5000円超え、さらにはそれ以上も(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
Please show me the goods in this case.”
It appears that the elementary school student is talking to the clerk in a familiar manner. However, no one who looked like a parent or guardian was in sight. I was surprised to see the price of the pen in his hand, which I thought was a mechanical pencil, while looking at the exchange of words with a sideways glance. It was over 5,000 yen. Hey, hey, are you going to buy that all by yourself? I was worried about the boy’s ability to buy it all by himself.
Then, the boy tried out the pen with a familiar hand and said, “I’ll buy it. He went to the cash register without hesitation.
For adults, the image of a lightweight, inexpensive mechanical pencil is one that is used less and less frequently. However, among teenagers, especially elementary and junior high school boys, “high-end mechanical pencils” costing more than 3,000 yen each are now a part of their daily lives. They show their collections to their friends and visit stationery stores. The “high-end mechanical pencils” boom that began around the time of the Corona Disaster in 2020 seems to be continuing even today.
Speaking of which, Mitsubishi Pencil’s “Kultuga Dive,” released about two years ago, was a hot topic of conversation. I have looked around for one in stationery stores, but have never found one. The regular price is 5,500 yen, but it still sells for more than the regular price on Mercari and Amazon. As you can imagine, though, knowing the list price, I’m not willing to pay more than that to buy one.
The mechanical pencil has replaced the pencil as the standard writing utensil. Many people call them mechanical pencils. Perhaps it is because “mechanical pencil” is shorter than “mechanical pencil,” and it sounds better. However, from today onward, please call it a mechanical pencil instead of a mechanical pencil. By the way, “mechanical pencil” is a Japanese word. The correct term is “mechanical pencil” or “propelling pencil.
Why “Sharp” instead of “Sha”?
Sharpie, being a katakana name and since pencils and fountain pens were born overseas, many people think it was born overseas. In fact, the mechanical pencil as a practical product was born in Japan, although it was invented by an American in the 1830s. Moreover, it is a true story, as if it were a joke, that the founder of the current major electronics manufacturer “Sharp” was the developer.
The first domestically produced mechanical pencil was born in the early Taisho period (1912-1926). As mentioned above, the inventor was the late Tokuji Hayakawa, founder of the major electronics manufacturer “Sharp,” who named the product “Ever Ready Sharpie Pencil” and made it a hit. This is the origin of the term “mechanical pencil.
He was a craftsman of “Kazari-shi” and one day he came to know about the “ejector pencil”. This is where his dexterity and persistence as Kazari-shi came into play.
He made the body thin so that it would be easy to hold, and then he added an elaborate mechanism to the inside. This created a “stylish writing instrument for adults.
In 1915, he named it “Hayakawa-style lead-out pencil” with high expectations, and it was put on the market. Incidentally, the lead thickness of the early products was 1.15 mm.
However, new things are always resisted, so at first they did not sell at all. In the early Taisho period (1912-1926), many people were still wearing kimonos, and they may not have been accustomed to the foreign style.
However, although they did not sell at all in Japan, they were recognized overseas before in the U.S., Europe, and other countries. This kind of story is often heard about various inventions. It is also common to hear that once this happens, domestic companies will not leave the product alone. In no time at all, the product became a big hit both in Japan and abroad.
Even after the product became a big hit, he continued to make improvements. It is said that he was the one who put a poppy rubber on the end of a mechanical pencil. He also produced other curiosities such as a mechanical pencil with scissors and a mechanical pencil with a thermometer (laugh). (Laughs) After all, a great inventor has a different point of view.
Mechanical pencils must have a mysterious charm. Most of us can’t use them in elementary school because we are required to hold a pencil firmly and write with it, and for various other reasons, so people yearn for them?
However, if they say, “It also motivates me to study,” as a parent, I can understand why they might be tempted to buy one, as if they had a weak spot. Well, adults also want to use the best tools for their own use. It is a good thing if they want to use it with care.
See you soon. (Staff T)
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