遊び心は大切です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




遊び心は大切です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)



明日4月18日(木)10:00~ 17:00 持込鑑定会を開催いたします。































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.
Tomorrow, Thursday, April 18, from 10:00 a.m., we will be holding an appraisal session.
If you have any items of value that you are interested in, please feel free to stop by at your convenient time, even if it is just for an appraisal. We look forward to seeing you.
By the way, many works by Kosho Shimizu have joined the Fukosha. He served as the Bettou of Todaiji Temple and the chief abbot of the Kegon sect of Buddhism, and expanded his activities from a religious leader to an artist.
He is known for his unique and tasteful style of painting, ceramics, and calligraphy.
He is known for his unique and tasteful style. Each of the faces depicted in the Fukosha works are adorable, and it is a pleasure to look at them one by one.
As he said, “There is no such thing as a person without troubles,” and “The sweat of the heart that comes out when you are troubled by troubles purifies your life.
What inspired him to study calligraphy in earnest was the opportunity to come into direct contact with Chinese character culture in China. He learned the standard and cursive styles of calligraphy from the works of Tang Dynasty calligraphers, and as he continued to write on temple gate frames and tea hangings, he developed his own unique style of calligraphy that is both generous and uninhibited.
At the age of 16, he entered the temple of Todaiji’s pagoda, Hogonin, under the name of Shimizu Kosho, and thereafter took on the name Shimizu Kosho. After studying Kegon Buddhism at Ryukoku University, he studied Zen at Tenryuji Temple.
During the war, he went to China, and upon his return, at the age of 35, he became the abbot of Hogonin, the pagoda of Todaiji Temple. The following year, he founded and became the principal of Jingenshu Junior High School, the predecessor of today’s Todaiji Gakuen Junior and Senior High Schools, where he also served as a calligraphy teacher. He was also a calligraphy teacher. His students nicknamed him “Negibozu,” or “green onion boy. We can imagine the magnanimous personality of Kosho, who was affectionately known as the “Ryokan of the Showa era. At the age of 52, he was appointed to extend the Todaiji Kindergarten and the Girls’ Academy, contributing to school education.
It is said that his interactions with the children had a great influence on the latter half of his life. The children’s free-spirited ideas inspired him to take up pottery, calligraphy, and painting, and he left behind many picture scroll diaries and mud Buddhas that he continued to draw in his free-spirited style. He was always playful and energetic. Perhaps it was his childlike curiosity that kept him going.
Later, he took overall command of the Showa era Great Repair of the Great Buddha Hall of Todaiji Temple, which is said to be completed only once every 100 years, and successfully completed it. It is said that on the day of the Rakkei Buddhist memorial service, the weather cleared up as if a typhoon had occurred the day before, and the shibi of the Great Buddha Hall shone with a golden color.
He was active as a monk, artist, and educator. He may have been a man of many talents to begin with, but I feel that he was flexible in accepting anything and light in his footwork to take action.
Among my friends, there are people who do not care too much about what others think, but go ahead without hesitation to do what they want to do or what they think is interesting. The other day I had a chance to see them for the first time in a while, and they gave me several years’ worth of energy.
I believe that Mr. Kosho Shimizu was a person who gave energy to those around him, just like his own generous and uninhibited works.
I will see you next time.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN


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