


建国記念”の”日です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)













もともとは、日本の初代天皇である神武天皇が即位された紀元前660年2月11日を 「紀元節(きげんせつ)」として、明治5年(1873年)から昭和23年(1948年)まで祭日 にしてお祝いしていましたが、戦後、GHQ(連合軍総司令部)が皇室と神道の関係が深いなどの理由から、祭日を廃止しました。
しかしその後、国民の間で紀元節復活を望む声が多く、「紀元節」から「建国記念の日」と名前を変え、昭和41年(1966年) に国民の祝日として認められ、翌年から適用されました。



例えば、アメリカの建国記念日は「独立記念日」とされ、1776年の大陸会議でアメリカ 独立宣言に署名がされた日。他にも、1991年8月24日にソビエト連邦が崩壊し、 独立を宣言したウクライナや、1957年3月6日にイギリスから独立したガーナなど、建国 記念日を「独立記念日」としている国は世界に多く存在します。


しかし、日本の場合はその日付が明確ではありません。神武天皇が即位された日とされ、日本書紀にもそのことは記されているのですが、神武天皇は日本神話の人物であり、実在しなかったと考えている人もいるため、紀元節 を復活させようとした話し合いの際に、神武天皇が即位された日を祝日にすべきかと いう議論が生まれたそうです。



余談ですが、日本神話において、神武天皇を大和の橿原(かしはら)まで案内したとされる「八咫烏(やたがらす)」は、導きの神として信仰されており、 また、太陽の化身ともされていますが、サッカーの日本代表のエンブレムの意匠として用いられています。





Hello everyone. This is Staff T.


Today is the National Foundation Day. Since the national holiday fell on Sunday and Monday was a substitute holiday, we had a three-day weekend this year. The weather is beautiful and it is a perfect day to go out. What will you be doing on this day?

This morning, I looked at the calendar thinking it was “National Foundation Day,” only to realize after all this time that it is “National Foundation Day. I am embarrassed to say that it is really too late, but when did the “no” come on the calendar? I had not paid attention to it for a long time.


As you know, Kekkoku Kinen no Hi (National Foundation Day) is a national holiday in Japan. Every year, February 11 is designated as “Kokoku Kinen no Hi” (National Foundation Day), and this date does not change every year.

The date is described as “National Foundation Day” to “commemorate the founding of our nation and to nurture love for our country. and the date is “a day determined by government ordinance.

In everyday conversation, many of you may use phrases such as “Tomorrow is a National Day off because of the National Foundation Day,” without adding “of” as I do.

February 11 was designated as “National Foundation Day” in 1966 (Showa 41). The reason for February 11 is based on the date of the accession to the throne of Japan’s first emperor, Emperor Jinmu (神武天皇).


Originally, February 11, 660 B.C., when Japan’s first emperor, Emperor Jinmu, ascended to the throne, was celebrated as “Kigen-Setsu,” a national holiday from 1873 to 1948, but after the war, GHQ (General Headquarters of the Allied Forces) abolished the holiday because of the close relationship between the Imperial Family and Shintoism. After the war, however, the GHQ (General Headquarters of the Allied Forces) abolished the holiday due to the close relationship between the Imperial Family and Shinto.
Later, however, there were many requests from the public to revive Kikugensetsu, so the name was changed from “Kikugensetsu” to “Kokoku Kinen no Hi” (National Foundation Day), which was recognized as a national holiday in 1966, and became effective the following year.


Then, we are wondering why it is called “Day to Commemorate the Founding of the Nation” instead of “National Foundation Day.

Apparently, the meaning of “anniversary” is different, as it means to commemorate a day with a fixed date as a historical fact, while “day of commemoration” means a day with no fixed date but to commemorate that fact.
The definition of the founding of a country varies from country to country, but in many countries, the date is fixed as a historical fact: “The country was founded on this day.
For example, the National Day of the United States is “Independence Day,” the day the Declaration of Independence was signed at the Continental Congress in 1776. There are also many other countries around the world that celebrate their national day as “Independence Day,” such as Ukraine, which declared its independence after the collapse of the Soviet Union on August 24, 1991, and Ghana, which gained independence from the United Kingdom on March 6, 1957.


In the case of Japan, however, the date is not clear. It is said to be the day Emperor Jinmu ascended to the throne, and this is mentioned in the Chronicles of Japan, but some people believe that Emperor Jinmu was a figure of Japanese mythology and did not exist, so during discussions to revive Kigenbetsu, a debate arose as to whether the day of Emperor Jinmu’s ascension should be a national holiday.
While Japan is a very old country and the Imperial Family is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest royal family in the world, no definite documents have yet been found that tell us when Japan was founded. Therefore, the name “Kengoku Kinen no Hi” (National Foundation Day) was chosen as a day to celebrate the founding of Japan, rather than “Kengoku Kinen Day.

This is the reason why “Kengoku Kinen no Hi” has the “no” in it.

As an aside, in Japanese mythology, Yatagarasu, who is said to have guided Emperor Jinmu to Kashihara in Yamato, is believed to be the god of guidance and also the incarnation of the sun, and is used as the emblem design of the Japanese national soccer team.

On National Day, this kind of chat may be a good opportunity for children to learn about Japanese history and to become interested in mythology.

See you soon.












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