2月, 2025 - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 3




【掛軸・花台・茶碗買取】名古屋市千種区のお客様より買取いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

























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チョコも溶ける!?暖かさ(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






















After last week’s freezing cold weather, the weather has turned warmer, as if spring is in full swing.

By the way, today is Valentine’s Day. The weather forecast is saying, “Chocolates will melt! The weather forecast is saying “Chocolate will melt” or “Chocolate will not melt” in today’s temperature.


The answer is: Chocolate does not melt even in the highest temperatures over 20 degrees Celsius.

The melting point of cacao butter in chocolate is about 28 degrees Celsius, and it does not seem to reach the melting point at temperatures slightly above 20 degrees Celsius.

It is said that commonly sold chocolate boards often begin to melt when the temperature exceeds 28 degrees Celsius. This is because the melting point of cacao butter, an important chocolate ingredient, is about 33°C. The melting temperature varies depending on the ratio of cacao butter and other ingredients as ingredients, but there seems to be a difference in the melting temperature of different types of chocolate.


For the past few years, I have been involved in my family’s “friend chocolate” frenzy and have often made various kinds of handmade chocolates every year, but as I think about it every year, the result is that it tastes better when bought (of course).

Handmade seems to have a lot of feeling, but just melting and hardening chocolate does not make it taste good for amateurs….

Whether it is for a duty or a true love, handmade chocolates are very time-consuming. And because of the time and effort involved, it is natural to want the recipient to receive the chocolate in the best condition possible.

I have memories of trying to make chocolate that I thought would be easy if all I had to do was melt the chocolate, put it in a mold, and let it harden, but this was actually very difficult and did not turn out at all delicious…. This seemingly simple process of cooling and hardening melted chocolate is called “tempering,” but it brings back bitter memories of a time when I realized that it is something that amateurs should not mess around with.


Tempering is a temperature process that unifies the cocoa butter crystals in chocolate into the most stable crystalline form. In other words, it seems simple, but it is the most important process that determines whether the chocolate is good or bad. Based on numerous past failures, I feel that baked goods mixed with flour are the least likely to fail if an amateur tries his/her hand at it.


The meaning of chocolate given on Valentine’s Day is “the same feeling as yours.

Chocolate as a Valentine’s Day gift in return seems to imply “let’s keep the same relationship as before. If you respond to a gift of chocolate to a friend or a giri-chocolate or tomocho-chocolate that you give out of gratitude or trust, in other words, it is a message of “I feel the same way as you do”.

I am sure that many of you are planning to give them to someone this year as well, but what memories will be born? I am also a big fan of episodes of failure.

See you soon. (Staff T)














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こうやって歴史は塗り替えられるのか…(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)








































With the recent digitalization, the methods of analysis and analysis in the field of historical research are changing drastically, and we see news of new discoveries every day these days, don’t we? I feel that the rapid progress of historical research is changing the way it is conducted, with easier access to key documents and improved efficiency in the research process. Personally, however, I am fascinated by the daily news of historical riddles and the oldest known Japanese writing, and the other day I discovered another such news item.


The other day, I found one such news. It is the news about the discovery of the oldest Japanese characters again.


The oldest known Japanese script is a gold seal engraved with “Kannowanokoku-ou,” which was found on Shika Island in Fukuoka Prefecture and is believed to have been received by an envoy from the Nukoku Kingdom in the 1st century by the Later Han Emperor Koubutei. However, this is not written in Japan, as it came from the Han Dynasty.


The oldest written characters in Japan include a mirror with a human figure inscription from the Sumida Hachiman Shrine in Wakayama Prefecture and an iron sword inscribed with the inscription “Oushi” from the Inaridai No. 1 Tumulus in Chiba Prefecture, but the oldest remaining Chinese character material in Japan is the “Oushi” inscription found in the Inariyama Tumulus in Gyoda City, Saitama Prefecture, which is inscribed with the inscription “Oushi”. The oldest surviving Chinese character material in Japan is the “Inariyama Tumulus Iron Sword Inscription” excavated from the Inariyama Tumulus in Gyoda City, Saitama Prefecture, dated to 471.


In the midst of all this, the newly discovered piece of pottery excavated from a site in Nankoku City, Kochi Prefecture, seems to have been inscribed with two possible characters on the pottery shard. The earthenware seems to date from the late Yayoi period to the early Kofun period, around the middle of the 3rd century. Since most of the previously discovered Kanji characters date from the 4th century, it is extremely rare to find two or more characters from this period, and it is possible that this is one of the oldest pieces of writing in Japan.


The pottery shards were found at the Wakamiya-no-higashi site in Nankoku City, where the largest settlement in Kochi Prefecture is said to have spread during the Yayoi period. Like the characters that were once discovered, I am surprised that kanji characters were discovered even in rather rural areas, and I am surprised that kanji was actually spread throughout the country from early on. But what is even more interesting is the fact that these two characters, which one might imagine to be a sentence, were found in the same place in the same time as the original. The pottery shards were 10 cm in length and 10 cm in width.


The pottery shard is about 10 cm in size and appears to be part of a jar made between the late Yayoi period and the early Kofun period, with two characters inscribed on the surface, one above and one below. The two characters are likely to be the Chinese characters for “what” and “not,” which are read in Chinese as “what” and “zaru,” which may mean “why” or “why not” (as learned in Chinese literature). In addition, based on the size and inclination of the crucible, which is estimated from the shape of the shards, it is thought that there are further characters that follow the one found, and what the text below that was written…is very interesting.


It seems that more than 10 pieces of earthenware with characters inscribed at the same time as this one have been found throughout Japan, but those with more than two characters are extremely rare and may be “part of a text” in the oldest category in Japan. It seems that this will trigger further discussion and research on how expressions using Chinese characters came to Japan.


So, the solution to the mystery has already begun to boil up in me….

How could someone write something like “Why don’t you ____…” on the side of an earthenware vessel, or a passage from a Chinese poem, etc.? Do people write personal writings on earthenware? Or is it a letter-like writing by a government official? In the first place, were they souvenirs received from the capital or China? No, no, there were already intellectuals in this region who could read and write in Chinese characters? What and for whom did they write, e.g., “How did you get here? How did they get here, or rather, were they made here? These two mere words spur me on to solving the mystery out of control. The dreaded “what” and “un” laugh.


Have a good day. (Staff Y)














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春一番にはくれぐれもご注意ください(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術買取 古美術風光舎)






















重いコート脱いで出かけませんか♪ という歌詞もありますが、まだとてもコートを脱げる状況ではなく、春の訪れが待ち遠し今日この頃です。




Today, when the cold wave has eased up a bit, the “first day of spring” may be announced in the Kanto region.

In fact, the first day of spring was already observed in the Hokuriku region on February 3 this year, making it the earliest spring storm in observation history.


By the way, “Haruichiban” is also the title of an old song, and the word may be quite familiar to the Showa generation, but I actually did not understand it very well. The name of the word conjures up images of warm breezes that remind us of the coming of spring, but it is actually a phenomenon of strong winds that can cause disasters, a spring storm. Just because the weather has become warmer does not mean that you should be careless.


Around the time Risshun passes, the winter pressure pattern of high in the west and low in the east slackens, and the low-pressure system that had been passing over the Pacific Ocean begins to pass over the Sea of Japan side. When the southerly winds blow in toward the low pressure moving eastward over the Sea of Japan, and the southerly winds exceeding the standard values are observed, the “first day of spring” is announced by the weather stations in each area.

I thought it was announced nationwide, but it turns out that the first day of spring is not announced in Hokkaido, Tohoku region, Nagano Prefecture, Yamanashi Prefecture, and Okinawa Prefecture. The first day of spring may be followed by wintery weather or already warm weather, so there is no need to announce the first day of spring due to the characteristics of each region’s climate.

Even in areas where announcements are made, the definition of the first day of spring seems to differ, with wind speeds of 7 m, 8 m, and 10 m or higher. When the criteria are not met, it is said that “the first day of spring is not observed. Incidentally, in the Tokai region, the definition is “wind speed of 8m or more, temperature is higher than normal, and low pressure develops on the Sea of Japan side.

Although there is no certification by the Japan Meteorological Agency, “the first day of spring” is followed by “the second day of spring,” “the third day of spring,” and so on, which are also seasonal terms for spring.

Since there is no end to the numbering, strong spring winds are generally called “spring storm,” “spring storm,” “spring gale,” “spring gale,” and so on.


The origin of the word “Haru-ichiban” is said to come from a strong gust of wind in early spring that caused the mass disappearance of 53 fishermen in Iki City, Nagasaki Prefecture, in the spring of 1859 during the Edo period (1603-1868). At the time, people feared these strong winds, and the term was popularized as a marine safety measure. In Gonoura, Iki City, people still do not go fishing on February 13 of the lunar calendar, even if the weather is fine, and hold a “Spring First Memorial Service” for those who have been lost at sea.

Today, it has become a meteorological term. On February 15, 1963, the term “first day of spring” was used for the first time in newspapers, and February 15 is considered to be the anniversary of the first day of spring.


Hearing the words “the first day of spring,” those of us of the Showa generation may have been humming the songs of the idols of yesteryear.

I had completely misunderstood that the title of the song, which begins with the words “The first day of spring is coming to the freshly cleaned sash window,” is actually “Smile back,” and the title of the song, “The snow melts and flows down as a river,” is “Haruichiban,” or “The first day of spring.

I can hear you saying that it doesn’t matter which one it is, but I was a little surprised because I had always thought the former song was “Haruichiban”.

There is a lyric that says, “Let’s take off our heavy coats and go out,” but I am not ready to take off my coat yet.


I am looking forward to the coming of spring. (Staff H)














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知らなかったことづくしの「橘」(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術買取 古美術風光舎)




















また、学名はCitrus tachibanaというようでして、実は沖縄のシイクワーサーと橘の2種類だけが日本原産の柑橘種のであります。これまた知らなかった…。シトラスはさわやかな柑橘類の香りが特徴で、この香りがいつまでも消えないことから、非時香菓(ときじくのかぐのみ~いつまでも香りが消えない果実)ともいわれており、また、葉も肉厚で常に緑を保ち艶やかであり、永遠性と神秘性を併せ持つ植物として、古代から不老不死の木とされています。












It has been a while since the beginning of Setsubun, and I decided to stop by Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine in my neighborhood to pay a little visit. Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine has often appeared on our blog.


This season, the sacred tachibana tree is covered with bells of fruit. I did not know that tachibana was the sacred tree of Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine, but I had no idea about all the things I did not know about tachibana, so I tweeted a little about it.


Tachibana is also famous for the “Sakon-no Sakura, Ukon-no Tachibana” in the Shikikinden Hall of the Kyoto Imperial Palace, as well as the tachibana that is displayed in Hina decorations. There were a lot of fruits on this one, a little bigger than kumquat and smaller than small tangerines of early season…. I didn’t know that, it was my first time to see them.







Tachibana, the sacred tree of Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine, is planted on both sides of the main shrine, and it is still a magnificent tree.


Tachibana is a small evergreen tree belonging to the tangerine family and is a type of citrus fruit. It seems to be an endemic citrus that has been wild in Japan since ancient times, growing wild in the mountains near the coast, and is in bloom from early to mid-May.


The fruits look like small tangerines and look delicious, but they are actually sour and not suitable for eating as they are. The peel can be used as a garnish because of its fragrance.


The scientific name is Citrus tachibana, and in fact, there are only two species of citrus native to Japan: the Okinawan shikuwasa and the tachibana. I didn’t know this either… Citrus tachibana is characterized by its refreshing citrus aroma, and because this aroma never fades, it is also known as tojikunokagumi-no-kagumi (fruit whose aroma never fades). It is also said to be a tree of eternal youth and immortality.

It is also said to be a lucky flowering tree because its flowers bloom around May with thorns on the branches, it bears fragrant small five-petaled white flowers and small fruits, its leaves are green throughout the year, and its yellow fruits remain for a long time.

The white flower often appears in family crests and classical motifs, and the flower is also used in the design of the Order of Cultural Merit.

Also, from a health perspective, citrus stimulates adrenergic receptors in fat cells and promotes the breakdown and burning of body fat, which is good for weight loss.


This morning I looked up at the yellow fruits of tachibana in the clear sky and felt refreshed, but the more I learned about tachibana, the more impatient I became, thinking that I must decorate my house soon.


Have a good day. (Staff Y)














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2月10日㈪お休みさせていただきます(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)













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衣裳も気になってきました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

























I hope everyone is watching the historical drama “Belabo – Tsutaju Eika no Yume Banashi” (Belabo – Tsutaju’s Dream Story).

It is interesting to note that while “To the Luminous Kimi” was a story about an aristocrat and the colors on the screen were whitish or elegant, “Belabo,” which takes place in a brothel, is vivid and just on the verge of vulgarity.

Usually, I am so preoccupied with the story that I do not pay attention to the production, but I was impressed by the difference in the worldview that can be created by the coloring of the screen.


Looking at it from this perspective, I was also interested in the variety of costumes that accentuate the personalities of the people living in the world of the “Bekabo” drama.

I was also interested in the various costumes that accentuate the personalities of the people who live in the world of the drama. In an interview, Mr. Ito, who was in charge of the costumes, said that he tried to express “the spirit and sophistication of Edo with the costumes.

The costumes of the mid-Edo period were made with colorful patterns and patterns.

Costumes of the mid-Edo period were diverse in color and pattern. Yuzen dyeing, created by Miyazaki Yuzenzai (the founder of yuzen dyeing), was used by Edo merchants, Yoshiwara oiran (courtesans), and samurai warriors. The yuzen dyeing technique called “Hitta Dyeing,” in which a tie-dyeing technique used in the Momoyama period to create tie-dye-like patterns, also became popular, and is said to have changed the colors and patterns of kimono in a wide variety of ways.


The Edo period is known for its indigo-based colors, but “BEROBO” incorporated flamboyant patterns into its costumes, which were designed to effectively use brown and gray, the colors favored by the Edo people.

He also referred to Ukiyoe (works by artists such as Utamaro Kitagawa, Sharaku Toshusai, and Kiyonaga Torii) when designing his costumes.

When looking at the people depicted in Ukiyoe, the collars of all the people, including the townspeople, are “sloppy” and no one is wearing a tightly fitted collar.

Therefore, in the production of “Bebo,” the artist was particular about wearing the collars loosely. The most important part of the “staggered” collar is the half collar, which is made of Edo-style fabrics that he had collected as a hobby over the years. There are many interesting patterns, which alone seem to create the atmosphere of Edo.


The color used for the main character Tsutajige’s kimono is not the common indigo color, but green.

As you know, green is made by mixing “blue” + “yellow. The reason for using green, which is a color that cannot be produced by a single color and can be dyed by multiplying it with other colors, is that “Tsutae, who is still a nobody, is not bound by anything and creates new things in a mischievous and imaginative manner. He chose the color green, which cannot be easily reproduced, as “a color that symbolizes the start of a life full of such originality.

The ivy-jaye’s costume was dyed green from a white fabric called “cotton twine,” and it was re-dyed three times until the ideal color was achieved. Also, instead of using only green, thin black stripes were added to accentuate Tsutajige’s movement, youthfulness, and dynamism.
In the first half of the drama, Tsutajige wears only one kimono. The viewer is given a portrait of the character through the kimono. I thought such a directorial approach to costume design was very interesting.


Other highlights of the costumes are also the thoughtful color composition and balance of the Yoshiwara fathers when all of them are lined up in a row. In the future, I would like to pay attention to the collars when the screen shows close-ups of the actors. We may even see the half collars with the kachimushi (dragonfly) design favored at the time.

At any rate, Ryusei Yokohama’s face and voice are wonderful (and not just because of that). I am looking forward to the broadcast.

See you later. (Staff T)














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突然の断水で実感したこと(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


















































This morning there was snow on the ground in Nagoya. I feel stiff, perhaps because I had to watch my step as I walked. Please be safe everyone.

We are worried about the freezing water supply due to the cold weather, but last weekend, our water supply was suddenly cut off regardless of the cold weather. When I stood in the kitchen around 6:00 p.m. to prepare dinner, there was no water coming out of the faucet. For a while, I couldn’t swallow the situation and looked at the faucet in amazement. I guess when you are so surprised, you stop thinking.

If the water was cut off with an inspection or some other warning, I would be prepared for anything, but when it happened suddenly, I was simply confused and my head, which had been foggy over the weekend, was awakened.

There was no warning, right? Was the water cut off for the whole area? Just our house? Or just this apartment? And “? I was filled with “What’s wrong with the water?

In the end, it turned out to be due to a problem with the water storage tank in the apartment, but once I figured out the cause, the next question was, “What can we eat for dinner? I can’t take a bath, can I use the toilet now? And most of all, I was almost crushed by the anxiety of how long this water cutoff would last.

Fortunately, the water supply was restored in about six hours, but I was very relieved when the water supply was restored, as I was anxious that the stockpiled water was dwindling fast.

Whenever I heard about water and power outages due to disasters, I always thought about how difficult it would be, but I realized that it would be impossible to imagine how difficult it would be to be a party to such an event.

Perhaps it was because I was so grateful to have water running from my faucet that a monument that I had always casually passed by caught my eye.

It is a monument commemorating the 100th anniversary of the start of water supply in Nagoya, and the wall of the former No. 2 distribution pond at the Higashiyama Distribution Center has been reused. The inscription on the monument reads “Yinsuishigen”, a phrase from the “Chou Chou Kyoku” by a poet of the Northern Zhou Dynasty in China, which means “Every time you drink water, think of how grateful you are for the source of water”, a metaphor for remembering the basics of things.

The water level gauge room from those days has also been relocated next to the building. It has a retro atmosphere.

The pointy hat building standing tall at the back of the monument has been on my mind for a long time. No matter how many times I see it, it reminds me of “Moomin’s House.

This building was built in 1930 as the “Higashiyama Water Tower” and was used to distribute water to the higher ground in the Kakuozan area until 1973. Currently, the water is stored as an emergency water supply facility for disaster countermeasures.

The Water History Museum, which was established in 2014, is located across the street, and admission is free.

Inside the museum, there are exhibits such as “Water and Sewerage in the Edo Period” and “Sewerage Awareness Posters” from that time. If you have a chance, please visit the museum.

There is also a promenade named “Water History Promenade” in this area. It is an ideal course for a stroll, and a “Y-jun kan” used around 1931 is on display here as well.

It is said that Japan’s modern waterworks began with the establishment of the “Nogeyama Water Purification List” in Yokohama in 1887.

At the beginning of the Meiji Era (1868-1912), while technological development in railroads and construction was progressing, the water supply system was not, and infectious diseases such as cholera broke out due to deteriorating water quality. Under the guidance of Englishman Henley Spencer Palmer, known as the father of modern Japanese waterworks, a water purification plant using pumps was built in Yokohama, and the system rapidly spread to urban areas.

Surprisingly, less than 50 of the 196 countries in the world currently have tap water, and there are only 15 countries in the entire land where tap water is drinkable. It takes such a high level of water purification technology and cost to produce drinkable tap water. It may be a miracle that clean water is available on a daily basis.

However, Japan’s water supply system is aging, and the staff with the technical expertise that has been responsible for the water supply business is said to be getting older.

Pesticides, chemicals, and microplastic runoff also cause water pollution and damage water pipes.

It has been a week of thinking about water, and I am grateful for the clean water we take for granted from our faucets, and I am also conscious of the water that goes down the drain.

See you next time (Staff H)















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久しぶりに集合です!(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)














It got much colder in Nagoya this morning, and I had to go to work in a flurry of snow. The cold wave that has been bringing heavy snowfall to the Japanese archipelago is expected to continue through the weekend.

In the midst of such cold and snowy weather, we had a staff meeting today for the first time in a while.

Since our shifts do not overlap, we actually do not see each other very often, so the meeting is a precious time for us. Perhaps it is because we read each other’s e-mails, handover notes, and daily blogs, but it is still important to meet in person. We had a lot to talk about, including updates and business matters, and we spent an enjoyable and meaningful time over delicious snacks.

It has been a year and a few months since I started working at Fuhkosha. Whether or not I have learned anything from working here, I have expanded my knowledge of antiques and a new world. I was also very anxious about being exposed to social networking, which I had never been involved in before, but I was very encouraged when some of my clients told me that they read my blog and Instagram.

I never dreamed that I would be writing so many articles, and I am still a bit confused and anxious, but I am grateful for this blog that connects us all.


See you all soon.














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今年は明るい色の服を着てみようかと(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



































Suddenly, I wonder if all of you make New Year’s resolutions or not…?


It has been a month since the New Year began, and I have remembered that I have made a few goals for the year ahead. It wasn’t a hard and fast goal, but I had a vague idea that I would try to wear brightly colored clothes this year.


I have been wearing black, gray, navy blue, brown, and other subdued colors recently, and it was easy, but I got a little bored…. I tried a bright-colored sweater at the end of the year, and I noticed that it lifted my mood a little. So, I’m going to try this next year. It’s not a goal anymore, but this year I’m going to give it a try.


By the way, I have introduced a lot of things about colors on this website, but let’s put aside for a moment the fact that there are more than 460 traditional colors, which are well-known in Heian costumes and so on. It is not that old.


Ancient Japanese in earlier times did not seem to have any color expressions to begin with. Instead, they expressed colors with the sense of light, which has the original meanings of light, dark, bright, and vague.


For example, a red stranger means a clear stranger, and a black-hearted person means a person with a dark heart. White seems to represent the rays of the sun, which is a clear color, i.e., manifest. Blue is the opposite of white and is blurred, meaning gray.


The word “youth” is used to describe a young person, but it originally means a blurry person, meaning a young person who has not yet matured. As a side note, the high-pitched voices of women and children are called “yellow voices.” To the ancient Japanese, yellow was the same as gold, and yellow was used to describe the high-pitched sound of metal on metal.


What? There were also green leaves, weren’t there? But in the past, green was classified as blue, orange and yellow as red, and gray as black, so it is quite rough compared to now. I guess it did not matter how roughly they were classified.


It seems that the modern Japanese have inherited the excellent sense of color and emotion from the ancient Japanese. I am tempted to think that they have a superior sense of color, so I decided to try bright colors this year to evoke such a sense…not because I was “bored,” but because bright clothes certainly make me feel brighter, lol. I’ll see you soon.


Have a good day. (Staff Y)














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