シルクロードでつながっておりました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




シルクロードでつながっておりました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



名古屋では昨日から日中の日差しが強くなり、じりじりとした暑さが続いております。それでも夜になると涼しい風が吹いてくれるので、ほっと一息つける時間がありがたいです。 いつまでこの夕涼みを楽しめるでしょうか。

























Hello everyone. This is H, a member of our staff.

Since yesterday, the sun has been shining strongly during the daytime in Nagoya, and it has been very hot and humid. Even so, I am thankful for the cool breeze at night, which gives me time to take a breather. I wonder how long I can enjoy this cool evening air.

There is a dish displayed in the glass cupboard in the store that has been on my mind for a long time, but I have been unable to find it because of its mysteriousness. It is described as “Kashan Mingyō, Shina-style small dish with blue underglaze blue. The white part of the underglaze blue is tinged with blue, and it looks as if it was drawn in the image of the Shina style. The dots on the rim are also interesting, with uneven width and indigo blotches.


The other day, I was at a furniture retailer in Scandinavia and saw a large map hanging in the rug section, with the word “Kashan” in it. I couldn’t help but react and say “Kashan! I couldn’t help but respond and shout out “Kashan! Kashan is also a famous carpet production area.


Located southeast of Tehran, the current capital of Iran, Kashan is an oasis city nestled between a desert and a green belt, a resting place for travelers along the Silk Road, and an important trading center. Known since ancient times as a city of crafts, pottery, tiles, and silk fabrics were produced here. Carpets, in particular, were renowned, and it seems that the greatest tribute was paid to “the man from Kashan.

When one hears the word “Persia,” one thinks of Persian carpets, Persian cats, and other things that sound fancy and have a noble scent. The first time I saw the word “Persia” was probably in a glass bowl called “Hakururi no wan,” which was imported from Persia and is a treasure in the Shosoin Repository in Nara, Japan, and whose picture appeared in a textbook. I was impressed in my child’s mind that it had reached Japan after a long journey through the Silk Road.

However, as the school year progressed, the complicated history of Achaemenid Persia, Sasanid Persia, etc., and the list of words that were all in katakana, made me feel overwhelmed with world history. Nowadays, with video streaming and other means, we can learn about history in a very easy-to-understand and entertaining way. I wish the lessons at school had been more interesting and less rote memorization. I should not put my lack of effort on the shelf.

Perhaps it is because of my lack of study, but when I hear the word “Persia,” I get only a vague image of it. To begin with, the name “Persia” is a name seen by people in the West, and it seems that ancient Greek historians called it Persia after the ancient name “Pars” of the province of Fars in the southwest of the Iranian plain, where Persians settled. The etymology of the word “Pars” means “horsemen,” and it is believed that they were originally horsemen.

In Japan, following Western Europe, the Chinese character for Persia was written as “波斯. This kanji is sometimes seen, but it was referring to Persia.

However, after the accession of Reza Shah Pahlavi to the throne in 1925, as nationalism grew among the Persian people, the idea spread that instead of calling themselves Persia, they should call themselves “Iran,” which had a broader historical, geographical, and ethnic meaning. The word “Iran” seems to be derived from “the land of the Aryans.

Persia notified other countries of the change of the country’s name to “Iran,” and the Persian Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested that Japan abolish “Persia” and use “Iran,” which the Japanese government accepted in 1935.

However, the word “Persia” is still used today for culture, local products, language, and so on.

I thought I had no connection to Persian at all. But I found a familiar word of Persian origin. It is “pajamas. Pajama” means ‘leg’ and ‘jama’ means ‘garment.’ In Persia and India, it was customary to wear loose-fitting trousers as national dress. It is said that the word “pajamas” was eventually introduced to the West and became “pajamas.

So many things are connected to each other from ancient times. I feel like telling my old self not to hate history.


See you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN


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