刀剣の鑑賞ポイント(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




刀剣の鑑賞ポイント(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






















また、杢目に特色を示すのが備中(=現在の岡山県)青江(あおえ)派であり、柾目肌は大和物(=現在の奈良県で作られた刀)の特色とされています。 さらに映(うつ)りといって、刃文とは別に、地の中に白く刃文の影のように霞(かすみ)がかかったものが浮かびあがって見える場合があります。この映りの最も美しいのは備前刀であり、大きな見どころとなっています。










これらは刀工の美意識の集約とも言え、 刃中の沸の多い作風を「沸出来(にえでき)」と言い、主として鎌倉初期の作刀や相州物(そうしゅうもの)の系統に見られます。「匂出来(においでき)」の作風は、鎌倉中期以後の備前物(びぜんもの)や南北朝時代の備中青江物(びっちゅうあおえもの)などに代表されます。(沸は粒子の粗(あら)い部分で、肉眼でとらえることができますが、匂は顕微鏡で見てやっとわかるほど粒子が細かいものです。)

















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The other day, we reported on the handling and reporting of swords found at home or at your parents’ house. In the past, swords were used as weapons or gifts, but today’s swords are mainly for appreciation.


When you visit a museum, you may think that if you understand more about how to appreciate swords, you will be able to understand their interest and splendor more. Today, we would like to write about some of the points of sword appreciation, so please refer to them when viewing your swords or visiting museums.




1. Look at the shape of the sword.

Many people find beauty in the form of a Japanese sword, which pursues functionality and eliminates all waste. The shape and warp of a sword are born in response to the needs of each period in the history of the sword’s creation and tell the story of the history and the trends and aspects of that period.


2. Looking at the jitetsu (base iron).

Many people find beauty in the sharpened Jitetsu and are attracted to it. In order to satisfy the requirements of “no breakage, no bending, and good cutting,” Japanese swords are made of high-quality tama-hagane (tama-hagane) and forged over and over again to produce a strong hidetetsu (base iron). The pattern of the iron is called “itame-hada,” “masa-me-hada,” “mokume-hada,” “ayasugi-hada,” etc., and has a variety of attractive characteristics.


The most common type is itame-hada, which is often seen on Soshu swords (= swords made in the present Kanagawa Prefecture), which are famous for Masamune. The most common type is itame-hada, which is found in Soshu-mono (= swords made in today’s Kanagawa Prefecture), famous for Masamune. Ko-itame-hada, with well-deepened itame, is common among Yamashiro (= today’s Kyoto Prefecture) swordsmiths of the Kamakura period, and is called nashiji-hada when the grain is especially thin and clean.

The Aoe school in Bicchu (present-day Okayama Prefecture) is characterized by mokume, while masaime is a characteristic of Yamatomono (swords made in present-day Nara Prefecture). In addition, there is a case in which a white haze, like a shadow of the blade pattern, appears in the ground separately from the blade pattern, called “egori”. The most beautiful of these reflections is found on Bizen swords, and is a major highlight of this type of sword.


3. Look at the blade pattern.

The beauty of Japanese swords is not only in the shape and the iron of the blade, but also in the “hamon” (edge pattern). The haft pattern is a pattern produced by the quenching technique. The shape of the blade is determined by the way the clay called “yakiba-duchi” is applied to the blade with a spatula, and the shape of the blade is determined by the way it is applied, whether it is a straight edge or a midareba edge. This is called tsuchitori. When the clay from the tsuchitori has dried, the sword is placed in a furnace and then placed in a water tank to see how well the blade is burned. This is called “quenching,” and is said to be the most important process requiring the most skill.

The design of the blade pattern is a good indication of the period in which it was made, the lineage of the swordsmith, and the characteristics of the sword, and has an appeal that varies widely.


The blade is said to have “nie” (boiling) and “nioi” (smell), which are produced by the firing process.

The style with a lot of boiling in the blade is called nioi-deki, and is mainly seen in swords made in the early Kamakura period and in the Soshumono lineage. The “nioi-de” style is represented by Bizen-mono made after the middle of the Kamakura period (1185-1333) and Bichu-aoe-mono made in the Nanbokucho period (1392-1333). (Boiling is the coarse-grained part, which can be seen with the naked eye, while odor is the fine-grained part, which can only be seen under a microscope.

There is also a view called “working”. For example, the boiling in the blade is connected to form a thin line, which shines more brightly and appears to sparkle, and a slightly thicker and longer line is called “inazuma” (a kind of “lightning bolt”). Similar effects on the surface of the blade are called chikei, or tobiyaki, in which the boiling is concentrated in one area. Other notable features include the foot, leaf, and sandy flow that appear in the blade.



4. Look at the carving on the blade of the sword.

Carving on the blade of a sword has been practiced since the Heian period (794-1192). There are three types of carving: practical, religious, and decorative, and each type of carving has its own characteristics depending on the fashion and lineage of the period.

In addition to the guttering, many ancient swords were engraved with religious symbols such as Bonji, swords, Fudo Myoo, Kurikara, Sanko swords, Goma chopsticks, Hachiman Daibosatsu, Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, etc. In newer swords, the decoration became more decorative. The newer swords are more decorative, with engravings of cranes and turtles, dragons above and below, pine, bamboo, and plum trees, and more.




What do you think? I hope you have come to appreciate swords….


The swords, especially those with inscriptions, remind us of the long history of the sword, and at times they were weapons, objects of faith, and symbols of authority…….

I think I am not the only one who is almost absorbed by the scenery of those shining blades when I appreciate the history of swords, which were made stronger, more beautiful, sharper and more soulful, as well as the history of swords passed down to the present day….


If you are interested in swords, please try to appreciate them with these points in mind.

Have a good day.















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