2月, 2025 - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 4




なぜ招き猫は人々を魅了するのでしょう(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
































Due to the strongest cold air and winter pressure pattern of the season, heavy snowfall warnings have been issued mainly over the Sea of Japan from northern Japan to western Japan. Here in Nagoya, we have only a few flurries, but the snow shown on the news seems to be falling endlessly rather than falling, which is frightening. Please take care of yourselves.


The Kutani porcelain beckoning cat is wearing a lovely vermilion pendent and has its arms outstretched as far as they will go. I was thinking how lovely it looks with its arms outstretched to the fullest, but there is a theory that if the raised hands are higher than the ears, it invites good luck in the distant future or from afar, and if they are lower than the ears, it invites good luck closer to home or a little happiness.


A white beckoning cat is said to mean “good luck and good fortune” as a cat without blemish, while a black beckoning cat is said to mean “to ward off evil spirits” or “to ward off misfortune. Black cats are not so popular in the West, but in Japan they are considered “lucky cats” because they are thought to have strong spiritual power.

I only knew that a beckoning cat with its right hand raised invites good luck and that a cat with its left hand raised invites prosperous business and good luck, but there are many other meanings attached to the cat.


There are many theories as to how the beckoning cat came into being, but one famous story is about a dream of an old woman in Asakusa, Edo (present-day Tokyo). It is said that a poor old woman made a ceramic cat figurine based on a prophecy of a cat she saw in her dream, and good things happened to her.

There is also a theory that the cat became a beckoning cat when a white cat owned by a monk at Gotokuji Temple in Setagaya Ward, Tokyo, which is famous for beckoning cats, protected Naotaka Ii from a severe thunderstorm and became a family temple of the Ii family.

It must be a character that has been loved by people that much.


Currently, the main production areas are Tokoname City (Tokoname ware) and Seto City (Seto ware) in Aichi Prefecture, and Kaga City (Kutani ware) in Ishikawa Prefecture.

Seto Yaki was the first to begin industrial production of beckoning cats using plaster molds in the 1890s. Seto-yaki beckoning cats are said to have their roots in the beckoning cats of Fushimi Inari. The porcelain beckoning cats called “Koseto” have a bit of a “fox” atmosphere, and the way they raise their hands is said to be a bit reserved.


Kutani porcelain beckoning cats have a variety of patterns and colors. The older the beckoning cat, the smaller the eyes and the more dignified the face, and the more powerful the figure with the “mori” pattern painted on its entire body. They are characterized by their gorgeous front tails and golden bells on their right shoulders. Since most of them have their ears facing to the side instead of to the front, it looks as if they are asking something with their ears up.


Finally, there are Tokoname-yaki beckoning cats, which have an 80% share of the national beckoning cat market. This is a “Tokoname-style” beckoning cat with two heads, large eyes, and a koban (small seal) in its arms. The amount of money depicted on the koban has increased over time, from “senryo” (one thousand ryo) to “ten thousand ryo” (ten thousand ryo) to “ten million ryo” (a million ryo), so the lower the amount, the more likely the cat is to be an old one.

At first, they were smartly shaped, but Mr. Chikao Tomimoto of “Umezuki Tomimoto Ningyoen” created this two-headed design with a lovely face.

Currently, the only kiln in the city capable of mass-producing beckoning cats is the “Umezuki Tomimoto Ningyoen,” and even though they are mass-produced, the entire process is handmade by craftsmen, and the third generation, Kikue Tomimoto, paints the “eyes” of all beckoning cats as a painter.

Perhaps it is this chunky, round shape and adorable eyes that have attracted people to the cat, which is exported overseas and has become a character loved around the world.

Both the dignified, mature-looking beckoning cats of Kutani and Seto ware and the charming beckoning cats of Tokoname ware are attractive, and it is no wonder that there are so many collectors of them.


We have a small beckoning cat that we bought on a trip to Kyushu many years ago. I bought it on impulse because I was soothed by the silly expression on its face. It still sits in a place where I can see it every day, and every time I see it, my face relaxes. I just now realized that the way he holds up his hands may catch me off guard….


See you next time (Staff H)















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




カカオ豆とコーヒー豆、親戚ではありませんでした(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

































Currently, Amour du Chocolat, a festival of chocolates, is being held here in Nagoya for the 25th time this year at Nagoya Takashimaya.

Although I have more than enough love for chocolate, I have never actually been to the event because I do not have the courage to rush into the crowds. Every year, the event closes before I can decide whether or not to participate. When limited edition chocolates are introduced on TV, I imagine the taste in my brain and enjoy it in a humble way. I am sure that the taste is beyond my imagination.


I thought that this festival started in 2001 and was first held in a large scale at an event hall, but in fact, “We wanted to hold the festival in a food hall in the basement, but the department store had just opened the previous year and we could not secure a space, so we had no choice but to use the event hall. The scale of the event was about 1/100th of the current one.

Today, Valentine’s Day events held at this venue have spread nationwide and have become a staple of the industry.

Star chefs from all over the world stand in front of the store, and there is a wide selection of new and limited-edition products, and last year the event sold over 4.1 billion yen.

In the beginning, the event was moved to the event hall out of necessity, but you never know what will work.


Chocolate is something we reach for when we are tired or want to relax, but I personally believe that coffee is essential with chocolate.

According to one chocolate producer, when coffee is combined with chocolate, the aroma in the coffee opens up and becomes easier to perceive, and while the taste of chocolate alone disappears quickly, when combined with coffee, the lingering cinnamon-like flavor lingers for a long time.

I don’t have the sense to describe it that way, but I do have the sense of taste that it tastes good when I put it in my mouth together! I don’t have the sense to describe it that way, but I do have the sense of taste that when you put them together in your mouth, they taste good!


As we all know, coffee and chocolate are both made from fermented and roasted fruit seeds, but they come from completely different plants. (The coffee bean tree is in the Acanthaceae family, while the cacao bean tree is in the mallow family.) I had a vague understanding of this, but when I looked at the images of each fruit, I was surprised to see that the shapes are more different than I had imagined.

Coffee berries are called “coffee cherries,” and each red ripe berry, about 1.5 cm in diameter, contains two seeds, which are the coffee bean.

Chocolate, on the other hand, comes from a small, rugby-ball-like, oval-shaped fruit called a “cacao pod,” which contains about 50 cacao beans encased in a white pulp called a cacao bulp. The large oval fruits hanging from the branches and trunks look like an odd sight to those who see them for the first time.


Coffee beans originate mainly from Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and South America, and are grown in high-altitude areas where soil, rain, sunlight, and temperature conditions are suitable for cultivation. The area where coffee beans are grown is concentrated near the equator and is therefore also known as the “coffee belt.

Cacao bean production areas also seem to overlap with this coffee belt, but in a slightly narrower range, within 20 degrees north and south latitude, and in hot and humid areas with an average annual temperature of 27°C or higher. It does not grow at high altitudes, but is cultivated in lowlands as low as 300 meters.

Coffee beans and cacao beans, which I had thought of as similar to each other, are grown in quite different environments.


Coffee, which is said to be of higher quality the higher the elevation, is now being seriously affected by global warming. The temperature in the highlands is rising rapidly, and the quality of coffee beans is gradually declining.

In fact, it is feared that the Arabica coffee bean will no longer be harvested by around 2050.


I am a coffee lover, and drinking coffee gives me energy on a daily basis, but if the day comes when I can no longer drink it….

I can hear the screams from all over the world.


See you next time (Staff H)















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




4年ぶりの2月2日だそうです(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)























Oni wa~soto,” ‘Oni wa~soto,’ ”Fuku wa~uchi! Fortune is within! Today is Setsubun, and the direction of blessings for the year 2025 is “west-southwest.

Many people may think that Risshun is February 4 and Setsubun is the day before Risshun, but Setsubun is the day before Risshun, and not fixed on February 3. This year, since Risshun falls on February 3, Setsubun falls on February 2, the day before Risshun. This year is the first time in four years that Setsubun is on the second day of the month, and the year before that in 2021 was the first time in 124 years. The next Setsubun in 2029 will be on February 2, and from now on, it is scheduled to be on February 2 every four years for a while, the year after a leap year.


The “Owari Four Kannon” are famous as Setsubun in Nagoya. The four temples, Kasadera Kannon, Arako-Kannon-ji, Ryusen-ji, and Jimoku-ji Kannon, located on all four sides of the city as seen from Nagoya Castle, have been worshipped by the people as the Kannon that protects and serves Nagoya.

It is said that it is beneficial to visit the temple closest to the direction of the Toshitokujin (god of good fortune) of the year, that is, the direction where the Toshitokujin is located as seen from Nagoya Castle.

The direction of blessing for the year 2025 is “Arako-Kannon-ji Temple.

Arako-Kannon-ji Temple is said to have been rebuilt in 1576 by Toshiie Maeda, the feudal lord of Kaga, and has the oldest wooden structure in the city, a pagoda designated as a national important cultural property, and more than 1,250 Enku-butsu (rounded-air Buddhas). The pagoda is open to visitors on the second Saturday of every month from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Speaking of Setsubun, “ehomaki” is a traditional Japanese food. Let’s all eat the whole ehoumaki and invite a lot of good fortune!

However, when “ehoumaki” is advertised in supermarkets, we hear people here and there saying, “We didn’t have ehoumaki in Nagoya when I was a child. It seems that there are a number of events like this that I have been taken in by the sales battle, but even though I think it is a bit of a hassle, I will be wearing the whole thing this year, too.


And then there is the bean-throwing. What is the call for bean-throwing at your house?

Oni wa soto, Fuku wa uchi. This is the standard. Fuku wa uchi, fuku wa uchi.” There are some areas where this type of call is used. If you do a little research, you will find that there is a reverse version of “Oni wa uchi, Fuku wa soto,” as well as a more confusing version of “Oni wa uchi, Fuku wa soto.

There is also a time when it is considered good to throw beans. Since demons are believed to appear at night, the best time for bean-throwing is between 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Of course, it is not necessary to do it at that time. Of course, there is no problem if you do not force yourself to do it at that time, so it is OK to do it after dark.

There are many other suggestions, such as scattering the beans in order to drive the ogres out, starting from the innermost room and moving toward the front door, or “closing the door immediately” after the bean-throwing ceremony is over so that the ogres do not come back.

In my family, we always shout “Oni wa soto, Fuku wa uchi” (the devil is outside, the good fortune is inside). We will do our best to exterminate ogres.


See you soon. (Staff T)















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




【贈答品・文庫本買取】名古屋市千種区のお客様より買取いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



名古屋にもある食の街道(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


























The other day, I happened to pass by and found a sign that read “Shiozuke Kaido” (Salt-carrying road). It seems to be a road that used to carry salt, but it has become an ordinary road, but there are still some traces of those days, such as a Jizo-san (a statue of Buddha). I see…this is the place.

The “Saba Kaido” (mackerel road) and the “Kitamae Senpaku” (sea route) are nationally famous food routes, but it seems that there was a food route here in Nagoya as well.


By the way, what kind of road is this “Shio-tsuke Kaido”? It seems to have been a road used to transport salt that was spontaneously created when salt production was once flourishing. Salt, which had been actively produced in the area around Honhoshizaki-cho, Minami-ku, Nagoya City until the middle of the Edo period, was collected around Tomibe Shrine in Minami-ku, through Sakura (west of Tohoji Temple and Tosu Shinmeisha Shrine), via Mizuho Park, to Shioji-cho, Mizuho-ku, then north to Ishibutsu-cho, Showa-ku, and after crossing Iida Highway (the road leading to Iida, Shinshu), to the area around Furudake-cho, Chikusa-ku It is said to have been collected around Furudechi-cho, Chikusa-ku, and transported in bales as far away as Shinshu (present-day Nagano Prefecture).


The 10-km stretch from Honhoshizaki-cho, Minami-ku, Nagoya to Furudeki-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya was called Shiozuke Kaido (Salted Road), but the road was cut off here and there due to urbanization, and the road itself has already disappeared in many places, but now the Shiozuke Kaido However, the Shiozuke Kaido Preservation Society has been formed to preserve the old atmosphere of the road.


In those days, salt was carried in bales along this highway by horse-drawn carriers known as “chuma,” and the pine trees that remain along the road in Shioji-cho convey the atmosphere of the old highway. The peak period was in the early Edo period (1603-1867), and after the middle of the Edo period (1603-1868), it gradually declined due to cheap salt from the Seto Inland Sea, but it is fun to recreate in my brain the lively street where horses loaded with salt used to come and go.


Have a good day.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




