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今年の集大成が落選におわりました…。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)










































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


It’s December, and the Christmas mood has been spreading on TV, SNS, and in the streets. Not only that, but also New Year’s goods have started to appear in stores, and I feel that the year is coming to an end……..


I am so occupied with the immediate tasks at hand that I don’t often look back over the past year, but if I were to recall the past year, I would say…. I don’t often look back on the past year, but if I had to think back on the past year, I would say that I visited many of the events and tours related to the Taiga Drama series that I have been posting on my blog over the past year. Many of them took place here in Aichi, and I think I visited some maniacal places and went to see TV programs and exhibits related to them.


Perhaps it is because I have spent the past year following Ieyasu’s various battles and castles from Mikawa, Aichi Prefecture, that last month, when I visited Edo Castle for a stroll, I felt as if I had taken over the country without knowing it. I had only been following them unknowingly, but that was the only part of the year that was fulfilling.


The most memorable part of the year was probably my visit to the “ruins of Odaka Castle,” which is quite maniacal.

It is a small mountain where nothing remains but a ring, but it was a key castle where the Oda and Imagawa clans fought fiercely during the Battle of Okehazama.


In 1559, Yamaguchi Noritsugu, a military commander on the Oda side, joined the Imagawa camp and captured Odaka Castle, but Noritsugu later committed seppuku (ritual suicide) due to suspicions of recalcitrance toward the Oda side. In 1560, Nagateru Udono, a vassal of the Imagawa, took over as lord of Odaka Castle, but in the same year, the castle was besieged by the Oda forces, leaving it isolated, and Motoyasu Matsudaira (later Ieyasu Tokugawa) dared to supply the castle with food. Soon after, Imagawa Yoshimoto was defeated in the “Battle of Okehazama,” and Motoyasu withdrew with him. Odaka Castle was abandoned.

The scene of the young Motoyasu (later Ieyasu) feeding the troops at that time was very impressive.


I visited the site with such a scene from the drama in mind, and it was somewhat realistic to imagine what it was like in those days, using the imagination that was aided a little by the scene in the drama, in a circle where there was actually nothing there. Looking into the distance from the ruins of the castle, I was able to recreate the battle scene on my own, thinking about how the enemy attacked from there and how that fortress was so close.


I realized that the more materials I have in front of me, the more vividly they come to life in front of my eyes.


This is not the culmination of my year-long pursuit, but when I heard that there was an application for a live viewing of the final episode on December 17 (Sunday), with Matsumoto Jun as a guest, I immediately submitted my entry.

The result arrived the other day. Yes, I was not selected. (I couldn’t possibly win, lol).


Unfortunately, it was not a spectacular culmination, but I would like to watch the last episode at home, remembering the trajectory of my pursuit over the past year.


Have a good day.












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宝石のような輝き(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

I have been sorting through the photos on my phone that have accumulated too many since the other day, but my hands are stuck in a state of nostalgia and I am not getting anywhere.

I found a photo of “wired cloisonne” that I took along with “Satsuma Ware Nishikite” that I wrote about in my blog in August. It would be a shame to leave them buried in my phone, so I will share them with you.

There were so many superbly crafted works on display that I couldn’t help but sigh.

And here at Fuhkosha, we also have several beautiful cloisonne enamel ware pieces. This is a cloisonne ware decorative jar produced in the Meiji period (1868-1912) with two different sides, both delicately decorated with flowers and birds. You can enjoy the changes by changing the direction for each season and feel as if you have gained something.

The water pattern is drawn like a geometric pattern, which is nice and modern.


Cloisonne enamel ware is made by baking colors on metals such as gold, silver, and copper with a glassy glaze; the glaze melts in the high heat of around 800 degrees Celsius, resulting in a smooth glass that gives cloisonne enamel ware its vivid colors and rich expression.

Its origins can be traced back to ancient Egypt in B.C., where it was applied to the golden mask of Tutankhamen. Like other cultures, it crossed the Silk Road and came to China. In Japan, cloisonne enamel ware has been preserved as a treasure in the Shosoin Repository, and it is believed that the technique was introduced at least by the Nara period.

By the Meiji period (1868-1912), techniques had improved dramatically, and cloisonne enamel ware from Kyoto, Tokyo, and Owari became popular, and when exported to Europe and the United States, it commanded very high prices.

There are various techniques, but you may often hear of wired cloisonne enamel ware and wireless cloisonne enamel ware. In wired cloisonne, a pattern is created with ribbons of thin silver wire, and glaze is applied to the area enclosed by the wire and fired. This method can produce a precise pattern. On the other hand, in wireless cloisonne, the silver wire is removed before firing. By removing the silver wire, the boundaries of the glaze are blended, resulting in a soft, blurred color.

Because of its beautiful jewel-like brilliance and many shades, accessories such as brooches and earrings are now popular. I heard that some Ferrari emblems are also made of cloisonne ware, and I am going to stare at them the next time I see them.


In fact, I once participated in a hands-on cloisonne enamel ware class at the “Cloisonne Art Village” in Ama City, Aichi Prefecture. The facility allows visitors to observe the history and production process of Owari cloisonne enamel ware, which is designated as a national traditional handicraft, and the hands-on class is fun for beginners and experts alike. I tried my hand at making a brooch, which looked easy, but I remember that I had a very hard time when I actually tried it.

When you experience it for yourself, you realize how great the work of a professional is. Shigesato Itoi once said on TV that the reason he tries various things is because he wants to see the work of professionals and feel, “This is great! I don’t waste my time doing a lot of things. It may not be a waste of time to try many different things.


I hope to see you again soon.












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10:00-17:00 OPEN




瑞穂区のお客様より買受いたしました。(名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























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ぎんなんの食べすぎにはご注意を(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

























Hello everyone. This is Staff T.




As Staff Y wrote in his blog yesterday, I am surprised at how early the season has come. The ginkgo trees in my neighborhood have just turned yellow.

The sight of the ginkgo trees turning bright yellow is a typical autumn scene. Right now, both overhead and on the ground are full of yellow leaves. Ginkgo leaves are very beautiful, but fallen ginkgo leaves can be a bit slippery.

In fact, ginkgo leaves contain more of “a certain ingredient” than leaves of other plants. When you touch a ginkgo leaf, it feels a little thicker and harder. Other fallen leaves fall apart when you step on them, but only the ginkgo leaves remain yellow, intact, and glossy.

In fact, the leaves contain a lot of “oil”. On the surface of plant leaves, there is a layer called “cuticular layer” that contains oil and protects the plant from drying out. Ginkgo leaves contain particularly high oil content, so when they become fallen leaves and get wet in the rain, they gradually decompose and the oil floats out, making them slippery.




In addition, ginkgo trees are known for producing ginkgo nuts, a delicacy of autumn, but did you know that there are male and female ginkgo trees?

When you often walk under a street tree, you will see fallen fruits, and after someone steps on them, you will smell a peculiar odor.

Yes, the tree on which the smelly berries have fallen is a female tree.

The shape of the tree is such that the weight of the fallen fruit causes the branches to lower overall. The male tree, on the other hand, has branches that are growing upwards. I wonder if you can tell by comparing them.



I am not a big fan of ginkgo nuts because of their distinctive smell, but I was often told, “Don’t eat too many ginkgo nuts! I was often told.

The edible part of the gingko nut is the “kernel” inside the shell. The chunky texture is said to be addictive, but do not overeat. Eating too much ginkgo nuts can cause poisoning. Symptoms such as vomiting and cramps may occur, so you really have to be careful not to eat too much.

It is said that the amount of poisoning is 7~150 gingans for children and 40~300 gingans for adults. If you eat 40 ginkgo nuts roasted with salt and served as a snack, you may be able to eat them normally, but it is dangerous to eat them as if they were edamame or pistachios.


So, I’ll see you soon.













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10:00-17:00 OPEN



なんと、師走に入りましたね。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


I am surprised to see that we have entered December today.

I think the general consensus of most people is, and I may be a little bit presumptuous to say this, but I think the general consensus of most people is, “Isn’t this year coming to an end too soon? Isn’t it?


I have been celebrating the beginning of the New Year for decades, but I have never felt this way before. It must be that my brain does not recognize the end of the year because my time axis is so far off from that of the weather. However, the years have passed according to the calendar, so I have no choice but to admit it.



The reason why I am resisting so much is that every year I have a hard time thinking about all the events, occasions, and tasks that I have to do during this New Year’s holiday season. How much easier it would be if I could just throw it all away and let it go…. I sometimes think, “How much easier it would be if I could just throw it all away and forget about it…” But then I feel pressure to skip the tasks that have been ingrained in me over the years, and every year I struggle with the mess inside of me. I wonder if anyone can understand this feeling.



Well, I was thinking about that while looking at the steam from the coffee. Oh no, no, no, no, come back to me. So, now that my break time to escape from reality is over, I would like to return to the normal mode.


Have a good day.














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東山植物園、行ってまいりましたよ。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)












































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


It has become colder and colder since last week, and the leaves have started to fall here in Nagoya. People were collecting and sweeping up fallen leaves in their yards and on the streets, and trucks were sweeping up fallen leaves on large roads.

Last week, I mentioned about the illumination of the autumn leaves at Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Garden, and the person who recommended it to me couldn’t resist the urge to go. It seems that I am the type of person who is prone to self-suggestion.


As I recall, we visited at 16:00 in the afternoon.

It gets dark around 5:00 p.m. in Nagoya these days, so we tried to visit at a time when the sun was still shading and we could enjoy both the autumn leaves and the lights. The sun was shading a little, but I managed to get there in time to see the bright autumn leaves.


The “tunnel of autumn leaves” along the path leading from the entrance to the Gassho-zukuri house has magnificent “five-color maple trees” of various colors, which is a highlight. Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Garden is a botanical garden, and there are about 500 maple trees planted in the garden, including about 200 maple trees of 60 varieties that change their leaves in autumn. The trees are very different from each other, and some of them are very large, making them very powerful.

After passing through the “tunnel of autumn leaves,” the “Gassho Zukuri House” that actually existed in Shirakawa Village, Gifu Prefecture, is right in front of you. During the daytime, you can take a tour of the house, and the historical scenery will make you wonder for a moment, “Where am I? The collaboration of the historical scenery and the maple trees at their peak of bloom was a delightful experience, and I was able to take some good photos of the area.



As I was doing so, the evening darkness gradually enveloped the Higashiyama area and the lights lit up. It was not as crowded as Kiyomizu-dera Temple that I saw on TV the other day, but there were a lot of visitors.

The lights up in total darkness is good, but the variation of the colors of the leaves and the sky at this time of the day when the evening darkness is changing is indescribable. This is a time-limited event.



As I was doing so, the moon appeared on the other side of the autumn leaves illuminated by the pond. How elegant!










The view of the autumn leaves floating on the pond is so tranquil, but the spot where I am taking this picture is a little crowded with people, and it is a state of “wasshoi wasshoi”. The view of Dongshan is a botanical garden that makes use of the satoyama terrain as it is, and when photographed, it is easy to forget for a moment that you are in a botanical garden.



The Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Garden, which is also an important cultural asset, had just finished renovation work and was now lit up (although indoor tours were closed at this time). We left the botanical garden with a view of the greenhouse. I was prepared for the crowds, but I was able to get there quickly and stress-free.


Higashiyama Botanical Garden has about 7,000 species of plants growing wild in the garden, but it is an interesting botanical garden because the plants are displayed in a way that makes use of the natural satoyama topography as it is. It is an interesting botanical garden. For those who stay away from autumn foliage viewing spots because of the crowds, I highly recommend this place because the crowds during the illumination were not so big.


Have a good day.












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10:00-17:00 OPEN



急に天候が変わるのは、歓迎のサイン(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






















Hello everyone. This is Staff T.

This morning, I dropped by the nearby Ueno Tenmangu Shrine.

Actually, I visited the shrine a few days ago, but it suddenly rained after that visit, so I visited the shrine again today to take pictures. I found out later that it is said to be a sign of welcome when the weather changes after visiting the shrine. I was happy that something good would happen.


Ueno Tenmangu Shrine is one of the three major Shinto shrines in Nagoya (Yamada Tenmangu Shrine, Sakura Tenmangu Shrine, and Ueno Tenmangu Shrine), and is famous for the “Nagoya Sanda Tenmangu Shrine Mairi,” a tour of the three shrines that is a sacred place for prayers for success.

Ueno Tenmangu Shrine is said to have its origin in the mid-Heian period (about 1,000 years ago), when the family of the yin-yang master “Abe no Seimei” enshrined Sugawara no Michizane. Sugawara no Michizane is the god of learning, but how did Sugawara no Michizane come to be called the god of learning?

Sugawara no Michizane was a scholar, writer, and politician active during the Heian period. He was very intelligent and rose exceptionally quickly to the position of Minister of the Right, the second highest position in the cabinet in modern times. He excelled not only in academics but also in calligraphy, waka poetry, and renga. However, due to a plot by those who envied his success, he was transferred to Dazaifu, where he died.

After the death of Sugawara no Michizane, lightning struck Heian-kyo and people died one after another. The people of the time feared that this was the fault of Sugawara no Michizane and began to worship him as the god of thunder, or heavenly deity. So the Imperial Court built a shrine and gave Michizane the title of “Tenma Tenjin,” and the shrine of Tenma Tenjin came to be worshipped by the common people. He was also worshipped as a god of scholarship because of his exceptional academic ability that led to his exceptional success in life.

Tenmangu Shrine is also known for its petting cows. Many shrines with the name “Tenmangu Shrine” have statues of cows, but some believe that this is because the year of Sugawara no Michizane’s birth fell on the year of the Ox, while others believe that the cow was a messenger of Sugawara no Michizane, since the ox carriage carrying his corpse became stuck and the burial site became the present Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine. There are various theories.

It is said that if you pet the cow, you will become smarter, or if you pet a bad part of your body, you will get better. There are two statues of petting cows at Ueno Tenmangu Shrine, so please try petting them when you visit. I was told by a neighbor that the enclosed cow has been around for a long time and is said to be very beneficial.

Around the petting cow statues and throughout the temple grounds, you can see countless small colorful dolls. The “Tenjin-mikuji,” a fortune with a fortune in the bottom of the doll, is nicknamed “Michizane-kun. Although the dolls are supposed to be taken home and displayed, they are placed in various places within the temple grounds, and finding a place to admire them may be one of the pleasures of visiting the temple.


See you soon.











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ブックサンタに参加してきました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
















「大ピンチずかん2」は、ある日突然やってくる大ピンチ…なのに思わず笑っちゃう内容です。 親子いっしょに「あるある」と楽しむことができそうです。









Hello everyone. This is Staff T.


It will soon be December. Families with young children are probably busy preparing for Christmas. In our family, we decided a while ago to give Santa’s job to our younger children first, so we are no longer in a hurry. However, I am feeling a little sad these days because Christmas is getting easier and easier every year.



Have you ever heard of “Book Santa”?



Book Santa” is a project to give books as gifts to children who are in difficult circumstances for various reasons.

Under the slogan “You are someone’s Santa Claus,” the project started in 2017 to deliver books to children in need. More than 1,600 bookstores are participating in the project, and more than 20,000 books have been donated.

Participation is very simple. All you have to do is choose the book you want to donate, tell the cashier you want to donate “Book Santa,” and make your purchase. It doesn’t matter how many books you buy. It is a wonderful project where you buy the book you want to give and Santa will deliver it to you, but I like the fact that you can donate casually while buying your own books.

You can give any kind of book, but in keeping with Christmas, you can choose a picture book about Santa Claus or a Christmas story, or a book by your favorite author.

I try to choose books that have been recently released as much as possible for my gift. Older books can be checked out from the library, but the newest ones are hard to get a turn at the library.

This year, I decided to give “Pan Dorobo” and “Dai Pinch Zukan 2.

Bread Dorobo” is a picture book that I had been curious about. I tried it out at a bookstore and found it interesting. I can almost hear the children’s “Eeeee! I can almost hear the children’s voices when they find out who the culprit is. The pictures are cute and there are a lot of goods in the book.

The “Big Pinch Zukan 2” is a book about a big pinch that comes suddenly one day…and yet the contents make you laugh. Parents and children will enjoy saying “ah-ha” together.


Picture books that you read as a child will remain in your memory even after you become an adult. In particular, picture books that were given to you as a gift will become an especially special memory. There are classic Christmas picture books, illustrated books that nurture curiosity, and books that were the talk of the town this year. What books do you recommend?


We participate in this event every year in the hope that we can create an opportunity for people to encounter and enjoy books, even if it is a small one.


See you soon!










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10:00-17:00 OPEN


争いを好まなかった人々(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術買取 古美術風光舎)































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

We have a variety of old items of various ages at Fuhkosha. The Yayoi period earthenware was also quite old, but now we have a new addition to our collection, a Jomon period earthenware. My first impression was “shoes? I was surprised to see a pair of shoes made by a craftsman in my childhood. It was because it looked like a shoe figurine I made as a child.

I looked it up and found that it was indeed a “shoe-shaped clay artifact. Earthenware refers to objects made of clay or stone that are not practical products. Since many of them were excavated from the vicinity of annals and other sites, there is a theory that they were ritual or ceremonial tools. The black soot-like deposits sometimes found on the inside of these objects are presumed to have originated from the burning of plants. This suggests that the stone was used for fire during rituals and ceremonies.

The viscosity is mixed with mica and sparkling, and in contrast to Yayoi earthenware, many patterns are painted on the small body.

In particular, this pattern on the back. It is very interesting to imagine what people at that time wished and prayed for when they painted these pictures.


In yesterday’s blog, I wrote that bamboo tools were already in use during the Jomon period. It is said that humans acquired the art of “knitting” during the Paleolithic period, which was conceived of by binding stone tools to wooden handles. The basic forms of knitting in the world were almost all available in the Stone Age. The Jomon period seems to have been a time when life was richer than one could imagine.

What is most surprising is that it is estimated that for 14,000 years, there were no weapons to kill people and no major battles were fought. Only about 10% of the remains have been found to have died from traumatic injuries, and no human bones have been found with arrows piercing them.

It is believed that the stable climate of the time contributed to the abundance of foodstuffs such as fish and fruits, as well as the development of methods for preserving them, which contributed to the continuation of a peaceful period.

They made clay figurines, magical and ritual implements, which are said to be secondary tools not directly involved in daily life, and made offerings to gods and spirits, praying that natural disasters and diseases would not approach them. They cherish mourning rituals for the dead and bury them with flowers and food. Take the footprints of deceased children in clay and place them around you. Children with polio and other illnesses are also nursed and raised with devotion.

The remains reveal the spiritually matured lives of the people of that time.

I would like to believe that we too have inherited the DNA of the Jomon people, who avoided conflict and lived in gratitude to nature.


So, I will see you again.













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未来を創るサスティナブルな素材(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)














竹は日本人には馴染みが深く、門松、鹿おどし、竹馬、竹トンボ、竹刀、弓、流しソーメン… といくらでも思い付きそうです。生育が早く、手軽に手に入る上に通気性や抗菌性などの機能性にも長けており、昔から竹の皮でおにぎりを包んで持ち運んだり、肉や和菓子の包材として使われてきました。そのしなやかさと丈夫さから、使い道は無限だったことでしょう。













Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Perhaps it is because of the too-short fall, but I feel like there are many clothes that I have not had a chance to wear. These days, I feel the climate change of the earth with my body.

The other day I saw a shocking image of plastic products drifting in the deep sea on TV. The amount of plastic that has washed into the ocean so far is a staggering 25 million tons. Japan has the second largest amount of plastic packaging waste per capita in the world.

Bamboo is one of the sustainable materials that are now attracting attention. Various products from toothbrushes and mugs to construction materials seem to be made from bamboo.

In this store, too, there are wonderful bamboo crafts made in the ancient way of using bamboo. The shape is beautiful and well-proportioned, but the lines running horizontally are slanted, and if you look at the design, you can see that the lines are slanted. If it is a design, it shows a sense and attention to detail. There is a hanging bracket on the back so it can be hung on the wall.


The original bluish color has changed to a deep brown, and it has become shiny and tasteful.

Bamboo is deeply familiar to the Japanese people, and they can think of many things to use it for: kadomatsu, deer scarecrows, bamboo horses, bamboo dragonflies, bamboo swords, bows, flowing somen noodles, etc. It grows quickly and is easily available. Bamboo grows quickly, is readily available, and has excellent air permeability and antibacterial properties. Because of its flexibility and durability, its uses must have been unlimited.

Bamboo craftsmanship in Japan has such a long history that bamboo tools have been excavated from Jomon-era ruins. During the Heian period (794-1185), bamboo crafts were loved by tea masters, and bamboo utensils such as chashaku (tea scoop) and chasen (tea whisk) became indispensable tools for the tea ceremony. Other bamboo works, such as flower vases and Buddhist altar utensils, also attracted attention as works of art due to their beautiful craftsmanship. During the Edo period (1603-1867), bamboo crafts began to be made throughout Japan, and the delicate and beautiful Japanese bamboo crafts have been handed down to this day and are popular overseas as well.


Returning to the topic of bamboo as an eco-friendly material, unusable bamboo products can be recycled into bamboo charcoal and other products, and once they have finished their role as bamboo charcoal, they are returned to the soil to grow new resources.

Bamboo, on the other hand, does not require artificial fertilizers or pesticides and grows into a mature tree in three years, and can be used as a sustainable resource because it regrows from the stump. They also absorb carbon dioxide. It seems as if the trees are there to save the earth.

Continuing from the previous TV program, it is said that plastics that flow out to the sea become heavy and sink due to the adhesion of mud and algae. A survey of the deep sea, 700 km off the coast of Shikoku at a depth of 6,000 m, where the Kuroshio Current is stagnant, revealed that plastic products have sunk in their original form. The low temperature and lack of ultraviolet rays means that they will not deteriorate and will remain in place for 100 years. It is said that plastic fossils will eventually be formed, which is frightening.

I am still not very conscious about this. I have to take action.

I will see you again.














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