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帝室技芸員と人間国宝 何が違うの?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






「帝室技芸員(ていしつぎげいいん)」?聞き慣れない言葉、何それ? という方もいらっしゃるかと思います。 かく言う私も、知りませんでした……。



1888年(明治21年)に帝室より「宮内省工芸員」が制定され、1890年(明治23年)にそれに変わる「帝室技芸員」制度が発足されました。最初に任命されたのは高村光雲(彫刻)、石川光明(彫刻)、柴田是真(漆工)、橋本雅邦(画家)、田崎早雲(画家)、森 寛斎(画家)、狩野永悳(画家)、伊達弥助(織物)、狩野夏雄(彫金)等がいました。













とはいえ、単に「人気があるから」というだけで任命されるものではなく、任命されるに不足ない優れた技術を持つ作家が厳選されていたことは、最後に任命が行われた1944年までの55年間に、絵画 45名、彫刻7名、工芸 24名、建築2名、写真1名、計 79名しかいないことを見れば明らかです。







Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

Today, we will learn about “Imperial Household Artists.
A “Teisho Gijin” (Imperial Household Artistician)? What is this unfamiliar term? Some of you may be wondering, “What is it? I didn’t know it either. ……

Even if you say “Imperial Household Artists,” I have no idea what you are talking about: ……. It is not surprising that it is an awarding system that no longer exists today.
The Imperial Household Artists were a system of honoring artists and craftsmen that was administered by the Imperial Household (Imperial Household) from 1890 to 1947.
The purpose of the program was to protect and encourage artists of Japanese arts and crafts who had lost the patronage of the shogunate and clans and were in dire straits, while traditional Japanese culture was in a slump due to the Meiji Restoration. Under this system, Imperial Household Artists were selected for the position of Imperial Household Artists, an honorary position with duties such as producing works of art and crafts for the Imperial Household by imperial order and in consultation with the Director General of the Museums.
The number of museum curators was limited to 25, and they received imperial appointments and pensions. 79 curators were appointed until 1944, when the system was abolished.

As the name “Artist-in-Residence” implies, there were a wide range of artists appointed, including Japanese and Western painters, sculptors, goldsmiths, potters, lacquer workers, swordsmiths, and photographers, and it is said to be the forerunner of the current “Living National Treasure” system.

So what is a “Living National Treasure”?
The term “living national treasure” is a common name for a person who has been certified as an individual holder of an important intangible cultural property. It is not a physical object, but a person who possesses the “technique” that is considered a “cultural asset.
The “intangible cultural properties” are recognized in the performing arts such as gagaku, Noh, bunraku, kabuki, dance, and drama, and in the crafts such as ceramics, dyeing, lacquer, metalwork, and wood and bamboo crafts.

If there are “intangible” arts, there are naturally “tangible” arts as well. If there is an “intangible,” there is naturally a “tangible,” such as paintings, antiques, and architectural structures.
It seems that Japan is the only country that has such a system to protect its own artists, while other countries do not. Am I the only one who feels a bit proud?

It is said that the main purpose of the current Living National Treasures is to “protect traditional culture,” while the Imperial Household Artists were intended to “promote Japanese arts and crafts to foreign countries.
Nevertheless, it is clear from the fact that during the 55 years until 1944, when the last appointment was made, only 79 artists were appointed, including 45 painters, 7 sculptors, 24 craftsmen, 2 architects, and 1 photographer, rather than simply because they were “popular”. This is evident from the fact that there were only 79 artists in total.

Now that you have become a little more interested in the subject, let’s take a look at who are the “Imperial Household Artists” in the next issue of “Who are the Imperial Household Artists? I would like to learn more about the “Imperial Household Artists.

See you soon.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




今年は織姫と彦星、再会なるか?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





















どんなシチュエーションなのか気になって調べてみますと、彦星様が牛に乗って織姫様に会いに行く説、 彦星様が天の川を渡ることができないときに、無数の鳥が飛んできて天の川の橋になってくれた説が存在するようです。












Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Today is Tanabata day.

If I remember correctly, it has been a long time since it has not rained on Tanabata day here in Nagoya. Will Orihime and Hikoboshi be able to meet again this year?


Since the memories of bad weather on Tanabata day have been so ingrained in my mind, I was wondering how often Orihime and Hikoboshi were able to meet again at the same place. The data is a bit old, but it seems that in the 60 years from 1961 to 2020, they met only 18 times based on the weather conditions at 3 pm. That’s a probability of only 30%.


I have come to think that a date with only a 30% chance of success, when there is only one chance a year to begin with, will definitely cool down the couple’s relationship, and I have come to think that there is no prospect for future development. It was a result that I somehow knew, but it seemed that Orihime and Hikoboshi rarely met each other after all.


Also, if we counted cloudy weather as “meeting,” it seemed that there was a 75% chance of a successful date, and even including cloudy weather, there was a 25% chance that even one date a year would end in failure…. Isn’t that a catastrophe waiting to happen?


Oh, no…I cry. I am so sad to hear that. But there is no need to worry. Legend has it that a flock of birds called “Kasasagi” felt sorry for Weaver and Hikoboshi, who could not cross the Milky Way due to rain, so they spread their wings to form a bridge so that they can meet no matter what the weather is like. In short, the two can meet again regardless of the weather. Oh, thank God…


I was wondering how Orihime and Hikoboshi would meet on Tanabata day, including the “magpie theory” I mentioned earlier, when I fantasized about their reunion. I was also curious about the situation.

I was curious about the situation, so I looked it up. There is a theory that Hikoboshi-sama rides on a cow to meet Orihime-sama, and there is a theory that when Hikoboshi-sama could not cross the Milky Way, countless birds flew to her and served as a bridge over the Milky Way. Both of them seem to be possible, and I think the theory that Hikoboshi-sama rides on a cow to meet Orihime-sama is more well known, but it seems that Hikoboshi-sama goes to meet her either by riding on a cow or by crossing the Milky Way.


I am not sure if it is a dangerous river or not, but when I think of Hikoboshi crossing the Milky Way, I want him to cross the Milky Way without being defeated by the catastrophe theory or bad weather…” I hope Hikoboshi will be able to cross the Milky Way, despite all the theories of catastrophes and bad weather…” It was the day of Tanabata.


Have a good day.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




この夏は何本食べることになるでしょうか(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




いよいよ蝉も鳴き始め、暑中見舞いを出すのもこの頃です。うっかりすると暑中見舞いを出してしまいそうな暑さでしたので、今ならもう胸を張って、暑中お見舞いを申し上げられますね。 これからの猛暑を乗り切るために、たくさん食べ、体力をつけておきたいところです。





















Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

According to the calendar, the 24th day of the month has changed from summer solstice to “Shosho” (short summer heat). Shosho” refers to the time when the rainy season is over and the heat is in full swing.

The cicadas finally begin to sing, and this is also the time when we send out our summer greeting cards. It has been so hot that we might have inadvertently sent out a hottest summer greeting card, so now we can now offer a hottest summer greeting card with our hearts in our mouths. In order to survive the coming heat wave, we should eat a lot and keep our strength up.


Well, there are many delicious foods in summer as well. Eggplant, cucumber, and tomato are the three major summer vegetables, and fresh fruits such as watermelon, melon, and peach are also a delight. Another thing that can be eaten with bright and full of energy, which is unique to summer, is corn.


In terms of seasonal words, corn flowers are classified as summer and corn is classified as autumn, but in the sense of the word, corn is a summer food. Come to think of it, I don’t think I have seen grilled corn at summer festival stalls in recent years, but how about in your area? The aroma of the burning soy sauce is a very uplifting smell at festivals, but….


Corn is said to have been cultivated in Mexico for more than 5,000 years, and was brought back to Europe by Columbus, who discovered the New World at the end of the 15th century, and spread to Japan by the Portuguese in the Edo period (1603-1868), starting from Hokkaido.

Although corn was introduced from Portugal, Japan at that time called all imported products “Tang” as if they came from China. It seems that the name “Tang corn” came about because the shape of corn resembles a crop called “maize.

Corn is written in Chinese characters as “gyokushokubi. It is not easy to read at first sight. The Chinese character for “corn” is “shokubi,” so when corn was first introduced to Japan, it was called “karashokubi. Later, because the grains of corn are beautifully arranged, the character for “jewel” was substituted for “tang” and the name was changed to “gyokushokubi”.


Corn, a grain, is an important crop because in some regions, such as South America, people use it as a staple food. In Japan, it has not achieved the status of a staple food, but it keeps a good position in the vegetable market in summer.

The good thing about corn is that it can be simply boiled and eaten as is as a snack. The happy yellow grains are appetizing and have a charming appearance.



When it comes time to cook the kernels, we peel off the many layers of skin that surround and protect the kernels on a sheet of newspaper, thanking the farmers for their kindness. When the skins are removed, brand-new, shiny, and lovely berries are revealed. The kernels are lined up in a neat row, looking as if they are smiling.



Eating boiled corn “harmonica-eating” is a blissful experience that can only be enjoyed in summer.

How many stalks of corn will we eat this summer? Since the corn is in grains, there is no need to chop it into small pieces. I would like to enjoy the happy yellow color by inventing original dishes.


See you soon.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN


暑くてもお祭りは楽しいものですね(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)























Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

Today in Nagoya, the sweltering heat continues as it did yesterday. I tried to take shelter in the shade of a tree to beat the heat a little, but it is so hot that I cannot feel the fresh breeze that I used to feel a short while ago. The heat is so intense that I can no longer feel the fresh breeze that I felt a few days ago. Every year, I wonder if I will be able to spend this summer safely.

In such a hot weather, the Kayawa-kuguri and Akamaru Shinto rituals were being held at a nearby shrine. At Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine, which is close to Fumikosha, the ceremony will be held from July 15 to 17.


The “Chi-no-wa Kuguri” is held as a way to drive away evil spirits. A “thatch ring” is a ring made of woven grass called chigaya, and a “thatch ring” several meters in diameter is made in the precincts of a shrine. In many shrines, not only Shinto priests and shrine maidens but also general visitors are allowed to go through the rings.


The process of going through the thatched ring comes from Japanese mythology. It originated from an anecdote about a man named Sominshorai from Bingo Province, whom Susanoo-no-mikoto asked for lodging during his journey.

Despite his poverty, Sominoshorai gladly hosted Susanoo-no-mikoto, while his younger brother, Tanshorai, despite his wealth, refused to rent him a place to stay. A few years later, Susanoo-no-Mikoto visited him again and told him to wear a ring of thatch on his waist to escape the plague.

The priests who followed his teachings were able to escape from the plague, and since then, people have worn rings of thatch around their waists to pray for good health.


When going through the thatch ring, one goes through it three times, left, right, and left, as if drawing the figure of eight. Signs are posted to tell you how to do this.


Along with the thatched-rope procession, children are also looking forward to the many stalls. Many stalls were crowded in this hot weather. The prices of games at the stalls have been raised since a decade ago, and it seems that children cannot casually enjoy them with their own pocket money…. Parents do not want to spend hundreds of yen on game prizes that will soon be nothing but trash…. I could catch glimpses of such feelings in the exchange that took place here and there (laugh).


As for me, I don’t have the energy to eat food from a food stall and chat in the heat, so I’m thinking of cooking a food stall menu at home where it’s cooler and I can enjoy the atmosphere.


See you soon.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN


違和感しかなかったのですが。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




















ちなみにサングラスの始まりは、15世紀の明の時代裁判官が使った黒眼鏡が、サングラスのはじまりとされているのですが、当初の目的は、裁判中裁判官が証拠の真偽などをどのように判断しているのか、目の動きから相手に悟られないようにかけられていたようです。 ただし、サングラスといっても石英のレンズをススで黒くいぶしたものだったようです。そういったこともちょっと知ることができて面白かったのですね。なるほど。








Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


I have been a little fed up with the unstable weather every day, but it has been extremely hot here in Nagoya since the other day.

The sun is shining so brightly that every year I worry that my eyes are getting burned. I had been concerned that my eyes were being damaged by the heat. I bought a new pair of sunglasses the other day.


I had not had a chance to use them since I bought them last month during a series of rainy days, but the other day I tried them on for the first time while driving in strong sunlight. I was quite surprised. It is very easy on the eyes. When I put them on, I could feel the sunlight stinging my eyes, which shows how much I have been using them. I’m glad I bought it….


I was concerned about the protection of the eyes themselves, but also about the fact that it is said that “ultraviolet rays entering the eyes can cause sunburn and sun spots,” so I decided to buy it.

Why? When exposed to the sun, ultraviolet rays enter not only the cornea but also the entire eye, including the lens, causing inflammation. The brain receives this information and instructs melanocytes (melanin-producing cells) throughout the body to produce melanin in order to protect the skin.


So, I went to a store and tried on and off for a while, not for fashion but for eye protection, thinking that if I was going to buy something, it should be something that suited me.

In conclusion, after careful selection, I chose one, but it still doesn’t suit me. I think I will probably get used to them after a while, so I guess I will just have to wait until I get used to myself wearing sunglasses, just to protect my eyes, lol.


Well, it is not the issuance of new bills the other day, but new things or challenges? is more or less uncomfortable for me at first. I was initially uncomfortable with the idea of forcibly jumping into such a situation, but I found that I felt a little different and excited, and that I was able to adjust to it more easily than I had expected.


Incidentally, the origin of sunglasses is said to be the dark glasses used by judges in the Ming Dynasty in the 15th century. The original purpose of sunglasses was to prevent the judges from realizing how they were judging the truth or falsity of evidence during a trial from the movement of their eyes. However, the sunglasses were quite different from those used today, with quartz lenses smoked black with soot. I see.


The heat wave has begun. It might be a good idea to try to add a new sense of discomfort to your life during this long summer.


Have a good day.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN


秘密が盛りだくさんの新札が発行されます(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Today is the first time in 20 years that new banknotes will be issued.

I heard that the new banknotes will be delivered to financial institutions from today, and you can get them at the counter or ATM sequentially. However, on the first day, many financial institutions will limit the handling of new banknotes to only some branches, so in principle, you can get new banknotes by exchanging them for new bills from the 4th.

So when will I be able to get my hands on them as I wait passively? I am looking forward to it.


I have heard some negative comments about the design of the new banknotes, such as “It lacks a sense of dignity.

When I saw it for the first time, I had an impression that it looked like a foreign bill. I was impressed by the design. The Arabic numerals used to indicate the price are quite conspicuous.

According to my research, the design is more practical than ever, in addition to strengthening anti-counterfeiting measures.

As we enter a super-aged society where one in three Japanese will be 65 years old or older by 2025, and as internationalization progresses, universal design seems to be a strong consideration in the new banknotes. The new banknotes are designed to be usable by anyone, regardless of age, nationality, or disability, without regard to their abilities.

It is said that as people age, their sensitivity to “contrast” decreases before their eyesight does, and it becomes difficult to read if the differences in color are not clear.

Also, since it is more difficult to distinguish between letters if the space between them is too tight, the new banknotes have wider spaces between numbers. This is also said to be a universal design typeface.

Currently, more and more textbooks and other materials are using this universal design typeface.

Incidentally, the typeface of “1” on the 10,000 yen bill is different from that on the 1,000 yen bill, but this difference also makes a difference when viewed as a whole, so universal design is a very profound concept.


In addition, 11 oblique lines are printed in different places on each type of bill as “identification marks” so that they can be identified by touching them with a finger, and they are made rough by deep intaglio printing. In the old banknotes, different symbols were made in the same place on all types of bills, but by changing the position of the symbols on each bill, it has become even easier to identify them.


The paper used for the bills is made from raw materials at the National Printing Bureau, and is carefully crafted from plants such as mitsumata and abaca, which are the raw materials for washi, a durable and water-resistant paper with a unique supple texture.

The National Printing Bureau has specialized staff called “crafts officers,” who work in four departments: design, engraving, line drawing design, and suki-iri, watermarking.

Craftsmen in charge of design are trained for decades to be able to draw the original pattern of the bill. The craftsmen in charge of engraving then use special engraving knives to engrave the design into the metal plate to create the original bill.

The exact number of craftsmen and who is in charge of what are top-secret, and even family members are not allowed to know.


In today’s digitalized world, advanced anti-counterfeiting technology is also required, and the 3D hologram technology that makes the portrait appear to rotate is said to be the first of its kind to be used on a banknote. I think I will be playing with it for a while because it is so rare.


The portrait of Shibusawa Eiichi on the 10,000 yen bill was drawn in his 60s, which is considered to be the prime of his life.

It is said that the portraits on all new bills are drawn in such a way that they look uncomfortable when you try to imitate them. What kind of technology is used?

There are many secrets about the new bills, but I would like to observe them carefully from corner to corner when they come in my possession someday.


See you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




世紀の大発見となりそうだった。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)









その鉄の塊、そもそも何かと言いますと、どうも6世紀の双龍文環頭大刀柄頭(柄の、先端の部分。 柄の先端。 また、その部分をおおう金具)ではないかと皆さま言っておりまして、発見された方がやはり採掘したところの文化財などを扱う機関などで鑑定を依頼されたようであります。











Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

The other day, I was looking at X, and I found a rusty lump of iron that someone had found in the river. The other day, I was looking at X and saw that a person had found a rusty lump of iron that he had picked up in the river. The response was so great that I read through the comments and found that the situation was quite heated. The comments were quite heated: “Is this the breakthrough of the century?” “Why don’t you have it checked out somewhere?” “It’s so romantic that an iron soul found in a river is the discovery of the century! And so on and so forth.

The iron lump, to begin with, was a 6th-century dagger with a double dragon design and a ring-shaped handle (the tip of the handle, the tip of the handle. The tip of the handle. The person who found the piece of iron asked for an evaluation at the institution that handles cultural properties in the area where the iron was mined.

As a result, the iron lump was found to be a replica made half a century ago, a little larger than the 6th-century dagger with a double dragon design and an iron handle, rather than bronze.

The result of the appraisal was expected not only by the owner of the sword but also by the people around him (including myself), but unfortunately, it turned out to be a replica…. But I had no idea that the anticipation of the discovery of the century could excite people so much. Forgetting the disappointing result, I was rather intrigued by the reaction of the people around me. I was elated as if I were there to witness the discovery of the century, and I was quite excited about it.

Although it is a convenient tool for sending and receiving information, I thought to myself as I looked at the iron ingot, “If we could always communicate like this, the world would be a more peaceful place.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




続けられるでしょうか・・・(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



























Hello everyone. This is Staff T.


It’s a rainy season here in Nagoya today. As mentioned in Staff Y’s blog the other day, the sound of rain is pleasant. It seems like it will continue to rain for a while, so I would like to enjoy the sound of rain.


Speaking of enjoyment, I recently started “composting in the garden.

The word “compost” comes from the English word “compost,” meaning to compost. Composting is an important Japanese wisdom that has been handed down from generation to generation, in which household garbage, fallen leaves, and other organic materials are fermented and decomposed by microorganisms to make compost.


It all started when my children’s home economics class had an extracurricular field trip to a waste treatment plant, and I read the textbook.

Textbooks for today’s children are quite interesting. But the more I read it, the more I wondered if, at this rate, there would be no more places to dispose of garbage, and the earth would be buried under garbage. I thought.

I had never thought much about the garbage problem, but it made me think about what I can do “easily” to solve it.

However, I think it all started with the fact that it is a hassle to put all the daily garbage into bags and throw them away…. In the summer, we have to deal with the smell and fly problems.


Then I learned on social networking sites that there is a composting method called “just bury the compost in the garden.

It is very easy to start. Literally, dig a hole in the garden, put in vegetable scraps, mix with soil, cover with soil, and that’s it. It’s just a matter of a few minutes.

It’s perfect for me, a lazy person.

I was told, “Just try it and you’ll see,” so I decided to give it a try and if it didn’t work out, I could just quit. The vegetable scraps will eventually be decomposed by living things in the soil and returned to the soil, so I am looking forward to seeing how long it will take for them to disappear.


However, I have heard that there are some smells, insects, and wild animals that may come close to the scraps, so just to be safe, we are not burying fish or meat bones that have a strong smell and seem to be slow to decompose. If anyone is interested in starting this project, please keep this in mind.


We don’t live in the ministry of reducing garbage, but we feel that just by being aware of it, such as eating vegetables with their peels, eating peppers with their seeds, and eating cabbage down to the core, we can greatly reduce the amount of garbage we produce.

I don’t know if I will be able to continue with it, but I would like to continue “just burying compost in the garden” to the extent that it does not become a burden for me.


See you soon.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN

梅雨の時期、香りでリフレッシュするのはいかがでしょう(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





















香を焚く作法は流派によって違いがあるようですが、基本的には香元(こうもと)が7種類の火道具である火筋 (こじ)、灰押 (はいおさえ・はいおし)、羽箒 (はぼうき)、銀葉挟 (ぎんようばさみ)、香筋 (きょうじ)、香匙 (こうさじ)、鶯 (うぐいす)を使い聞香炉の灰を整え、その上に銀葉と呼ばれる雲母版を置き、さらに一片の香木を載せます。









Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

How are you all doing during the rainy season?

I feel that the air in my room is stale due to the humidity. I have been writing about fragrant woods since the other day, so I pulled out some incense sticks and aroma goods that were sleeping at home and have been using them. I feel refreshed.


The ancient Japanese were also very sensitive to fragrance, and “Kodo,” or the way of incense, which was born around the end of the Muromachi period (1336-1573), has been handed down to this day as one of the “Three Ways” of Japan, along with “Chado” (tea ceremony) and “Kado” (flower arrangement).

There are various schools of Kodo, but the two major schools are the Shino school, which has been practiced by samurai families since the Muromachi period (1333-1573) and has simple tools, and the Oke school, which is based on the gorgeous culture of the court nobles, including waka poems, and has glittering tools.


The basic method is to warm a piece of fragrant wood without burning it to create an aroma, and listen to the subtle fragrance. The process of distinguishing the fragrance of multiple fragrant woods by listening to them became a form of guessing the fragrance, and developed into a game called kumiko, in which literature and seasons are enjoyed through fragrance.

In order to deeply enjoy Kumiko, various manners and rules were developed, and various types of competitions were devised to incorporate seasonal and other aspects, such as Genjiko, Kagetsukiko, Kokin Koko, Tanabatako, and Tsukuyu Koko.

For example, in Genji-ko, five kinds of fragrant woods are prepared, and each of them is wrapped in five incense wrappers, making a total of 25 wrappers. Five of these are randomly selected and burned in an incense burner.

The incense burner is passed around to each participant in turn, and the participants are asked to listen to the different fragrances. Five vertical lines are drawn on a piece of paper, and the five scents that are thought to be the same are connected by a horizontal line. The resulting pattern consists of 52 different patterns, each named after a chapter in the Tale of Genji (some of you may remember the mathematical game “Kumiawase”). This design is also used in kimono patterns.


It is said that it is more important to concentrate on tasting the incense while paying respect to it, rather than trying to guess the correct answer. If you have a chance, I would like you to try it and experience the “Six Provinces and Five Flavors” systematized by Ashikaga Yoshimasa.


Although the manner of burning incense seems to differ from school to school, basically, the kogen (master) uses seven types of fire tools: koji, haioshi, haibouki, ginyoubasami, kyoji, kousaji, and uguisu (bush warbler) to prepare the ashes for the furnace, On top of the ash, a mica plate called a ginga (silver leaf) is placed, and then a piece of fragrant wood is placed on top.

The incense burner is passed from one guest to the next, who holds it horizontally with his left hand and covers it with his right hand, listening to the fragrance three times before passing it on to the next person.

The atmosphere in the quiet and solemn sitting room is similar to that of Zen meditation.


The tools used in kodo also vary from school to school, but the main ones include a “midarebako,” which is a tray to hold the tools necessary for burning incense, an “kobo,” which is used to listen to the fragrance, an “kobo” to wrap the fragrant wood used in kumiko, a “ginba,” which is placed on top of the charcoal burner and on which the fragrant wood is placed, a “ginyoban,” or stand for placing the ginba, and a “ginyo-dan,” or box for holding the ginyobas. A “Ginyo-bako” (box for silver leaves), a stand for placing silver leaves, and a box for holding silver leaves.

Some of them are decorated with maki-e (gold or silver lacquer), so please look for them.


See you next time.















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梅雨の日も悪くないです。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Today is a typical rainy season sky here in Nagoya, and it has been raining since this morning. The rainy season front is becoming more active, and there are areas where landslide disaster warnings and heavy rain warnings have been issued.


By the way, this kind of unsettled weather is expected to continue for a while, so how are you spending your time during this depressing period?


For example, redecorating your room, trying out new recipes for home cooking and sweets, working out at the gym, or even taking the opposite tack and buying a new umbrella and new boots… Or perhaps you are going to buy a new umbrella or new boots…. I would like to know how you spend your time comfortably.


I, too, have endless problems such as my hair not staying in place, food spoiling, etc., but I actually don’t mind rainy days that much. Is it just me who feels a little relieved when I am indoors or at home on a rainy day?


I found another good thing about rainy days. It started raining last night, and as I was falling asleep, I heard the pleasant sound of the rain. I listened to the continuous flapping sound more than usual, a bit like meditation? Sometimes it would fall on the roof, or the sound of rain would suddenly become more intense. As I was paying attention to the intensity of the sound and how it continued to fall, I fell asleep (quickly), feeling as if I was enveloped in the sound of the rain. As a result, I did not hear the rain so much. I am usually somewhat sleepy on rainy days even if I am not conscious of it, but the fact that I fell asleep so quickly after paying attention to the sound of the rain is a sign of the fearless sound of rain.


If you are busy with the daily noise and information, it is recommended to take advantage of the gloom of a rainy day, put everything aside, and pay more attention to the sound of the rain than usual. Give it a try.


Have a good day.















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10:00-18:00 OPEN


