骨董珊瑚の見分け方とお手入れ方法(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




骨董珊瑚の見分け方とお手入れ方法(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




























Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

Following the previous article on coral types, today we would like to discuss how to identify and care for your coral.



If you have coral, you may be wondering whether it is natural or fake.

Coral has long been valued as an extremely rare and valuable gemstone, which is why there are so many fakes on the market. Even if the coral is natural, it may have been processed using less rare coral.

Coral is also said to be an opaque gemstone, making it difficult for the untrained eye to determine its value. The best way to know the value of coral is to take it to an appraiser in the end, but to some extent you can also determine the value yourself.


As mentioned in the previous blog, the key to identifying coral is simply its color.

As corals are classified by color as “red,” “white,” “peach,” and “black,” it is possible to distinguish types of corals simply by their color. White and black corals can be easily distinguished, and peach corals can also be distinguished by color. However, to distinguish between blood red coral and red coral, you need to know a little more about them.

The key to distinguishing between red coral and blood red coral is to distinguish them by color grade.
The color grade of red coral is evaluated on a five-point scale, with S being the highest grade and S>A>B>C>D. In general, “blood-red coral” refers to colors from 5 to 4.


S】No scratches or uneven coloration, and no defects on the luster side can be seen with the naked eye.
A] Slightly scratched, unevenly colored, or otherwise flawed, but not easily visible to the naked eye.
B] Defects such as scratches and color irregularities are visible to the naked eye.
C] Cracks are slightly noticeable. C] Cracks that are somewhat conspicuous, and flaws such as scratches and color irregularities that can be seen with the naked eye.
D] Cracks, uneven coloration, scratches and other defects are clearly visible.


Coral is considered to be more beautiful and valuable when it has a single color tone and is free from “flaws” and unevenness in color. Therefore, coral that is cloudy or has a marbled pattern tends to be difficult to obtain a high price.


By the way, what do the unfamiliar “fu” and “hi” mean?

The “hu” refers to the white spots and patterns found on Japanese red coral, and the “hu” corresponds to the bone part of the coral. The more even the color is, the more beautiful the coral is, so when the coral is round, a hole is made in the “rim” so that the “rim” is not visible on the surface when it is processed into jewelry. The “rim” is found only in Japanese red coral and not in Mediterranean red coral. This is why it is considered a sign of Japanese red coral and is used as a standard to distinguish it from Mediterranean red coral. Japanese blood red coral without “f” is considered to be of the highest quality.

A “fissure” is a crack. When corals are pulled up from the bottom of the deep sea, the difference in water pressure causes them to crack during collection.


Coral like this is also important to take good care of properly. Especially when purchasing coral, not only whether it is natural or fake, but also the daily care and condition of the coral will affect the appraisal price. Once natural coral is discolored, it cannot be restored. Please note that no matter how rare and valuable coral may be, artificial scratches or stains can quickly reduce its value.


Always remove your coral jewelry when bathing, bathing in hot springs, swimming pools, or cooking. The main ingredient of coral is calcium carbonate, which has a hardness of about 3.5, or about the same as the hardness of human teeth. It is easily scratched, so be careful not to drop, bump, or rub it when handling it. When caring for it, it is best to use a clean cloth or soft material to wipe off dust and grease on the surface.


Care should also be taken to avoid changes in water, grease, and heat.

Some people may think that since corals were originally sea creatures, water is not a problem, but this is not recommended.
Corals have numerous small holes in them. If moisture or oil seeps into these holes, it can cause discoloration and tarnishing.
When excess water or hand grease gets on the coral, it is best to gently wipe it off with a soft, dry cloth.

Excessive heat or sudden changes in temperature are also not good. When storing, avoid places exposed to the sun, and a stable place with little temperature fluctuation is suitable.
Exposure to water itself is not recommended, but too much dryness during storage can cause deterioration and cracks.


If you have an old item that you think is coral, please have it appraised at an antique store or a store where there are professional appraisers.
You may be surprised at what a treasure it could be.


See you soon.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


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