of “I can no longer hear it,” one might wonder if it is the same human being…but on the other hand, for Westerners, “What? I guess Westerners would see the sound of insects as healing. What is going on with my brain?
Incidentally, this characteristic is found only among Japanese and Polynesians, and Chinese and Koreans also show the Western type.
Westerners are aware that insects are pests, and they perceive the sound of insects as noise, but Japanese people have been familiar with the culture of listening to the sound of insects since childhood. Similar to the “sound of insects,” there are other sounds that Japanese listen to with their left brain like language and Westerners listen to with their right brain like musical instruments and noises, such as “waves,” “wind,” “rain,” and “babbling brooks.
It is no wonder that Japanese people have a long history of love for the sound of insects. As early as the Heian period (794-1185), there were records of aristocrats enjoying the sound of insects in baskets as an elegant pastime, and it seems that people have long felt comforted by the sound of insects.
In the chapter “Insects” in Sei Shonagon’s “The Pillow Book,” the author says, “Insects are bell bugs. A Japanese bush warbler. Butterflies. Pine insects. Kirigirisu. In the “Shinkokin Wakashu” (13th century), there is a poem about a grasshopper. The culture of enjoying the chirping of insects spread to the general public in the Edo period (1603-1867), and breeding techniques advanced, with insect vendors selling insects such as Japanese water bugs and crickets in bamboo cages to the general public. Thus, it seems that people in Japan have been enjoying the sound of insects since ancient times.
In a survey conducted by WeatherNews, the respondents were asked, “Do you like the sound of insects in autumn? The percentage of respondents who answered “I love the sound of insects in autumn” was as high as 94%, including 29% who answered “I love the sound of insects in autumn.
It is very interesting to see the relationship between sound and brain structure, whether it is healing or noise, and how it affects the brain.
However, it seems that my brain still processes the sound of insects in the left side of my brain, so I would like to be healed by the “sound of insects” for a while. I am quite healed.
Have a good day.
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