お知らせ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 2




週末に向けて梅も準備万端のようです(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




















【休園日】毎週月曜日(祝日の場合は翌平日) ※ しだれ梅まつり期間中は無休












It is cloudy in Nagoya today, but the cold weather has eased and we can feel the arrival of spring. In my blog the other day, I mentioned that the ume (plum blossoms) were already in bloom, and it looks like they will all bloom at once with the warmth of this weekend.

There is a saying that “ume (plum blossoms) are the first of the hundred flowers” because they are the first to bloom when it is still very cold. It is also called “Harutsugegusa.

Nowadays, people have a strong impression that cherry blossoms are the most popular flower in Japan, and cherry blossoms are the most popular flower for Hanami (cherry-blossom viewing). Plum trees were more popular than cherry trees in those days.


It is the second most common flower in the Manyoshu, the oldest anthology of Japanese poetry, after bush clovers, indicating the high interest in ume among the Japanese people in ancient times.
Plum trees can be broadly classified into white and red based on the color of their flowers, but they are highly mutable plants, and the shape of their flowers, the form of their trees, their branches and leaves also undergo complex changes.


With more than 300 species of ume flowers, it is difficult to classify them.
The most common way is to divide them into three systems: yabaikei, hibaikei, and bungokei, but “yabaikei” makes me laugh a little.

Other classification methods include “miume” for plum trees that bear fruit and “hana-ume” for those whose flowers are to be admired, and “shiro-ume” and “koh-ume” for those whose flowers are colored white and red, respectively.

The classification by flower color is easy to understand even without difficult knowledge.
There are also subtle differences in the colors and changes in the colors of these flowers depending on the type, and according to their characteristics, there are various types, such as “hombeni,” “utsurishiro,” “utsuribeni,” “kuchibeni,” “shibori,” which is tie-dyed, and “urabeni,” where the reverse side of the petals is red and the surface is light-colored.

All of these have wonderful names that remind us of Japanese kimonos. When admiring ume blossoms, you may enjoy them more if you pay attention to the color of the flowers.

Ume blossoms herald the arrival of spring with their sweet fragrance. Nagoya City is also famous for its plum blossoms. There are also events held in conjunction with the blooming season, so why not go out to see the ume blossoms this weekend?

☞ Nagoya Castle
About 60 ume trees of about 10 varieties are planted in the “Nishinomaru Area” and “Ninomaru Area” within Nagoya Castle, and the best time to view them is from mid-February to mid-March. Different ume blossoms can be seen in each area, providing a different atmosphere for viewing.

☞Nagoya City Agricultural Center delaFUMU
From late February to mid-March, the area is filled with the fragrance of weeping plum blossoms when they are at their best. The “Weeping Plum Blossom Festival” is held in conjunction with the best time to view the blossoms, and during the festival, various events are held, including a morning market, an open-air market, and many stage events.

☞ Donggoksan Fruit Park
The park has a plum orchard where visitors can enjoy 150 plum trees of about 40 varieties from early February to mid-March, and on Saturdays and Sundays from late May to June, visitors can experience the harvesting of plum trees in the orchard.

☞ Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Garden
There are about 20 varieties of 200 plum trees planted in the park, and beautiful plum blossoms can be seen everywhere from early February to mid-March. Especially in the plum groves “Ume-no-oka” and “Ume-no-Tani,” you can see many plum blossoms. Be sure to visit Shabani as well!


See you soon. (Staff T)













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10:00-18:00 OPEN




明日、7つの惑星が整列します(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)








特徴としては、赤みを帯びた火星(等級 -0.4)は空の高い位置にあり、双子座の南の地平線上に見えます。次に明るい木星(等級 -2.3)はやや低い位置にあり、よく分からないのですがおうし座に輝いています。天王星(等級 5.8)はおひつじ座の境界付近に位置し理論上は肉眼で見える可能性がありますが、完全に暗く澄んだ空が必要のようですすので双眼鏡を使うことをお勧めします。ちなみに、この惑星直列は新月と重なるため天王星や海王星のような暗い天体を観察する絶好のチャンスです。


そして西の地平線に近い位置には輝く金星(等級 -4.8)があり、これは空で最も明るい惑星でので肉眼で観測可能。同じく、うお座にあるのが海王星(等級 7.8)ですが、この最も暗い惑星を観測するには、こちらも少なくとも強力な双眼鏡が必要のようです。


さらに地平線に近い位置では、観測が難しい水星(等級 -1.2)がみずがめ座に見えます。


最後に黄金色の土星(等級 1.1)ですが、土星がこの直列の中で最も観測が難しい惑星のようであります。通常は夜空で容易に見える明るさなのですが、今回は太陽に非常に近い位置にあるようでして、観測するには太陽が地平線下に沈み、土星がまだ沈む前のタイミングを見つけることが大切なようです。







I am already wondering what the weather will be like tomorrow, February 28. Did you know that tomorrow a rare phenomenon will occur: a planetary direct conjunction of seven planets (Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars) will be aligned in the sky. This kind of phenomenon is rare (the next time we will see it will be 150 years from now), so you don’t want to miss it! I am not very familiar with the phenomenon, so I decided to check the time and direction of the event.


It seems that the best time to observe it is just after sunset in the western evening sky, when seven planets (Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars) are aligned in the sky, and four of them (Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Mars) can be easily observed with the naked eye.


Characteristically, the reddish Mars (magnitude -0.4) is high in the sky and visible on the southern horizon in Gemini. The next brightest, Jupiter (magnitude -2.3), is slightly lower in the sky and shines in Taurus, though it is not well defined. Uranus (magnitude 5.8) is located near the boundary of the constellation of Aries and could theoretically be visible to the naked eye, but it would require a completely dark and clear sky, so binoculars are recommended. Incidentally, this planetary conjunction coincides with the new moon, making it an excellent opportunity to observe faint objects such as Uranus and Neptune.


And close to the western horizon is shining Venus (magnitude -4.8), the brightest planet in the sky and therefore observable with the naked eye. Also in the constellation of Pisces is Neptune (magnitude 7.8), which also seems to require at least powerful binoculars to observe this faintest planet.


Even closer to the horizon, the difficult-to-observe Mercury (magnitude -1.2) is visible in the constellation of Aquarius.


Finally, the golden Saturn (magnitude 1.1) seems to be the most difficult planet to observe in this series. Normally, Saturn is bright enough to be easily visible in the night sky, but this time it seems to be very close to the sun, so it is important to find a time when the sun has set below the horizon and Saturn has not yet set.


Personally, I try to make it as easy as I can, and even if I can’t see a planet, I can say, “I saw it! I would like to be able to experience this moment while I am still alive, but it all depends on the weather. But that depends on the weather. I can only pray for the best.


Have a good day (Staff Y)













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10:00-18:00 OPEN




名古屋市千種区のお客様より買取いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN






尾張旭市のお客様より買取いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


























骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN






ミトコンドリア意識してますか?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






























With the warm sunshine of the past few days, people on the streets seem to have changed into lighter and lighter clothing. I have been wondering what is wrong with my body, which has been completely careless wrapped in coats and sweaters, but I have been making excuses to myself that it can’t be helped because the cold makes me slow down in the winter. However, that excuse doesn’t work. In fact, winter is the best season for weight loss.

During the cold winter months, energy consumption increases in order to maintain body temperature, which naturally increases basal metabolism.

Basal metabolism is the energy that is consumed even when the body is at rest, and in winter, the body tries to maintain a constant body temperature, which increases basal metabolism, making it easier to burn fat and lose weight.

The reason why people feel that they gain weight in winter is not only because of lack of exercise, but also because they tend to eat too much food at Christmas and New Year’s. The less exercise people usually do, the more they clean their house. For those who do not usually exercise, even light exercise such as cleaning or walking can raise basal metabolism even more.

Mitochondria” have been the focus of much attention in recent years when considering basal metabolism. I am sure everyone has heard of this term at least once. I also think of that solanaceous figure in textbooks, and it is true that recently I have seen the words “drink mitochondria” and other such terms, which begs the question, what is a mitochondria? The more I looked into it, the more I was surprised.

The more I looked into it, the more I was surprised, so please bear with me if you would like to know more.


Mitochondria are present in all cells except human red blood cells, but surprisingly, they were originally a separate organism from our human ancestors and lived independently, using oxygen to produce energy. Then, about 2.5 billion years ago, they chose to live in symbiosis with the archaea of our human ancestors, and they continue to live inside our bodies today.

Come to think of it, there was a horror novel by Hideaki Sena called “Parasite Eve,” which became a bestseller a long time ago. It was made into a movie, and it is said that mitochondria are the creatures called Eve that try to take over and conquer the human body.

At the time, I wondered how they could come up with such a novel and frightening story, but in fact, it was also a realistic story in line with biology.

Of course, mitochondria are not such a terrifying existence at the moment, but rather they play an indispensable role in our biological activities. They take in oxygen and continue to produce energy on behalf of our human ancestors, who were originally oxygen-phobic. And the more we exercise, the more mitochondria in our muscle cells increase in number, which in turn increases our basal metabolism.

Many marathoners have thin physiques, and I have wondered where they get the energy to run long distances, but it seems that the mitochondria in their cells have increased considerably through training.

The reason why the flesh of tuna, which swims constantly, is red is because the protein that carries oxygen to the mitochondria is red in color, while flounder and flatfish, which hide themselves on the ocean floor, have white flesh.

The reason we breathe constantly is to send oxygen to the mitochondria.


Our bodies are programmed by the DNA in the nucleus of the cell, but the mitochondria in the cell still carry their own DNA from when they lived alone, separate from the DNA in the nucleus. It is somewhat mysterious, as if there is a different organism inside the body.

Moreover, it is said that mitochondrial DNA can only be inherited from the mother, and if you trace the mitochondrial DNA of the mother of a human being today, you will reach a woman in Africa. This is what is known as “mitochondrial Eve,” or more accurately, the “mitochondrial Eve population.

The famous story of “African Eve,” the mother of humanity. I could not understand it no matter how many times I thought about it and always thought that it could not be true, but now I see a little more. Rather than the mother of humankind, she is the mother of mitochondrial DNA.

And yet, I am amazed that mitochondria decided to coexist with us billions of years ago. It sounds like an extraordinary story, but when I think about the fact that it is actually passed down in my body, I feel strongly that I should take care of it and not treat it roughly.

See you next time. (Staff H)















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10:00-18:00 OPEN




香りの効果!?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)











日本で香りが使われるようになったのは、仏教が伝来した飛鳥時代だと言われています。「日本書紀」に、もっとも古い 「お香」 の記述があったのは595年のこと。




















How much sleep is healthy, and is it okay to sleep for shorter periods of time as long as I sleep soundly?

Normally, we don’t pay much attention to these questions, but when we feel that the quality of our sleep is not good, we think about these things. When I think that the quality of my sleep is not good, I think like this. I want to have a good sleep….

A friend of mine gave me a night spray as a gift the other day. She said it is easy to use, just spray it on the bedding before going to bed. I have only used it a few times, but as I was enveloped in the fragrance, before I knew it, I was in a dream. ……


Although I thought about the fact that I do not consciously take in “fragrance” on a daily basis, fragrances are surprisingly familiar in our daily lives, such as the scent of fabric softener, freshly brewed coffee, the aroma of a fragrant fragrance of a golden osmanthus in the garden, the smell of rice in a restaurant, and so on.

We are surrounded by so many fragrances, but when was it that fragrances were first enjoyed in Japan?

It is said that fragrances were first used in Japan during the Asuka period (710-794), when Buddhism was introduced to Japan. The earliest mention of “incense” in the “Chronicles of Japan” dates back to 595.

A large piece of sunken water drifted ashore on Awaji Island. Unaware of this, the islanders burned it with firewood in their hearths. The islanders, unaware of the wood, burned it with firewood in their hearths, and were so mystified by the faraway fragrance of the smoke that they presented the wood to the imperial court.” This is the content of the story.

The agarwood mentioned here refers to agarwood, which is a member of the daphne family. Agarwood is an aromatic tree that is based on a tree of the Zingiberaceae family, and the resin of the tree has been transformed over a long period of time to give off a unique fragrance. It is called “agarwood” because it is so heavy that it sinks in water, which is the origin of the name “agarwood.


The pillow spray I received as a gift this time is said to be a blend of fragrances based on the theme of sleep, and it seems to have an image of three stages of fragrance preparation while you are sleeping. I was surprised at how well I slept, and I didn’t have any dreams thanks to the refreshing scent.

For example, citrus scents are called citrus notes, herbal scents are called aromatic notes, and floral scents are called floral notes.

Perfumes are made from a variety of fragrances, and although they smell more intense when placed on the skin, the fragrance is actually not constant all the time.


The lighter fragrances, which are more evanescent, come first, and the heavier fragrances, which are more lingering, come last. The term “note” is used to describe this order of fragrance.

Perfumes are scented in three stages. It is said that they change into completely different expressions.

Some fragrances change dramatically in the last note. It is said that this note is what keeps the overall balance of the fragrance exquisite.

In other words, it would have been a mistake to buy a perfume at a perfume shop and say, “It smells so good!



Incense was introduced to Japan 1,400 years ago. Even today, we are surrounded by many fragrances. If you feel “it smells good” subconsciously, it may be the scent you are looking for.

There are various effects such as healing and stress relief. Let’s incorporate fragrance into our daily lives and get a good night’s sleep today.

See you soon. (Staff T)

















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10:00-18:00 OPEN




梅は咲いたか、桜はまだかいな(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


















「難波津(なにはづ)に 咲くやこの花 冬ごもり 今は春べと 咲くやこの花」

(難波津に 咲いたよこの花が。冬の間は籠っていて 今はもう春になったので 咲いたよこの花が)


この歌は、仁徳天皇(在位313~399)が皇位につかれた事を喜んで、渡来した百済(くだら)の王仁(わに)博士が、 梅花にこの和歌を添えて奉ったと伝えられているそうです。添えられた古注では、編者の紀貫之が「梅の花を言ふなるべし」と注釈しているところから、当時から大切な慶びごとを梅の開花になぞらえて愛でるほどのお花であったことがおわかりいただけます。
















While many people in the area may not be able to do so due to the daily cold wave, I heard the news that the ume (plum) blossoms have begun to bloom here in Aichi Prefecture.


Really? I went to Shiogama Shrine in Tenpaku Ward, which is my personal benchmark for plum blossoms, to do a little reconnaissance. I had assumed that this year’s blooming must be late, but as you can see, it has started.


Under the clear blue winter sky, the flowers were already in full bloom.


The perfect sunny weather must have been perfect for the day, as families visiting the shrine one after another came to the shrine. Shiogama Shrine is known as the god of safe delivery, and many people visit here every day to visit the shrine and pray for safe delivery. It was a morning that made me think, “Is this a paradise?


There is a very beautiful poem about plum blossoms in the “Preface to the Kana-suzu (Preface to the Anthology of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry)”.


In the poem, a beautiful flower blooms in Naniwazu, “Winter is over, now it is spring.

(In Naniwazu, this flower has bloomed. (In Naniwazu, this flower bloomed because it was holed up for the winter and now it is spring.)


This poem is said to have been dedicated to Emperor Nintoku (reigned 313-399) by Dr. Wani of Baekje, who came to Japan to rejoice in his ascension to the throne, and to have accompanied the plum blossoms with this waka poem. In the accompanying ancient commentary, the compiler Ki no Kannushi annotates the poem with the words, “Plum blossoms must be said to be in bloom,” indicating that the flower was so beloved at that time that the accession of the emperor was compared to the blooming of the plum tree.


Nevertheless, today’s “Sakuya konohana” at Shiogama Shrine is also wonderful.


On the way down the stairs, there is a small shrine called “Hakuryu Shrine” that you might pass by without noticing it. This shrine has a rare ceramic guardian dog, and I thought to myself, “What a cute little dog…” as I peeked around. As I was peering at them, I saw a madam with a real big dog behind her. It seemed to be a big golden retriever, so big that even madam might have been able to pull on the lead with all her might. However, when she noticed him, she was so surprised to see him rubbing up against a stranger (herself) and spoiling her. He is so cute.


We dropped by Shiogama Shrine on a whim to see if the plum blossoms were in bloom… but the plum blossoms that brought us so many happy items were in full bloom this year, too. That’s all for now.


Have a good day. (Staff Y)













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10:00-18:00 OPEN






語呂合わせにはいつも助けられています(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)








ちなみに外国語でも年号の覚え方があるのか気になりまして調べてみますと、英語では少し事情が違うようでして、例えば ”I sighted Thomas’s rights. “という文があるのですが、単語のアルファベットの数を数えると、それぞれ1776ととなりアメリカ独立宣言が採択された年号を覚えられるのだとか。独立宣言に貢献したトーマス・ジェフソンの名前も含まれています。数えるのにちょっと時間がかかりそうだし、英単語を間違えて覚えていたらアウトだなと思ってしまうのは私だけでしょうか。他にも南北戦争が終結した年号で “I captured south’s flags” 1865年というのもあるそうです。中々高度な技に思えるのですが、お国が違えば覚え方も様々ですね。ただどこの国でも年号を覚えるのに苦労しているのは確かなようです。

















I had never heard of Cat Day, which was mentioned in yesterday’s blog, but a few people I met yesterday talked about how today is Cat Day, and I was surprised to hear that it is so widely recognized. So what about today, February 23? It is also called “Mt. Fuji Day. Fuji Day”, which is also a word that comes from the Japanese syllabary. Fuji does not belong to any prefecture, and the area above the 8th station is the private property of the Mt.


Fuji is not part of any prefecture, and the summit above the 8th station is privately owned by Mt. I wondered if I would be able to memorize such a silly set of words, but surprisingly, the jokey combination of words remained firmly in my memory, and helped me a lot. I remember getting through it by making up my own slightly embarrassing alliteration that I couldn’t say to others.

I have heard that history classes are now more about digging deeper into historical events, learning the flow of events before and after them, and making students think about why things happened the way they did, rather than memorizing the year numbers. In addition, they are moving in the direction of parallel study of world history and Japanese history, rather than separating the two.

When I was a student, I was not very good at history classes, which required a lot of memorization, and I was not very interested in history itself, and I thought I did not like studying history. However, as I learned using modern and convenient tools, I began to find it interesting. Children today are blessed, aren’t they? Thanks to you, I feel that my aversion to history is gradually disappearing.


For example, there is a sentence “I sighted Thomas’s rights.” If you count the number of letters in the word, it becomes 1776 and 1776 respectively, which is the year when the American Declaration of Independence was adopted. If you count the number of letters in the word, you can remember the year in which the Declaration of Independence was adopted. It includes the name of Thomas Jefferson, who contributed to the Declaration of Independence. Is it just me, or does it seem to take a bit of time to count, and if I remember the English words incorrectly, I’m out of luck? Another year is “I captured south’s flags” 1865, the year the Civil War ended. It seems like a very advanced technique, but I guess different countries have different ways of remembering things. However, it is true that every country has a hard time remembering the year.


In Korean, there seems to be a system of matching the sound with the number, like in Japanese.

Two is pronounced “yi” and four is pronounced “sa,” and “isa” means moving, so 24 is often used as a phone number for movers. Other numbers are 51 “oil” for gas stations, and 2 “y” and 8 “pal” are used for telephone numbers for dentists, etc., because “yippal” = “tooth”.

It seems to be common throughout the world that numbers that are inorganic and difficult to remember can be made meaningful and easy to remember by combining them with other words.


Come to think of it, I used to remember English words that I just couldn’t remember by making up silly alliterations that I couldn’t tell anyone about. I also enjoyed doing that and time would pass by…. I told myself that, aside from the question of how it was pronounced, it would stick in my memory as I recalled it several times, and eventually I would remember the correct pronunciation, so it should be fine.

Now is the season of entrance examinations. In the past, people used to eat “tonkatsu” (pork cutlet) for good luck and to “win”, but the appearance of tonkatsu has been decreasing because of the possibility of stomach upset due to the oil. Recently, bento lunches are being made with the family’s wishes in mind, such as Okura (a kind of okra with a pentagonal shape at the cut end), Saikyo-yaki (grilled fish), and Renkon (a kind of lotus root that gives one a clear outlook and helps one pass the examinations).

To all the students preparing for the examinations, I wish you all to be in good physical condition and to exert yourselves to the fullest.

See you next time. (Staff H)















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10:00-18:00 OPEN




ねこの日です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)















国芳といえば、無類のねこ好き。自画像も猫まみれです。そんな歌川国芳、日本橋から京都まで、東海道の宿駅の名前をもじった、猫の東海道を描いています。その名も「其まま地口 猫飼好五十三疋(みゃうかいこうごじゅうさんびき)」。「地口(じぐち)」とは語呂合わせのことで、国芳が50歳頃に描いた作品です。あまりピンとこない洒落もいくつかあり、親父ギャグ?ちょっと強引?というのもありますが、猫に免じてOKということなのでしょう。








Today is Cat Day.

If you turn on the TV, you will see cats appearing in many commercials and cat programs are aired every week. If you go to a bookstore, you will find that new cat photo books and cat books are published every month, and the “cat corner” is well-stocked. It is truly an age of cats that fills society.

Although it may seem that there is a bit of a traffic jam of “cat” content, statistics show that the number of cats kept by people is growing, and has even surpassed that of dogs, the absolute king of the pet world. The term “Nekonomics” has even been coined, and the economic impact of cats is said to be as much as 2 trillion yen.

The current cat boom, which has even become a social phenomenon, is not a new phenomenon. At least in the Edo period (1603-1867), there was a “cat boom” that far exceeded the current cat boom. Edo people bought cat contents and they were considered the best-selling standard among ukiyoe prints.


There was a history behind how cats came to be literally “cat-adorable” by Edo people.

It is said that Japanese people have long loved cats since Emperor Uda wrote about them in his diary. The Pillow Book also describes Emperor Ichijo’s beloved cat, and Komaro, Minamoto Rinko’s beloved cat, was made completely famous in last year’s historical drama “Hikaru Kimi e” (To the Loving Prince). This Komaro and Komari, a black-and-white cat that was Akiko’s beloved cat, appear as “Rikyu” and “Hansuke” in “Belabo.


Cats, once the pets of nobles and noblemen, gradually became popular among the common people as beneficial animals that could kill rats as time went by, and in the Edo period, cats came to be depicted as part of the scenery in ukiyoe prints. In the late Edo period, cats, which had been integrated into the daily lives of the common people, began to be depicted as the main characters in Ukiyo-e.


In the late Edo period, a painter named Kuniyoshi Utagawa produced a number of Ukiyoe paintings that could be described as “cat-obsessed.

Kuniyoshi was an unrivaled cat lover. His self-portraits are also covered with cats. Kuniyoshi Utagawa depicted the Tokaido Highway with cats from Nihonbashi to Kyoto, named after the stations of the Tokaido Highway. The name of the painting is “Myaukai ko gojusanbiki” (53 cat-owning tours). Jiguchi” is a pun on the word ‘jiguchi,’ and Kuniyoshi painted this work when he was about 50 years old. There are a few puns that do not really fit. A bit forced? But I guess it is OK because of the cat.


Kuniyoshi Utagawa was born after Shigsaburo Tsutaya died, so he does not seem to be able to get on board with the great drama “Belabo,” and in fact, he is not. He teamed up with Kyozan, the younger brother of Santo Kyoden, who was related to Tsutaya Shigesaburo, to market “Oborozuki Neko Zoshi” (Oborozuki Cat Paper), which was a big hit. Among Kuniyoshi’s works, there are even uchiwa (Japanese fans) with the faces of popular Kabuki actors of the time imitated as cats, which gives a glimpse of the enthusiasm of the time.

I don’t know if this will be depicted in “Belabo” or not, but I am looking forward to tomorrow’s broadcast!


See you all later.














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まだまだ抵抗感ありますが(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





さて、本日スマホに流れてきたこんなニュースに目がとまりました。『AI猪木 誕生日に復活』というもの。








迷わず行けよ 行けばわかるさ。












Today, the cold weather seems to have eased up a bit, but a warm drink is still essential. To my delight, I was treated to a snack today, which was given to me by a customer. Thank you very much! I don’t think I can stay for just one with its rich chocolate and crunchy texture….

Well, the following news that came to my phone today caught my attention. It is called “AI Inoki: Resurrection on his birthday.

Even if you are not at all interested in professional wrestling like me, you may be thinking, “How are you? One, two, three, dah! I remember seeing and hearing “Inoki’s verse”. Recently, I have heard on the news that there are more and more female fans called “pujoshi,” but the truth is that I, like myself, have no idea how to look at pro wrestling.


Even I know Antonio Inoki. He is so famous when it comes to professional wrestling! He is so famous that even I don’t know what to think of professional wrestling. When he was 13 years old, he moved to Brazil with his family to live on a plantation and was active in the shot put competition when Rikidozan came to see him and scouted him directly. His strength and overwhelming charisma attracted many fans, but he passed away in 2022 at the age of 79.

To someone like me who has no interest in him, he was just an “uncle who slapped people” (sorry to all his fans), but when I looked him up, I found that he left behind a number of wise words. He was not only a slapping uncle.


What will happen if I go down this road? Don’t be afraid, if you are afraid, there is no path.

If you step out, that one foot will become the path, and that one foot will become the way.

Don’t be afraid to go, go, and you will understand.


This quote, which was often featured first in the collection of quotes, is titled “The Way” and seems to be a word that is often used, so you may have seen it before.

I think it is a phrase that says, “Nothing starts when you are lost, so move forward,” but it is a simple phrase that strangely resonates strongly with me. Straightforward words may be a phrase that many of us can relate to.

Surprisingly, it seems that this poem called “The Way” is actually not an original poem by Antonio Inoki, but words of philosopher Tetsuo Kiyosawa (included in his book “Mujyo Danjo”). Incidentally, Antonio Inoki seemed to have mistakenly thought that they were not Kiyosawa’s but “Ikkyu Soujun,” a monk of the Muromachi period who was the model for Ikkyu-san.


Other words include, “If you want children to have dreams, it is adults who should have dreams,” and “Step out of the norm, even if it is just one millimeter. The words of a man who has mastered one path are profound. There are many more, so if you are interested, please check them out.


However, I have a sense of resistance to the idea of using AI to recreate the deceased (although it is still in its infancy), but compared to the AI Hibari Misora, which was very unpopular at the time, I can’t help but think that AI Antonio Inoki might be more acceptable now.

So, I’ll see you later. (Staff T)














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