


寝不足の朝にかぎって(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)















ですから人間にとっては美しい歌であっても、実際にはあまり美しくないメッセージも入っているかもしれませんね。 これで鳥が歌う理由がわかりましたが、ではなぜ朝に歌うのでしょうか。鳥の鳴き声は一年中聞こえますが、鳥の歌をもっともよく耳にするのは春です。












Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.The sun rises early these days and I wake up early.Last night I was late getting to sleep and I wanted to stay in bed a little longer. Also, is it a shorebird on the power line in front of me so early in the day?It was singing beautifully this morning as well.


I fell asleep late last night and woke up this morning with a dull sleep, but thanks to the miscellaneous information I had heard the other day, I was able to say, “I couldn’t sleep because of the birds’ singing in the morning…” and so on. Thanks to the miscellaneous information I heard the other day, I can no longer blame it on birds.The other day, a TV program asked why birds sing in the morning.


If you are not familiar with it, please nod your head and say, “I see….Actually, birds seem to sing early in the morning for clear sound quality. What is clear? Before we can answer that question, we first need to know about birdsong. Bird calls are basically short. They are usually short, like, “I’m here! or “Watch out! Birds know from birth that they squeak and warble to communicate, “I’m here!Young birds do not know bird song from birth, so they must learn it by imitating adult birds.Male birds sometimes sing to attract female birds, but mostly they sing as a warning to keep other male birds from entering their territory.


So even though the song may be beautiful to humans, it may actually contain a not-so-beautiful message.Now that we know why birds sing, why do they sing in the morning? Birds sing all year round, but it is in the spring that we hear their songs most often. Especially in the early morning, they sing louder and more often. Experts call this phenomenon the “dawn chorus” and believe it has to do with the cleanliness of the sound.At dawn, the sun warms the soil and then the air.


Over time, the warm air rises and mixes with the cold layer of air, causing the air molecules to move around at different speeds and disturbing the movement of the atmosphere. In fact, this turbulence interferes with the bird’s song and seems to reduce the sound quality.Male birds of the same species do not sing exactly the same song. Each bird sings a slightly different version to distinguish it from other male birds and to appeal to female birds, for which clear sound quality is essential.


So the best time to send a complex and beautiful message is early in the morning when there is no atmospheric turbulence, and furthermore, morning song seems to mean that the male has survived the night and has time to relax and sing before looking for breakfastIn other words, it also appeals to the females in a healthy and cool way.It is not easy for humans to be woken up in the morning, but it is also hard for the male birds that have to compete for survival in the morning.


So I relaxed a little and listened to “Dawn Chorus” from my futon. I am a little sleepy


Good day to you all.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN


【市松人形買取】名古屋市のお客様より買取致しました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)


























骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





幽玄の香りを放つ香木(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.


Recently, I often hear the word “inbound”. The number of travelers from overseas to Japan is increasing dramatically. What is it about Japan that attracts people from other countries? When thinking about what attracts foreigners to Japan, many people may cite the various traditional cultures that have been handed down from generation to generation.
Among them, there are “flower arrangement,” “tea ceremony,” and “kodo,” which are collectively known as the “three traditional arts. Kodo is not as familiar as flower arrangement and tea ceremony, and may be difficult to imagine. It is said that the reason for this is that fragrant wood, the main ingredient of Kodo, is difficult to obtain and is very precious.

In this article, I would like to write about the types of fragrant wood and their history.


-What is fragrant wood?

A fragrant tree is a tree that emits its own fragrance, and in Japan, it is called “agarwood,” “kyara,” and “sandalwood. I would like to write about agarwood and sandalwood.

The oldest historical book in Japan, Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan), records that in the 3rd year of Suiko (595), islanders made firewood from a large piece of driftwood that had washed ashore on what is now Awaji Island. The driftwood was a tree that grew naturally in Southeast Asia. It was called “agarwood” because it was heavy enough to sink when placed in water, and this is the origin of the name “agarwood.

Agarwood is collected from trees of the Zingiberaceae family that grow wild in Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, etc. Various environmental conditions combine to produce a precious aromatic tree whose fragrance is released when the resin accumulated over several hundred years matures together with the fibers of the tree.
The fragrance varies depending on the region of origin, but it is a fragrant wood with a refreshing bitter, sweet, and pungent taste.
It is said that Buddha loved the fragrance of agarwood and often burned it.

Agarwood is currently regulated by the Washington Convention to prevent overharvesting.

Successive emperors and shoguns cut down the tree and gave it to those who were successful, leading to the image that the owner of the tree was a powerful person. Names were affixed to the cut areas, including those of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, Ashikaga Yoshinori, Ashikaga Yoshimasa, Oda Nobunaga, and Emperor Meiji.


It is said that Oda Nobunaga, with the permission of the Emperor of Japan, had two 5.5 cm pieces cut out by the Great Buddha Master of Todaiji Temple on March 28, 1574. One piece was presented to the emperor, who gave it to a court noble, and the other to Terumoto Mori. Nobunaga gave it to tea masters such as Sen no Rikyu.


What kind of fragrance is Lanjatai? One can only imagine. One theory is that it is similar to the scent of “apricot. My interest and longing for something that will never come true becomes even stronger.

In my next entry, I would like to write about how the incense culture developed.

Agarwood is mainly divided into Tani and Siam.
Those from Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia are called “Siam agarwood” and are characterized by a sweet, sour, and slightly bitter aroma, while those from Indonesia and Malaysia are called “Tani agarwood” and are characterized by a pungent and slightly sweet aroma.

The highest grade of agarwood is called “Kyara”.


Kyara is produced only in a limited area within a few dozen kilometers radius of a forest area in the mountains of Vietnam. It is said to be the jewel of trees because it can no longer be harvested in the same quality as the original Kyara.

The ethereal fragrance created by nature attracts people, and in Japan, it has long been valued as a precious fragrance by the royal family, aristocrats, and military commanders of the Warring States period. One gram of Kyara is currently worth tens of thousands of yen and is considered more expensive than gold.


The most famous of all Kyara fragrant woods is “Ranjatai,” which is housed in the Shosoin Repository in Nara. It is considered the most remarkable item among the approximately 9,000 treasures in the Shosoin.


It is 1.5 meters long, 43 centimeters in diameter at its widest point, and weighs 11.6 kilograms. It has all of the five tastes and is considered to be the pinnacle of fragrant woods.

The three characters of this “Ranjatai” are hidden in the words “East,” “Great” and “Temple,” respectively. It is said that the characters are meant to protect Todai-ji Temple from fire.


See you next time.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN

【北村西望買取】名古屋市港区のお客様より買取致しました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)


























骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





それにしても梅雨と紫陽花、よく似合いますよね。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)







































骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN

【掛軸梅荘翁買取】名古屋市瑞穂区のお客様より買取致しました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)



























骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





一年を通して万能食材です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Summer days are continuing nationwide, but the heat is just beginning. The long-lasting El Niño phenomenon has ended, and this summer is expected to be very hot. I hope we can manage to get through it.

Today, June 15, is “Ginger Day. Ginger is often thought of as an ingredient to warm the body during the cold winter months, but in fact, it is said to be effective in preventing heat stroke and summer fatigue.

It is said that “heat acclimatization,” in which the body gradually becomes accustomed to the heat, is effective in preventing heat stroke, and it is recommended that the body temperature control function be normalized by sweating through exercise, etc. However, this can be quite difficult. However, this is not easy. One easy way is to consume ginger. Fresh ginger is rich in gingerol, which promotes perspiration, warms the body from the inside, and improves blood flow throughout the body, making it easier to sweat. The aroma of ginger also increases appetite and improves digestion and absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, making it an ideal condiment for cold yakko or somen noodles when it is too hot to eat.

It also has antibacterial effects and can prevent food from being damaged.

When ginger is heated or dried instead of raw, the amount of gingerol, a component that warms the body, increases. Even in summer, if you stay in an air-conditioned room for a long time or drink only cold drinks, your body tends to get cold and you tend to get sick. In such cases, you can take heated ginger instead of raw ginger, which is a so-called versatile ingredient. In fact, ginger is an indispensable herbal medicine in Chinese medicine, and about 80% of Chinese herbal medicines, such as Kakkon-to and Katsurae-to, contain ginger.

Recently, gingerol and gingerol are said to eliminate active oxygen that causes aging, preventing oxidation in the body and delaying aging, and their efficacy is still immense.

However, people with weak gastrointestinal tracts should not take too much, as it may cause problems if taken in large quantities. It is important to keep a good balance in everything.


I mentioned earlier that today, June 15, is “Ginger Day,” which is said to derive from the “Hajikami Grand Festival” held at Hajikami Shrine in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, where ginger is enshrined.

The name of Hajikami Shrine is believed to be derived from “Hajikami,” an archaic word for ginger, wasabi (Japanese horseradish), sansho (Japanese pepper), and other “spicy foods chewed with the teeth.

During the Nara period (710-794), there was no rain for several months in Kaga Province, and the Kuninomiyatsuko (a local municipality) went to Hajikaya Shrine to pray for rain, fasting for several days. The people were unable to produce any crops due to the drought, so they offered ginger, which grew wild, as a festival of thanksgiving. That day, June 15, is said to be the beginning of the Hajikami Grand Festival. The ginger tea served to worshippers is made using water from this spring.

It is the only shrine in Japan dedicated to “spices,” and producers and traders of ginger from inside and outside the prefecture dedicate their products and pray for the development of their companies.

When I hear the word “Hajikami,” I think of the red and white leaf ginger served with grilled fish and other dishes. Hajikami is written as “arrow ginger (hajikami)” and is said to be derived from its arrow-like shape.

When I was a child, I used to glance at the adults around me, wondering if this was something I was allowed to eat. Arrow ginger is meant to cleanse the palate of the dish, and as a matter of etiquette, only the white, soft root part is taken after the fish is served. It was a little too spicy for children, and they could not spit it out, so they forced themselves to swallow it…. It is a bitter memory.


I will see you next time.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN

赤ければ赤いほど…(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





























Hello everyone. This is T. Staff.

The other day, I wrote a blog about how jewelry corals and reef-building corals are two completely different things.
Jewelry corals live at depths of more than 100 meters, which is far beyond the reach of human hands, and their bone shafts, which are used to make jewelry, grow at a rate of about 0.2 mm per year. It takes several hundred years for a large piece of coral to reach a size where it can be processed.

Coral used as jewelry is classified into four main types: blood red coral, red coral, pink coral, and white coral. Today’s blog is a look at the four types of coral.

Blood-red corals
Blood red corals are collected from the seafloor at depths of 100 to 300 meters in the waters around the Ogasawara Islands, the Goto Islands, Amami, Okinawa, and Miyakojima in the seas around Japan.
Blood-red coral refers only to first-class Japanese red corals that are particularly dark in color. Blood red means literally blood red. A red coral with a slightly darker color is said to be of high quality. The deeper the color, the higher the value. Oxblood coral from Tosa Bay in Kochi Prefecture is considered the rarest and most valuable red coral in the world.
Japanese red coral is characterized by its whitish streaks, known as “fu. This is more apparent when the log is cut and polished, and is a characteristic of Japanese red coral. This is a characteristic of Japanese red coral, but is not found in Mediterranean coral, and is often used as a point of differentiation between the two.

Red coral
Red coral is found in Italy, France, Spain, Tunisia, Algeria, Yugoslavia, Greece, and other countries along the Mediterranean coast. Red corals are called “Sardi” in the industry, which is the name of an island (Sardinia) in the Mediterranean Sea west of the Italian Peninsula, which has long been a favorite fishing ground for gemstone corals.
In Japan, it is also called “kowatari,” which means “from the west,” meaning “from Persia.
Mediterranean corals live in shallower waters (50 to 200 meters deep) than Japanese corals. They have a single color and are slightly lighter than Japanese corals. It is softer than other corals and has the disadvantages of internal flaws, inclusions that appear as cloudiness, and many holes that are often scratched.
The major difference between Japanese red coral and Mediterranean red coral is that Mediterranean coral does not have a “f” in it. The Mediterranean red coral has no “porphyry.” This means that the coral itself is less unevenly colored, and the finish itself is more beautiful.

Peach coral
Peach coral ranges in color from red to white pink, and is the largest of all gemstone corals. Like Japanese blood red coral, it is collected in the seas around Japan (Ogasawara Islands, Goto Islands, Amami, Okinawa, and Miyako Island). It lives on the deep sea floor at depths of 200 to 500 meters.
Peach corals range in color from reddish to whitish pink. Among peach corals, those with a single light pink color tone are called “angel skin” overseas and “honboke” in Japan. Angelskin corals are called “fantastic corals” and are sold at very high prices.
Peach coral is characterized by the fact that it is one of the largest logs of coral. It is not unusual to see huge logs that exceed 1 meter in both height and width. They can weigh over 40 kilograms. It is characterized by its sticky material. Like Japanese red coral, peach coral is also available in a variety of shapes and sizes.

White coral
White corals are collected from a wide range of areas, including the South China Sea, the waters around Okinawa, the Goto Islands, off the coast of Nagasaki, and Tosa Bay. It lives on the seafloor at depths of 100 to 400 meters.
Unlike its name, the actual color of the coral is often a light peach to sepia color. White coral is not considered to be very valuable, but pure white coral is considered to be rare.
The bark of the raw wood is persimmon-colored, and before processing (polishing), it resembles peach-colored coral. The bone shaft is white, so it becomes whitish when polished. Some coral is difficult to distinguish from white coral without checking the bone shaft.

Coral has long been thought of as an amulet or charm to ward off bad luck and evil spirits. It is especially famous as a “good luck charm after childbirth. Therefore, when a girl is born (thinking of the way of blood), there is a custom to give coral as a gift to wish the child happiness. It is also popular as a gift for “coral weddings” (35th wedding anniversary) and red coral as a gift to celebrate the 60th birthday.
Coral grows only a little per year. Knowing a little bit about coral, you may feel closer to the accessories you have at hand.

See you soon.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN

刀剣の鑑賞ポイント(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






















また、杢目に特色を示すのが備中(=現在の岡山県)青江(あおえ)派であり、柾目肌は大和物(=現在の奈良県で作られた刀)の特色とされています。 さらに映(うつ)りといって、刃文とは別に、地の中に白く刃文の影のように霞(かすみ)がかかったものが浮かびあがって見える場合があります。この映りの最も美しいのは備前刀であり、大きな見どころとなっています。










これらは刀工の美意識の集約とも言え、 刃中の沸の多い作風を「沸出来(にえでき)」と言い、主として鎌倉初期の作刀や相州物(そうしゅうもの)の系統に見られます。「匂出来(においでき)」の作風は、鎌倉中期以後の備前物(びぜんもの)や南北朝時代の備中青江物(びっちゅうあおえもの)などに代表されます。(沸は粒子の粗(あら)い部分で、肉眼でとらえることができますが、匂は顕微鏡で見てやっとわかるほど粒子が細かいものです。)

















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The other day, we reported on the handling and reporting of swords found at home or at your parents’ house. In the past, swords were used as weapons or gifts, but today’s swords are mainly for appreciation.


When you visit a museum, you may think that if you understand more about how to appreciate swords, you will be able to understand their interest and splendor more. Today, we would like to write about some of the points of sword appreciation, so please refer to them when viewing your swords or visiting museums.




1. Look at the shape of the sword.

Many people find beauty in the form of a Japanese sword, which pursues functionality and eliminates all waste. The shape and warp of a sword are born in response to the needs of each period in the history of the sword’s creation and tell the story of the history and the trends and aspects of that period.


2. Looking at the jitetsu (base iron).

Many people find beauty in the sharpened Jitetsu and are attracted to it. In order to satisfy the requirements of “no breakage, no bending, and good cutting,” Japanese swords are made of high-quality tama-hagane (tama-hagane) and forged over and over again to produce a strong hidetetsu (base iron). The pattern of the iron is called “itame-hada,” “masa-me-hada,” “mokume-hada,” “ayasugi-hada,” etc., and has a variety of attractive characteristics.


The most common type is itame-hada, which is often seen on Soshu swords (= swords made in the present Kanagawa Prefecture), which are famous for Masamune. The most common type is itame-hada, which is found in Soshu-mono (= swords made in today’s Kanagawa Prefecture), famous for Masamune. Ko-itame-hada, with well-deepened itame, is common among Yamashiro (= today’s Kyoto Prefecture) swordsmiths of the Kamakura period, and is called nashiji-hada when the grain is especially thin and clean.

The Aoe school in Bicchu (present-day Okayama Prefecture) is characterized by mokume, while masaime is a characteristic of Yamatomono (swords made in present-day Nara Prefecture). In addition, there is a case in which a white haze, like a shadow of the blade pattern, appears in the ground separately from the blade pattern, called “egori”. The most beautiful of these reflections is found on Bizen swords, and is a major highlight of this type of sword.


3. Look at the blade pattern.

The beauty of Japanese swords is not only in the shape and the iron of the blade, but also in the “hamon” (edge pattern). The haft pattern is a pattern produced by the quenching technique. The shape of the blade is determined by the way the clay called “yakiba-duchi” is applied to the blade with a spatula, and the shape of the blade is determined by the way it is applied, whether it is a straight edge or a midareba edge. This is called tsuchitori. When the clay from the tsuchitori has dried, the sword is placed in a furnace and then placed in a water tank to see how well the blade is burned. This is called “quenching,” and is said to be the most important process requiring the most skill.

The design of the blade pattern is a good indication of the period in which it was made, the lineage of the swordsmith, and the characteristics of the sword, and has an appeal that varies widely.


The blade is said to have “nie” (boiling) and “nioi” (smell), which are produced by the firing process.

The style with a lot of boiling in the blade is called nioi-deki, and is mainly seen in swords made in the early Kamakura period and in the Soshumono lineage. The “nioi-de” style is represented by Bizen-mono made after the middle of the Kamakura period (1185-1333) and Bichu-aoe-mono made in the Nanbokucho period (1392-1333). (Boiling is the coarse-grained part, which can be seen with the naked eye, while odor is the fine-grained part, which can only be seen under a microscope.

There is also a view called “working”. For example, the boiling in the blade is connected to form a thin line, which shines more brightly and appears to sparkle, and a slightly thicker and longer line is called “inazuma” (a kind of “lightning bolt”). Similar effects on the surface of the blade are called chikei, or tobiyaki, in which the boiling is concentrated in one area. Other notable features include the foot, leaf, and sandy flow that appear in the blade.



4. Look at the carving on the blade of the sword.

Carving on the blade of a sword has been practiced since the Heian period (794-1192). There are three types of carving: practical, religious, and decorative, and each type of carving has its own characteristics depending on the fashion and lineage of the period.

In addition to the guttering, many ancient swords were engraved with religious symbols such as Bonji, swords, Fudo Myoo, Kurikara, Sanko swords, Goma chopsticks, Hachiman Daibosatsu, Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, etc. In newer swords, the decoration became more decorative. The newer swords are more decorative, with engravings of cranes and turtles, dragons above and below, pine, bamboo, and plum trees, and more.




What do you think? I hope you have come to appreciate swords….


The swords, especially those with inscriptions, remind us of the long history of the sword, and at times they were weapons, objects of faith, and symbols of authority…….

I think I am not the only one who is almost absorbed by the scenery of those shining blades when I appreciate the history of swords, which were made stronger, more beautiful, sharper and more soulful, as well as the history of swords passed down to the present day….


If you are interested in swords, please try to appreciate them with these points in mind.

Have a good day.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN


シルクロードでつながっておりました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



名古屋では昨日から日中の日差しが強くなり、じりじりとした暑さが続いております。それでも夜になると涼しい風が吹いてくれるので、ほっと一息つける時間がありがたいです。 いつまでこの夕涼みを楽しめるでしょうか。

























Hello everyone. This is H, a member of our staff.

Since yesterday, the sun has been shining strongly during the daytime in Nagoya, and it has been very hot and humid. Even so, I am thankful for the cool breeze at night, which gives me time to take a breather. I wonder how long I can enjoy this cool evening air.

There is a dish displayed in the glass cupboard in the store that has been on my mind for a long time, but I have been unable to find it because of its mysteriousness. It is described as “Kashan Mingyō, Shina-style small dish with blue underglaze blue. The white part of the underglaze blue is tinged with blue, and it looks as if it was drawn in the image of the Shina style. The dots on the rim are also interesting, with uneven width and indigo blotches.


The other day, I was at a furniture retailer in Scandinavia and saw a large map hanging in the rug section, with the word “Kashan” in it. I couldn’t help but react and say “Kashan! I couldn’t help but respond and shout out “Kashan! Kashan is also a famous carpet production area.


Located southeast of Tehran, the current capital of Iran, Kashan is an oasis city nestled between a desert and a green belt, a resting place for travelers along the Silk Road, and an important trading center. Known since ancient times as a city of crafts, pottery, tiles, and silk fabrics were produced here. Carpets, in particular, were renowned, and it seems that the greatest tribute was paid to “the man from Kashan.

When one hears the word “Persia,” one thinks of Persian carpets, Persian cats, and other things that sound fancy and have a noble scent. The first time I saw the word “Persia” was probably in a glass bowl called “Hakururi no wan,” which was imported from Persia and is a treasure in the Shosoin Repository in Nara, Japan, and whose picture appeared in a textbook. I was impressed in my child’s mind that it had reached Japan after a long journey through the Silk Road.

However, as the school year progressed, the complicated history of Achaemenid Persia, Sasanid Persia, etc., and the list of words that were all in katakana, made me feel overwhelmed with world history. Nowadays, with video streaming and other means, we can learn about history in a very easy-to-understand and entertaining way. I wish the lessons at school had been more interesting and less rote memorization. I should not put my lack of effort on the shelf.

Perhaps it is because of my lack of study, but when I hear the word “Persia,” I get only a vague image of it. To begin with, the name “Persia” is a name seen by people in the West, and it seems that ancient Greek historians called it Persia after the ancient name “Pars” of the province of Fars in the southwest of the Iranian plain, where Persians settled. The etymology of the word “Pars” means “horsemen,” and it is believed that they were originally horsemen.

In Japan, following Western Europe, the Chinese character for Persia was written as “波斯. This kanji is sometimes seen, but it was referring to Persia.

However, after the accession of Reza Shah Pahlavi to the throne in 1925, as nationalism grew among the Persian people, the idea spread that instead of calling themselves Persia, they should call themselves “Iran,” which had a broader historical, geographical, and ethnic meaning. The word “Iran” seems to be derived from “the land of the Aryans.

Persia notified other countries of the change of the country’s name to “Iran,” and the Persian Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested that Japan abolish “Persia” and use “Iran,” which the Japanese government accepted in 1935.

However, the word “Persia” is still used today for culture, local products, language, and so on.

I thought I had no connection to Persian at all. But I found a familiar word of Persian origin. It is “pajamas. Pajama” means ‘leg’ and ‘jama’ means ‘garment.’ In Persia and India, it was customary to wear loose-fitting trousers as national dress. It is said that the word “pajamas” was eventually introduced to the West and became “pajamas.

So many things are connected to each other from ancient times. I feel like telling my old self not to hate history.


See you next time.















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10:00-18:00 OPEN


