真・行・草の流儀とは(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




真・行・草の流儀とは(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

It has been snowing in Nagoya since this morning. Please be careful when you go out.

I also put on as much heavy clothing as I could. Those who live in snowy areas may laugh at me, but the air is so cold that it makes me hold my breath.

Today, I am looking at an old copper vase that emits an austere, dull light next to the sparkling glasses I wrote about in my last blog. The beauty of the shape of the vase stands out without ears or decorations.

Old copper vases were imported from China and were expensive. Brought by Zen monks and others during the Kamakura period (1185-1333), they were used for flower offerings before the Buddha, and in the early Muromachi period (1333-1573), they were probably used to decorate the alcoves of the shogun’s household and Zen temples. It is said that bronze vessels used in ancient times as drinking vessels were copied in later times and used as flower vases. It is said to have been made of an alloy containing mainly copper, tin and lead, and is also called karakane (Chinese gold).

There are various shapes of old copper vases, and the overall appearance of the vase is called by many names, such as “tsuchi,” “nakabura,” “shimokabura,” “kaburanashi,” “usubata,” “kakunoki,” “geki,” “fune,” “tsurukubi,” etc. In addition, there are many different types of vases, such as those with a “mouth” or “ear. There are also various shapes of the “mouth” and “ears.

In the Muromachi period (1336-1573), it played a leading role among flower vases, and was displayed as a valuable item in the rooms of the Muromachi shoguns and feudal lords.

In the Warring States period, they were prized as the most prestigious flower vases and incense burners decorating tea rooms. It is thought that warring feudal lords acquired karamono, such as tea ceremony utensils, as a symbol of their authority. Acquiring new and rare items through trade with the Nanban and China meant high status as a feudal lord.

Sen no Rikyu did not put flowers in a karamono vase, but instead filled it full of water and displayed it in his alcove for the purpose of showing only the vase.

In the tea ceremony, the ancient copper vase is considered the “true” vase among the three types of flower vases: “true,” “action,” and “grass. The “true” type is made of old copper and Chinese celadon, while the “go” type is made of glazed porcelain. Gyo” is glazed Japanese ceramics. Sou” is bamboo, baskets, gourds, and unglazed ceramics. Vases were selected for use in tea ceremonies, hanging scrolls, and in combination with other utensils.

Shin, Gyo, Sou. I had heard of it before, but as usual, my knowledge of it is vague, so I looked it up.

Shin, Gyo, and Sou come from the three brush strokes used in calligraphy. The standard style is called “shinsho,” which means “block style,” and the three strokes of “gyosho,” which means “line style,” and “sosho,” which means “grass style,” which means “grass style. The three strokes are used in the tea ceremony, flower arrangement, haikai, and gardens, and are used as a form of expression to show the prestige of a Japanese-style room.

In general, “shin” refers to a strictly complete style, “gyou” to a softer style, and “sous” to a more abbreviated style.

Rikyu, who perfected the So-an style, is said to have told his disciples, “Once you know the true nature of the tea ceremony and have mastered its conduct and style, no matter how freely you try to change it, its true nature (quality) will remain unchanged. This means that it is important to know and master the basic “truth,” and to understand the essence based on that knowledge.

Formality may seem rigid, but Japanese people are good at imitating what is “true,” such as things imported from abroad or traditional Japanese techniques, breaking them down, and arranging them in their own way, which is perhaps the most interesting aspect of Japanese culture.

I hope to see you again soon.














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【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
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