女子力を高める展覧会(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




女子力を高める展覧会(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)









「コスチュームジュエリー:美の変革者たち シャネル、ディオール、スキャパレッリ 小瀧千佐子コレクションより」

















「これは、偽りなく美しい “ニセモノ” のジュエリー」と、あえて本真珠と模造パールをあわせて身に着けたガブリエル・シャネルの言葉が残っているように、彼女をはじめ、かつてのデザイナーにとっては、素材が何であれデザインやスタイルにこそ真の価値があることを表しているようであります。


私もかつて2年ほど前に名古屋市科学館で開催された宝石展を訪れたのですが、国立科学博物館のコレクション、国立西洋美術館や各地の博物館の所蔵品や、アルビオン アート・コレクション、ヴァン クリーフ&アーペル、ギメルなどのすごい作品から多種多様な宝石を拝見してまいりました。それはそれは凄かったのですが、本物の宝石の装飾やそのパワーを前にしますと、人間ため息しかでません…。これらの宝飾品を身に着けていた方もきっと身分の高い方でしたので、もはや殿上人の世界であります。





























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y[.


Golden Week is over, and I’m sure there are those of you who, like me, are feeling depressed thinking about the upcoming vacations. I am trying to figure out how to keep my motivation up…but just then, I received an invitation from a friend of mine, “You look cute, why don’t you try it? I was just about to do so when a friend of mine asked me to go to the show.

Costume Jewelry: Reformers of Beauty from Chanel, Dior, and Schiaparelli’s Chisako Kotaki Collection


I went to the exhibition.

Even the flyer and the entrance are already motivating me, or rather, boosting my girlish power. Let’s get started.


By the way, what is costume jewelry? You may be thinking, “What is costume jewelry?


Costume jewelry is fashion jewelry made of various materials such as glass, shells, and resin, without using precious stones or metals. Costume jewelry was pioneered by Paul Poiret at the beginning of the 20th century, which was free from gemstones and other materials and allowed for free design proposals.

If you’re thinking, “Oh no, it’s not real jewelry…”, you’re in for a disappointment.


Gabrielle Chanel, who dared to wear a combination of genuine pearls and imitation pearls, said, “This is a beautiful ‘fake’ piece of jewelry, without any pretense. I was once in Nagoya about two years ago.


I visited a gemstone exhibition at the Nagoya City Science Museum about two years ago, and saw a wide variety of gemstones from the collections of the National Museum of Nature and Science, the National Museum of Western Art and other museums, the Albion Art Collection, Van Cleef & Arpels, Gimel, and other amazing works. It was amazing. It was amazing, but when confronted with the ornamentation and power of real gemstones, one can only sigh…. The wearers of these jewels must have been people of high rank, so we are now in the world of the high priests.


However, looking at the costume jewelry, I was able to imagine and sometimes laugh at the fashions and trends of the time, and the real life-size women of that era. Costume jewelry seems to have spread widely in Europe and mainly in the U.S. after the war, and women of that time must have enjoyed not only dressing up but also wearing them, bringing vitality, freedom, and independence to their lives. The images of such life-size and realistic women come to mind.


It is no wonder, then, that the materials, design, and freedom are truly unique.


Jacqueline, wife of John F. Kennedy, also wore one.


The motifs can be animals, flowers, humans, creatures, and so on. The materials and colors are varied, and everything is free. It is also important to look at jewelry as “fake” or “real,” but it is also important to look at jewelry as “fake, but what is it? However, the jewelry that is presented in such a dignified and cute manner, as if to say, “It’s fake, but what’s wrong?


But somehow, the costume jewelry gave me girl power, energy, and even a giggle.


Have a good day!



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