


和洋折衷の美しさとお香の香り(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



















































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Last night I slept without air conditioning for the first time in a while. The breeze from outside felt good, and I think I slept more soundly than usual. However, I am still trying to stay alert and take precautions against the heat.


When I visited a friend’s house the other day, she told me about a nice art museum with a tea ceremony room in the neighborhood, so I took a peek. I took a quick peek at the Kuwayama Museum of Art, a quiet art museum tucked away in a residential area.

It is a private art museum established by Seiichi Kuwayama, a businessman from Chita, in the hope that the art, crafts, and tea ceremony utensils he collected over the years will be widely appreciated by the general public and contribute to the cultural improvement of the area.

While the exterior of the main building is a modern Western-style building, the garden is a Japanese-style garden with a circular path around a hermitage teahouse called “Aoyama”.

The Western-style building peeks out from between the gates leading to the tea house.

The garden is planted with camellias, cherry blossoms, peonies, azaleas, and other flowers that are at their best in spring, and there are also many autumn leaves, so the scenery is sure to be spectacular in the fall.

What was impressive about the tea ceremony room was the curve of the wall and the eaves from the koshikake-waiting area to the middle gate. The walls were covered with bamboo and looked like the pillars of a Western temple. I wonder if the Japanese and Western style was also considered here.

We were also able to open the shoji to take a look inside the tea ceremony room. As soon as I opened the shoji, I could smell the fragrance of incense.

In the tea ceremony, incense is burned to purify the space and to add fragrance before the tea ceremony.

At formal tea ceremonies, before tea is served, charcoal is burned in a furnace or windmill, and incense is burned during this charcoal preparation. In today’s tea ceremony, charcoal preparation is often omitted. When you see the alcove in a tea room, if you see an incense container on display, it is said to mean “I will omit charcoal preparation.

The container that holds the fragrant wood before it is placed on the charcoal is called an incense container, and there are many types of incense containers among tea ceremony utensils, with a wide range of shapes and materials.

There are many different types of incense for charcoal preparation, so I did some research on this topic.


There are many types of incense, and while incense that is lit directly is generally popular, in the tea ceremony, incense is placed on hot ashes and heated indirectly to add a soft fragrance to the tea room and welcome guests.

The type of incense used depends on the season of the furnace and the wind furnace. The type of incense used depends on the season of the furnace and the fuso, and the “incense container” is used accordingly.

During the wind furnace season from May to October, incense wood such as sandalwood and agarwood is used. During the wind-burner season, wooden or lacquer incense containers are used.

During the furnace season from November to April, neriko (kneaded incense) is used. Neriko is a round form of incense that is made by kneading powdered fragrance with densely packed aroma powder or plum paste and allowing it to mature for a certain period of time. The fragrance of kneaded incense varies depending on the combination, so the owner of the house is likely to use the fragrance of his/her choice. In order to hold the kneaded incense, ceramic or pottery incense containers are used during the furnace season.

Shell or metal incense containers can be used regardless of the season.

Underneath the incense container, 20 to 30 sheets of paper kamashiki, folded four times, are placed. There are a wide variety of paper mats, such as red and white, dyed paper, and Mino paper, etc. The owner of the tea ceremony can choose the combination of the paper mat and the incense container to match the season and the theme of the tea ceremony.


The world of tea ceremonies is all about total coordination.

I would like to experience this for the first time in a long time when the weather turns cooler in the fall.


I hope to see you again soon.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN





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