相国寺展の予習してみました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
個人的に今回展示される作品で気になるところですと、夢窓疎石の名品や、教科書でよく見る足利義満像、国宝マニアとしては無学祖元墨蹟 与長楽寺一翁偈語 は外せないし、雪舟、狩野探幽もは是非にみておきたいし、そして奇想の画家・伊藤若冲の「竹虎図」や「鹿苑寺の松鶴図」、円山応挙の「牡丹孔雀図」などなど…。すでに出品作品リストはチェックしましたが、なかなかの出品数でして、すでに今から期待が膨らみますとともに、気持ちが前のめり笑。
「相国寺承天閣美術館開館40周年記念 相国寺展──金閣・銀閣 鳳凰がみつめた美の歴史」は、愛知県美術館にて11月27日まで開催されておりますので、京都まではなかなか行けないな…という皆さま、チャンスです。
Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.
It is almost time to see the autumn leaves here in Nagoya. I think the best time to see the leaves is about now. Personally, I love driving through the autumn leaves of the gingko trees lining Higashiyama-dori under a cloudless blue sky, and I go there on purpose during the peak season of autumn leaves, feeling sorry for the traffic congestion. Now, let’s get to today’s blog.
Well, there is actually an art exhibition that I am looking forward to visiting this fall. It is the “Shokokuji Temple Exhibition” currently being held at the Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art. The exhibition was held on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Shokokuji Jotenkaku Art Museum, and it features masterpieces of the Shokokuji school, including more than 45 national treasures and important cultural properties. Staff Y is planning to visit the museum in the near future, and since we will be able to see many masterpieces, we decided to make sure to do a thorough preparation for our visit. I am very sorry for the inconvenience, but please bear with me as I write this blog on preparation.
By the way, many of you may not know much about “Shokokuji Temple. In fact, although I lived in Kyoto for about five years, I had never visited Shokokuji Temple, and in fact, I did not even remember its name very well.
The temple was founded in 1382 by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu (1358-1408), the third shogun of the Muromachi Shogunate, and was founded by Soseki Muso (1275-1351), the founder of the Muso school, which was the largest school of Zen Buddhism in Kyoto. The temple was founded by Soseki Muso (1275-1351), the founder of the Muso School, which was the largest Zen sect of the Kyoto Gozan Zen monastery, and his younger brother, Myobaro Haruya (1311-1388), as the actual founder of the temple. It is the head temple of the Shokokuji School of the Rinzai Sect, which includes Rokuonji Temple and Jishoji Temple, also known as Kinkakuji Temple and Ginkakuji Temple, respectively.
Yes, Kinkakuji and Ginkakuji are of the same sect. Nowadays, school excursions and overseas tourists visit Kinkakuji (Rokuonji) and Ginkakuji (Jishoji) first and do not have a chance to visit the main temple, Shokokuji.
Shokokuji Temple has nurtured artists throughout the ages, leading to the birth of masterpieces of art. These masterpieces are currently stored and exhibited at the Shokokuji Jotenkaku Art Museum, and this exhibition will allow visitors to view these masterpieces.
Among the masterpieces on display, I am personally interested in the masterpieces by Soseki Muso and the statue of Yoshimitsu Ashikaga, which I often see in textbooks. As a national treasure enthusiast, I cannot miss Muhaku Sogen’s calligraphy of the Yochorakuji Ichiou chants, Sesshu, Kano Tanyu, and the wunderkind painter Ito Ito. And then there are Sesshu, Kano Tan’yu, Ito Jakuchu’s “Bamboo and Tiger” and “Pine Cranes at Rokuonji Temple”, Maruyama Okyo’s “Peony and Peacock”, and many more…. I have already checked the list of exhibited works, and the number of exhibits is quite impressive, so I am already looking forward to seeing them.
The “Shokokuji Jotenkaku Art Museum 40th Anniversary Commemorative Exhibition: The History of Beauty in the Golden and Silver Pavilions” will be held at the Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art until November 27, 2012, so those of you who cannot make it to Kyoto, this is your chance.
Have a good day.
骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-17:00 OPEN