5月, 2022 - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 3




今年全国で初!!(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)










































Hello everyone. This is Staff M.

Yesterday, “Children’s Day” was the beginning of summer with 24 solar terms. Warm air flowed into the sky, and it became cheerful in early summer in various places. In Katsunuma, Yamanashi prefecture, 30.6 degrees Celsius was observed at 14:00, and in Toyooka city, Hyogo prefecture, 30.4 degrees Celsius, which was a midsummer day.


The day before yesterday, the first time in Japan this year, the Okinawa region started raining about 6 days earlier than normal, and the long rainy season has begun this year, and it seems that I feel a little depressed.


How do you spend your rainy days?


Whenever it rains, I lose all my motivation and stay home, but I want to enjoy the rain this year! I thought, I investigated various ways to enjoy a rainy day. I think that each person has different ways of spending time, but the most common opinion was “cleaning”. Cleaning on a rainy day is one of the recommended ways of spending time by experts, and the main reason why cleaning on a rainy day is that “dust and sticky dirt due to humidity will be softened and it will be easier to clean”.


Also, even if you sweep it, the high humidity makes it difficult for dust to fly, so it is very suitable compared to cleaning on a dry sunny day. Perhaps that is the reason why the scene of cleaning on a rainy day is drawn in the first scene of “Spirited Away”? !! ?? !! (It’s just my personal idea.)


By the way, there are three places where it is said that the effect is easy to understand, especially when cleaning on a rainy day. That is the dirt on the “balconies,” “windows,” and “outer walls.” Dirt that is hard to remove on a sunny day may be cleaned by sucking rainwater and wiping it. And the use of rainwater brought about by rain. You can scrub it without having to sprinkle water on it, or you can hit the screen door in the rain to clean it. It saves time and money. However, in the case of terrible bad weather such as heavy rain or strong wind, of course you should be careful not to clean it.


And conversely, there are some cleaning spots that you should avoid on rainy days. It is “flooring” or “tatami”. Moisture tends to accumulate in the room on a rainy day, and it does not dry easily when wiped with water. It is not suitable for cleaning on rainy days because the flooring may be sticky and mold may grow easily on the tatami mats.


If you make good use of rainy days like this, you will be able to clean up with the stressful dust that you have accumulated on a daily basis! !! I’ve been looking forward to the rainy days that I had been depressed until now. This time, I talked about “cleaning” as a way to spend a rainy day, but I would like you to tell us how to spend a rainy day, such as “There is such a way to spend!”.












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

こどもの日(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)



































Hello everyone. This is Staff M.

Golden Week has also come back, and the U-turn rush on the highway has started yesterday. If you only look at the news, you may feel like you’re suffocating just by looking at traffic jams over 30km … If you are driving or going out, it is a journey until you get home, so please do your best until the end.


The last day of Golden Week is “Children’s Day”. As I walked outside, I saw a variety of carp streamers, from large and magnificent carp streamers to small and cute carp streamers.

In the first place, May 5th was “Tango no Sekku”, a day to celebrate the healthy growth and happiness of boys. Then, in 1948, May 5th was decided as a holiday to “respect the personality of the child, to improve the happiness of the child, and to thank the mother”, and then the day of the festival was “Children’s Day”. It seems that it also became.

So it was originally a day for boys, but now it seems to mean celebrating all the children and not only celebrating the children but also “thank you mom”. The beginning of May is also a “week to thank my mother”.


In the first place, regarding “Dragon Boat Festival”, it is an event that has been held for a long time, and it seems that it was originally an event to avoid illness and disaster (bad things). There is a story that the “iris” used for the event resembled the words and tools of a samurai, so it gradually became a boy’s event. In addition, it seems that “irises” were used to dispel evil spirits because the strong scent of “irises” was said to extinguish evil spirits.


The story is off, but next I would like to introduce the origin of decorating carp streamers. As many of you may know, “carp” is a fish that swims well even in a fast-flowing and strong river and climbs a waterfall. Like such a strong carp, it seems to have the meaning of asking children to grow up energetically. When I looked it up on the internet, it also wrote about “the area where carp streamers often swim”, and it seems that the northern Japan area is windy and the carp streamers swim well today on May 5th.


When I was researching “Children’s Day”, I found a lot of cute information, which made me feel kind. Today, after “Children’s Day”, I would like to have Kashiwamochi when I get home and soak in “Ishoyu” slowly to get rid of the tiredness during Golden Week. It would be nice to have Japanese festivals and anniversaries again. I want to continue to take over from now on.











愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


ブログカメラマンYの腕前。(ご容赦ください。)(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)














































Hello everyone. This is Staff Y.

The other day, after a long absence, I visited my parents’ house in Toyama prefecture. Many people may be visiting the grave of their parents’ home for the first time in a long time during this consecutive holiday. How are you doing in your hometown after a long absence?

Many of you may have reunited with your parents or close friends for the first time in a while. It’s scary, but I also realized that being able to move freely and being able to meet people freely is such a pleasure.


By the way, it’s been a long time since I visited Toyama during the holidays, and the weather is fair. It was only one day, but when I was searching for something to do because I visited there, it came out.


The “landscape of the dispersed village” that I went to on my favorite Instagram the other day.

Pictures are often posted on dispersed villages and calendars, but around the Tonami Plain located in the western part of Toyama Prefecture, about 7,000 farmhouses surrounded by mansion forests are about 50 to 100 meters away. There are many scattered villages scattered around, and each farmer cultivated the land around his house to grow rice. Such a vast scattered village was born, but the mansion forest made the house sunshine in the summer. It is said that the origin is that the primeval forest was left to protect it from the harshness of winter.


Especially during the rice planting season in early May, you can see the fantastic countryside that is dyed in golden color as the setting sun shines into the glittering rice fields filled with water. It is said that the rice fields that are quiet and dyed in madder red under the setting sun spread out below you, but despite having visited Toyama Prefecture for decades, “Where is it?” I’ve always thought.


I wondered if it was God’s announcement that I came up with this time, and I decided to go suddenly because of the time, time, and weather. From Tonami City, take National Highway 346 and aim for the Tonami Yumenotaira Ski Resort.

I laughed at the three-digit national highway as I expected, and while worrying about the cliffs and oncoming cars, I was worried whether the road was right, and when I went, the area just climbed the pass opened and the scenery became better. I did. Then, from that point, I found a lot of parked cars on the side of the road.

There was an observatory just up the climb, and there was heavy traffic and congestion that was not typical of Toyama Prefecture.


As time is imminent, photographers, regardless of professional or amateur, have already secured a good position to aim for this moment. I had been trying to aim with a smartphone camera from behind the good position secured by a professional cameraman for a long time, but the sun is here! I have to wait for that moment … And wait 30 minutes.


At the moment when the sun was tilted and the scenery under my eyes was illuminated all over the paddy field, something like a path of light appeared, and the photographers started to release the shutter all at once. At that moment, I also started to release the shutter together, saying, “Oh, that’s right now.”


This is the limit of blog cameraman Y, but the limit of smartphone cameras. Please forgive the photo.

Did you see something like a path of light?


After releasing the shutter for a while, the sun gradually becomes quieter and the scattered houses sink into deep colors. And the mirror-like rice fields seemed to melt quietly into the dusk. When I noticed, the sun had set in the mountains and the area was dim at once.


It was really a moment.


I can’t see this time, the scenery, and the transition in the photos, so it was a good moment to actually come to see this. Only at that moment, many people quietly watched over the scenery of the quiet paddy village where the light set, and only the sound of the shutter echoed in the mountains, which was very impressive.


The scenery is limited to a limited season, so if you have the opportunity, please go over National Highway 346 to see it.


Well then, good luck.











愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』



日本建築学会賞受賞 長野県立美術館(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)





2022年4月19日「日本建築学会賞」(作品部門) を受賞したばかりの建物でございます。










東山魁夷館は、日本画家・東山魁夷(1908-1999)から作品と関係図書の寄贈を受け、長野県信濃美術館の併設館として、平成2(1990)年4月に開館 しました。その970余点に及ぶコレクションは、《緑響く》《白馬の森》《夕静寂》などの本制作36点のほか、初期の「ヨーロッパ風景」「旅の写生」「中国風景」、連作「北欧風景」「京洛四季」「白い馬の見える風景」「大和春秋」の習作・スケッチ、日展のための準備作、唐招提寺御影堂障壁画の試作など、画家の自然への感興と制作の全体像を一望できる作品群を収蔵しています。




東山 魁夷(ひがしやま かいい)は、日本の画家、版画家、著述家。昭和を代表する日本画家の一人で、風景画の分野では国民的画家といわれております。文化勲章受章者、千葉県市川市名誉市民で、本名は東山 新吉(ひがしやま しんきち)でございます。























1999年、老衰のため90歳で死去、従三位、勲一等瑞宝章。生前、日展への出品作など代表作の多くを東京国立近代美術館と長野県に寄贈致しました。その他、少年時代を過ごした神戸市にある兵庫県立美術館、祖父の出身地である香川県坂出市の「香川県立東山魁夷せとうち美術館」にも、版画を中心とする作品が寄贈されています。戦後の復員直後から死去するまで暮らしていた千葉県市川市には、自宅に隣接して「市川市東山魁夷記念館」が開館しました。また、美術学校時代のキャンプ旅行の途中、激しい夕立に遇った際に温かいもてなしを受けたことに感謝して後に寄贈された約500点の版画を収蔵する「東山魁夷 心の旅路館」が、岐阜県中津川市(旧長野県木曽郡山口村)にあるそうです。



「東山魁夷 心の旅路館」岐阜県中津川市もとても気になります。



Hello everyone

This is Staff N.

The other day, I went to the Nagano Prefectural Art Museum to see the works of my acquaintances.

This building has just received the “AIJ Prize” (work category) on April 19, 2022.

Opened as “Nagano Prefectural Shinano Museum” in 1966, it has been loved by the people of Nagano for more than 50 years. Over 50 years after its opening, it was completely renovated and reborn in April 2021 as the “Nagano Prefectural Art Museum”. Under the concept of “Landscape Museum”, the new main building is in harmony with the beautiful scenery around Shiroyama Park, and you can enjoy a magnificent view of the national treasure Zenkoji main hall from its rooftop.

In addition to the extensive exhibition space, there are many zones where you can enjoy it for free, and it is a truly “open museum” that is free like a park and can be easily visited by anyone, regardless of age or gender.

It was a wonderful space that made you want to stay all day long, such as a restaurant overlooking Zenkoji Temple, an open cafe overlooking the mountains, and a relaxing water garden.

Since it’s a big deal, I also went to Higashiyama Kaiikan.

Kaii Higashiyama was opened in April 1990 as an annex to the Shinano Museum of Art in Nagano Prefecture, with works and related books donated by the Japanese painter Kaii Higashiyama (1908-1999). The 970-plus collection includes 36 works such as “Green Sound”, “Hakuba no Mori”, and “Yu Silence”, as well as the early “European Landscape”, “Travel Sketch”, “Chinese Landscape”, and the series “Northern Europe”. The painter’s impression of nature and the whole production, such as the study and sketches of “Landscape”, “Kyoraku Shiki”, “Landscape where white horses can be seen”, and “Yamato Haruaki”, the preparatory work for the daily exhibition, and the trial production of the Toshodaiji Mikagedo barrier painting. It has a collection of works with a panoramic view of the statue.

I checked about Kaii Higashiyama here.

Kaii Higashiyama is a Japanese painter, print painter, and writer. He is one of the representative Japanese painters of the Showa era and is said to be a national painter in the field of landscape painting. He is a recipient of the Order of Culture, an honorary citizen of Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture, and his real name is Shinkichi Higashiyama.

Born in Kaigandori, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, as the second son of his father, Kosuke, and his wife, Kuni, who ran a ship equipment dealer. Due to my father’s work, I moved to Nishidemachi, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture when I was 3 years old. I went to the Japanese art department. He studied under Yuuki Somei.

“Autumn of the Mountains” was exhibited for the first time at the 10th Imperial Exhibition in 1929 while attending school, and after graduating from art school in 1931, in 1933, at the University of Berlin (currently Humboldt University) in Germany. I studied abroad. In 1934, the exchange study abroad system started between Japan and Germany, and the German government will pay the study abroad expenses for two years as the first Japanese-German exchange student (the first international student of the German Academic Exchange Association from Japan). In November, I entered the Department of Art History, Faculty of Letters, University of Berlin, but returned to Japan with one year of scholarship payment due to my father’s seriousness.

In 1940 he married the daughter of Japanese painter Kawasaki Shoko. In the same year, he exhibited “Nagi”, which covered the scenery of Tanesashikaigan (eastern Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture) and the horses there on a sketch trip to the Tohoku region, at the 2600 AD Celebration Art Exhibition. There are about 17 works that seem to be based on Tanesashi in his life, and horses became the motif of Higashiyama’s works.

Before and after the Pacific War, hardships continued in both painting and home, and in 1941 his mother collapsed due to cerebral hemorrhage and entered a medical treatment life (died in November 1945), and his father who failed in business died suddenly in 1942. I did.

In April 1945, he evacuated to Takayama (Gifu Prefecture) with his mother and wife, but in July he entered the company after receiving a convocation letter. He came to an end while he was trained in Kumamoto prefecture to attack against a car with a bomb. After the convocation was lifted, Kotora, his mother, and his wife settled down in Ochiai Village, Nakakoma District, Yamanashi Prefecture (currently Minami Alps City).

When my mother died in November 1945, I moved to Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture, where Ichikawa received support such as housing from Katsugoro Nakamura, a businessman in the same area known as a horse owner. His younger brother, who was undergoing treatment for tuberculosis, died shortly after being rejected for the 1946 Japan Fine Arts Exhibition. Kaii Higashiyama recalled his circumstances at that time as “deep bottom”, but when he thought “I couldn’t fall anymore”, he felt calm and decided to “crawl up little by little”.

At the 3rd Japan Fine Arts Exhibition in 1947, “Afterglow” depicting the view from Mt. Kanou (Kimitsu City, Chiba Prefecture) was selected and purchased by the Government of Japan. I made up my mind and pursued my own expression. “Michi”, released in 1950, is a work that depicts only the road that extends straight forward, and shows a new innovation in the screen composition that is extremely simplified. Before the production, he revisited Tanesashi and stayed at Taihei Bokujo, which Nakamura probably introduced, to make a sketch.

In 1953, he built his home designed by Junzo Yoshimura, a university alumnus, and continued his creative activities there for over 50 years.

He has also interviewed Scandinavia, Germany, Austria, China and abroad, and his works, which have been energetically released one after another, have a clear yet deep spirituality and have gained widespread support. In the same year, he became a judge for Japan Fine Arts Exhibition, and has served since then. In 1956, he was in charge of the Japan Art Academy Prize for “Koukai”, the Tomiya Imperial Residence (“Sun Moon Four Seasons”) in 1960, and the barrier painting of the Imperial Palace, which was completed in 1968. In 1961, he was the Fukiage Omiya palace painting “Manryokushin”. In 1962, “Midorioka” was held at the Japanese Cultural Center in Rome, Italy. In 1965, a member of the Japan Art Academy, “White Night Light” at the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition. In 1968, he was a member of the Cultural Properties Protection Council, a mural painting of the Imperial Palace New Palace “The Tide of the Dawn”. 1969, Mainichi Art Award, Order of Culture, Person of Cultural Merit. 1970, Tokyo National Museum Councilor. In 1973, he was a member of the Natural Environment Conservation Council. In 1974, he became chairman of the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition and resigned in 1975. In the 1970s, the barrier painting “Huangshan Xiaoyun” at Toshodaiji Temple in Nara, which took about 10 years, became his masterpiece.

He vividly portrayed the ever-changing appearance of the mountain by using different shades of ink. Huangshan described Huangshan as a “fulfilling world of nothingness.” He felt the energy to create everything in the chaotic transition of nature. By working on this plan, his name and popularity in Japan became even higher, and he became known as a national Japanese painter. He is not only an art book but also a writer, and he has written many books such as art books, and he has a close relationship with Yasunari Kawabata.

He was the first to introduce Caspar David Friedrich, a German Romantic painter he learned while studying in Germany, to Japan. He is also known for proposing the light gray color of Setoo Bridge.

In 1975, he exhibited the Toshodaiji Barrier Painting Exhibition at the Yoshii Gallery in Paris, France, and the same exhibition at the Japanese Culture Institute in Cologne, Germany. In 1976, the Kyoto Raku Shiki Study Exhibition at the Yoshii Gallery in Paris. In 1977, he exhibited a barrier painting at the Toshodaiji Temple exhibition in Paris. In 1978, Kaii Higashiyama exhibition in Beijing and Shenyang, People’s Republic of China, and “Chairs in Concorde Square” original painting exhibition in Paris. In 1979, Kaii Higashiyama exhibition in Berlin and Leipzig, Germany. In 1980, produced the second Toshodaiji barrier painting. In 1981, he produced and dedicated the painting “Ruikou” by Toshodaiji Jianzhen. Kaii Higashiyama exhibition at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo. In 1982, Kaii Higashiyama exhibition at the National Museum of Art, Osaka. In 1983, Kaii Higashiyama exhibition in Munich, Dusseldorf, Bremen, Germany. In 1984, he was elected a member of the Pour le Mérite Academy of Arts and Sciences, the highest honor in West Germany, and was awarded the membership badge in Bonn in the presence of the President. In 1986, he visited China as the delegation leader of the Japan-China Cultural Exchange Association. In 1988, Kaii Higashiyama exhibition at Kyoto City Museum of Art, Nagoya City Museum of Art, and Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art. In 1990, at the Nihonbashi Takashimaya in Tokyo, the Berlin-Hamburg Vienna Tour Exhibition Commemorating the Return to Japan, Kaii Higashiyama Exhibition. In 1995, Kaii Higashiyama exhibition to commemorate the US life in Tokyo, Kyoto and Nagano. In 1996, presented a catalog of Kaii Higashiyama art books to 106 high schools in Nagano prefecture. In 1997, in Kobe and Fukuoka, celebrating Yoneju-Kaii Higashiyama “My Forest” exhibition.

In 1999, he died at the age of 90 due to senility. During his lifetime, he donated many of his masterpieces, including works exhibited at the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition, to the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo and Nagano Prefecture. Other works centered on his prints are also in the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art in Kobe, where he spent his childhood, and the “Kagawa Prefectural Higashiyama Kaiso Setouchi Museum” in Sakaide City, Kagawa Prefecture, where his grandfather was born. Has been donated. In Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture, where he lived from immediately after his demobilization after the war until his death, the “Ichikawa City Higashiyama Kaii Memorial Hall” was opened next to his home. Also, during the camping trip during the art school days, the “Higashiyama Kisoshin no Tabikan”, which houses about 500 prints donated later in gratitude for receiving warm hospitality during the intense evening rain. Is located in Nakatsugawa City, Gifu Prefecture (formerly Yamaguchi Village, Kiso District, Nagano Prefecture).

2000, Kaii Higashiyama exhibition commemorating the return to Paris exhibition in Fukuoka, Tokyo and Nagoya. Higashiyama Kaiikan 10th Anniversary Exhibition at Shinano Museum of Art The world of Higashiyama Kaii. In 2004, Kaii Higashiyama Exhibition at the Yokohama Museum of Art. In 2005, an exhibition commemorating the opening of the Kagawa Prefectural Higashiyama Kaiso Setouchi Museum in Shamijima, Sakaide City. A special exhibition commemorating the opening of the Kaii Higashiyama Memorial Hall in Ichikawa City. In 2008, Kaii Higashiyama’s 100th birthday exhibition in Nagano, Tokyo. In 2018, the 110th anniversary of his birth, Kaii Higashiyama Exhibition was held in Tokyo and Kyoto.

I couldn’t take a picture, but N, who likes blue among the colors, was fascinated by the world of Kaii Higashiyama at once.

“Higashiyama Kaisoshin no Tabikan” Nakatsugawa City, Gifu Prefecture is also very worrisome.

I may introduce it in this blog someday.

See you soon










愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

岐阜県大垣市のお客様より買受いたしました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)



















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

鏑木清方展のパネルが大変美しい件~東京国立近代美術館(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)









「没後50年 鏑木清方展」












東京神田に生まれた鏑木清方(かぶらききよかた 1878-1972)は、浮世絵系の水野年方(1866-1908)に入門して、挿絵画家として画業をスタートさせます。日本画では文展、帝展を主たる舞台として、美人画家として上村松園(1875-1949)と並び称されておりますが、私の印象ですと鏑木清方作品は「初雪」などの美人画もそうですが「雛市」や「鰯」のような幼い子供や庶民の日々の作品などもあり、どの作品にも穏やかなセリフをつけたくなるような日常の切り取りのような風景が描かれてた作品の印象であります。作品のすべてがそこで生活して生きていた人物の息遣いが感じられるといいましょうか。

































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The Fukosha staff have gone out to various places due to the good weather these days, and I am a little more excited. How are you doing during Golden Week?

Perhaps it was a holiday during the Golden Week holidays today, but it’s been raining moistly from the morning here in Nagoya, and it’s a little chilly. Please love yourself so that you do not get sick.


By the way, shortly before the Golden Week holidays, I went to Tokyo a little and enjoyed the holidays. I aimed at this time in Tokyo, but


“50 years after his death Kiyokata Kaburagi Exhibition”


What should I hide? A long time ago, I worked for a while near this museum. Nevertheless, at that time, I couldn’t afford to feel that way, and it is now being held at the National Museum of Modern Art, where I regret that I hadn’t visited much. The session is from March 18th to May 8th. It was a short time ago that I predicted that the Golden Week holidays would be flooded.


Aside from the introduction, I went to the “Kiyokata Kaburagi Exhibition”.


Suddenly, the panel is in front of me. The pottery-like woman’s face is suddenly drawn into the beauty of her appearance. This work is a famous work called “Tsukiji Akashicho”, which was drawn when Kiyokata was 49 years old and won the Imperial Art Academy Prize at the 8th Imperial Art Academy Exhibition (1927). rice field. I will talk about this work later.


Kiyokata Kaburagi (1878-1972), who was born in Kanda, Tokyo, started his painting business as an illustrator by entering Toshikata Mizuno (1866-1908), an ukiyo-e artist. In Japanese painting, the main stage is the Bun and Tei exhibitions, and it is named alongside Uemura Shoen (1875-1949) as a beautiful painter, but my impression is that Kiyokata Kaburagi’s works also include beautiful paintings such as “Hatsuyuki”. That’s right, there are also daily works of young children and ordinary people such as “Hinaichi” and “Kiyokata”, and every work has a landscape like a daily cut that makes you want to add gentle lines. It is an impression of the work. Let’s say that all of the works can feel the breath of the person who lived and lived there.


The famous “鰯” etc. captured the lives of the common people who lived in the downtown area at that time in detail, and it was interesting, and I checked each one for a while. It’s just a daily clipping, and it’s poor but hard, but I couldn’t help but think that it has an irresistible appeal to his perspective, which he sees as beautiful.


He hated being called a “beautiful painter”. There is no doubt that his representative work is a bijin-ga, but since the work was a beautiful woman who was in the casual scenes of everyday life, the woman who was in such a landscape such as “Sanharu” is colorful. I can’t feel it until I drew it delicately. However, the woman he draws is called a “beautiful painter” because the appearance, the movement of the kimono, the color pattern, and each and every one of her hair fluttering in the wind and snow are drawn really delicately and beautifully. Let’s … I think. Because it’s beautiful.


However, while feeling the beauty, there is also the feeling of seeing the cut-out daily life of a woman who lived beautifully every day, which is a strange feeling. It was a time that I was always drawn to Kiyokata Kaburagi’s work, which can convey that mysterious feeling to an amateur like me.


And “Tsukiji Akashicho” that first appeared. This is a work that appeared on the panel this time, but if you have the opportunity, please take a look at the real thing.

First of all, my impression is that the woman’s appearance and her facial expression are clearly depicted in the simple brushstrokes, and in particular, the outline clearly conveys the woman’s will. Also, if you look closely, you can see that the pattern of the light blue Edo Komon and the slightly disordered hair on the woman’s face are drawn slightly one by one, and both are drawn into the expression of boldness and delicacy afterwards. Isn’t it transmitted slowly (Isn’t there a more appropriate expression …)?


This work is a work of 1945, but it seems that it was set in the 30’s of the Meiji era in Akashi-cho, the place of memories of Kiyokata, and the scene that was already lost at that time is drawn with a modest depiction. We are doing it. It is a big difference between what is drawn in the background and not because it invites us to the story of the woman who stands there. Is it Kiyokata art that cannot be established only by the appearance of a woman?


And that woman. The woman in the scenery of the past seems to be posing to look back on behalf of Kiyokata and the viewer who look back on the utopia of the now-defunct Meiji, so her pose has such a double meaning. So, “Tsukiji Akashicho” seems to represent an extremely strong image.


However, the reason why I really wanted to go this time. Actually, this work is a phantom work that has been unknown for many years. Although it was a work of 1945, it seems that it was fortunately escaped from the war and was often exhibited in exhibitions by Kiyokata, but after Kiyokata passed away in 1972, it was held at the Suntory Museum of Art three times from the following year. “Tsukiji Akashicho” was missing at the end of the exhibition in the third (1975) of the “Kiyokata Kaburagi” series. It hasn’t been found for 44 years since then.


However, the situation in 2019 changed suddenly. The museum, which had been searching, bought it from a private owner through an art dealer in Ginza. It seems that the same individual owned “Shintomicho” and “Hamacho Kawagishi”, which were also unknown, and the National Museum of Art, to which the museum belongs, purchased a total of 540 million yen for the three works. So, I don’t think I’m worried about my whereabouts anymore. When I heard the story of such a work itself, the heat I wanted to go to see was getting higher and higher, and it was sunny and my wish came true. When I noticed, I stayed at the Museum of Modern Art for two hours.


I was tired from the long street for 2 hours, but I left the museum comfortably and headed to Kudanshita station. The greenery of the Imperial Palace and the nostalgic scenery of those days spread out in front of me, and the satisfaction of being immersed in the work I had longed for and the bitter memories of that time were revived, and the feelings of being out of balance were confused. I went. However, I was sucked into the subway with a bitter smile, wondering if I could afford to enjoy the work a little more than at that time. It was “Kiyokata Kaburagi” with such nostalgia.


Well then, good luck.













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