お知らせ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




5000円超え、さらにはそれ以上も(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




























Please show me the goods in this case.”


It appears that the elementary school student is talking to the clerk in a familiar manner. However, no one who looked like a parent or guardian was in sight. I was surprised to see the price of the pen in his hand, which I thought was a mechanical pencil, while looking at the exchange of words with a sideways glance. It was over 5,000 yen. Hey, hey, are you going to buy that all by yourself? I was worried about the boy’s ability to buy it all by himself.

Then, the boy tried out the pen with a familiar hand and said, “I’ll buy it. He went to the cash register without hesitation.


For adults, the image of a lightweight, inexpensive mechanical pencil is one that is used less and less frequently. However, among teenagers, especially elementary and junior high school boys, “high-end mechanical pencils” costing more than 3,000 yen each are now a part of their daily lives. They show their collections to their friends and visit stationery stores. The “high-end mechanical pencils” boom that began around the time of the Corona Disaster in 2020 seems to be continuing even today.

Speaking of which, Mitsubishi Pencil’s “Kultuga Dive,” released about two years ago, was a hot topic of conversation. I have looked around for one in stationery stores, but have never found one. The regular price is 5,500 yen, but it still sells for more than the regular price on Mercari and Amazon. As you can imagine, though, knowing the list price, I’m not willing to pay more than that to buy one.


The mechanical pencil has replaced the pencil as the standard writing utensil. Many people call them mechanical pencils. Perhaps it is because “mechanical pencil” is shorter than “mechanical pencil,” and it sounds better. However, from today onward, please call it a mechanical pencil instead of a mechanical pencil. By the way, “mechanical pencil” is a Japanese word. The correct term is “mechanical pencil” or “propelling pencil.


Why “Sharp” instead of “Sha”?

Sharpie, being a katakana name and since pencils and fountain pens were born overseas, many people think it was born overseas. In fact, the mechanical pencil as a practical product was born in Japan, although it was invented by an American in the 1830s. Moreover, it is a true story, as if it were a joke, that the founder of the current major electronics manufacturer “Sharp” was the developer.


The first domestically produced mechanical pencil was born in the early Taisho period (1912-1926). As mentioned above, the inventor was the late Tokuji Hayakawa, founder of the major electronics manufacturer “Sharp,” who named the product “Ever Ready Sharpie Pencil” and made it a hit. This is the origin of the term “mechanical pencil.

He was a craftsman of “Kazari-shi” and one day he came to know about the “ejector pencil”. This is where his dexterity and persistence as Kazari-shi came into play.

He made the body thin so that it would be easy to hold, and then he added an elaborate mechanism to the inside. This created a “stylish writing instrument for adults.
In 1915, he named it “Hayakawa-style lead-out pencil” with high expectations, and it was put on the market. Incidentally, the lead thickness of the early products was 1.15 mm.


However, new things are always resisted, so at first they did not sell at all. In the early Taisho period (1912-1926), many people were still wearing kimonos, and they may not have been accustomed to the foreign style.
However, although they did not sell at all in Japan, they were recognized overseas before in the U.S., Europe, and other countries. This kind of story is often heard about various inventions. It is also common to hear that once this happens, domestic companies will not leave the product alone. In no time at all, the product became a big hit both in Japan and abroad.

Even after the product became a big hit, he continued to make improvements. It is said that he was the one who put a poppy rubber on the end of a mechanical pencil. He also produced other curiosities such as a mechanical pencil with scissors and a mechanical pencil with a thermometer (laugh). (Laughs) After all, a great inventor has a different point of view.


Mechanical pencils must have a mysterious charm. Most of us can’t use them in elementary school because we are required to hold a pencil firmly and write with it, and for various other reasons, so people yearn for them?

However, if they say, “It also motivates me to study,” as a parent, I can understand why they might be tempted to buy one, as if they had a weak spot. Well, adults also want to use the best tools for their own use. It is a good thing if they want to use it with care.


See you soon. (Staff T)
















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




長久手市のお客様より中国美術など買取いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

























骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



愛知県陶磁美術館がリニューアルオープンします。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

















現在残っているのは口を閉じた吽型の一体のみでして、陶製としては大型で、高さ 51 cm、幅 24 × 39 cm あり、へらの痕は鋭く、たて髪は櫛目を使って描かれています。全体に淡黄緑色の灰釉が施されており、前脚が江戸時代の神社火災で損失し木で補修されているようです。大正2 年(1913)に国宝に指定され、昭和 25 年(1950)文化財保護法制定では重要文化財(工芸品)に指定されました。


そんな瀬戸のやきものの祖 加藤四郎左衛門景正(通称:藤四郎)が発見した祖母懐の地(瀬戸市内)では、現在も200体以上の陶製の狛犬を見ることができるそうでして、愛知県に陶製の狛犬が多いのは納得ですね。







It’s not yesterday’s cherry blossoms, but it’s getting warmer and some of you may be starting to soar. I was one of those people who was looking forward to going out somewhere this spring.


I was one of those people, myself, when I learned that on April 1, the long-closed Aichi Prefectural Museum of Ceramics will reopen this spring after a year and nine months of repair work.


The Aichi Prefectural Museum of Ceramics was designed by Yoshiro Taniguchi, a master of Showa Modernism architecture, and I am curious to see how the building has changed its appearance after a year and nine months of repair work. The renovations include earthquake-resistant ceiling repair work, floor and wall repairs in the exhibition rooms and other viewing areas, and the installation of LED lighting. In addition, new display cases were installed in the exhibition rooms, and washbasins created by ceramic artists from Seto and Tokoname were installed in the restrooms in the lobby on the first floor of the main building to create a more comfortable environment for visitors. I have heard some advance information about this and other things, but the weather is nice, so I think I’ll go visit.


Personally, I am interested in the notice of the exhibition of the ceramic guardian dog collection. Although not at the Shirogama Shrine’s Hakuryu Shrine the other day, I sometimes see these ceramic komainu in Aichi Prefecture. (Actually, I did not know about ceramic komainu until I came to Aichi Prefecture.)


One of the most famous ceramic komainu is the ceramic guardian dog that is the sacred treasure of Fukagawa Shrine in Tokyo. According to the legend of Fukagawa Shrine, Shirozaemon Kato Keisho (a.k.a. Fujishiro), the founder of Seto pottery, visited the shrine and received a divine revelation about the discovery of clay in his grandmother’s bosom (in present-day Seto City). It is said that he was so grateful that he dedicated a ceramic guardian dog to the god. After the dedication, it became customary for potters to dedicate ceramic guardian dogs to the shrine.


The only one remaining today is a closed-mouthed Un-gata, which is large for a ceramic piece, 51 cm tall and 24 x 39 cm wide, with sharp spatula marks and a mane of hair painted with a comb pattern. The entire piece is covered with a light yellowish-green ash glaze, and the front legs appear to have been repaired with wood that was lost in a shrine fire during the Edo period. It was designated as a national treasure in 1913 and as an important cultural property (craftwork) in 1950 when the Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties was enacted.


In the grandmother’s bosom (in Seto City), where Shirozaemon Kagemasa Kato (a.k.a. Fujishiro), the founder of Seto pottery, discovered the pottery, more than 200 ceramic guardian dogs can still be seen today, which explains why there are so many ceramic guardian dogs in Aichi Prefecture.


With the reopening of the museum, the ceramic komainu in the collection of the Aichi Prefectural Museum of Ceramic Art will be newly exhibited, so I must go and see them… I thought to myself as I looked at the museum’s website.


I must go and see them…” I muttered to myself as I looked at the museum’s website. (Staff Y)














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





梅派?桜派?、質問の回答がいつも面白いです。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























I just drove by a park and found cherry blossoms already in full bloom? I couldn’t believe my eyes for a moment. It was a sight that made me doubt my eyes for a moment, but news of Kawazu cherry blossoms had been broadcast the other day, so it is not surprising that the early-blooming cherry trees are already in full bloom. Passing through a residential area with such a scene by my side, I saw many houses with plum blossoms that were beginning to bloom quietly in their yards. Both of these flowers have endured the cold and finally bloomed, and I think to myself, “They did their best….

The cherry and plum blossoms are both blooming beautifully in the clear sky after the rain that has been continuing recently.


By the way, not because it is this time of the year, but because I am wondering if you are a plum tree person or a cherry tree person? Or are you a cherry blossom person? Which do you prefer?


It is a trivial question, but when I asked this question, everyone had various reasons for their choice.

Some of the responses from those around us that Staff Y asked were: “Plum, I like pickled plums,” “Sakura, it’s an exciting time of year,” “Plum, I like the aroma,” “Sakura-mochi, I like the smell,” “Sakura, I like sakura-mochi. I like its aroma,” ‘I want to eat sakura mochi (rice cake with sakura blossoms),’ ‘Sato Nishiki is expensive,’ ”Why is cherry blossom viewing such a big event? “I don’t think people go to see ume blossoms, is it because it’s too cold?” It is always very interesting to see how these questions can be easily derived into a variety of topics.


Personally, I am in the “plum” camp at the moment. A few days ago, I saw a beautiful weeping plum tree blooming in the garden of a house, and I stopped for a moment to look at it without becoming a suspicious person. I love weeping Japanese apricots with their flowers on, and the weeping Japanese apricot I was admiring today had a different appearance from the others around it.

The mossy trunks of the weeping plum trees, as you can see in the National Treasure “Red and White Plum Blossoms,” attracted even Korin Ogata, so they must be a sight to behold for anyone.

I also saw my father and other adults pruning and talking about ume trees, and even as a child I thought to myself, “Only adults can handle this…” Even now that I am all grown up, it remains an eternal longing for me as an adult.


In this cold weather, I suddenly stopped to look at weeping plum trees and was completely in the “plum faction,” but please forgive me if this time next month I am muttering, “I knew it was the cherry blossoms. As I mentioned before, I am a “ume-people” at the moment, lol.



Have a good day.
















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10:00-18:00 OPEN





アジア・アジアパラ競技大会、来年秋開催です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



































A customer who came to our store the other day said, “My cat wants me to take her home,” and purchased a cat figurine. Perhaps there is such a thing as an instantaneous encounter with destiny.

When he left the store, he said, “I feel so relaxed when I am in this store. I was also healed.

I look forward to seeing you again.


The other day, I passed by the Paloma Mizuho Athletic Field, which is being rebuilt for the Aichi Nagoya Asian Para Games to be held next fall. It will be the main venue for the games. The completion is scheduled for next spring, but we were able to get a good look at the exterior.


The Asian Games is Asia’s largest sports festival, held once every four years, with 45 countries and regions participating.

Volunteers for the Games are currently being recruited, and you can apply via smartphone or other means.

It is a rare opportunity to experience the atmosphere of an international event as a staff member, so if you are interested, why not consider it? My friend who is light on footwork has already applied for the position.


The concept of the new stadium is “Athletic Field of Sky, Forest, and Earth,” and it will be a six-story open-air building with a roof over all seats.

The area was originally known as Paloma Mizuho Sports Park, and in addition to the athletic field, there is a rugby field, baseball field, tennis courts, and indoor swimming pool. The park is dotted with children’s parks and is lush with greenery as per the concept. The Yamazaki River, famous for its rows of cherry blossom trees, flows through the park, attracting many people during the cherry blossom viewing season.

The concourse of the new stadium, together with the outer perimeter deck connected to the recreation plaza, will be a figure-eight loop course of about 1 km, which will provide a comfortable running and walking course even in rainy weather. Changing rooms and shower rooms will also be provided.

An urban sports area where skateboarding and 3×3 basketball can be enjoyed will also be newly established, and it is likely to become a place of relaxation for the local community regardless of age.

To give you a little history of the Asian Games, the sporting event was proposed by Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru shortly after World War II to restore the bonds between Asian countries torn apart by war and to pray for the continuation of peace.

The first Games were held in New Delhi, India in 1952 with 11 participating countries including Japan. In Japan, the 3rd Games were held in Tokyo in 1958 and the 12th Games were held in Hiroshima in 1994. The Games to be held in Nagoya, Aichi in 2026 will be the 20th Games, the first time in 32 years that Japan will host the Games.

So the beginning of the Games was a wish for peace. I hope that the Games will continue for a long time so that people can train hard, compete in sports, and deepen their friendship with each other.

However, there are many practical problems because it is a large-scale event, and the athletes’ village that was to be built on the site of the former Nagoya Racecourse has been abandoned due to the recent rise in various expenses. Instead, 4,000 athletes will stay on a cruise ship docked at the Port of Nagoya’s Kinjo Pier, and 2,000 will stay in a container house at the Port of Nagoya’s Garden Pier.

We hear that the Osaka-Kansai Expo, which will finally be held this spring, is also facing ballooning venue construction costs due to soaring expenses. It seems that it is often ridiculed for various reasons, but it is better than we imagined! I hope that the Expo will be well-received, attract as many visitors as possible, and be a great success.


My parents and others are eager to go to the Expo, but they don’t know how to get tickets because it is so complicated. I will try instead when I return home.


So, I’ll see you next time. (Staff H)














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




児童書と侮るなかれ…(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



『小学館の図鑑NEOアート はじめての国宝』。

27万部を売り上げている、美術に特化した新ジャンルとして発売された『小学館の図鑑NEOアート 図解 はじめての絵画』シリーズに続く第二弾です。













● 奈良国立博物館「超 国宝―祈りのかがやき―」(2025年4月19日(土)~6月15日(日))









I ended up buying it.

Shogakukan’s Illustrated Book NEO Art, Hajimete no Kokuhou (First National Treasures).

It is the second volume following “Shogakukan’s Illustrated Book NEO Art: First Time Paintings” series, which sold 270,000 copies and was released as a new genre specializing in art.

The “National Treasures” may seem a bit austere, but it also looks somewhat difficult… This “Hajimete no Kokuhou” has completely changed that image. This illustrated book, with its eye-catching, manly-looking standing statue of Ashura on the cover, is not to be underestimated as a children’s illustrated book. Don’t underestimate it as a children’s book. Because it is intended for children, no corners have been cut.


Inside the book, you will find large photos and a wide variety of Japanese masterpieces, including paintings, sculptures, crafts, architecture, and other items that even children can enjoy.

Instead of arranging the national treasures in chronological order, they are introduced according to themes that are easy for children to be interested in, such as “many is good,” “full of grandfathers,” and “painted like patterns,” and they are explained clearly in easy-to-understand language that comes up in everyday conversation.

By comparing works on the same theme, it is interesting to naturally understand the characteristics of each piece, and each turn of the page brings a new discovery, such as “I didn’t know there were such national treasures,” and I felt that the content is satisfying even for adults.

I felt that the book was very satisfying to read for adults, especially with the theme “Are there really 1,000 hands? The photo of the “Standing Image of Thousand-Armed Kannon Bosatsu” (Kondo, Toshodaiji Temple, Nara) with its “1,000 hands” disassembled on each side of the page is a must-see. Children will surely be fascinated by the picture of the statue surrounded by a five-layered circle of hands, from the largest to the smallest. There were many such “fun-to-read tricks.


Speaking of national treasures, a number of exhibitions related to national treasures are scheduled to be held in the Kansai region this year in conjunction with the Osaka Expo.

Osaka Municipal Museum of Art “National Treasures of Japan” (April 26 (Sat.) – June 15 (Sun.), 2025)
Nara National Museum, “Super National Treasures: The Brightness of Prayer” (April 19, 2025 (Sat) – June 15, 2025 (Sun))
Kyoto National Museum “Japan, A Crucible of Beauty: Traces of Intercultural Exchange” (April 19 (Sat.) – June 15 (Sun.), 2025)

*Please check the website for details.

Hajimete no Kokuho (First National Treasures)” is an illustrated book that adults can also enjoy reading. It is also recommended to enjoy it with your children as a preliminary study before visiting the National Treasure Exhibition. Not only children who are new to Japanese art, but also adults may find “national treasures are actually interesting” in this book, so if you keep a copy at home, the whole family can enjoy it together, for sure! Perhaps one day your child will become a doctor like in a certain TV program.


By the way, there are so many “national treasures. Whenever I have a chance, I have to go see them more and more! I feel like I have to go see them more and more when I have a chance.

See you soon. (Staff T)














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10:00-18:00 OPEN




失くし物ご注意ください(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





























The other day, I lost something.


When I returned from an outing, I found that my necklace was missing. I thought I had dropped it somewhere in the shopping mall where I went out.

It was a necklace that I had cherished, so I was overcome with a sense of loss and despair for a while, but then I came to my senses and drove to the shopping mall again. Thinking about it now, it is very dangerous to drive with that mentality, but what was my obsession at that time lol.


Upon arrival, I retrace my steps that I must have taken and stop at a certain café where I last stopped. Of course, there was no way I could find it in the seat I was sitting in, and I was about to give up halfway through. I asked the waitress if I could have it, and she came out from the backyard holding the necklace I had dropped, crying. Is this the necklace?”

Her smile looked like an angel with a halo.


Needless to say, the disturbed lady bowed her head dozens of times and looked so strange after that, but I couldn’t help but thank the person who picked it up and delivered it to me, whom I will never see again, and the clerk, and wish many good things for everyone. I couldn’t help but wish for many good things to happen to you all…. Thank you very much.


After that, I stopped by the restroom and found something I had forgotten. I was a bit nosy, but I was in a strange state of tension, so I told the store manager about it, fearing that it might have been taken or stolen. I checked and it turned out that the contents were clothes that I had just bought.


It turned out to be just a lost and found item. I could picture the owner’s panicked face and wished that my kindness would be immediately conveyed to him… I was thinking a lot about what had happened in the past hour or so.


I left with a high tension in my heart, and I thought to myself, “I should return the kindness with kindness! LOL.” My family, who did not know what I was talking about, did not react well to my outburst, saying “What are you doing…?

As the weather gets warmer and many of us get busier, please be careful about lost and found items.


Have a good day. (Staff Y)














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN










古の人々を魅了した蛤の貝殻の美しさ(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)























March has arrived and the Dolls’ Festival is just around the corner. I used to wonder when to buy clams, but after learning that clams enhance their flavor when they are pre-processed and frozen, I have been buying them as soon as possible.

I always hesitate to throw away the shells after I have sucked them, because they are so beautiful and so magnificent. (I always end up throwing them away…) It seems that the ancient people felt the same way, and shell games have been played with clams since the Heian period (794-1192).

Originally, the Heian aristocrats loved the shape, color, size, and rarity of clams, and composed poems about them, competing with each other for superiority. The game gradually became a game for the children of nobles, who would mix a pair of clams, called “kaioi,” and guess which pair was the best. In modern times, the game is also called “Kaiawase” (shell-matching).

From the Muromachi period (1333-1573) to the Edo period (1603-1867), shells from shell mating were placed in a shell container and used as a wedding gift, and in the Reizei family in Kyoto, one of the head families of the art of Japanese poetry, they have been used as wedding ornaments for generations. The Reizei family is the ancestors of Toshinari Fujiwara and Teika Fujiwara, father and son, who were active from the late Heian to Kamakura periods, and they continue to preserve and transmit waka poetry gatherings and annual events of the court nobles to this day.


During the Edo period (1603-1867), the inside of the shell was decorated with gold leaf, flowers and birds in maki-e lacquer, enhancing the artistic value of the shell. The clam pail occupied an important place in the wedding arrangements of the feudal lords, and was carried in the front of the wedding procession, and the bride’s side handed the pail to the bride-to-be.

Since only two clams can fit together perfectly, they were used as a symbol of good luck at weddings and other events such as Hina Matsuri (Girls’ Festival), in the hope that the couple would be blessed with a good match and live together happily. In my family, we have never missed clam soup on Peach Festival. In fact, I wish to have it all year round.


Speaking of clams, “Kuwana no Hamaguri” from Kuwana City in Mie Prefecture, a neighbor of here in Aichi Prefecture, is very famous. It was introduced in “Tokaido Chu Hizakurige” and was presented to the Tokugawa Shoguns in the Edo period (1603-1868). Today, many imported clams are sold, but Kuwana clams are still exceptional in taste. The rare and valuable “Yamato clam,” an ancient Japanese species, grows in the brackish waters of calm inner bays and has a thin shell, making its meat soft and plump with a strong flavor. The clam grows to 2 cm in its first year, 4 cm in its second year, and 5.5 cm in its fifth year, and its life span is estimated to be about 7 to 8 years.

In fact, the Kuwana clam was once on the verge of extinction after 1975 due to the decline of tidal flats and environmental degradation. The prefectural government, city government, and fishermen’s cooperative worked together to create artificial tidal flats and release young clams into the sea, and the clams have succeeded in making a miraculous comeback. However, the situation still does not allow for optimism, and efforts to ban overfishing and other measures are still ongoing. The high price of clams makes me want to withdraw my hand from them, but I will be thankful to have them at least on festive occasions.


By the way, the other day, we received a “Hamaguri Goishi” from a customer. I am ashamed to say that I did not know that Go stones were made from clams. The black stones made from Nachi-Kuroishi from Kumano, Mie Prefecture, are considered the highest quality, and the white stones made from clams are popular. It is said that the beauty of the stripes of the annual rings of the shells and the soft milky white glow attract people. Hyuga City in Miyazaki Prefecture is famous for the production of these clam goishi. It is said that clams found washed up all over the beach at “Okurakehama” in the middle of the Meiji period (1868-1912) were brought back to Osaka by a medicine seller from Toyama. The clams became popular for their thickness and beautiful stripes, and spread throughout the country. If I have a chance to see it again, I would like to take a good look at it and feel it.


The beautiful and elegant story of the clam continued, but a surprising word was derived from the clam.

Rough students in school dramas who take a rebellious attitude are called “delinquents,” and “to become a delinquent” is also called “gureru. As mentioned earlier, since clams only fit perfectly with the shells of a pair, the word “guruhama” was used to describe a discrepancy or misapprehension, reversing “hamaguri” to “guruhama. This changed to “guruhama” and led to “gureru. It is believed to have already been used as a spoken language, as there is a line in an Edo period Kabuki play that goes, “I began to hate my cramped work on the island so much that I started to gureru. It was a shock to me, following the Edo dialect, “Maji, yabai,” which I wrote about in a previous blog.


I will see you next time. (Staff H)














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10:00-18:00 OPEN




名古屋市瑞穂区のお客様より買取いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



























骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN






週末に向けて梅も準備万端のようです(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




















【休園日】毎週月曜日(祝日の場合は翌平日) ※ しだれ梅まつり期間中は無休












It is cloudy in Nagoya today, but the cold weather has eased and we can feel the arrival of spring. In my blog the other day, I mentioned that the ume (plum blossoms) were already in bloom, and it looks like they will all bloom at once with the warmth of this weekend.

There is a saying that “ume (plum blossoms) are the first of the hundred flowers” because they are the first to bloom when it is still very cold. It is also called “Harutsugegusa.

Nowadays, people have a strong impression that cherry blossoms are the most popular flower in Japan, and cherry blossoms are the most popular flower for Hanami (cherry-blossom viewing). Plum trees were more popular than cherry trees in those days.


It is the second most common flower in the Manyoshu, the oldest anthology of Japanese poetry, after bush clovers, indicating the high interest in ume among the Japanese people in ancient times.
Plum trees can be broadly classified into white and red based on the color of their flowers, but they are highly mutable plants, and the shape of their flowers, the form of their trees, their branches and leaves also undergo complex changes.


With more than 300 species of ume flowers, it is difficult to classify them.
The most common way is to divide them into three systems: yabaikei, hibaikei, and bungokei, but “yabaikei” makes me laugh a little.

Other classification methods include “miume” for plum trees that bear fruit and “hana-ume” for those whose flowers are to be admired, and “shiro-ume” and “koh-ume” for those whose flowers are colored white and red, respectively.

The classification by flower color is easy to understand even without difficult knowledge.
There are also subtle differences in the colors and changes in the colors of these flowers depending on the type, and according to their characteristics, there are various types, such as “hombeni,” “utsurishiro,” “utsuribeni,” “kuchibeni,” “shibori,” which is tie-dyed, and “urabeni,” where the reverse side of the petals is red and the surface is light-colored.

All of these have wonderful names that remind us of Japanese kimonos. When admiring ume blossoms, you may enjoy them more if you pay attention to the color of the flowers.

Ume blossoms herald the arrival of spring with their sweet fragrance. Nagoya City is also famous for its plum blossoms. There are also events held in conjunction with the blooming season, so why not go out to see the ume blossoms this weekend?

☞ Nagoya Castle
About 60 ume trees of about 10 varieties are planted in the “Nishinomaru Area” and “Ninomaru Area” within Nagoya Castle, and the best time to view them is from mid-February to mid-March. Different ume blossoms can be seen in each area, providing a different atmosphere for viewing.

☞Nagoya City Agricultural Center delaFUMU
From late February to mid-March, the area is filled with the fragrance of weeping plum blossoms when they are at their best. The “Weeping Plum Blossom Festival” is held in conjunction with the best time to view the blossoms, and during the festival, various events are held, including a morning market, an open-air market, and many stage events.

☞ Donggoksan Fruit Park
The park has a plum orchard where visitors can enjoy 150 plum trees of about 40 varieties from early February to mid-March, and on Saturdays and Sundays from late May to June, visitors can experience the harvesting of plum trees in the orchard.

☞ Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Garden
There are about 20 varieties of 200 plum trees planted in the park, and beautiful plum blossoms can be seen everywhere from early February to mid-March. Especially in the plum groves “Ume-no-oka” and “Ume-no-Tani,” you can see many plum blossoms. Be sure to visit Shabani as well!


See you soon. (Staff T)













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