お知らせ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 117




名東区のお客様より買受いたしました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)



















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

七宝の歴史(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)


























その七宝が広く作られるきっかけとなったのは、名古屋市に住んでいた「梶 常吉(かじ つねきち)」という人物が1833年に自ら研究し、作り方を発見したことから始まります。

その後、梶 常吉の功績により、急速に七宝の製造が広まり、愛知県尾張地方は日本の七宝製造の中心地となります。















Hello everyone. This is Staff M.

April is almost over, and when I leave the house this morning, when the young leaves are shining in May, I heard a familiar voice saying “Hohokekyo”.

that? Is it a mistake? I also thought, but after that it was ringing twice. Originally, I was a little surprised because I had the image of crying from late February to March, but it was a very good crying and a little relaxing start of the day.


Today, I would like to introduce a work that I would like to introduce as Staff M’s antique art learning day for the first time in a long time. This time is this “Shippo-yaki”.

This jar is a cloisonne ware and decorative jar made in the Meiji era, and has a two-sided composition with different seasons. It is a gentle pattern of flowers and birds on the left and right, but it is a charming work that seems to have some strength.

To explain a little about “Shippo-yaki”, “Shippo-yaki” is made by putting colorful glass glaze on the surface of metal and baking it. It is said that it was introduced from Europe through the Silk Road to Japan via China, and you can find something similar to this cloisonne ware in ancient Mesopotamian civilizations and ancient Egyptian civilizations from BC.


Do you know why these pottery are called “cloisonne”? This “cloisonne” is said to have been named in the sense that it is as beautiful as the seven types of treasures in the Buddhist scriptures.

The oldest cloisonne in Japan was excavated from an ancient burial mound and is said to have been made around the 7th century. After that, cloisonne is often made on some of the fittings of temples and castles. Although it is such a familiar cloisonne, it was not made much in Japan. The reason why the cloisonne was widely made began in 1833 when a person named Kajitsunekichi, who lived in Nagoya, researched himself and discovered how to make it. After that, thanks to the achievements of Tsunekichi Kaji, the production of cloisonne spread rapidly, and the Owari region of Aichi prefecture became the center of cloisonne production in Japan.


Various ingenuities have been added, and Owari Cloisonne has continued to be made, but production will be interrupted in World War II. Due to this, some techniques have been lost now, but as a traditional craft representing Japan, it is said to have become a traditional craft designated by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in 1995.


The facility where you can appreciate this cloisonne ware more closely is “Shippo ware Art Village” in Ama City, Aichi Prefecture. Here, you can not only appreciate the works, but also observe the production process and experience the production, and you can learn about Shippo-yaki from various angles. According to the information, this building is also fashionable, but the site is wide and surrounded by greenery, so you can heal. Aiming for a sunny day, I will take this opportunity to learn once!


This is the end of staff M’s learning of antique art. Let’s deepen our learning together next time.












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

名古屋といえば「駅きしめん」(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)





























そして風光舎 名古屋店にもお立ち寄りいただけたら幸いです。





Hello everyone. This is Staff M.

There are many rainy days this week, but unlike the rain in early April, it’s a damp climate rather than a chilly one. The smell before it rains makes you feel the changing seasons.


Well, speaking of recent events. I had the opportunity to get on the Shinkansen for business, and after a long time I ate Kishimen at “Sumiyoshi” on the platform of Nagoya Station.

I had less chance to get on the Shinkansen than before, so I ate it for the first time in a while, but it’s stable and delicious no matter how many times I eat it. Speaking of Nagoya, “Kishimen” is so popular that entertainers who visit Nagoya also praise Kishimen on the station platform on TV.


There are two types of kishimen on the Nagoya Station platform, the conventional line and the Shinkansen platform. This time, I received the kishimen from the Shinkansen platform going up. At Nagoya Station, you can eat kishimen at 11 stores including the conventional line and the Shinkansen, and it seems that it started selling at the platforms of lines 3 and 4 and lines 5 and 6 in 1961 (Showa 36).

And what’s interesting is that each shop has a dashi stock, so the taste is slightly different. When you say that, you’ll want to compare eating kishimen at the Nagoya Station platform! When I looked it up, I found an article about Kishimen’s commitment to each store. Each store has a dashi stock based on decapterus, and some stores also blend dashi stock such as Auxis.

It seems that the noodles are currently using frozen noodles, but when they were founded, they used dried noodles, and after that, they became boiled noodles and switched to frozen noodles in 2003 (Heisei 15) at the Shinkansen platform. , 2008 (Heisei 20) at the conventional line platform. Other than the taste, the advantages of using frozen noodles include the fact that they can be preserved and the amount for one serving is fixed.


And after all, the cost performance is outstanding. This time, I chose the most standard and simple “Kishimen”, but the ingredients are fried, green onions, and flower bonito. I don’t think I need anything else if it contains fried food. (Smile) Of course, “Kakiage Ten Kishimen” and “Fox Kishimen” also looked delicious, but I prefer the standard and simple ones. The price is 350 yen with this quality! I think it’s wonderful! !!


You may not have many chances to eat Kishimen at the Nagoya Station platform, but even if you leave the house a little earlier, it is worth eating “Kishimen”. Not only those who live in Nagoya, but also those who come from other prefectures, why don’t you try it once? And I would appreciate it if you could drop in at Fukosha Nagoya store.











愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN



善光寺御開帳(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)










そして、善光寺前立本尊御開帳とは、七年に一度、絶対秘仏である御本尊の御身代わり 「前立本尊」(鎌倉時代・重要文化財)を本堂にお迎えして行います。






・5月 7日(土) 午前10時〜午後2時 中日庭儀大法要(天台宗)
・5月15日(日) 午後5時 篠ノ井大獅子奉納
・6月12日(日) 午前9時〜 ながの祇園祭屋台巡行
・6月29日(水) 午前10時~正午 結願大法要
・6月30日(木) 午後1時 前立本尊御還座式












日が暮れてお堂に入ってみると、光明に照らされた牛のよだれが「牛とのみ思いすごすな 仏の道に汝を導く己の心を」と読めました。すると、おばあさんはすっかり信心深い人間に生まれ変わりました。
















Hello everyone

This is Staff N.

The other day, I went to Zenkoji Gokaicho.

For me, who is addicted to tempura soba, soba is a specialty of Shinshu, and I was happy.

Zenkoji is a temple in Nagano prefecture with a history of about 1400 years.

Zenkoji Maedate Honzon Gokaicho is held once every seven years by welcoming the “Maedachi Honzon” (an important cultural property of the Kamakura period), which is a substitute for the absolute secret Buddha, to the main hall.
It is said that in the spring of the Buddha’s capital, a thankful connection with the Buddha will be born.

Opening of books only from April 3rd to June 29th. Even though it was a weekday, there was a long line trying to touch the turning pillar. A turning pillar is a pillar with a height of about 10m that can be erected in front of the main hall during the opening period. Originally I wanted to touch it with both hands, but it was necessary to disinfect with alcohol before and after only one hand.

When the current main hall was rebuilt in 1707, the Matsushiro feudal clan was appointed by the shogunate to supervise this pillar. It is said that the pillar of merit has been donated by Matsushiro for more than 300 years.

For this turning pillar, a cedar tree that is nearly 200 years old in the Toyooka district of Suzaka City was selected.

The turning pillar will come to Zenkoji after walking around Matsushiro-cho with the Daimyo procession and the Hime procession. It is said that there is a benefit to touching the towline on the way, and many people gather along the road.

Since there are many events during the period, I would normally like to participate in all of them, but since it is a limited express, it is hard for 3 hours one way from Nagoya … I envy the citizens of Nagano prefecture.

・ May 7th (Sat) 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Chunichi Garden Ceremony (Tendai Sect)
・ May 15 (Sun) 5 pm Dedication of Shinonoi Daishishi
・ June 12 (Sun) 9 am-Nagano Gion Matsuri stand patrol
・ June 29 (Wednesday) 10 am-noon
・ June 30th (Thursday) 1:00 pm Maeda Honzon Return Ceremony

I still have 5 chances. It was lit up at night and I could see the live camera on YOUTUBE, but it was very beautiful.

When I was looking at the live camera in the hotel lobby at night, I laughed at the person who ran just before 21:00 and inevitably touched the pillar. If you are worshiping, don’t forget that your appearance may be broadcast nationwide (laughs).

According to the temple, the main hall has been hit by more than a dozen fires since it was founded in 642, but each time it has been reconstructed and protected by the heart of longing for Tathagata all over the country. that’s right.
The main hall of Zenkoji Temple is designated as a national treasure and is the largest wooden cultural property in eastern Japan. The magnificent and graceful main hall of the cypress bark is a dojo that warmly wraps all people with the mercy of the Buddha. The building is a combination of the “Kondo”, which enshrines the Buddha, and the “Church,” where many people participate in the work of monks and worship.
Zenko-ji does not belong to any sect, and has gained wide and deep faith as a gate for the paradise of all people and as a sacred place for the great mercy of Tathagata who gives peace in this world.

The main Buddhist temple of Zenkoji, “Ikkosanzon Amida Nyorai,” has a unique appearance of Zenkoji, with Amida Nyorai in the center of one halo, the Kannon Bodhisattva on the right, and the Mahasthamaprapta on the left. I am. It has been an absolute secret Buddha since Hakuchi 5 (654), and in the Kamakura period, “Maedate Honzon” was created as a substitute for the Hakuchi. It is usually enshrined in the treasure house, but you can worship it specially only when you open the book once every seven years.

While N was also lined up, I was burning my eyes.

The gold thread tied to the right hand of Amida Nyorai in the center of the main temple is changed to a five-colored thread, and is tied to the turning pillar in front of the main hall as a white “line of goodness”. Touching the turning pillar is the same as touching the main idol, and it means that people from all over the country line up to touch the pillar.

Speaking of Zenkoji, the saying “I’m drawn to Zenkoji by a cow” is famous.

A long time ago, a poor-hearted grandmother lived in a village in Chiisagata, Shinano Province. One day, as I was washing the cloth in the river, a cow appeared, hooked the cloth on the corner and started running. Following the cow, the grandmother arrived at Zenkoji.
When the sun went down and I entered the temple, the drool of the cow, illuminated by the light, read, “Do not think of it as a cow. Your heart that guides you to the path of the Buddha.” Then her grandmother was completely reborn as a devout person.
Later, when she visited the nearby Kannon-do, she found the cloth at Kannon-sama’s feet. Her grandmother knew that the cow was an incarnation of the Buddha, and she deepened her faith in Zenkoji and had a happy paradise. This Buddha is said to be Komoro’s Nunobiki Kannon.

That was the origin of the saying.

She also has a cute cow-shaped red stamp, and she bought N, who is not interested in the red stamp.

If you go to the right side of the inner camp, you will find the entrance to the Okaidan Meguri. The ordination platform tour is a paradise ghost by going around the pitch-black corridor under the floor of the lapis lazuli and touching the “paradise lock” that hangs in the middle. It is a dojo where you can make a promise. In the olden days, it was seen when entering a casket such as a sword, sandals and white wooden japamala, and it is said that he went around while chanting Nembutsu. Zenkoji Temples all over the country also have different shapes and lengths, but there are also patrol platforms.

I didn’t touch this lock, Staff N … tears

When I went around the platform and searched on the internet, I got “scary, panic, fear”, but it was really pitch black. There is a small light at my feet, but I am desperate to keep up with the person in front of me.

It seems that I touched the wall with my right hand at the waist, but that was not the case.

Then, the couple behind me got lost and heard a voice saying, “It’s a dead end! I accidentally touched the wall on my left hand!” “The garbage bag of the person in front is reflected, so look at that, dad!” It seems that it was used as a landmark.

Next time I will definitely find the lock.

If you are interested in Zenkoji, where you can explore the darkness, turn, push, and experience a lot of power, please do not miss it.

There are still many things I haven’t written yet, so I’ll continue at a later date.

See you soon










愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


昭和区のお客様より買受いたしました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)


















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

千種区のお客様より買受いたしました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)


















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

龍泉寺の猫たちに会いに行く(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)



































庄内川中流域やその周辺の地域(春日井市・守山区・北区の一部)では、遠く平安の昔から天台の教えが栄え、その大きな影響は今日に及んでいます。この地方最大の天台本山であった密蔵院や、尾張四観音の一つである龍泉寺を始めとして多くの天台寺院がありました。現在区内にあるのは龍泉寺と石山寺のみで、廃れた寺には桂星寺(大森垣外 明治年間に廃寺)と白山寺(守山村 明治初年に廃寺)がありますが、それ以外にもかなりあったと考えられています。











Hello everyone

This is Staff N.

Do you know the Coke on app where you can get one free drink by walking and collecting points?

I had downloaded N from before, but I didn’t have to walk so much and I got points when I bought it from a vending machine.

However, since I started working here and walked by posting, I can collect points.

And the other day I finally got one free ticket.

It can be used as a pedometer, and it has a sense of accomplishment, so it’s two birds with one stone.

If you feel lack of exercise recently, please try it.

By the way, do you know Ryusenji Temple in Moriyama Ward, Nagoya City?

Super public bath Ryusenji no Yu is famous, isn’t it?

The nearby Ryusenji Temple is actually a cat spot where cat lovers gather.

There are some children who can’t escape even if they touch it friendly.

The photo is from a few years ago, so I still don’t know if there is the same cat.

Some cats were chasing pigeons in the forest from the parking lot to the precincts.

Maybe I wanted to treat the guest.


It is said that this Ryusenji Temple is also referred to as “Ryusenji Temple”. It is one of the four Owari Kannon that protects Nagoya Castle, and is the 25th billhouse of the Owari 33 Kannon Sacred Ground.

According to “Saishishu”, Owari Ryusenji is a temple built by Ryuo overnight, and you can see the remains of the pond where Hayagriva came out. In “Ryusenji-ki” (Horeki 5 (1755)), which seems to be based on this, the missionary master Saicho received a dragon god’s announcement while visiting Atsuta Jingu during the Enryaku year, and at the shore of Tatara Pond. When the enryaku was chanted, the horse head Kannon appeared at the same time as the dragon ascended from the pond, so it is said that it was enshrined as the principal image.

On the other hand, Kobo Daishi Kukai is also said to have buried three of Atsuta’s eight swords in this Ryusenji temple while visiting Atsuta Jingu, and from this point on, Ryusenji has become the inner temple of Atsuta.

Ryusenji is located on a hill overlooking the Shonai River, and is a fortified area surrounded by the Shonai River, cliffs, and wetlands. It seems that it was often placed. It is said that Nobuyuki Oda built the castle in Koji 2 (1556), and before the Battle of Okehazama in Eiroku 3 (1560), Nobunaga Oda was the one to build a defense line in the northeastern direction of Kiyosu Castle. We are dispatching a corps to Ryusenji. During the Battle of Komaki and Nagakute in 1584, Hideyoshi Hashiba set up a camp to defeat Ieyasu Tokugawa, who had advanced to Obata Castle (this later became the legend of “Ichiyabori”. (Born), when Hideyoshi retreated, it was set on fire and the building was burned down. It was revived in the 3rd year of Keicho (1598) by a monk Hidezumi of a temple treasury in the vicinity, but it was set on fire again in February 1906, and everything except the Tahoto, the Niomon, and the bell tower was destroyed by fire. bottom. From the burn, there is an episode that an oval container containing two Keicho large-sized cuts and 98 Keicho oval-sized pieces was excavated, and this was used as a fund to rebuild the main hall.

The Tahoto is said to have been built in 1895.

In this way, in the history of Owari, Ryusenji was used as a military facility several times, and was sometimes called “Ryusenji Castle”. Even now, there are traces of an empty moat in a part of the surrounding area of ​​the precincts, and a three-story simulated castle tower is built next to the Japanese garden on the back side of the precincts. This also serves as a treasure house that owns the wooden Jizo Bodhisattva statue and Enku Buddha, which are important cultural properties.

Since ancient times, Mt. Hiei has been worshiped as a mountain where “Oyamakui no Kami” is enshrined, but it was the Enryakuji Saicho that opened this mountain in earnest. It was a person (766-822). In the 7th year of Enryaku (788), Saicho founded Ichijo Shikanin (currently the main hall, Nemoto Nakado) with Yakushi Nyorai as the principal image and opened Mt. Hiei.
Mt. Hiei, which was founded by Saicho, was highly expected by the imperial court as a temple to protect and protect the country of Japan, and was given the year “Enryaku” of the Emperor Kanmu era as the temple name.

Saicho established a 12-year education system dedicated to training and training in Mt. Hiei, saying that for the guardian nation, it is necessary to train a true leader, “Bodhisattva”. , Many high priests Bodhisattva will be produced from Enryakuji Temple. Especially after the Kamakura era, Japanese Buddhism such as Honen Shonin, Shinobu Shonin, Ryonin Shonin, Ichigen Shonin, Mamori Shonin, Eisai Zen Master of the Rinsai sect, Domoto Zen Master of the Soto sect, and Nichiren saint of the Hokkekyo faith Since he raised the ancestors of each sect, Mt. Hiei is said to be the mother mountain of Japanese Buddhism.

It is said that as many as 3,000 temples were lined up during the heyday of Mt. Mt. Hiei was burned down all over, and all the temples and temples were returned to ash.
After that, Mt. Hiei was revived by the efforts of Hideyoshi Toyotomi, the guardian of the Tokugawa family, and the great priest of Enryakuji Tenkai (1536-1643). Furthermore, we have overcome the hardships of the separation of Shinto and Buddhism in the first year of the Meiji era and the abolition of Buddha.

In the middle reaches of the Shonai River and its surrounding areas (part of Kasugai City, Moriyama Ward, and Kita Ward), the teachings of Tendai have prospered since ancient times in Heian, and their great influence continues to this day. There were many Tendai temples, including the Mitsuzoin, which was the largest Tendai main mountain in this region, and Ryusenji, one of the four Owari Kannon. Currently, there are only Ryusenji and Ishiyamadera in the ward, and the abandoned temples include Keisei-ji (Omorigakigai, abandoned in the Meiji era) and Hakusanji (Moriyama-mura, abandoned in the first year of the Meiji era). It is believed that there were quite a few.

According to Shasekishu, a collection of Buddhist narratives written by the Kamakura period monk Muju Ichien, Ryusenji was already known as a sacred place for Kannon worship before it became the last temple of the Mitsuzoin. It was believed by the people at that time that Kannon had the power to save people from illness and disaster, and that it would work not only in the afterlife but also in this world. In addition, Owari Ryusenji is a temple that was built by the dragon king overnight, and it is written that you can see the remains of the pond where Hayagriva appeared. And many people gathered to believe in the spiritual Buddha and read the 33rd volume of Kannonkyo on the 18th of every month to make a memorial service. It can be said that this description of the Saishi collection became the prototype of the auspiciousness of the temple, which was compiled in the early modern period.

Ryusenji Temple is home to many historically important buildings and cultural properties such as the Niomon Gate and the statue of Ginza Shusseiji. In addition, he visited Ryusenji Temple in 1676, and has a large collection of Enku Buddha statues that are said to have left behind statues, some of which can be seen at the treasure hall inside Ryusenji Castle.

I have visited Ryusenji Temple several times, but I did not know that it was related to Oda Nobunaga.

When I see the stray cats relaxing in such an important building, I feel glad that the war has disappeared and it has become peaceful.

If you are interested, why don’t you visit Ryusenji Temple once?

See you soon












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


もうそろそろ「暑熱順化」を始めてみようと思います。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)












































Hello everyone. This is Staff M.

Yesterday, I wrote a story about “summer tradition”, but the temperature was like summer.

I was walking around in the morning, but it was too hot and I lifted the ban on my short sleeves. It’s still April, so short sleeves are early. I was telling you, but it was too hot and I made my short sleeve debut … What do you wear in the summer? It will be a story. (I should have said yesterday that I would enjoy spring, but I’m already worried about summer …) Even if you look around, you see a lot of short sleeves, and are you all thinking the same? I thought.


It may be better to start from this season, which is about to refrain from such a heat wave. I first learned about it today, but do you all know “heat acclimatization”?

“Heat acclimatization” is to move your body in a hot environment and build a body that is resistant to heat. As your body gets used to the heat, it will gradually become stronger in the heat of summer.


When we move our bodies through exercise or work, heat is generated in our bodies and our body temperature rises. When the body temperature rises, the body temperature is regulated by “heat vaporization” caused by sweating and “heat dissipation” that releases heat from the surface of the body to the air by increasing the heart rate and dilating skin blood vessels. When this body temperature cannot be regulated well, heat builds up in the body and the body temperature rises, causing “heat stroke”. As “heat acclimatization” progresses, the amount of sweating and skin blood flow increase, making it easier to regulate body temperature.


Then, what to do for “heat acclimatization” …


What you can do outdoors is to use the stairs as much as possible to move your body and to do aerobic exercise such as walking and jogging. It is said that you will get used to the heat in about two weeks by doing it little by little, taking about 30 minutes as a guide.


The next thing you can do indoors is to stretch for about 30 minutes or soak in a bathtub. As a point to soak in the bathtub, soak your shoulders in hot water of around 40 degrees Celsius and take a bath for 10 to 15 minutes as a guide. As a guide, sweat will slowly ooze on your forehead, but if you feel sick, slowly get out of the bathtub. Even if you do not enter continuously at first, you should get out of the hot water once after 10 minutes of sweating. By taking a sweaty bath once a day like this, “heat acclimatization” It seems that you can do it. (Because it is a bathing method that sweats a lot, drink a glass of water before bathing and do not forget to rehydrate after getting out of the bath)

After that, it seems that the hottest saunas are also effective now, so it seems important to get used to the heat in various ways.


Firefighters are the first to incorporate this “heat acclimatization”. If a fire breaks out, even in the middle of summer, the fire brigade members who wear fire protection clothing, helmets, etc. will start training every year before the summer when the temperature is not so high. In this training, it is said that the body is accustomed to the heat from an early stage in preparation for the field activities in the midsummer heat, and the occurrence of heat stroke at the disaster site is prevented. It’s very convincing.


This time when the body is not accustomed to the heat. It is important to start “heat acclimatization” early while observing your physical condition and protect yourself!












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

夏が待ち遠しいニュースを見ました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)









































Hello everyone. This is Staff M.

When I was watching an information program this morning, I saw a happy announcement that “the beer garden will be reopened this year for the first time in three years.”


There were many shops that had to be temporarily closed due to the corona whirlpool, but the shop that was interviewed this morning will resume business from this summer, reduce the number of seats, and customers It seems that it will be open for the first time in a long time with an interval of. There seems to be a beer garden that was open last year, but I’m a little excited to hear the nice information about the store that it will reopen for the first time in three years.


After all, my summer tradition is the beer garden and the fireworks display.


I myself don’t drink a lot of beer, but when I go to the beer garden, the beer I don’t usually drink goes on and on … Also, the beer I drink outdoors is delicious, isn’t it? Recently, it seems that there are many beer gardens that have a very fashionable atmosphere like glamping and are beautifully lit up.

This year, I want to drink beer that has been chilled to the extent that it blows away the hot summer in such a trendy beer garden.


What is your summer tradition? ??


Another summer tradition, the fireworks display. Before the outbreak of the new coronavirus, I went to the Nagara River fireworks display every year. At the Nagara River Fireworks Festival, about 30,000 fireworks will be launched, including fireworks designed by local elementary school students. And the most famous is the waterfall-like fireworks called “Niagara” that straddles the Nagara River and is over 300m long. With its indescribable beauty, I like this fireworks the most because it is gorgeous.

Do you know the origin of such a fireworks display (launch fireworks)? The beginning of the fireworks is said to have originated from the “Mizugami Festival” held in the Sumida River in 1733, which dates back to the Edo period. At that time, many people died in Kansai and Edo due to the epidemic of hunger and epidemics. It is said that the “Water God Festival” was held to memorialize the dead and to disperse the plague, and fireworks were launched as a sideshow.


After that, many fireworks masters will appear and compete, including big fireworks shops such as “Tamaya” (Tamaya) and “Kagiya” (Locksmith), which are also known as shouts when looking up at the fireworks. Fireworks have been launched. It was accepted by the common people of Edo who like gorgeous things, and the launch of fireworks has taken root as a standard event for opening rivers. In addition, the hot and humid climate of Japan has made fireworks festivals more rooted not only in Edo but throughout the country as a culture of cool evenings where you can watch fireworks while hitting the night breeze.


It’s hard to be outside on a hot summer day, but for some reason it feels cool on the night of the fireworks display. It’s a taste … This year, festivals and fireworks festivals will be held all over the country, and I hope that many people can enjoy the summer by watching the beautiful fireworks shining in the night sky. However, I haven’t fully enjoyed spring yet, so I would like to feel spring a little more!










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『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

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10:00-17:00 OPEN

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愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN



