特別な日のお酒を演出してくれそうです(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




特別な日のお酒を演出してくれそうです(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

After yesterday’s early summer heat, today is rainy and the temperature is dropping. It’s a bit of a problem from what to wear to bedding.

Now, I would like to introduce a new item that has joined the Fukosha family. At first, I thought it might be a candlestick, not knowing what kind of use it would serve. I was not sure what kind of use it would have, and at first I thought it might be a candlestick, but it is called a “sake cup stand. The pale hues of indigo and white blend together to create a fitting image of snow on the top of Mt. Fuji, by the way, Fuji right?

Also, a dragon is drawn on the top, floating three-dimensionally. On the side, there are violent splashes of waves, and although it is a small item, you will never get tired of looking at the very powerful design.


The sake cup stand was originally used for tea ceremonies. At the tea ceremony, sake was served, and the sake cup was placed on the tatami mat in front of the guests. The name “hiki-bai” comes from the fact that the guests would pull one thin sake cup from the stack for each guest.

In the early days, sake cup stands were painted black, but later they were painted vermilion, and by the end of the Edo period, they were made of porcelain.

It seems that placing the sake cup on this sake cup stand creates an extraordinary and special atmosphere. In tea ceremonies, it can be said to be a ritual to deepen the bond between the people sitting at the tea table. Although it is not so common nowadays, sake is an essential part of important events such as “sansankudo” at Shinto weddings and Kagamibiraki, where a barrel of sake is broken with a mallet at a celebration. It is not only for drinking sake…right?

I have a fantasy that there is a fashionable scene where you can enjoy sake with a sake cup on a sake cup stand for daily use. I have looked into it and found that there are a variety of designs and sizes to enjoy.

The Mt. Fuji depicted on the cup reminds me of the first time I saw Mt. Fuji when I was a teenager on a trip to Hakone, Japan. I parked my car on high ground, got out and saw a divine mountain I had never seen before! What is this beautiful mountain? I thought to myself, “That is Mt. I know this may sound funny to those of you in the Kanto region, but I had no idea that Mt. Fuji could be seen from Hakone, and although it was impressive, it was my sudden first encounter with this slightly silly and longed-for Mt.

Fuji is one of the most beautiful mountains in Japan, and I wondered why it has such a beautiful conical shape. Fuji is a stratovolcano that has repeatedly erupted on a large scale, spewing and depositing volcanic ash and lava alternately, gradually expanding its base and growing.

Fuji is a rare volcano in Japan because the rock from which it erupts is basaltic, whereas most volcanoes in Japan erupt mainly andesitic lava. The basaltic ejecta is less viscous and flows easily, so it is said to have spread over a wide area and formed the broad base of Mt.

As a Japanese, I have always wanted to climb Mt. Fuji and see the sunrise someday, but I am now approaching the age where that may no longer be possible. First of all, I need to strengthen my legs and back! I am talking long-windedly about such things again.



I will see you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN


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