名画の見方を身につけようとしましたが…。(愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




名画の見方を身につけようとしましたが…。(愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)

















古来、美術というものは、優雅な趣味の対象なのではなく、現実の社会や文化全般と結びついた重要なメディアでした。政治経済と深く関わり、生老病死を彩り、人の欲望や理想を変栄する者なのです。そのため、美術は歴史の様々な局面で重要な役割を果たしてきました。とのこと。(宮下規久朗 『世界の一流が必ず身につけている西洋美術の見方』より)






「絵画芸術の寓意」 フェルメール作






















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.



It’s September from today.

When I recall, I remember that various things were dizzying this summer. Not to mention this situation, there were many things that were not calm, such as the Olympics, Paralympics, torrential rain, etc., but the only thing Staff Y could do in this situation was to spend quietly. ..

That’s why I used to go to the library during the summer vacation to make the best use of my time. So I started to worry about Western art, which I hadn’t touched on so far, and I picked up a book with a color scheme that would be easy to understand, saying that it was the introductory edition.


It’s not that I didn’t touch Western art, but I think this book I picked up has some good advice for me. If you touch on the contents a little,


Since art is viewed not by knowledge but by sensibility, it is a mistake for anyone to enjoy it casually. It is true that the media of art, which can be viewed without language, is open to everyone, but it is not easy enough to enjoy just because of its beautiful sensibility. Some knowledge is required to enjoy art. The more you know about art, the more interesting it becomes. Not only unstable and sloppy things such as sensibility and aesthetic sense, but also intellect and reason must be mobilized. Since ancient times, art has not been an object of graceful hobbies, but an important medium linked to the real world and culture in general. He is deeply involved in political economy, colors life, illness and death, and transforms people’s desires and ideals. As a result, art has played an important role in various aspects of history. And that. (From “Kikuro Miyashita’s view of Western art that the world’s top class always wears”)


Similarly, in the world of music that does not involve language, there is certainly an analysis of music called “analyse”, but I knew that art also requires knowledge and reading comprehension of works, but Just because I didn’t do this, I realized that I was completely lacking in respect and true understanding of the works I had seen so far. And above all, it seems that I didn’t enjoy it at all.


This time, I would like to introduce a work that left a strong impression on me.

“Allegory of Painting Art” by Vermeer

Vermeer, a painter who was active in the Netherlands in the 17th century. You often see “girl with a pearl earring”.

One of his specialty is indoor painting, which is called “Allegory of Painting Art”. This work seems to be one of the works he was interested in and left at hand, but it seems that he did not know where he was for a while. After that, Austrian aristocrats inherited it from generation to generation, and it seems that it was handed over to Hitler of the Nazis, but now it is a national property of Austria and is in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna.


From this painting and the rolled-up curtains, the composition is as if the audience were looking into it, and the painter (Vermeer) is drawing a model woman. It looks like an ordinary atelier, but it seems that the author’s “foolishness” is contained in it. Is it the same as Instagram’s “Nise” nowadays?


First, the model woman (though not Fermer’s daughter) wears a laurel, holds the symbolic trumpet of “fame” in her hand, and holds a fine book in the other, she. Seems to be dressed as the goddess of history, Clio. And on the back wall, a map of the Netherlands is drawn, and the smell of “smell” is spilled everywhere.

According to the book, the sight of this goddess painted by a painter is a statement that the Dutch painting art will gain eternal fame, and Vermeer painted it with love for painting and praise for art. It is said that it can be regarded as.

Also, according to the history of that time, the Netherlands was a small country but was the most prosperous in Europe due to the development of commerce, and there were many Protestant believers who banned idolatry, which is more secular than religious paintings. It also represents the golden age of Dutch art, where genre paintings and landscape paintings were actively produced.


Well, not to mention the time, a lot of information and circumstances such as the author’s message, historical and historical background, etc. are hidden in the painting, and the work of unraveling those “smell” (reading comprehension) But is it the real thrill of appreciation? If you unravel those “smell” one after another, it seems that the reading comprehension of paintings will be derived more and more in various directions. For example, how was his life, what else was Dutch art at that time, and what is the historical background? etc. Isn’t it an infinite loop?


First of all, in order to unravel the “smell”, it seems that this side, who is currently watching, must have tools such as knowledge and reading comprehension that can be closer to the work. I realized a lot from this work.


However, Vermeer’s “Allegory of Painting Art” is a really beautiful picture. His work features, women’s blue costumes and facial expressions, are really fascinating … Where did you study earlier? I used to enjoy painting casually.














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