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こんな時に限ってピンチが訪れます。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨とう買取 古美術風光舎)















ポーラーロウとは、冬季の中高緯度の海洋上で発達する 水平スケール200~1000kmの小低気圧でして、温帯低気圧や台風と比べてサイズは小さいですが、 海上で急速に発達し強風や大雪を伴うため社会的な影響も大きな現象のようであります。バレンツ海、ノルウェー海、北海、グリーンランド海、 ラブラドル海、ベーリング海、南極海など高緯度の多くの海洋上で発達するのですが、比較的に緯度が低い日本海でも発達するそうでして、北海道の西海上にもポーラーロウと呼ばれる小さな低気圧が発生する可能性があるそうです。






























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


It was cold this morning. It was a cold morning here in Nagoya as well, and the weather is looking stormy across the country.

There is a possibility of heavy snowfall not only along the mountains but also on the plains over the weekend, and for the first time this season, there is a possibility of warning-level heavy snowfall from northern Kyushu to the Kinki region on the Sea of Japan side and in Tokai (Gifu Prefecture). This morning, the TV showed snow in Shirakawa-go, and the reporter who was covering the snow there had the illusion that his black hat was white because it was covered with snow. The black hat of the reporter who was covering the scene was covered with snow so much that I was under the illusion that it was a white hat.


Last year, I learned the term “Japan Sea polar air mass convergence zone (JPCZ)”. The JPCZ is bringing active snow clouds into Hokuriku (including Niigata Prefecture), and there is a risk of heavy snowfall and blizzard conditions due to the winds. It is hard to keep up with such rough weather, which was unimaginable until just last month.


I learned a new weather term the other day. I wonder if it has been around for a long time (I’m ignorant). (I don’t know, I’m just ignorant.)


Polar Row.

Polarlow is a small low-pressure system with horizontal scale of 200 to 1,000 km that develops over the mid- to high-latitude oceans during the winter season. It develops over the Barents Sea, Norwegian Sea, North Sea, Greenland Sea, Labrador Sea, Bering Sea, Antarctic Sea, and other high latitude oceans, but it is also said to develop over the Sea of Japan, which is relatively low in latitude.


Due to this polar low, the city of Rumoi experienced the heaviest snowfall in recorded history on the 17th, and it was a very heavy snow storm that made it impossible to see even an inch ahead of time. There is a possibility of another heavy snowstorm, so please be careful.



Compared to such cold weather in other parts of Japan, the cold here in Nagoya is not so bad, but it is only at times like this that we are in a pinch.

Our 15-year-old microwave oven has finally broken down.


Although we have always taken care of it, it is a little hard to have it broken during this cold season. I am not saying that I am grateful for the electricity, but I have been making full use of the microwave oven to cook short and simple meals, so I felt its gratitude very keenly.

I was so excited about the new functions and knowledge that I finally decided on a new model, and after a little cleaning of the old microwave, I said good-bye to it. Saying goodbye to an electric appliance is always a bit sudden.


The new one has been sitting there since yesterday,

Ding ding. This morning, he was using the microwave oven as if nothing had happened. The newcomer’s comfort makes us forget about the pinch in an instant, but the pinch also reminds us how grateful we are for it and teaches us knowledge and preparation. It was really inconvenient when I couldn’t use it.


Not to use the weather terminology I mentioned earlier, but there are many times when a pinch or something that happens teaches us what we need to know and how to be prepared.

But at the same time, I am thankful and grateful for the lessons I have learned from them.














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