当たり前ではない平和な光景です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




当たり前ではない平和な光景です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

It was a pleasant morning with the air still dry and crisp, although summer is gradually beginning to show itself. It is said that when humidity is added to this, it suppresses sweating and increases the risk of heat stroke. So we need to pay attention not only to temperature but also to humidity. I tell myself not to be overconfident.

The other day, I wrote about small sake cupholders, and this slightly larger one has joined the lineup.


The elaborate patterns on these pieces contrast with the white margins, giving them a fresh impression and making them stand out just by displaying them. Sake cup stands come in a variety of sizes and shapes.


After midday, we see cheerful elementary school students leaving school in front of the Fumikosha store. I noticed that they were turning around, stopping, or walking in a zigzag pattern from one end of the street to the other, and it seemed that few of them were walking in a straight line. As an adult who has become accustomed to walking straight, I feel a little envious.


Today, May 21, is “the day elementary schools were opened. Until then, there had been schools for children of former shogunate vassals, but there were no “public elementary schools” that any local child could attend, and on May 21, 1869, the “Kamigyo 27th Program Elementary School” opened in Kyoto. This was three years before the Meiji government promulgated the “school system,” which mandated elementary school education.

Most of the town of Kyoto was burnt down during the upheavals at the end of the Edo period, and with the capital moved from Kyoto to Tokyo during the Meiji Restoration, Kyoto’s population declined sharply and the economy declined. Under such circumstances, the government and the townspeople of Kyoto began working to create a place where children could receive an equal education and learn about domestic and international culture and history, instead of a terakoya.

The “program system” played an important role in raising funds, and each program was funded by the town’s self-governing organization. The funds were also used to purchase inkstones and writing brushes, and a total of 64 elementary schools were built one after another.

From that time on, classes on Japanese painting and other art-related subjects were also introduced in order to nurture human resources who would carry on Kyoto’s traditional industries such as Nishijin textiles and Kiyomizu-yaki ceramics. As a result, many of the school’s graduates are artists, such as Kitaoji Rosanjin, and their donated works are displayed in the school. It is an enviable environment. I feel the depth of nostalgia and unity of the people of Kyoto.


Hearing the high-pitched, energetic voices of the elementary school students makes me want to thank them for being able to attend school as a matter of course. Moreover, it is said that there are few countries where children can walk outside unaccompanied by adults like in Japan. An American TV personality once told me that he saw an elementary school student leaving school alone and, worried that he might be kidnapped, followed the child home. It may seem a little suspicious to see a strong Westerner walking behind a child, but…. But it is such a rare sight.

Also, “Hajimete no Otsukai,” a Japanese TV program in which a 4- or 5-year-old child carries a purse around his or her neck and goes on an excursion by himself or herself (watched by an adult, of course), seems to be popular overseas, but the idea of taking a toddler on an excursion seems too far from reality and even fanciful.

I hope that the Japanese environment will remain safe for children forever.


See you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN


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