まだまだ未知の世界があるようです(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




まだまだ未知の世界があるようです(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Recently, when I walk outside, I see various kinds of flowers blooming in gardens and along roads. In the past, there were many flowers and trees whose names I could recognize, but recently I have been encountering unfamiliar flowers and trees, which tickles my curiosity.

This is a Ko-Imari long dish with a familiar pine, bamboo, and plum motifs. The rim is decorated with a fine minced arabesque pattern. The cool coloring of the plate is very attractive due to the hot weather

The back side of the rim also has a relaxing arabesque pattern.

This rectangular long dish is one of my favorite shapes among tableware. Just by placing this rectangular dish on a dining table with many round dishes, a change is created and it becomes a little more colorful. It is a wonder that the same dishes look stylish just by arranging them in a straight line on a long plate, whereas it would be difficult to arrange them on a round plate. Another advantage of long plates is that they are easy to store.

In Japan, long dishes began to be made in the late 17th century and were called “ayu-zara” (sweetfish dishes), and were used to serve grilled fish, meat, vegetables, eggs, and sashimi. It is thought that people enjoyed eating meals by serving seasonal foods on long dishes and adding them to the dining table, although most of their daily meals consisted of one soup and one dish.

Long dishes were made by pressing a clay plate against a mold and cutting away the overhanging clay to form the shape. The thick, rectangular shape with the four corners slightly turned inward is believed to have continued to be made until the 19th century. Since even I find it easy to use, it must have been popular among people in the Edo period. Many of the same shapes with different designs are said to have been used. I feel the spirit of Edo craftsmen who continued to create dishes that made dining enjoyable, while devising various ways to meet the needs of a culture that enjoyed eating and the demands of its people.


Now, I mentioned earlier about unfamiliar flowers and trees, and here is an unfamiliar tree I saw this morning.

A white, fluffy, fluff-like flower? I was curious and looked it up. I was curious and looked it up, and found that it was a “melaleuca” tree. It is also called “tea tree” because its leaves were drunk as tea. Captain Cook, a marine researcher who landed in Australia around the 18th century, also drank the leaves as tea.

Tea tree? If you think the name sounds familiar, essential oil is extracted from the leaves and stems, and it is also used as an herb. I think it is the kind that is always placed in stores that deal in aroma oils. So it was made from this tree.

It was used as an all-purpose medicine by the indigenous Aborigines of Australia due to its bactericidal, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. Even today, tea tree aroma oil is said to be effective in preventing colds and influenza.

I used to have little interest in aroma oils or herbal teas, but when I was having trouble sleeping well, a friend gave me a cup of herbal tea to try, and I could not believe how well I slept. I was surprised at its efficacy, whether I am a simple person or whether it is undeniably the power of herbs. The power of nature is amazing! I felt that the power of nature is amazing! It seems there is still a world out there that I am unaware of.


See you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPE


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