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お抹茶と器との相性とは(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Recently, I heard a friend of mine say that she drinks a lot of water every day, which made me realize that I am not drinking enough at all. I am a person who is fine without drinking much water, and if left alone, I may not drink for hours. However, when it is cold, having a warm drink down my throat relaxes me mentally (in my opinion), so I run out of tea in my water bottle faster than in the summer. I enjoy a variety of hot teas on different days.

Now, the traditional Japanese tea is matcha (powdered green tea), and it has become a favorite taste all over the world. Matcha is written as “Matcha” instead of “Maccha”. It is said that this is because it is easier to pronounce “cha” correctly.

In the store, there is an akaraku tea bowl that looks like it would be a perfect matcha color. It is the work of Nakamura Dounen of Yagotogama in Nagoya City.


Since the custom of enjoying powdered green tea was widespread in Nagoya, various tea utensils were produced in Seto, Tokoname, and Oniwa-yaki in Nagoya Castle.

Raku ware, in particular, has a unique character unique to Nagoya, and the flow of Hagiyama ware, Sogen ware, and Houraku ware from the late Edo period has been passed down to Nakamura Michitoshi of the Yagoto Kiln in Nagoya City to this day.

Nakamura Dounen was born in Kyoto, aspired to make pottery from an early age, and established his own kiln in Yagoto, Nagoya in 1923. He produced a wide range of pottery including Sometsuke, Akae, Gohon, Hakeme, Iga, and Raku ware. After the war, he specialized in Raku ware, which is now taken over by the fifth generation.

I am ashamed to say that my knowledge of Raku ware was limited to the concept that Raku ware was a tea bowl for powdered green tea in Kyoto, but when I looked into it, I realized again that it was born as a tea bowl for the tea ceremony.

The tea ceremony was introduced from China along with Zen Buddhism in the Kamakura period (1185-1333), and at that time, tea bowls made of tenmoku or celadon porcelain, called Chinese karamono, were used. Gradually, Koryo tea bowls fired in the Korean peninsula also came into use, but they were not tea bowls exclusively for the tea ceremony.

It is said that Sen no Rikyu had Chojiro, a tile craftsman, make Raku tea bowls as tea bowls that expressed the tea ceremony that he wanted.

Karamono and Korai tea bowls are too hot to be held in the hand because of their high thermal conductivity, so they are held with a fukusa, but the Raku tea bowl was a tea bowl that could be held and drank as it was. Come to think of it, I had taken it for granted that I could hold it with my bare hands and drink from it.

In addition, because it is fired for a short time at a temperature of less than 1000 degrees Celsius and cooled rapidly by dipping it in water, it is a tea bowl with little firings and water absorbency. This water absorbency is said to be necessary for making smooth “thick tea”. In Sen no Rikyu’s time, the word “tea” referred to “koicha” (thick tea), and “usucha” was used only for thin tea. Raku tea bowls not only expressed the spirit of wabicha, but were also functional.


The production method does not use a potter’s wheel, but uses a technique called “tebineri” or “tezukune,” in which the clay is kneaded into a disk shape and raised gradually with the palm of the hand to form a tea bowl. This technique seems to make sense because the tea bowl is wrapped in the palm of the hand, leaving the warmth of the hand imprints. After that, a spatula is used to shave the inside of the bowl so that the tea will stand beautifully and the mouth will be smooth to the touch. This is truly a tea bowl for the tea ceremony.

Raku ware is said to have its roots in the Henan region of China, where the firing and glazing techniques are basically the same as those of the three-color glazes of the Ming dynasty, but Raku ware used its colorful colored glaze techniques to express only black and red. Initially called “Imayaki,” the contrast between the jet-black tea bowl and the dark green matcha must have appeared fresh to the people of the time. Toyotomi Hideyoshi preferred the red Raku tea bowl. The origin of Raku ware is said to be “Juraku ware tea bowl” because it was made from soil obtained near “Juraku-dai”, a mansion built by Hideyoshi, and later became “Raku tea bowl”.


I am amazed at the power of Sen no Rikyu, who always created new values and things. If I could go back in time, I would love to meet him.


See you next time.













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