人型AIの描いた肖像画気になりませんか?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
第2次世界大戦中の暗号解読者として、またAIの父として知られているアラン・チューリング氏(1912~1954年)の肖像を、人工知能(AI)のロボットが描いた肖像画が7 日、アメリカのオークションで130万ドル(約1億9800万円)で落札されたらしいとのです。AIをつかった画像や動画をコンピュータなので描いたものはすでに生活にはいりこんでおりますが、注目すべきはこの肖像画を人工知能(AI)をもつ人型のロボットが描いたところであります。
オークションを開催した米サザビーズによると、「A.I. God(AIの神)」と名付けられたデジタルアート作品には27件の入札があり、落札価格は当初12万~18万ドルと予想されました。サザビーズはこの歴史的な売却は「世界的なアート市場における新たなフロンティアを開拓し、オークションにおける人型ロボットによる作品の基準を確立するものだ」などと述べており、また、この作品を描いた「エイダ(Ai-Da)・ロボット」は、「オークションで作品が売却された、初の人型ロボットアーティスト」だと付け加えておりました。ところが驚いたことに7日に終了したオンラインオークションについて、サザビーズは「予想価格をはるかに上回る価格」130万ドル(約1億9800万円)で非公開のバイヤーが同作品を落札したと説明しております。
Ai-Da Robot Studios提供画像より
Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.
The other day, an interesting article on AI caught my attention.
A portrait of Alan Turing (1912-1954), known as the father of AI and a code breaker during World War II, painted by an AI robot sold for $1.3 million (about 198 million yen) at an auction in the U.S. on July 7, according to the article. The portrait was painted by a humanoid robot with artificial intelligence (AI), which is remarkable.
The winning bidder is a large portrait of Mr. Turing, who studied at King’s College, Cambridge University, UK. He is a mathematician and a pioneer of computer science, but he is also known as the “father of AI. The portrait was painted by a humanoid robot, Ai-Da Robot, which is a humanoid AI robot, Ai-Da Robot. I saw a photo of Ai-Da and found her to be a lovely female artist.
According to Sotheby’s, which held the auction, the digital artwork, called “A.I. God,” received 27 bids and was initially expected to sell for $120,000 to $180,000. Sotheby’s described the historic sale as “breaking new frontiers in the global art market and setting the standard for humanoid robotic artwork at auction,” among other things, and said that “Ai-Da Robot,” who painted the work, “is the first humanoid robot artist whose work has been sold at auction. The artist, “Ai-Da Robot,” is “the first humanoid robot artist whose work was sold at auction,” he added.
Surprisingly, however, Sotheby’s reported that an undisclosed buyer sold the work for $1.3 million (about 198 million yen), “far exceeding the expected price,” according to the online auction that ended on August 7. The winning bid for the first work by a humanoid robot artist “marks a moment in the history of contemporary art and reflects the growing intersection of AI technology and the global art market,” the company said. I think this means that the time has come for art to no longer be created by humans alone.
It is interesting to see how the humanoid robot, Ada Robot, used advanced AI language models to capture and express a single person, and how it actually picked up a brush and painted. Did he paint quickly and without hesitation in the blink of an eye, or did he struggle to decide what to do or not do? It seems that da Vinci spent 4 years to paint the Mona Lisa, but I am curious to see how Ada painted it or how he used his brush.
Image courtesy of Ai-Da Robot Studios
Although the winning bid was a surprisingly high price, the auction may be viewed from a variety of perspectives, including the state of art and the changes in society as it relates to AI. The portrait of Mr. Schuling, the father of AI, is an impressive portrait with his eyes looking at the past of AI and the future of AI. Still, 1.3 million dollars….
Have a good day.
骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-17:00 OPEN