9月, 2021 - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 3




巻き込み事故にあいまして…(愛知県名古屋市千種区 覚王山 買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)




















































Hello everyone. It is staff m.


When I went to work today, I had a minor accident.

Speaking of an accident involving you, did you get involved in a car accident? Is there anyone who is worried?

No, it’s not.


I commute by bicycle to Fukosha, but today I came in a long skirt.

When I left home, I was worried about skirts, but when I came near the store and waited for a traffic light,

Perhaps I was relaxed, and I started to move forward without worrying about anything. Then something gets entangled and the bicycle moves

I can’t. When I look back in a hurry, the hem of the skirt gets stuck in the chain of the rear wheel, and I’m sorry.

It doesn’t work at all.

“Wow, I’ve done it!”, But I managed to keep the skirt off the chain.

Was forcibly pulled.

But it can’t be removed so easily …


A man who seems to be running appeared there and came to help.

That person is willing to turn his hands black and works hard on the skirt wrapped around the chain.

You tried to remove it.

“Maybe it’s okay if it breaks?” He said, “Yes, scar from the chain.

It’s okay as long as it comes off. I’m sorry. I can’t move because my skirt is caught

Just apologize.

“You don’t have to be afraid of that,” he said comforting me.

Loosen the cloth a little and pull the cloth at that timing repeatedly. Do it for about 10 minutes

Repeatedly, the skirt finally came off the chain!

The man’s hand, which had been pulling hard all the time, was trembling when it was over.


When I asked the gentle man for his name and address, he said, “No, no, it’s okay. It helped me a little.

It was good. Words of gratitude are enough

that’s why. I ran away again.

I could only say “Thank you.”


If you ask people to help you in this way regardless of the rewards, you can’t live alone.

I think again.

And I honestly want to send the benefits I received in this way to someone else.

There has been a long-standing saying that “compassion is not for people,” but what this gentle man did is

I think this is exactly what it is.

This time, when I was in great trouble, a helping hand appeared, and I was filled with gratitude from the bottom of my heart.

That’s why I wish I could be someone like that.


Thank you for reading.

(Staff m)














愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


季節の変わり目を発見することが好きです。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


In Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, where the antique art Fukosha Nagoya store is located, the forecast for rain from the other day was off, and a clear blue sky came out from the morning.

When the low pressure system left and I looked up at the sky saying, “No, it’s fine weather,” there is a word, “Autumn high in the sky,” which looks like clouds are rising above the sky, unlike last month’s sky. It looks like the sky is higher than in summer. The cicadas are still ringing and the seasons are still in a mixed transition period, but the change of seasons can be seen in trivial places.


As I spelled in my post the other day, I somehow like the changing seasons, and I’m looking for it with all my five senses, but is it unconscious? Trying to sense it like a wild animal? No, I will detect it.

When I found a turning point early, I secretly made a fist and got a little self-satisfaction. Today, I looked up at the sky that had risen in my heart and secretly satisfied that I found it. I was there.


Putting that story aside,

Although it is related to the long rains of autumn the other day, mobile high and low pressures alternate over Japan in autumn. Therefore, the weather is volatile, and if the rain is long, it will be autumn rain.


In the case of clear autumn, a mobile high pressure is born and the hometown comes over Japan by the westerlies from mainland China. This continent-born mobile high pressure contains less water vapor than the Pacific High, which comes over Japan in the summer, which means it is dry. It’s sunny in autumn and it’s crisp.


In addition, the atmosphere contains a lot of water vapor, and the summer sky looks whitish due to the scattering of sunlight, but when it is covered with the dry mobile high pressure in autumn, the blue color of the sky looks clearly dark. It seems that the sky feels high. Clouds and the like look high, and the sky is not really high, it just feels high.



In summer, due to the strong sunlight, the convective activity of the atmosphere mixes up and down, making it more active. Then, clouds like cumulonimbus clouds are likely to occur. Therefore, in the summer when the moist Pacific High covers the sky over Japan, cloudy clouds are likely to occur even in the lower part of the sky, but in the fall, when the sunlight becomes a little weaker, this atmospheric convection As the activity calms down, the muffled clouds will decrease. It seems that you will be able to see the clouds in the high places of the sky.







The sky from Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine and Suemori Castle Remains, located just behind the antique art Fukosha Nagoya store.










So why did you realize that the sky is high today? For those who like old castles, we will drop the image. I noticed here.



As I mentioned in the previous blog of Suemori Castle, Shiroyama Hachimangu is now relocated, and if you visit, you can experience the ruins of the castle without exception. One of them is the remains of Kubori in the photo. According to Staff Y’s research, Suemori Castle is located on a small mountain when you take a walk, but the remains of Sorabori remain in other places as if surrounding the castle.


Suemori Castle started here in 1547 when Oda Nobunaga’s father, Oda Nobuhide Oda, built it as the main castle in this area located at the southern end of the Higashiyama hill and moved from Koto Castle. It is also reported that Nobuhide, Dota Gozen, Nobuyuki (Nobunaga), Nobunaga, Hidetaka, Oichi, dogs, etc. spent time together. It is the main castle of the Oda clan.


Suemori Castle, also known as the “miracle ruins left in a city of 2 million people,” is Hirayama Castle, which is 43 meters above sea level, 200 meters east-west, and 160 meters north-south. As you can see from the view, the view is very good. It seems that it made a complicated remains around the double moat centering on Honmaru and Ninomaru, and it is known as the castle ruins where the state of the Warring States period remains most well in Nagoya city, and it still conveys the appearance close to the original shape. .. According to “Suemori Village Kojo Ezu” (Hoza Bunko), the south side square in front of the current Shinto gate is the Honmaru ruins, and the vicinity of Showa Jukudo is the Ninomaru Kuruwa ruins. In addition, there was a half-moon-shaped round horse-shaped horse called “Mikazukibori” at the Koguchi in the north of Uchibori, which goes around the main enclosure, which was very rare, but it seems that it does not exist now. In addition, it is said that it was in the form of a “total stance” that surrounded the castle (Suemori Village) at the southeastern foot of the castle ruins and went around the moat, but the remains that can be seen now seem to be around 1584, and at that time Owari was dominated. It seems that it was thought that Nobukatsu Oda, who had been doing this, prepared for the battle between Komaki and Nagakute.


As anyone who actually came will know, the ruins of the castle during the Warring States period suddenly remain in the city, so it really feels like a time trip from the city.




And here is a picture of the sky with the guardian dog of Shiroyama Hachimangu.






Well, the story has become confusing, but if you sharpen your five senses and look for something different at the turn of the season, the usual scenery will look different. Even so, the sky is beautiful.















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


カラスを見ていたら…(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)









































Hello everyone.

Today I’m going to talk about crows.

Few people have a good image when they hear the word crow. Garbage has been ruined, dung has been dropped … Some people may have been attacked. Coupled with the black body, I think most people are not good at it unless they are quite fond of birds.


The reason why I decided to talk about crows today is that the other day a little skirmish between crows? Because I have seen.


I usually pass by even if I’m on the road, but on that day I had plenty of time, and I was sitting in a little chair outside and vacant. Then a crow came and was eating what was next to the telephone pole. If you look closely, is it cat or dog food? was.

(Maybe it was sprinkled by someone who wanted to feed stray cats, etc.) There were a number of small brown grains on the concrete, and the crows ate them while squirming.

The reason why I was wandering around was that I could hear the cry of screaming from nearby. There was only one crow under the telephone pole, but I’m sure there is a crow on a nearby tree.

I had plenty of time, so I was watching the crow all the time, but every time I heard it, I was fluttering, and from that state I thought that the crow crowing was not a friend.


Then, another crow came near the crow that was eating while wandering around. The crow stopped on the electric wire on the utility pole next to the crow eating the food, but the position where it stopped was the electric wire just above the crow eating the food.

No way! I thought, but as expected, I dropped the dung at the crow below.

Luckily, I didn’t hit the crow below, but I couldn’t see the rest because it was time for me.

I had heard from an acquaintance that crows sometimes dropped dung on people, so I thought that the crows had dropped dung on the same crow.

However, when I looked it up, I got a search result that the crows were not dropped on purpose.

The crow seems to shit with a fine feeling, and even before taking off.

So, as a result of seeing a crow on an electric wire passing underneath and thinking of taking off with caution, it seems that he may take off after dropping the dung. It’s often the case that the dung hits a person who happens to pass underneath.


However, crows are smart creatures.

When I was in elementary school or junior high school, I think it was a science class, but I’ve heard that crows deliberately drop hard objects such as shellfish on the road and let them run in a car to eat the contents of broken shellfish. ..

When I looked it up, it was said that it was a nutcracker behavior, and there was also a video of a crow that actually did that behavior.

When I hear this, I think that … Hun is also intentional …

Only the crow knows the truth.

By the way, birds have only one excretory organ, so it seems that the debris of what they ate and urine are excreted together. And the urine contains uric acid, and there is a white crystallized part along with the color of the debris that was eaten. This uric acid is said to damage the paint on cars.

The paint on the car body is sensitive to acidity, and if it is dung and left as it is, the paint will corrode, and in the worst case, even if it is wiped, marks may remain.

Even if you park your car a little near the utility pole, the dung may fall, but it seems better to clean the dung that day.

In addition, wild birds eat a variety of foods, and the dung contains bacteria, so it is better not to smell or touch them.


It was a little thing that happened in my daily life, but thank you for reading to the end.












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN



It seems that many people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, in addition to antiques and antiques, we also purchase paintings, jewelry, hobby items, and other genres.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.

Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.

Chikusa Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, antique purchase

“Ancient Art Fukosha Nagoya Store”

TEL 052 (734) 8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

秋の長雨、季節は少しずつ移ろっていますね。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)






































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Today, the weather here in Nagoya has been overcast since the morning. Light rain flickers from the middle of my commute. How is the weather in your area? Rather, the autumn insects started crying from the other day to the night, and I was able to wake up a little easier in the morning. After all, the season seems to be gradually approaching autumn, and we are approaching September, which is a little relieved.


However, according to the weather forecast, this weather has entered a long autumn rain.

One day, I posted a blog about the rainy season, but today I was thinking of posting another article, but in the morning I came to the store and wanted to write about the long rain in autumn, so I changed it in a hurry.


It is also called autumn long rain, autumn rain, autumn rainy season, pampas grass rainy season, autumn dampness, autumn rainy season (autumn rainy season), etc. .. Unlike the declaration of the rainy season, the Japan Meteorological Agency does not announce it clearly.

Since the rainy season has long been closely related to rice planting and other agricultural work, it seems that there were declarations of entering the rainy season and the end of the rainy season, but by the time of the autumn rain, rice has already grown considerably, so it does not seem to have much to do with it. Also, because the autumn rain front is smaller and has less momentum than the Baiu front, is it because there was no need to make a “declaration”? Even in the forecast text of the weather forecast, there is only an ambiguous expression that “there are many cloudy and rainy days.” It seems that the word “autumn rain” is used in the explanation of the weather forecast. However, typhoons occur frequently in autumn.


Well, as I learned from the news the other day, in eastern Japan, the retreat of the Pacific High makes it easier for the cold air in the northeast to flow in, so the activity of the autumn rain front tends to become more active and the amount of rainfall tends to increase. For this reason, when comparing the rainy season rain with the rainy season rain, it seems that the rainy season rains more in western Japan, but in eastern Japan, the rainfall is heavier in the autumn rainy season due to the typhoon. It was surprising that autumn rain has more rainfall than rainy season in eastern Japan.

Also, if a typhoon moves north from the South Sea when the autumn rain front is stagnant near Japan, the moist and warm air around the typhoon activates the activity of the front, especially as in the case of the Baiu front. Considering that it may rain heavily, it certainly feels like that, and it seems that it is also in the data.


Maybe because the word “rainy season” has been used for a long time in June-July, the calendar is a picture with rain, and the paintings drawn by the children are all teru teru bozu or a picture with an umbrella. In our case, the image is certainly fixed as “rain”, but rather, was it the picture on the autumn calendar in eastern Japan? Well, the image is an image.


In any case, the autumn rain front has stagnated in Japan for a while, and it seems that it will be a long rain in autumn, so is it hot? Is it cold? The battle will begin.


As for me, in the morning, I look at the weather forecast, change what I wear many times, put a cardigan for chills in my bag, and so on. Stray And even though he should have been repeating this for decades, every year he vomits a cliché, “What did you wear last year?” I’m sure I’ll be doing this next year without learning forever.


With this kind of feeling, this year, thanks to the long rain of this autumn, it was easy to understand the change of seasons, so it is easy to switch feelings to the next season, and it is raining with expectations for autumn. There is, but we are welcoming September with a refreshing feeling.


However, I just hope that the heavy rains in summer will not cause great damage due to typhoons in autumn.















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


名画の見方を身につけようとしましたが…。(愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)

















古来、美術というものは、優雅な趣味の対象なのではなく、現実の社会や文化全般と結びついた重要なメディアでした。政治経済と深く関わり、生老病死を彩り、人の欲望や理想を変栄する者なのです。そのため、美術は歴史の様々な局面で重要な役割を果たしてきました。とのこと。(宮下規久朗 『世界の一流が必ず身につけている西洋美術の見方』より)






「絵画芸術の寓意」 フェルメール作






















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.



It’s September from today.

When I recall, I remember that various things were dizzying this summer. Not to mention this situation, there were many things that were not calm, such as the Olympics, Paralympics, torrential rain, etc., but the only thing Staff Y could do in this situation was to spend quietly. ..

That’s why I used to go to the library during the summer vacation to make the best use of my time. So I started to worry about Western art, which I hadn’t touched on so far, and I picked up a book with a color scheme that would be easy to understand, saying that it was the introductory edition.


It’s not that I didn’t touch Western art, but I think this book I picked up has some good advice for me. If you touch on the contents a little,


Since art is viewed not by knowledge but by sensibility, it is a mistake for anyone to enjoy it casually. It is true that the media of art, which can be viewed without language, is open to everyone, but it is not easy enough to enjoy just because of its beautiful sensibility. Some knowledge is required to enjoy art. The more you know about art, the more interesting it becomes. Not only unstable and sloppy things such as sensibility and aesthetic sense, but also intellect and reason must be mobilized. Since ancient times, art has not been an object of graceful hobbies, but an important medium linked to the real world and culture in general. He is deeply involved in political economy, colors life, illness and death, and transforms people’s desires and ideals. As a result, art has played an important role in various aspects of history. And that. (From “Kikuro Miyashita’s view of Western art that the world’s top class always wears”)


Similarly, in the world of music that does not involve language, there is certainly an analysis of music called “analyse”, but I knew that art also requires knowledge and reading comprehension of works, but Just because I didn’t do this, I realized that I was completely lacking in respect and true understanding of the works I had seen so far. And above all, it seems that I didn’t enjoy it at all.


This time, I would like to introduce a work that left a strong impression on me.

“Allegory of Painting Art” by Vermeer

Vermeer, a painter who was active in the Netherlands in the 17th century. You often see “girl with a pearl earring”.

One of his specialty is indoor painting, which is called “Allegory of Painting Art”. This work seems to be one of the works he was interested in and left at hand, but it seems that he did not know where he was for a while. After that, Austrian aristocrats inherited it from generation to generation, and it seems that it was handed over to Hitler of the Nazis, but now it is a national property of Austria and is in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna.


From this painting and the rolled-up curtains, the composition is as if the audience were looking into it, and the painter (Vermeer) is drawing a model woman. It looks like an ordinary atelier, but it seems that the author’s “foolishness” is contained in it. Is it the same as Instagram’s “Nise” nowadays?


First, the model woman (though not Fermer’s daughter) wears a laurel, holds the symbolic trumpet of “fame” in her hand, and holds a fine book in the other, she. Seems to be dressed as the goddess of history, Clio. And on the back wall, a map of the Netherlands is drawn, and the smell of “smell” is spilled everywhere.

According to the book, the sight of this goddess painted by a painter is a statement that the Dutch painting art will gain eternal fame, and Vermeer painted it with love for painting and praise for art. It is said that it can be regarded as.

Also, according to the history of that time, the Netherlands was a small country but was the most prosperous in Europe due to the development of commerce, and there were many Protestant believers who banned idolatry, which is more secular than religious paintings. It also represents the golden age of Dutch art, where genre paintings and landscape paintings were actively produced.


Well, not to mention the time, a lot of information and circumstances such as the author’s message, historical and historical background, etc. are hidden in the painting, and the work of unraveling those “smell” (reading comprehension) But is it the real thrill of appreciation? If you unravel those “smell” one after another, it seems that the reading comprehension of paintings will be derived more and more in various directions. For example, how was his life, what else was Dutch art at that time, and what is the historical background? etc. Isn’t it an infinite loop?


First of all, in order to unravel the “smell”, it seems that this side, who is currently watching, must have tools such as knowledge and reading comprehension that can be closer to the work. I realized a lot from this work.


However, Vermeer’s “Allegory of Painting Art” is a really beautiful picture. His work features, women’s blue costumes and facial expressions, are really fascinating … Where did you study earlier? I used to enjoy painting casually.














愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN



