お知らせ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 62




「蘭奢待」の拝見、やり直ししたいです。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it? Today, I drove through the autumn leaves in the Higashiyama area on my way to work. The morning sun was shining on the leaves as I passed by, and it was a pleasant morning. This morning, I saw the lighting up of Kiyomizu-dera Temple in Kyoto on TV. There were so many people that I could not get close to the temple, but the lights came on in the darkness, and it was breathtaking, even through the TV.


Yesterday, the TV program “Lanjiajitai” was featured on TV, and it was very interesting.


I have already muttered about “Lanjatai” on my homepage before, but I felt that “Meika” was a historically famous treasure in front of me, and I wondered what was the value of it. I felt like I was being tested the most. In short, if you do not go to the exhibition with a thorough knowledge of the subject, you may be disappointed to find that you can only pass by the “blackened wood” in front of you without knowing anything about it.


Thankfully, I had a chance to see “Lanjitie” in person about four years ago.

However, if I had seen the famous fragrance after watching the TV program the other day, I would have been able to see the big black charred tree, and my imagination would have been stimulated through the filter of knowledge and information, and I would have been able to feel the historical view through this famous fragrance more. I would have been able to experience more of the historical scenery through the Meika…. I regret that I did not have the chance to see the famous historical sites. Yesterday, I really thought that I should have made the most of the opportunity to visit famous historical sites by learning as much as I could about them.


Putting my regrets aside for the moment, the value of “Lanjatai” is not only its historical background, but also the fragrance of the tree itself, which is a “famous fragrance” with a venerable history and the highest value as a scent. What kind of fragrance is this that can even influence the course of history?


According to the TV program that I saw the other day, many famous fragrances are often divided by numbers and called “XX kinds of famous fragrances,” such as 180 kinds of famous fragrances by Sasaki Doyo and 10 kinds of famous fragrances by Yamagami Soji. The 61 great fragrances were selected by Shino Munenobu, the founder of the Shino school of kodo, and Sanenishi Sanetaka, the founder of the Oke school of kodo.


The 61 famous fragrances are fragrant woods that are still handed down today, and among them, Horyuji Temple (Zen Asaka) and Todaiji Temple (Ranjatai) are listed at the top of the list. The fragrances are classified into six categories: Kyara, Raguo, Shinanban, Managa, Sasora, and Sumondara, and the fragrances are expressed in terms of five tastes: sour, bitter, sweet, spicy, and salty. Although the characteristics of each fragrant tree may differ, it seems that all fragrances have a perfect aroma that includes these five tastes.


I am becoming more and more interested in the fragrance of great fragrances.


Last year, Zojoji temple in Shiba held an aroma offering ceremony, where they offered the famous aroma “Lanjatai”, which has been handed down in the Shino school as “Kaboku” since the first generation. The aroma was “Ranjatai”, the most famous incense in the world. Sogen Hachiya, who heard the Iemoto’s fragrance, said, “It is a profound fragrance that I cannot describe now, so I would like you to visit again in 30 years. I would like you to visit again in 30 years.


To describe the more than 1,000 years that Lanjatai has been in existence and its perfect fragrance, the listener must have the capacity to receive it.

If I were able to listen to the fragrance, my imagination would be heightened and I would definitely not be able to listen to it with my normal mentality.


So, good day to you.


千種区のお客様より買受いたしました。(名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)























骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



百年の歳月をかけた情熱(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術買取 古美術風光舎)




寒さが苦手な生き物が店内にもう一匹。こちらの気品あるシャム猫は日本画の巨匠、奥村土牛(おくむら とぎゅう)のリトグラフです。写生を重んじ、伝統的な日本画の技法とフランス印象派の新たな波を融合させた作風といわれています。





























Hello everyone, this is Staff H.

The temperature has risen a little this morning, and we are thankful for the warm sunshine.

There is one more creature in the store that does not like the cold. This graceful Siamese cat is a lithograph by Okumura Togyu, a master of Japanese painting. His style is said to be a fusion of traditional Japanese painting techniques and the new wave of French Impressionism, with an emphasis on sketching.

As Do-gyu said, “I believe that the ultimate in realism is abstraction,” the supple curves of the Siamese cat’s body are depicted with simple lines, and the beauty of its fur is expressed only with color. It seems as if you can feel the body warmth all the way to the tip of the tail.

He is known for using a unique technique of layering thin coats of paint, sometimes 150 times, while still making the colors appear thin and transparent. The gentle, warm impression may be due to these thin, pale layers of color. He also had a strong commitment to realism, and in addition to dogs and cats, he kept a war chicken, a Hayabusa, and even a crow. It must have been difficult for his family.

He left many works before his death at the age of 101. He said, “I was 100 years old when I thought I was starting to understand how to paint.” He was 100 years old when he started to understand how to paint. These are the words of a true master. They have weight.


By the way, I had only a vague understanding of the technique of lithography, so I looked it up.

Lithography is a printing technique invented by Alois Senefelder in Germany at the end of the 18th century and introduced to Japan at the end of the Edo period. Among prints, lithograph can express beautiful lines and touch, and rich colors are possible. However, it is also a difficult and time-consuming technique.

Lithography is also known as “lithography,” and limestone, from which the word “lithograph” is derived, is used as the printing medium. The word “litho” means “stone” in Greek. Currently, aluminum plates, which are light and easy to carry, are mainly used as plate materials.

The process is to draw a design directly on the plate using oil-based drawing materials, and then apply a scientific treatment on it.

The main character in the morning TV drama “Ranman” tried his hand at lithography.

The printmaking process must be accurate in order for the work to be finished, and in the case of multicolor prints, the prints must be divided according to the number of colors to be used. It is important to have a solid sketch, accurate plate-making techniques, and reliable printing skills.

It seems like a daunting task to me.

Also, lithographs are not printed in unlimited quantities, and the number of copies produced is determined and numbered to protect their value.

It is thanks to the wisdom of our ancestors that we are able to acquire the works of our favorite artists at affordable prices, keep them with us, and enjoy them at any time.


I hope to see you again soon.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN





この時期、名古屋人からのおススメスポット。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術買取 古美術風光舎)















もみじ狩りは、令和5年11月11日(土)から12月3日(日)まで。(月曜日は休園日)会期中の紅葉ライトアップは、令和5年11月17日(金)、18日(土)、19日(日)、23日(木・祝)、24日(金)、25日(土)、26日(日) に開催中でして、(上記期間中、植物園エリアの一部を20時30分まで開園延長)ライトアップはこの週末が最終週になりますので、チャンスです。
















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


It is a beautiful sunny day in Nagoya today. It is a perfect day for autumn leaves. I took some pictures of the autumn leaves in a park I passed by a few days ago. I must thank my cell phone and the weather for taking such beautiful pictures with my poor camera skills.



By the way, this park is located in Chikusa Ward as well as Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Garden, which means that the autumn leaves in Higashiyama Botanical Garden must be at their peak.


Yes, it is. Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Garden is currently holding its annual “Maple Viewing” event.


The event is held mainly on weekends and holidays to enjoy autumn leaves and autumn, and the “Autumn Leaves Light-up” is held at the same time.

Maple-viewing is held from November 11 (Sat.) to December 3 (Sun.), 2023. (The park is closed on Mondays.) The autumn foliage lighting will be held on November 17 (Fri.), 18 (Sat.), 19 (Sun.), 23 (Thu., holiday), 24 (Fri.), 25 (Sat.), 26 (Sun.), 2023. This weekend is the last week to see the lights up, so it is a good chance to take advantage of it.


Higashiyama Zoo is a popular zoo in Japan for its gorilla Shabani and capuchin Cage, but its name is “Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Garden” and the adjacent “Botanical Garden” is also impressive in terms of its size and facilities.



The botanical garden is also very impressive in terms of size and facilities. The autumn foliage in the botanical garden usually starts in mid-November, and the natural Higashiyama topography is utilized to create a dynamic mountain-like landscape that one would not expect to see in Nagoya City. The maple trees in the backcountry, which are even more beautiful at night, are also not to be missed.

Also, be sure to check out the beautiful daytime autumn foliage along the path from the Japanese garden “Yayuen” in the Botanical Garden to the inner area, where 200 maple trees of about 60 varieties are arranged like a tunnel.


For visitors coming to Nagoya from other prefectures, it is only an 18-minute ride on the Higashiyama Line from Nagoya Station. You can meet Shabani and enjoy the dynamic illumination of the autumn leaves at the same time.


Have a nice day.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN





高浜市のお客様より買受いたしました。(名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



意外と簡単 自家製調味料(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)











私たちが辛いものを食べると、脳内からβ―エンドルフィンというホルモンが分泌されます。 このホルモンは、おいしいものを食べたときにも分泌が促されるため、辛いものを食べると、脳が「おいしいっ!」と感じるのだそうです。β―エンドルフィンは、別名「快楽ホルモン」と呼ばれ、幸せな気持ちにさせてくれるとともに、好きなものを「やみつき」にさせる働きもあるのだとか。

















Hello everyone. This is Staff T.
It is finally getting colder. How are you spending the long autumn nights?
The other day, on a lazy night, I tried to make “homemade raayu” which I had been planning to make for a long time.
I thought I would give it a try with a light heart because I had run out of the store-bought raayu that I always have on hand and my consumption has been increasing recently. So I made it.

By the way, why do we want to eat spicy food?
Chili peppers are characterized by their spiciness, and this is due to a pungent ingredient called “capsaicin. Capsaicin does not contain sweetness, saltiness, acidity, bitterness, or umami. In fact, pungency is a kind of stimulus, and the pain we feel when we eat spicy food such as chili peppers is the pungency.

When we eat spicy food, our brain releases a hormone called beta-endorphin. This hormone is also secreted when we eat something tasty, so when we eat spicy food, our brain feels “Delicious! Beta-endorphin, also known as the “pleasure hormone,” makes us happy and makes us “addicted” to our favorite foods.

Eating chili peppers also causes the adrenal glands (an organ located above the kidneys) to release adrenaline. This adrenaline, also known as “excitatory hormone,” promotes sweating and increases the metabolism of fat and energy.
The occasional craving for spicy food may be a sign that the body is craving spicy food.

The word “raayu” is associated with Chinese cuisine, but in fact, raayu is a condiment created in China between the 16th and 17th centuries. Since it is a condiment used for spicy Chinese dishes, I had thought it was a bit older, but it is relatively new. The reason why we know it was made around the 17th century is because it was around that time that chili peppers, the main ingredient of raayu, were introduced to Japan.
Originally, chili peppers are native to Central and South America, and after Columbus discovered the New World (1492), they were introduced to Europe and then to the rest of the world. It is widely believed that chili peppers were introduced to Japan by Portuguese missionaries in the 1500s.
Although the name “chili” means “hot pepper,” it did not come to Japan from China. On the contrary, it is said to have arrived in China even later than in Japan. The exact date of the introduction of raayu to Japan is not known.

The first raayu was sold in Japan in 1966. It was first sold in Japan by S.B. Foods as “Chinese oil. Later, it was renamed “raayu (辣油)” and has been marketed to this day.
In Japan, many people used raayu only as a dipping sauce for gyoza (Chinese dumplings), but the “Eating Rayu” containing lots of fried onions and fried garlic became an explosive hit due to the “add a little more” craze. The less spicy type of raayu, in which the ingredients are eaten, became a well-established genre. The boom has subsided, but it still has a firm place on the shelves of supermarkets and other stores.

Making it by hand seems to be a hurdle, but once you try it, it only takes 20 to 30 minutes to complete. Unlike store-bought ones, the aroma is good and the spiciness can be adjusted to your liking. Why not give it a try?
The next homemade seasoning I want to try is “shio koji. But I am not sure when that will be…
See you soon.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN




小牧市のお客様より買受いたしました。(名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



未知の世界は魅力的です(名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

The other day, I had to kill a few hours by myself when I went out to attend to a patient at the hospital, so I visited the Nagoya Noh Theater, which is across the street from the hospital, for the first time.

I like to travel, but I am also a lazy traveler, so I tend to visit places only because I happen to be passing by.

Although I had almost no knowledge of Nohgaku, I was instantly fascinated by its traditional world, as if I had peeked into the entrance of a deep swamp.

Nohgaku (= Noh and Kyogen) is said to be the world’s oldest existing performing art. The roots of Noh theater can be traced back to the Nara period (710-794), when it was introduced from mainland China as a form of performing art for the masses called sangaku. Sangaku eventually developed into Sarugaku Noh, which incorporated theatrical elements. In the Muromachi period (1336-1573), Kan’ami, Zeami and their son became popular, and with the support of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the third shogun, they perfected Noh, a graceful form that incorporated song and dance.

In the Muromachi period (1336-1573), Noh became one of the favorite arts of warriors, and Nobunaga Oda, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, and Ieyasu Tokugawa became lovers of Noh and loved to perform it themselves. Tokugawa Ieyasu, in particular, is said to have been familiar with Noh from an early age and continued to love Noh until his death.

The “Takasagoya” often heard at weddings is one of the Noh plays called “Takasago,” and was performed by warriors at weddings.

In addition, kyogen, a comical dialogue play, began to be performed between Noh plays, and it is said that Noh and kyogen were performed alternately on the same stage, thus creating the current form of Noh performance.

Noh plays are often tragedies based on historical figures or stories, and are performed with masks by the leading actors, whereas kyogen plays are comedies that amusingly depict the daily lives of ordinary people.


The Nagoya Noh Theater offers free tours of its exhibition rooms, and on the day I visited, there was an exhibition of five Noh masks created by Noh mask makers living in Aichi Prefecture. When I entered the exhibition room, I was overwhelmed by the 40 or so Noh masks hanging on the walls, and for a moment I had the creepy feeling that my legs were going to give way.


Noh masks are made of cypress wood and come in about 200 varieties, of which about 60 are basic forms. The main types of masks (omote) include masks of old men, masks of old men, masks of demons, female masks, masks of vengeful spirits, male masks, and Buddhist masks. A single Noh mask may be used in several different performances.

Masks struck from the Muromachi to Azuchi-Momoyama periods are called “hon-men,” and thereafter their basic forms are copied (imitated) and reproduced. Even age spots and scratches are copied. It is said that Noh actors play their roles as if guided by the masks. Therefore, they copy the masks exactly as they were in the past and perform with the power of the masks.

When a Noh mask is worn and the performer looks up, it is called “teru,” and when the mask is worn and the performer looks down, it is called “kumoru.” A mask that should be expressionless can appear cheerful or sad, and various emotions can be expressed with the slightest movement by the Noh performer. It is said that the essence of Noh, the “beauty of concealment,” is condensed in Noh masks.


Nagoya Noh Theater offers free guided tours of the stage about four times a month. It also has a delicious restaurant, so why not pay a visit?


See you again soon.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



珉平焼 色鮮やかでポップな印象です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






そんな中、冬の季節の憂鬱で落ち込みがちな気分も明るくしてくれそうな、『 珉平焼 黄釉陰刻雲龍文 隅切角小皿 』が目に留まりました。






「珉平焼」(みんぺいやき)は、江戸後期の文政年間(1818~30)に、淡路島の南端、伊賀野村(現在の南あわじ市)で、賀集珉平(かしゅう みんぺい)によって始められた焼き物で、地名をとって「淡路焼」などと呼ばれます。

賀集珉平(かしゅう みんぺい)は、京から京焼の陶工・尾形周平を招いて、京焼のデザインや釉薬調合の技術を作品に取り入れました。そして天保10年(1839)には、当時の阿波藩の御用を務め、「御用御陶師」を称することを許され、藩主・蜂須賀公のお手窯として、主に花器、茶器などが作られました。










その後、明治4(1871)年に珉平が没し、衰退した後、明治18(1885) 年に「珉平焼」を継承して「淡陶社」が設立されました。そして明治34(1901)年には、輸入タイルと同レベルの国産タイルを完成させて、本格的にタイル生産を開始しました。







Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

Today in Nagoya, unfortunately, the sky has been cold and rainy since this morning. The coldness of my fingers is making me feel colder than I expected.

I have just started working here, and although I still don’t know what’s right and left, I can now afford to look at the masterpieces on display in the store for a little while.


One of the pieces that caught my eye was the “Sumiping Ware Yellow Glazed Square Dish with Inlaid Dragon and Cloud Patterns” that seemed to brighten up my depressed mood during the winter season. This small dish was made in the late Edo period and is also known as Awaji ware. They are also called “Awaji ware” and have a beautiful glossy color. They are easy to use even today and can be used not only for small snacks, but also for small objects.




Minpei-yaki is a type of pottery started by Minpei Kashu in Igano Village (present-day Minami-Awaji City) on the southern tip of Awaji Island during the Bunsei Era (1818-30), and is called Awaji ware after its local name.
He invited Shuhei Ogata, a potter of Kyo-yaki from Kyoto, and incorporated Kyo-yaki designs and glaze mixing techniques into his work. In 1839 (Tempo 10), he was allowed to serve the then Awa domain as an official potter, and was named “Imperial Potter”.



Sumimpei-yaki is characterized by its wide range of variations. It is said that there was probably no other kiln in Japan during the late Edo period that produced such a wide variety of pottery.


Another characteristic is the vivid colors. While traditional Japanese tableware is often associated with subdued colors, Sumimpei ware is very colorful and pops with red, yellow, and green colors.


The glaze is made from lead, and the bright yellow color is unique to lead.
Current law prohibits the use of glazes containing lead in food ceramics, so the eye-catching colors of these vessels are precious colors that cannot be produced today.

After Suminpei’s death in 1871, the pottery declined, and in 1885, the Tamito-sha was established to take over the Suminpei-yaki tradition. In 1901, the company began full-scale tile production, perfecting domestically produced tiles on the same level as imported tiles.
Today, this tile production has been taken over by Danto Holdings, and even today, pottery that is believed to be from that period can be found on the factory grounds.

Just looking at these colorful small plates will cheer you up. They are also relatively inexpensive, so they are ideal as collectibles.

See you soon.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



茅野市尖石縄文考古館はすごかったです。(名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























































































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


This is the final part of the Yatsugatake trip sequel, and this time we went to the Chino City Tsimiseki Jomon Archaeology Museum, which we have always been curious about.

Why didn’t we go earlier? The museum is a party of national treasures, and we were amazed at the number of exhibits and the variety of Jomon pottery.



The Senkishi ruins at the western foot of Mt. Yatsugatake were excavated in the middle Jomon period by Miyasaka Hideyoshi in 1930, and were designated as a special historic site in 1952 because of their high academic value.


The Tanahata Ruins, the largest ruins in the city, were excavated in 1986 in conjunction with the construction of an industrial park in Haniwarada, Yonezawa, and traces of life from the early Jomon Period to the Edo Period were found there.

In particular, an enormous amount of excellent materials have been excavated, including clay figurines from the Middle Jomon Period, which is said to be approximately 4,000 to 5,000 years ago. In addition, more than 150 dwelling sites have been discovered, and 600 pieces of Jomon earthenware have been fully reconstructed.


The Jomon period village was built in a circle around a square where several houses were used for festivals, etc. Here, on September 8, 1986, the national treasure “Clay Figure” (Jomon Venus) was discovered, and was designated a national treasure on June 15, 1995.



National Treasure “Clay Figure” (Jomon Venus)



The clay figurine seems to have been buried lying in a small hole, called a clay pit, in that square. The museum also reconstructs the realistic scene of the burial.


The entire statue is a stable standing figure with a lower center of gravity, 27 cm high and weighing 2.14 kg.

The head is flattened at the top and has a circular spiral pattern. No other patterns can be seen except on this head. The face is shaped as if wearing a heart-shaped mask, with slanted, upturned eyes, a pointed nose with a small hole as if pierced by a needle, and a small mouth like a small butterfly, which are typical of clay figurines from the middle Jomon period at the foot of Mt. The ears are pierced with small holes as if they were earrings, which is a little cute.

The arms are spread out to the left and right, omitting the hands, etc., and the breasts are only attached as if pinched out, but the belly and buttocks that continue below them protrude greatly, which well represent the appearance of a pregnant woman.


The entire piece was carefully constructed by assembling the main skeleton and then adding several lumps of clay to it, and the surface is well polished and shiny. The surface is well polished and shiny, and the clay has a golden color with mica mixed in.

Some of the firing was lax, and the surface of the right foot had peeled off. However, it is clear that the clay figurine was buried in perfect condition, unlike the broken clay figurines that are commonly seen.

Therefore, because it has the characteristics and beauty of the clay figurines found at the foot of Mt. Yatsugatake, and because it is a valuable academic material for considering the spiritual culture of the time, it was designated as a national treasure on June 15, 1995, for the first time among those found at a Jomon-era site. It also has a wonderful name, “Venus of Jomon”.


Another goddess.


This is the National Treasure “Clay Figure” (Masked Goddess).


It was excavated on August 23, 2000 (Heisei 12) and designated as a national treasure on August 21, 2014 (Heisei 26), so it was only recently.


This clay figurine, nicknamed “Masked Goddess,” is a large clay figurine with almost its entire body excavated from the Nakadahara Site in Kohigashi, Chino City. It is 34 cm tall and weighs 2.7 kg. It is a type of clay figurine generally called “masked clay figurine” because of its shape, which reminds us of a figure with a mask on its face. It was made in the first half of the late Jomon period, about 4,000 years ago.

It seems to have been unearthed in a state in which it was buried lying down in a hole in the middle of the site, where there is a cluster of holes that are thought to be graves. The figure lying down is a bit funny.


The right leg was broken and detached from the body, but it is clear that it was removed artificially for some reason. Whether it was buried together in a grave or only this clay figurine was buried alone seems to be a question that must await further research.


The face of the “Masked Goddess” is represented with an inverted triangular mask, and the V-shape drawn with thin clay strings may represent eyebrows. Below that, the nostrils and mouth are represented by small holes. The body is painted with whorls, concentric circles, and a tasuki (sashi-hanging) pattern, and the feet are well polished with no patterns.

Since these clay figurines were made by piling up clay strings in the same way as earthenware vessels, they are hollow inside, and such clay figurines are called hollow clay figurines, a form often seen in large clay figurines.

Clay figures similar to the “Masked Goddess” from the Nakagbara Site have been excavated at the Tatsuno-cho Shinmachi Site in Nagano Prefecture and the Goda Site in Nirasaki City, Yamanashi Prefecture, and both are about 20 cm in size, which shows how large this clay figure is.


There are also more than 150 other dwelling sites found in this area and 600 pieces of fully restored Jomon earthenware, so the number of exhibits is amazing.


It was a national treasure party lol.


The number of exhibits is impressive. But no two are the same.


Is this Jomon earthenware as you can imagine?



Some are carefully and intricately decorated, others are bold and in the style of up-and-coming artists, and of course, there are earthenware pieces that were found to be terrible.

The diversity of the Jomon people is so great that it is difficult to lump them all together.


It was an interesting moment for me to realize that this is how the Jomon people lived, and that our lives and livelihoods were connected in this way, jumping back 5000 years.



If you are interested in a trip back to the Jomon period, this is a museum you should not miss, so please visit.


Have a good day.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN




