寝不足の朝にかぎって(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




寝不足の朝にかぎって(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)















ですから人間にとっては美しい歌であっても、実際にはあまり美しくないメッセージも入っているかもしれませんね。 これで鳥が歌う理由がわかりましたが、ではなぜ朝に歌うのでしょうか。鳥の鳴き声は一年中聞こえますが、鳥の歌をもっともよく耳にするのは春です。












Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.The sun rises early these days and I wake up early.Last night I was late getting to sleep and I wanted to stay in bed a little longer. Also, is it a shorebird on the power line in front of me so early in the day?It was singing beautifully this morning as well.


I fell asleep late last night and woke up this morning with a dull sleep, but thanks to the miscellaneous information I had heard the other day, I was able to say, “I couldn’t sleep because of the birds’ singing in the morning…” and so on. Thanks to the miscellaneous information I heard the other day, I can no longer blame it on birds.The other day, a TV program asked why birds sing in the morning.


If you are not familiar with it, please nod your head and say, “I see….Actually, birds seem to sing early in the morning for clear sound quality. What is clear? Before we can answer that question, we first need to know about birdsong. Bird calls are basically short. They are usually short, like, “I’m here! or “Watch out! Birds know from birth that they squeak and warble to communicate, “I’m here!Young birds do not know bird song from birth, so they must learn it by imitating adult birds.Male birds sometimes sing to attract female birds, but mostly they sing as a warning to keep other male birds from entering their territory.


So even though the song may be beautiful to humans, it may actually contain a not-so-beautiful message.Now that we know why birds sing, why do they sing in the morning? Birds sing all year round, but it is in the spring that we hear their songs most often. Especially in the early morning, they sing louder and more often. Experts call this phenomenon the “dawn chorus” and believe it has to do with the cleanliness of the sound.At dawn, the sun warms the soil and then the air.


Over time, the warm air rises and mixes with the cold layer of air, causing the air molecules to move around at different speeds and disturbing the movement of the atmosphere. In fact, this turbulence interferes with the bird’s song and seems to reduce the sound quality.Male birds of the same species do not sing exactly the same song. Each bird sings a slightly different version to distinguish it from other male birds and to appeal to female birds, for which clear sound quality is essential.


So the best time to send a complex and beautiful message is early in the morning when there is no atmospheric turbulence, and furthermore, morning song seems to mean that the male has survived the night and has time to relax and sing before looking for breakfastIn other words, it also appeals to the females in a healthy and cool way.It is not easy for humans to be woken up in the morning, but it is also hard for the male birds that have to compete for survival in the morning.


So I relaxed a little and listened to “Dawn Chorus” from my futon. I am a little sleepy


Good day to you all.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


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