


上杉瓢箪茶入に惹きつけられる。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取致します 古美術風光舎名古屋店)




















































Hello, this is Staff Y.


Today, on my way to work from the morning, I met an innocent first grader and parents carrying colorful school bags. It seems that Nagoya was the entrance ceremony for a public elementary school today.


I was able to see a commemorative photo taken with a big smile in front of the main gate, and I could glimpse everyone who was passing by, but their eyes were shining in the bright future that would be waiting for them in the future. .. I commute to work today, thinking that I am happy to be present even if I pass by at this memorable moment.

Congratulations to all the enrolled students. We are supporting the success of everyone in the future.


By the way, this is not the entrance ceremony but the sequel to the report of the Nomura Museum of Art that I visited the other day, so it’s my hobby, but I’d appreciate it if you could get along with me a little.


It’s a little different from the 500th anniversary of Sen no Rikyu’s birth, which I mentioned the other day, but I would like to talk a little about the items that I personally noticed among the items on display.


“Uesugi Gourd”


It ’s a really beautiful chair. In fact, when I saw it, it was a simple and small tea bowl that really fits in the palm of your hand. Moreover, the shape of the gourd, which is plump like the inscription, is very cute. If you say, “This is why amateurs are in trouble …”


“Uesugi Gourd” (from Nomura Museum Postcard)


This “Uesugi gourd” is a so-called “karamono” imported from China during the Muromachi period, and was made around the 15th century in the Ming dynasty. It is a gourd-shaped tea bowl that is counted as the first of the six gourd tea bowls called “Tenka Nirokutsunouchi”. The candy-colored glaze forms a glaze, and the black candy glaze is deeply drowned from the rim to the shoulder, and the scenery seems to be irresistible.


Certainly. The scenery that spreads out in the small chair is deep and makes me want to look at the details all the time, and I also see it over and over again. The attraction that attracts people is certainly convincing.


And the origin of the inscription that can’t be helped. It’s also a story of how many people were attracted to the world of the little chair, but this was also very attractive to me as a reki-jo.


This tea ceremony is one of the “Higashiyama Treasures” collected by Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa. It is called. As far as I know, it seems that it has come into the hands of an amazing person, but Yoshitaka Ouchi is suicide due to the coup d’etat of Sue Harukata, a vassal of Mr. Ouchi. After that, Harukata established Harukata Otomo, the younger brother of Sorin Otomo, the lord of Bungo, as the head of the Ouchi family (Haruhide was renamed Yoshinaga Ouchi). At this point, Yoshinaga owns “Ouchi Gourd”.


Then, the famous Motonari Motonari defeated Sue Harukata in the first year of Koji (1555) in that “Battle of Miyajima”, and in the same year (1557) he attacked Yoshinaga Ouchi. .. Motonari consulted with Sorin Otomo about the disposition of Yoshinaga, but Sorin did not ask for Yoshinaga’s help, but instead wanted this tea ceremony, and it was said that Motonari donated the tea ceremony to Sorin. Therefore, you can see the magical nature of this cute chair that attracts the warlords. (Excuse me.)

After this, “Ouchi Gourd” became known as “Otomo Gourd” and was passed down from Sorin to his son’s righteousness.

Furthermore, the history of this tea ceremony continues, and in the 15th year of Tensho (1587), when Toyotomi Hideyoshi conquered Kyushu, Mr. Otomo was relieved to be a Toyotomi person and to Bungo Ichikuni and Buzen Usa-gun Hangun. As a reward, Yoshinori donated “Otomo Gourd” to Hideyoshi. It is finally in the hands of Hideyoshi. After that, it was given to Uesugi Kagekatsu by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and it seems that the current name of “Uesugi Gourd” was given from there.


After that, the Uesugi clan had been in the possession for about 50 years until the time of Tsunakatsu, but when Tsunakatsu took over the house after the death of Tsunakatsu, he gave it to the shogunate and left the Uesugi clan. Especially.


After that, he moved to the Maeda clan in Kaga for a while, but it was presented to the shogunate again, and Yorinobu Kii Dainagon worshiped it when he retired, and since then it has been handed down to the Kishu clan.

Then, from the Meiji era to the early Showa era, he went to Tokushichi Nomura (Tokuan), who was the founder of the Nomura conglomerate, and has reached the present day. , It seems that you can roughly cover the history of Japan from Muromachi.


To summarize the tradition of “Uesugi Gourd”,

Yoshimasa Ashikaga → Tamami Murata → Shogunate Takeno → Yoshitaka Ouchi → Yoshinaga Ouchi → (Mori Motonari) → Sorin Otomo → Yoshimune Otomo → Hideyoshi Toyotomi → Kagekatsu Uesugi → Tsunakatsu Uesugi → Shogunate Tokugawa → Shogunate Kaga → Shogunate Tokugawa → Kishu Tokugawa family → Nomura Tokuan (Nomura Museum)


While tracing these famous warlords and tea masters one by one, I was wondering how they passed on to the next owner without permission. I think that you could understand the feeling that you want to see it over and over again.


Even so, I have one question. Even though I left the Uesugi family, why is it transmitted today under the name “Uesugi Gourd”?

I don’t know the reason for this, but the warlords who got this tea ceremony in the past are probably laughing bitterly.
Thank you for your relationship.


Well then, good luck.










愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

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10:00-17:00 OPEN


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