行って参りました、グランマ・モーゼス展(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




行って参りました、グランマ・モーゼス展(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎)





























会  期:7月10日~9月5日


休 館 日 :7月12日(月)、7月19日(月)、7月26日(月)、8月2日(月)、8月16日(月)、8月23日(月)、8月30日(月)

会  場:名古屋市美術館               〒460-0008 名古屋市中区栄2-17-25 〔芸術と科学の杜・白川公園内〕


Hello, this is Staff Y.


The opening period, form, and reservation method of museums have become various under these circumstances, so you have to check the website and SNS information of each museum. Rather than that, did you visit the museum last time? I wonder when it was. There weren’t many museums, but when it comes to it, it’s more likely for a careless person like me to forget to participate in the war. However, this time it was unusual for me, and I remember it, so I participated in the war the other day.


“Grandma Moses Exhibition”

Anna Mary Robertson Moses (1860-1961), nicknamed her Grandma Moses. She is a national painter that every American knows, and I think there are many people who remember her work somewhere. She started painting in earnest in her 70s from an unknown farmer, and of course she didn’t study her painting. She is a super grandma who will hold her first solo exhibition in New York at the age of 80, but this time her specially planned exhibition will be held in Japan on the occasion of her 160th birthday. It was the first time in 16 years for a retrospective exhibition. Approximately 130 works including her first visit to Japan will be exhibited, from her earliest works to her writings drawn at the age of 100, her favorite items and related materials. This exhibition introduces the world of Grandma Moses, who loved nature and simple living, and lived a wonderful 100 years with strength and sincerity.


Most of Grandma Moses’ works depict the daily lives of the people of the countryside and its territories, which straddle New York and Vermont. Moses lived throughout her life and continued to portray the familiar landscapes she loved. The first part of her exhibition begins with her favorite embroidery, even before she started her painting. Her rheumatism prevented her minions from moving as expected, but with the recommendation of her daughter, she is said to have shifted to painting. It was her convincing work that her world apparently started with this embroidery thread usage. Embroidery painting is a must-see for me.

Moses’ paintings also teach us many things that people at that time had to do on their own. Making quilts, soaps, candles, harvesting crops, etc. Many of these activities are accompanied by a gathering of people. In her paintings, not who is the main character, but only works that capture a scene of nurturing those jobs with her colleagues with a camera in her eyes. They also appear in local events such as helping those people with their weddings and moving, and the works that cut out the simple daily life with the family and villagers at that time are drawn in detail and accurately. It’s not that I was able to do it, but it seems that the activities and facial expressions of the people there and the conversations I had with them move like a video. that’s strange.

Regarding the lives of those farms, Moses says, “There is almost no change every day, but only the seasons will change.” That is why the villagers cherished such subtle changes in the seasons, and cherished the special events of each season. Maple sap begins to circulate as a sign of the arrival of spring. In February, sugaring off to make maple syrup and sugar from sap. Picnic in the summer. Making apple butter from late summer to early autumn. And in autumn and winter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. are all scenes of life that are changing with the seasons.


The most important theme in Grandma Moses paintings. It is the unchanging beauty of nature. In it, people are probably spending work, events, and events in their lives during the changing seasons. Moses, a farmer, seems to tell us that nature can sometimes be harsh, but if humans interact with it with understanding and respect, it will be a blessing. Nature can be calm and peaceful, or it can become a mess and a threat. Moses paid homage to both the stillness and movement of nature, and seemed to capture the landscape in her eyes.


In addition to the works drawn by the painter Grandma Moses this time, items such as her favorites and handmade items that give a glimpse of Grandma Moses’ private life, as well as materials showing Moses’ feat and influence at that time, etc. About 50 items are also on display. In particular, the table that Moses actually used when making her paintings is a valuable item that has never been exhibited outside the United States. Anyway, KAWAII! However, please come and check how cute it is.


[Grandma Moses Exhibition]

Opening hours: 9:30 am to 5 pm, Friday until 8 pm
(However, July 23 (Friday / holiday) is until 5 pm. Admission is 30 minutes before closing.)

Closed days: July 12 (Monday), July 19 (Monday), July 26 (Monday), August 2 (Monday),
August 16th (Monday), August 23rd (Monday), August 30th (Monday)

Meeting place: Nagoya City Museum of Art
2-17-25 Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya 460-0008 [Art and Science Forest, Shirakawa Park]














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『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN



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