連休の予定はお決まりでしょうか?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)
良い天気ではありますが、今日の近畿・東海地方では、太陽の周りに虹のような光の輪「ハロ」が現れたようです。ハロは日暈(ひがさ)ともいい、雲の中にある氷の粒に太陽の光が屈折してできる現象。 うす~い雲が太陽にかかった時に見えるそうです。 ハロが見られるときは、実は天気下り坂のサインといわれているので、予報通り明日からお天気が崩れるようですね。
我が家は家族でなかなか予定が合わなそうなので、まとまった時間が取れそうなこの連休で少しでもto doリストを整理できたらいいなと考えております。
Hello everyone, this is Staff T.
It’s a sunny day again today, beyond warm. I am working with my beckoning cat, watching people passing by. When I went outside in the morning, I saw beautiful dogwood trees along the Nittaiji approach to the temple.
It was a beautiful day, but today in the Kinki and Tokai regions, a rainbow-like halo appeared around the sun. A halo is also called a sun halo, which is formed when the sun’s rays are refracted by ice particles in the clouds. It is said to be visible when a thin cloud hangs over the sun. It is said that when halos are visible, it is actually a sign that the weather is going downhill, so the weather is likely to break tomorrow as predicted.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Now, finally, Golden Week will start next week. The news the other day featured this year’s bullet train reservations. It is amazing how fast time flies that we already have to think about the consecutive holidays even though the new fiscal year just started a few days ago. ・・・・
However, for those of you who have just started a new life, the dizzying changes in your environment may be making you nervous and bewildered, and you may want to take a break here.
The number of reserved seats on Shinkansen trains for this year’s consecutive holidays seems to have increased from last year across the board, with a total of 2.38 million seats reserved on each Shinkansen train, a 17% increase from last year, and a 9% increase from 2018, the year before the spread of the new corona virus, including the opening of the West Kyushu Shinkansen line, so the impact of the corona disaster has almost So the impact of the corona disaster seems to have almost disappeared.
Some of you may be thinking of using this holiday to clean out your parents’ house or clean out your house this year. It seems like the perfect time of year to clean up.
However, recently, the weather has turned hot in no time at all, and it seems like summer. However, it seems that the time when you can clean up your house comfortably is very short. Also. If you are cleaning up, please be careful and take breaks to drink water and rest between cleanups. Also, many of you will have family and relatives visiting during Golden Week. This may be a good opportunity to discuss things at home and reminisce.
My plans for this year’s Golden Week are still blank, but what about your plans?
My family’s schedule doesn’t seem to match up, so I’m hoping to get my to-do list organized during this holiday weekend, when I’ll have a little more time.
See you soon.
骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
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