一年を通して万能食材です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




一年を通して万能食材です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Summer days are continuing nationwide, but the heat is just beginning. The long-lasting El Niño phenomenon has ended, and this summer is expected to be very hot. I hope we can manage to get through it.

Today, June 15, is “Ginger Day. Ginger is often thought of as an ingredient to warm the body during the cold winter months, but in fact, it is said to be effective in preventing heat stroke and summer fatigue.

It is said that “heat acclimatization,” in which the body gradually becomes accustomed to the heat, is effective in preventing heat stroke, and it is recommended that the body temperature control function be normalized by sweating through exercise, etc. However, this can be quite difficult. However, this is not easy. One easy way is to consume ginger. Fresh ginger is rich in gingerol, which promotes perspiration, warms the body from the inside, and improves blood flow throughout the body, making it easier to sweat. The aroma of ginger also increases appetite and improves digestion and absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, making it an ideal condiment for cold yakko or somen noodles when it is too hot to eat.

It also has antibacterial effects and can prevent food from being damaged.

When ginger is heated or dried instead of raw, the amount of gingerol, a component that warms the body, increases. Even in summer, if you stay in an air-conditioned room for a long time or drink only cold drinks, your body tends to get cold and you tend to get sick. In such cases, you can take heated ginger instead of raw ginger, which is a so-called versatile ingredient. In fact, ginger is an indispensable herbal medicine in Chinese medicine, and about 80% of Chinese herbal medicines, such as Kakkon-to and Katsurae-to, contain ginger.

Recently, gingerol and gingerol are said to eliminate active oxygen that causes aging, preventing oxidation in the body and delaying aging, and their efficacy is still immense.

However, people with weak gastrointestinal tracts should not take too much, as it may cause problems if taken in large quantities. It is important to keep a good balance in everything.


I mentioned earlier that today, June 15, is “Ginger Day,” which is said to derive from the “Hajikami Grand Festival” held at Hajikami Shrine in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, where ginger is enshrined.

The name of Hajikami Shrine is believed to be derived from “Hajikami,” an archaic word for ginger, wasabi (Japanese horseradish), sansho (Japanese pepper), and other “spicy foods chewed with the teeth.

During the Nara period (710-794), there was no rain for several months in Kaga Province, and the Kuninomiyatsuko (a local municipality) went to Hajikaya Shrine to pray for rain, fasting for several days. The people were unable to produce any crops due to the drought, so they offered ginger, which grew wild, as a festival of thanksgiving. That day, June 15, is said to be the beginning of the Hajikami Grand Festival. The ginger tea served to worshippers is made using water from this spring.

It is the only shrine in Japan dedicated to “spices,” and producers and traders of ginger from inside and outside the prefecture dedicate their products and pray for the development of their companies.

When I hear the word “Hajikami,” I think of the red and white leaf ginger served with grilled fish and other dishes. Hajikami is written as “arrow ginger (hajikami)” and is said to be derived from its arrow-like shape.

When I was a child, I used to glance at the adults around me, wondering if this was something I was allowed to eat. Arrow ginger is meant to cleanse the palate of the dish, and as a matter of etiquette, only the white, soft root part is taken after the fish is served. It was a little too spicy for children, and they could not spit it out, so they forced themselves to swallow it…. It is a bitter memory.


I will see you next time.














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