


自分の中の春の風物詩がよみがえってきました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
















古くは、髻 (もとどり) を入れて巾子 (こじ) の根を引き締めたひもの余りを後ろに垂らしたとのことですが、後には幅広く長い形に作って巾子の背面の纓壺 (えつぼ) に差し込んでつけたようでいして、我が家のお殿様もこの造りのようでした。時代により形状が異なり、垂纓 (すいえい) ・巻纓 (けんえい) ・立纓 (りゅうえい) ・細纓 (さいえい) ・縄纓 (なわえい) などの区別があり、今回の大河ドラマも殿方がこのような装束で登場いたしますので楽しみにチェックしてみたいと思っております。
















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

It’s been a little bit eerily warm for February here in Nagoya. Some of you may be a bit puzzled. This morning, I was looking at what everyone was wearing from my car on my way to work, and I didn’t see anyone wearing down coats or wool coats. I was puzzled. The spring “what to wear problem” came to mind. This is another spring tradition in my mind.

By the way, the other day, I tweeted that the base of the feather-like part of the hat of the lord of Hina decorations had fallen off… Please tell me what that feather-like part is called. Please tell me what that feather part is called.
Officially, I was told that the part of the feather is called “ei” (纓).

I had never heard of this kanji before. It looks like the character for “cherry blossom,” but it is a little different. I have been alive for quite a long time, but it seems that there are still many words that I do not know.

I looked up the word “ei,” and found that it is an accessory of the crown that hangs down in the center behind the crown.
In the old days, the tail was made by putting a knot in the hair and tightening the root of the coiled hair, and hanging the remainder of the string from the back of the coiled hair. The shape of the tail varies depending on the period, and there are different types of tail such as a hanging tail, a rolled tail, a standing tail, a thin tail, and a rope tail.

I am looking forward to checking them out. Thank you very much for teaching me.
In my pursuit of spring, I also find myself interested in dumplings (sweets) when I admire flowers, not the plum blossoms I saw the other day, so I took a look at a nearby Japanese sweets store.

As I expected, there were brightly colored spring-like wagashi lined up in the case, and I couldn’t resist buying some. I guess these wagashi are inspired by hishimochi (rice cakes) for hina dolls.

Therefore, today’s snack was a wagashi. Please excuse the dango (confectionery) before the flowers.

Have a good day.

言葉で表すことの大切さを感じます(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Today is Valentine’s Day, a day for expressing gratitude and affection all over the world, with many different forms over the long history of Valentine’s Day. It is a day for men to send their love to women, for women to send their love to men, for family members to send their love to each other, and for those who are indebted to them.


In Japan, chocolates play a leading role, but I hear that in many countries, flowers and message cards are sent to each other. In Europe and the United States, a card alone can be a gift without a special present. In foreign movies and TV dramas, you often see the cards received are displayed all over the room. On the other hand, they feel uncomfortable with just a gift and no accompanying card. That is how much they value expressing their feelings with words.


In England, it is said that sending a message card to a loved one became popular among the upper classes in the late Middle Ages, and in the 19th century, with the development of the postal system, Valentine’s Day cards became popular among the general public as well as Christmas cards and birthday cards, and were mass produced and sold in large quantities. Valentine’s Day cards were also produced and sold in large quantities along with Christmas cards and birthday cards. It is said that card culture spread to other parts of Europe and the United States during this period.

Message cards are not as formal as letters, and can be used to convey feelings with just a few words. The act of choosing a card with the recipient in mind and writing a message in one’s own handwriting is a gift in itself, and may enrich and facilitate human relationships.


In Japan, there has long been a culture of “isshin-denshin,” or “you understand without words. This sense of distance is comfortable for me, but there was an incident that made me think that it might be better expressed in words.

While shopping at a supermarket, my shopping cart bumped into a product on display, and for a moment I was so nervous that I raised my voice. I was relieved to see that the pile of goods did not collapse just in time, when a young woman standing beside me said, “You were safe! A young woman smiled at me and walked away. It was so natural that it warmed my heart.

Shortly after that, she seemed to be so engrossed in selecting an item that she was in the way of traffic, and when she heard a voice behind her saying, “Excuse me,” I hurriedly apologized, to which she briskly replied, “No, it’s my pleasure. (My daily inattentiveness is revealed…) It was truly a refreshing voice.

It was an ordinary exchange, but for some reason, his tone and words made me feel positive. It was an incident that made me want to acquire the habit and skill of using words properly, which is something I tend to do only by exchanging pleasantries.


Sometimes it is more difficult to express oneself verbally than to those closest to one’s heart. It might be a good idea to convey them on special occasions with the help of a message card.



See you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





大阪府堺市のお客様より買受いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




三重県のお客様より再度買受いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)























骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




いつの間にか春の準備がすすんでおりましたね。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The other day, we put out our “ohinasama” dolls. However, the base of the feather of the hat of the Uchiura doll (I don’t know what it is called, so please let me know if you know the name) fell off. I don’t know what it’s called, so please let me know if you know. Well, it is inevitable that there will be various frayed parts due to age-related deterioration after being on display for several decades.


In a scene from the HNK drama “Hikaru Kimi he” the other day, the Emperor Hanasan, who is a daredevil, is seen in the scene.

There was a scene in the HNK drama “Hikaru Kimi he” in which the wild Emperor Hanayama was a bit disorganized and ripped off his uncle’s raven hat.

In those days, non-ordained adult men always wore a crow’s cap in public, and I heard that the act of removing a crow’s cap was equivalent to the humiliation of removing one’s pants in public in the modern age.

The other day, our Ouchiura-sama was also humiliated by having to take off her raven cap for a night to repair it…. Although it was unavoidable, I couldn’t help but remember the scene from the historical drama and couldn’t help but say, “I am so sorry…please wait one night.” I couldn’t help but say, “I’m so sorry…please wait one night.


Despite the cold weather, February is the beginning of preparations for spring. One more such preparation for spring.


Plum blossoms are starting to fade in many places. I was so preoccupied with the cold weather that I did not notice it, but it seems that even in such cold weather, the flowers were preparing to bloom without forgetting. Today was a perfect day for plum blossoms with clear blue skies, so I couldn’t help but take some pictures. (At Shiogama Shrine in Tenpaku Ward, Furuya City)


The spring blooming season is about to begin with plum blossoms at the top of the list, and the “gene in me that waits excitedly and eagerly for spring flowers” is itching to get started this year as well. I can’t wait to see them.


Have a good day.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




鑑定会を行います。今月は2月18日(日)10:00~となります。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)











At Fukosha Antiques,

We have a monthly appraisal session .

This month, it will be held on February 18 (Sun.) from 10:00.


No prior notice is required, so please feel free to stop by.

If you have any items at home or at your parents’ house that you wonder how much they are worth, please feel free to bring them in for appraisal. If you have large items that are difficult to bring in, we will be happy to assess them by photo.

We look forward to seeing you at our store.












骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




建国記念”の”日です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)













もともとは、日本の初代天皇である神武天皇が即位された紀元前660年2月11日を 「紀元節(きげんせつ)」として、明治5年(1873年)から昭和23年(1948年)まで祭日 にしてお祝いしていましたが、戦後、GHQ(連合軍総司令部)が皇室と神道の関係が深いなどの理由から、祭日を廃止しました。
しかしその後、国民の間で紀元節復活を望む声が多く、「紀元節」から「建国記念の日」と名前を変え、昭和41年(1966年) に国民の祝日として認められ、翌年から適用されました。



例えば、アメリカの建国記念日は「独立記念日」とされ、1776年の大陸会議でアメリカ 独立宣言に署名がされた日。他にも、1991年8月24日にソビエト連邦が崩壊し、 独立を宣言したウクライナや、1957年3月6日にイギリスから独立したガーナなど、建国 記念日を「独立記念日」としている国は世界に多く存在します。


しかし、日本の場合はその日付が明確ではありません。神武天皇が即位された日とされ、日本書紀にもそのことは記されているのですが、神武天皇は日本神話の人物であり、実在しなかったと考えている人もいるため、紀元節 を復活させようとした話し合いの際に、神武天皇が即位された日を祝日にすべきかと いう議論が生まれたそうです。



余談ですが、日本神話において、神武天皇を大和の橿原(かしはら)まで案内したとされる「八咫烏(やたがらす)」は、導きの神として信仰されており、 また、太陽の化身ともされていますが、サッカーの日本代表のエンブレムの意匠として用いられています。





Hello everyone. This is Staff T.


Today is the National Foundation Day. Since the national holiday fell on Sunday and Monday was a substitute holiday, we had a three-day weekend this year. The weather is beautiful and it is a perfect day to go out. What will you be doing on this day?

This morning, I looked at the calendar thinking it was “National Foundation Day,” only to realize after all this time that it is “National Foundation Day. I am embarrassed to say that it is really too late, but when did the “no” come on the calendar? I had not paid attention to it for a long time.


As you know, Kekkoku Kinen no Hi (National Foundation Day) is a national holiday in Japan. Every year, February 11 is designated as “Kokoku Kinen no Hi” (National Foundation Day), and this date does not change every year.

The date is described as “National Foundation Day” to “commemorate the founding of our nation and to nurture love for our country. and the date is “a day determined by government ordinance.

In everyday conversation, many of you may use phrases such as “Tomorrow is a National Day off because of the National Foundation Day,” without adding “of” as I do.

February 11 was designated as “National Foundation Day” in 1966 (Showa 41). The reason for February 11 is based on the date of the accession to the throne of Japan’s first emperor, Emperor Jinmu (神武天皇).


Originally, February 11, 660 B.C., when Japan’s first emperor, Emperor Jinmu, ascended to the throne, was celebrated as “Kigen-Setsu,” a national holiday from 1873 to 1948, but after the war, GHQ (General Headquarters of the Allied Forces) abolished the holiday because of the close relationship between the Imperial Family and Shintoism. After the war, however, the GHQ (General Headquarters of the Allied Forces) abolished the holiday due to the close relationship between the Imperial Family and Shinto.
Later, however, there were many requests from the public to revive Kikugensetsu, so the name was changed from “Kikugensetsu” to “Kokoku Kinen no Hi” (National Foundation Day), which was recognized as a national holiday in 1966, and became effective the following year.


Then, we are wondering why it is called “Day to Commemorate the Founding of the Nation” instead of “National Foundation Day.

Apparently, the meaning of “anniversary” is different, as it means to commemorate a day with a fixed date as a historical fact, while “day of commemoration” means a day with no fixed date but to commemorate that fact.
The definition of the founding of a country varies from country to country, but in many countries, the date is fixed as a historical fact: “The country was founded on this day.
For example, the National Day of the United States is “Independence Day,” the day the Declaration of Independence was signed at the Continental Congress in 1776. There are also many other countries around the world that celebrate their national day as “Independence Day,” such as Ukraine, which declared its independence after the collapse of the Soviet Union on August 24, 1991, and Ghana, which gained independence from the United Kingdom on March 6, 1957.


In the case of Japan, however, the date is not clear. It is said to be the day Emperor Jinmu ascended to the throne, and this is mentioned in the Chronicles of Japan, but some people believe that Emperor Jinmu was a figure of Japanese mythology and did not exist, so during discussions to revive Kigenbetsu, a debate arose as to whether the day of Emperor Jinmu’s ascension should be a national holiday.
While Japan is a very old country and the Imperial Family is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest royal family in the world, no definite documents have yet been found that tell us when Japan was founded. Therefore, the name “Kengoku Kinen no Hi” (National Foundation Day) was chosen as a day to celebrate the founding of Japan, rather than “Kengoku Kinen Day.

This is the reason why “Kengoku Kinen no Hi” has the “no” in it.

As an aside, in Japanese mythology, Yatagarasu, who is said to have guided Emperor Jinmu to Kashihara in Yamato, is believed to be the god of guidance and also the incarnation of the sun, and is used as the emblem design of the Japanese national soccer team.

On National Day, this kind of chat may be a good opportunity for children to learn about Japanese history and to become interested in mythology.

See you soon.












骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





お抹茶と器との相性とは(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Recently, I heard a friend of mine say that she drinks a lot of water every day, which made me realize that I am not drinking enough at all. I am a person who is fine without drinking much water, and if left alone, I may not drink for hours. However, when it is cold, having a warm drink down my throat relaxes me mentally (in my opinion), so I run out of tea in my water bottle faster than in the summer. I enjoy a variety of hot teas on different days.

Now, the traditional Japanese tea is matcha (powdered green tea), and it has become a favorite taste all over the world. Matcha is written as “Matcha” instead of “Maccha”. It is said that this is because it is easier to pronounce “cha” correctly.

In the store, there is an akaraku tea bowl that looks like it would be a perfect matcha color. It is the work of Nakamura Dounen of Yagotogama in Nagoya City.


Since the custom of enjoying powdered green tea was widespread in Nagoya, various tea utensils were produced in Seto, Tokoname, and Oniwa-yaki in Nagoya Castle.

Raku ware, in particular, has a unique character unique to Nagoya, and the flow of Hagiyama ware, Sogen ware, and Houraku ware from the late Edo period has been passed down to Nakamura Michitoshi of the Yagoto Kiln in Nagoya City to this day.

Nakamura Dounen was born in Kyoto, aspired to make pottery from an early age, and established his own kiln in Yagoto, Nagoya in 1923. He produced a wide range of pottery including Sometsuke, Akae, Gohon, Hakeme, Iga, and Raku ware. After the war, he specialized in Raku ware, which is now taken over by the fifth generation.

I am ashamed to say that my knowledge of Raku ware was limited to the concept that Raku ware was a tea bowl for powdered green tea in Kyoto, but when I looked into it, I realized again that it was born as a tea bowl for the tea ceremony.

The tea ceremony was introduced from China along with Zen Buddhism in the Kamakura period (1185-1333), and at that time, tea bowls made of tenmoku or celadon porcelain, called Chinese karamono, were used. Gradually, Koryo tea bowls fired in the Korean peninsula also came into use, but they were not tea bowls exclusively for the tea ceremony.

It is said that Sen no Rikyu had Chojiro, a tile craftsman, make Raku tea bowls as tea bowls that expressed the tea ceremony that he wanted.

Karamono and Korai tea bowls are too hot to be held in the hand because of their high thermal conductivity, so they are held with a fukusa, but the Raku tea bowl was a tea bowl that could be held and drank as it was. Come to think of it, I had taken it for granted that I could hold it with my bare hands and drink from it.

In addition, because it is fired for a short time at a temperature of less than 1000 degrees Celsius and cooled rapidly by dipping it in water, it is a tea bowl with little firings and water absorbency. This water absorbency is said to be necessary for making smooth “thick tea”. In Sen no Rikyu’s time, the word “tea” referred to “koicha” (thick tea), and “usucha” was used only for thin tea. Raku tea bowls not only expressed the spirit of wabicha, but were also functional.


The production method does not use a potter’s wheel, but uses a technique called “tebineri” or “tezukune,” in which the clay is kneaded into a disk shape and raised gradually with the palm of the hand to form a tea bowl. This technique seems to make sense because the tea bowl is wrapped in the palm of the hand, leaving the warmth of the hand imprints. After that, a spatula is used to shave the inside of the bowl so that the tea will stand beautifully and the mouth will be smooth to the touch. This is truly a tea bowl for the tea ceremony.

Raku ware is said to have its roots in the Henan region of China, where the firing and glazing techniques are basically the same as those of the three-color glazes of the Ming dynasty, but Raku ware used its colorful colored glaze techniques to express only black and red. Initially called “Imayaki,” the contrast between the jet-black tea bowl and the dark green matcha must have appeared fresh to the people of the time. Toyotomi Hideyoshi preferred the red Raku tea bowl. The origin of Raku ware is said to be “Juraku ware tea bowl” because it was made from soil obtained near “Juraku-dai”, a mansion built by Hideyoshi, and later became “Raku tea bowl”.


I am amazed at the power of Sen no Rikyu, who always created new values and things. If I could go back in time, I would love to meet him.


See you next time.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





先日アムールドショコラへ参戦してきました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)












今年は、「2024 アムール・デュ・ショコラ~ショコラ大好き!~」をテーマに、2024年1月18日(木)から2月14日(水)まで開催されております。もはや全国的にも有名な日本最大級のショコラの祭典となっておりますので、説明は不要かと思いますが、今回は過去最大規模のスケールとなり、初登場約20ブランドを含む国内外約150の人気ブランドやショコラティエ、計2,500種類以上のラインナップを揃えているとのことです。
























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


As Valentine’s Day is approaching, I wonder if everyone has prepared their chocolates.

Recently, I have been buying chocolates for myself and my friends to enjoy, rather than giving them to the men around me. However, I still go to the “Amour du Chocolat” held at JR Nagoya Takashimaya, even though I am not sure if I will be able to participate in the crowds. In fact, I participated in the Amour du Chocolat at the end of last month.


This year, under the theme of “2024 Amour du Chocolat – I love chocolates! ~is the theme of this year’s event, which will be held from January 18 (Thursday) to February 14 (Wednesday), 2024. This year’s event will be the largest-ever in scale, with a lineup of more than 2,500 types of chocolates from about 150 popular brands and chocolatiers from Japan and abroad, including about 20 brands making their first appearances. Some of the items can be purchased online.


Some of the items can be purchased online, but I wanted to check out the entire lineup. I was looking around to check out all of the items…. I also like to buy things by the packet.

I am not Staff H, but I am healed by animals, so I bought a packet of animals for some reason. Also, I bought a few pieces of chocolate bars that I thought would be interesting to compare by cacao origin. I also bought a few pieces to compare the taste of different chocolate bars by cacao origin, which were so different and interesting that I wanted to buy some more.

During the exhibition, there are always crowds and long lines of people waiting for the chocolates they are looking for. The best time to visit is from 2:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon. The other day I visited around that time, and besides avoiding the crowds, there is another good thing about this place.


Besides avoiding the crowds, there is another good thing about visiting during this time: you can talk with famous chocolatiers for a little longer when they sign their chocolate packages.


During busy times, famous chocolatiers stand on a stand at their booths and sign packages, but since they are on the stand, it is like talking to a lord, and not like talking to you. The other day, however, the famous chocolatier Hirohiro Tsujiguchi was standing by the booth, and I was able to talk with him for a few minutes while he signed autographs.


Mr. Tsujiguchi is from Nanao City, Ishikawa Prefecture. In fact, we had seen him on TV the other day, heading to a soup kitchen in Nanao City right after the earthquake. When we expressed our sympathy and asked him about the situation in the area, he replied, “Under the circumstances, I think it will take quite some time for the infrastructure to be restored…” I also expressed my wish to help in some way with the recovery efforts. I would like to help the recovery in some way…. I was able to talk with him naturally for a short time, and I got the impression that he is a wonderful person without any decorations. Normally, she would have been a lord….


Amour du Chocolat is a festival where famous chocolatiers gather from all over Japan during this period (in my case, it was just a coincidence), and it is a great opportunity to interact with famous chocolatiers that you would not normally meet. If you would like to have a relaxing chat with chocolatiers, I personally think that weekday afternoons in January are the best time to go.


So, I finished my shopping, and I ended up over my budget (as I do every year). I decided that my wallet was in danger if I stayed any longer, so I left the venue.


For those of you who are not in Aichi Prefecture, please take part in (or visit) this chocolate festival, Amour du Chocolat, at least once.


Have a good day.

動物の人形に癒されます(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

I thought today’s weather would be pleasant and comfortable, but on my way to work, I was hit by a gust of wind that made me cover my face with my scarf. It is said to be a mild winter this year, but you can never be too careful.

Even in this cold weather, I often see people walking their dogs. It may depend on the breed of dog, but I hear that dogs have a natural desire to “explore” and that walking is necessary to satisfy this desire. I don’t have a pet at the moment, so when I see a cute dog being walked, I want one, but I always fall back on the weight of responsibility.

Now, although they are not my pets, there are cute cat and dog dolls in the store that always soothe me with their indescribable expressions. Both dolls have a similar atmosphere, but when you hold them, you can see that they weigh differently and are made in different regions.


The dog doll is a Hanamaki clay doll from Hanamaki City, Iwate Prefecture, and is known as one of the “three major clay dolls in Tohoku” along with the Tsutsumi doll from Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, and the Sagara doll from Yonezawa City, Yamagata Prefecture. Hanamaki clay dolls were first made around the middle of the Edo period (1603-1867), based on the Fushimi doll pattern from Kyoto and influenced by Tsutsumi dolls from Sendai. They are characterized by bright colors such as red, blue, and green, and designs decorated with flowers such as plum blossoms, cherry blossoms, and peonies. Various motifs are available, from lucky charms such as Hina dolls, Ebisu, and Daikokuten to animals and the Chinese zodiac. The production of these toys once ceased, but was revived by Hiraga Kogeisha, a local toy manufacturer, and Hanamaki City.

The red color in many of the designs stands out among the colors, because red is believed to be the color that exorcises disease, and it is believed to be a wish that children will be free from plague and disease. The dog motif is also considered a lucky charm to pray for safe delivery and good health, and it is likely that these dolls were made to wish for the healthy growth of the child. The drooping eyes and slightly crooked mouth are so adorable. If someone looked up at her with such an expression, she would listen to anything you say.


Hanamaki dolls are made of unglazed porcelain and painted, so they are a little heavy, but beckoning cat dolls are very light.

This is a Tsukimoushi doll made by Takado (Kazutaka Sasaki), whose workshop is located in Tono, Iwate Prefecture. The raw materials, Japanese paper and clay, are kneaded together, molded, and dried naturally. Because they are not baked, they are light and very firm.

From the end of the Edo period to the beginning of the Meiji period, only two generations of the Ogasawara family in Tono, father and son, made these tsukimoushi dolls, but Mr. Kazutaka Sasaki has restored them after 120 years, and his wife is now making them. The style is said to be in the vein of Fushimi dolls, Tsutsumi dolls, and Hanamaki dolls.


This beckoning cat also has a unique expression. I wondered what was painted in black under the mouth, and found out that there was a motif called “kamado neko” (a cat in a hearth) on clay dolls. There is a saying, “A cat covered in hair and ashes,” and it was a common sight to see cats covered in ashes in winter in the old days. Cats covered in ashes in this way were called “hearth cats. Indeed, if you look at local dolls, you will see cats with black mouths. It is a very generous and tranquil story that a cat covered in ashes is made into a doll as it is.

I am deeply impressed by the efforts of those who have revived this once-abandoned craft and passed it on to future generations.


I hope to see you again next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN






