見慣れたはずの景色が新鮮に見えました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




見慣れたはずの景色が新鮮に見えました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




































Hello everyone, this is Staff H.

The other day, I visited Tenmangu Shrine, which I have worshipped at since childhood, for the first time in a while. Perhaps it was because it was in the evening and there was a light drizzle, but the shrine was almost completely rented out. I took a lot of pictures, but I hope you enjoy them. I took a lot of pictures, but please bear with me if you like.

I had been researching about komainu (guardian dogs) on my blog, and perhaps because my interest had been piqued, the bronze komainu in front of the main shrine caught my attention. It was dedicated by the Nishijima clan of Kitahama in 1738. I do not know who it is, but I want to tell him that it is a very attractive guardian dog.


I must have passed by it many times, but I stared at it again and wondered if I had ever seen such a gorgeous figure. I stared at them again.

The tail and mane have a flowing movement, and there is a dignified strength in the gorgeousness. I had passed by it for many years without paying attention to it.


There are many other guardian dogs in the precincts of the shrine, and this one is made of Bizen ware, with a powerful sacred tree towering behind it to protect the shrine.


The ume (plum) garden behind the main shrine is also famous. The tunnel of plum tree branches was magnificent, and I could only imagine what it would be like to take a walk surrounded by the fragrance of plum blossoms.

A small bridge has also been donated to the park, and from the bridge you can enjoy a panoramic view of the carpet of plum blossoms. Next year, I would like to visit there at the right time of the year.

Sugawara Michizane, one of the deities of Tenmangu Shrine, was an aristocrat and politician in the Heian period. He was known as a brilliant man who rose to the position of Minister of the Right, which is why Tenmangu Shrine is said to be the god of learning.

For this reason, the ema (votive tablet) on which he hung is lined with the words, “Success in the school of your choice! is written on the hanging ema (votive picture tablet). It is said that Sugawara Michizane occasionally visited his aunt Kakujuji, who lived at a temple in this area, and that when he was transferred to Dazaifu, he visited her to bid her farewell. In the Treasure Hall, an inkstone, mirror, comb, and other items said to have belonged to Michizane have been handed down as sacred treasures, six of which have been designated as national treasures.

Sugawara no Michizane was a man of great misfortune who died shortly after being moved to the left to Dazaifu due to the false allegations of his rivals. After his death, the capital suffered repeated natural disasters and epidemics. It is said that Michizane was cursed by the gods and that Tenmangu Shrine was built in Kitano, Kyoto, to quell the curse. It is said that Michizane, facing death, said, “Let a cow, not a man, take my corpse, and it will stay where it goes. It is said that Michizane, on the verge of death, left a last will and testament: “Let my corpse be led not by a man, but by an ox, and bury it wherever the ox goes and stays. As per the will, he was buried at Anraku-ji Temple near the place where the cow lay motionless on the way to the burial site. This temple later became Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine.


Many cows are enshrined at this Tenmangu Shrine as well. Among them, there is a legend that if you stroke a sick or unwell part of your body and then stroke the same part of the cow’s body, your illness will be cured.


I also stroked the parts of my body that bothered me on a daily basis. I can almost hear the cow’s voice in the name of “Even if you stroke me here and there so much…”.


Well, I will see you next time.















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