お知らせ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 57




マークシートには鉛筆?シャーペン?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

















マークシートを読み取るOCR装置やOMR装置と呼ばれるものは、赤外線の反射率 を識別に用いており、赤外線を良く吸収する炭素を他の筆記具よりも多く含む鉛筆が、マークシート記入には最も適しているため、鉛筆が指定されているという訳だったのです。


普通の鉛筆の芯は黒鉛と粘土を焼き固めたものですが、シャーペンの替芯は、粘土の代わりにプラスチックを使用し、鉛筆の芯よりもずっとよく練り合わせて作られています。 このため、粘土を使ったときにはできないような高強度の芯となるのだそうです。









Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

It was cold this morning, but the weather turned out to be nice, so the cold has eased up a bit during the day.

It is the last day of the common test for all of you who are preparing for the exam. I hope that all the efforts you have made so far will bear fruit.


Now, when it is time for the common test, there is something that always bothers me. Is the mark sheet in pencil? Can’t I use a mechanical pencil?” I have been researching this question.


I have done some research, and the conclusion seems to be that pencil is the way to go.


The Center for University Entrance Examinations also states, “Be sure to use a black pencil (H, F, or HB) for your answers.

When I was a student for quite a long time, I heard that “pencil is better than mechanical pencil because it saves time when filling out the mark sheets,” but it seems that this is just a rumor.
As a practical matter, that may be an advantage, but that alone is not a reason to “ban” mechanical pencils.
The reason was in the mechanism of the device that reads the mark sheets.

It is a machine, not a person, that reads the mark sheets, as a matter of course. The machine reads the mark sheets by applying a light to the graphite on the answer sheet. When the machine shines light on it, the graphite is reflected. The machine reads the mark as this number when the reflectivity is high.

The principle of reading a mark is “reflection,” but the important thing is that it is “non-reflective. In other words, if the marked area absorbs light, it is considered to be marked because it is not reflective. If the unmarked area reflects light, it is not marked and is therefore incorrect.

The OCR and OMR devices that read mark sheets use infrared reflectance for identification, and pencils, which contain more carbon, which absorbs infrared light better than other writing instruments, are the most suitable for filling in mark sheets, which is why pencils are designated.


Ordinary pencil lead is made of graphite and clay baked together, but Sharpie refills are made of plastic instead of clay, which is kneaded together much better than pencil lead. This results in a high-strength lead that is not possible when clay is used.
This means that the lead of a mechanical pencil has a special coating, and the amount of carbon it contains when marked is less than that of a pencil, so it is more subtle and less certain that the mark will be read.

Also, mechanical pencils have a pointed tip. Therefore, when a mark is made with a mechanical pencil, the paper tends to be dented, and even if the mark is erased with an eraser, the dents may reflect light and the machine may read the mark incorrectly. On the other hand, a pencil has a rounded tip, so when you erase a mark, the machine recognizes it as having been erased.

This leads to the conclusion that pencil is better for marking.


If you use a mechanical pencil for marking, you will be disqualified, but if you use it knowing that it may not be readable, there is no problem. I heard that there are special mechanical pencils for mark sheets, but to avoid any trouble, it may be better to use a graph pencil so that you can face the examination without stress.


See you soon.









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【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-18:00 OPEN



毎月18日持込鑑定会を行っております。                  今月は1月18日(木)10:00~となります。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



















We have an announcement to make.

We are holding a monthly appraisal session on the 18th of every month,

We will be holding a monthly appraisal session on the 18th of every month.

This month, it will be held on Thursday, January 8, from 10:00 a.m.


If you have any items at home that you would like to sell or give away, please feel free to ask us. If you have any items at home that you would like to pass on to someone else, please feel free to contact us. The owner will personally appraise the item.

If it is difficult to bring the item in, we can also appraise it by photo.

We look forward to seeing you at our store.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



ご健闘をお祈りいたします(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

This weekend, the Common Entrance Test for University Admissions will finally be held. This morning, I saw many students on the train with their reference books open.

To all the students who are taking the test, I wish you all the best in demonstrating the results of your past efforts.

I am sure that many of you are spending tense days during this time of the year as you take junior high school, high school, and university entrance examinations. I am sure that families are praying for their children’s success in the cold weather, taking care that they do not get sick, and supporting them mentally.

It is encouraging to see your children struggling with their problems, but at the same time, it may be painful to watch. It is said that an entrance examination is the first gate to success in one’s life, but it is still too early for a child to climb the rapids alone.


As you may all know, “climbing the dragon gate” is a legendary phrase based on a Chinese story, the origins of which date back to ancient times. Legend has it that there was once a place on the Yellow River in China called “Dragon’s Gate,” where the rapids were so fierce that the only carp that could climb up the rapids would become a dragon. The dragon gate is said to be a metaphor for passing through a difficult barrier that leads to success in life, or for passing an important test that can affect one’s life.

Incidentally, the traditional Japanese culture associated with this “gateway to success” is the carp streamer. The carp streamers displayed on Dragon Boat Festival are decorated with the wish that people will be able to overcome difficulties and succeed in their careers.


This year, 2024, is the year of the dragon. Among the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac, the dragon is the only imaginary creature.

It is said that the Chinese zodiac originated in China in B.C., when it was first used to represent the calendar and time. At that time in China, the movement of Jupiter was used to count the years. People counted the years according to the position of Jupiter, and since Jupiter’s orbital period is 12 years, the heavens were divided into 12 equal parts. It was at this time that the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac were born. In fact, the 12 Chinese characters from child to boar represented numbers in China. It is said that the twelve Chinese zodiac signs were changed to the names of animals that were easy to remember in order to make them accessible to people in uncivilized areas and those who could not read. In other words, the meanings of the animals are thought to have been added later.


Although the number of people sending New Year’s cards has been decreasing year by year, people still ask, “What will be next year’s zodiac sign…?” The conversation of “This year’s zodiac sign is…” will probably never disappear.

It is also said that major political changes are likely to occur in the year of the dragon. I can only hope that things will move in the right direction.


See you again.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



模様替えで気分もすっきり(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)








































Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

We are finally out of the New Year’s mood and back to our daily pace.




As some of you may have noticed, we have made some changes to our store since the New Year.

Can you guess what has changed?


Well, I have also just finished redecorating my home during the New Year’s holiday.

I would have liked to do a major rearrangement, but time was limited, so I started with the small things first. For now, we started with the kitchen area, which we use the most, and made changes where we thought it was difficult to walk through or use. Since the family also uses this area, we took in everyone’s opinions, and I feel it is now more comfortable than before.

The process of getting rid of unnecessary things, thinking about the flow line, and thinking about the layout is quite enjoyable, and it’s also good brain training! It’s also brain training! A new room improves my mood and makes me feel more positive, which is a good thing.


By the way, there are various psychological factors at work when you want to redecorate.


First of all, it is a time to organize one’s feelings.

It is said that we are trying to clear our minds by putting our various thoughts and feelings into the luggage in our rooms and cleaning them up. Seeing the room being tidied up will have a positive effect on the person’s mood, and may naturally bring a smile to their face.



Second, to relieve stress.

When stress builds up, even things that we normally don’t think about can feel messy and blurred. A major redecoration, such as rearranging furniture, is a great way to move your body and blow away accumulated stress. The enjoyment of making small changes to areas that have been bothering you may also be a way to relieve stress.

Another reason is simply because I like to clean. When you clean an area that has been hard to reach, you feel refreshed and satisfied. Spending time in a neat and tidy room will calm your mind, and you will be in a calmer state of mind to think of solutions to various problems.



The next possible time is when you are faced with a decision.

In situations where you have to give an answer or make a life decision, you will want to consult the opinions of many people. You may take advice and subconsciously start trying to figure out which choice is the best decision for you as you change the pattern. They are in a state of mind where they are trying to find answers and sort out their feelings from the impasse they are in.



Other times, people change their look to prevent ruts, such as when they are anxious and want to do something to distract themselves, or because they feel bored and dissatisfied with being in the same space all the time.


In my case, it’s around the area of stress relief, or to clear my mind.

The fact that I want to redecorate may be an indication of my state of mind. I thought that being in a clean and comfortable space that looks good also calms and invigorates my mind.


This time, I cleaned up and redecorated with the goal of decluttering, but another way to change your mood is to add something new, or change the color of your rugs and curtains. Even just putting some plants in the house will give the space a fresh look and change your mood.

When do you feel like redecorating?



See you soon!











骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





本日は鏡開きの日(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

























































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

Today, January 11, is Kagamibiraki day.
This is a day to thank the gods and Buddha for the Kagamimochi that have been offered to the gods, and to pray for good health and good fortune, and to enjoy Kagamimochi with soup stock and other dishes. Samurai families used to break Kagamimochi by hand or with a mallet because cutting them with a knife reminded them of committing seppuku (ritual suicide), and the word “open” was used to avoid the words “cut” and “break”. Kagami” means “fullness” and “open” means “endless expansion.” In some areas, fortune-telling is done by the way the Kagamimochi cracks, and it is said that if there are many cracks in the Kagamimochi, there will be a good harvest.

So, I observed the cracks of our Kagamimochi.
Perhaps it was because it was dry this year, but the cracks were in good condition.

So, while our daily life is gradually returning to a normal mode, I would like to report on the unusual New Year’s Day experience of our staff member, Y.

We went to cheer for the Hakone Ekiden (relay race), which is synonymous with New Year’s Day.

I have been watching the race every year in front of the TV, and I had always wanted to go and cheer along the roadside. Since I was going to spend the year-end and New Year’s holidays in Tokyo this year, the timing was perfect for me to go there.

The race started at 8:00 a.m., and 10 minutes later, the runners were running through the park in a blink of an eye.
I was watching them from the side, and they were running so lightly that they seemed to be floating in the air. On the outward course, a group of management vehicles with a coach on board followed the athletes. I was able to see the expression on the face of Mr. Hara, the coach of Aoyama Gakuin University, the winner of this year’s race, and he looked extremely determined and tense.
As I cheered on the athletes up close, everyone was saying, “Go for it! Go! I couldn’t help but let my voice leak out as well, and I was cheering loudly. After that, I continued cheering from TV to the goal, but when I went to cheer in real life, I was worried about the return route even though I was not a member of the race, and I was somewhat restless on the night of the 2nd. I wonder if the athletes in the return race were able to sleep in this condition….

The goal for the return leg of the race was set for a little after noon, and the Marunouchi area was already overflowing with people cheering for the athletes like a festival. Unlike the outward route, the runners did not run in groups, so roadblocks were set up just before each runner arrived. When the roadblocks were set up, a sense of urgency rose and a group of Aoyama Gakuin University alumni were just next door, cheering for the top Aoyama Gakuin University runner as he came back to the finish.

After that, athletes from all universities ran in front of us at once, and everyone cheered for them, and their cheering voices and shouts filled the roadside. I was so impressed by the beautiful scenery, and I wondered if I was the only one who felt cheered up. All of the runners were truly wonderful.


The scenery of the race, which I have seen every year on TV, was totally different from what I had expected when I saw it from the place where I watched it, or even more so, in real life. I have had many opportunities to go to sporting events, but the Hakone Ekiden, perhaps because of its tradition and the fact that it is run by students, and because I was able to see them up close, I was able to feel the spirit, tension, and anxiety of the competitors, and for a brief moment, I could feel the tremendous power of the race.

I also began to think that the charm of the Hakone Ekiden is the realization that the athletes running the race, the people involved in cheering them on, and the supporters along the route are all working together to make it a New Year’s Day event. I am glad that I went to this New Year’s event, which cheered me up.

Have a good New Year’s.












骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN




自分の当たり前は当たり前ではありませんでした(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Today, January 10, is Tokaebisu, or the festival of the tenth day of the month of Ebisu. I have come to know that the greeting “Toka Ebisu” is not understood outside of the Kansai region when I came to Nagoya.

I can’t express my surprise when I learned that this event, which I have taken for granted since I was born, is not practiced at all in other areas of Japan. The existence of a wide variety of customs and festivals in each region is a characteristic and interesting aspect of Japanese culture.

When I once told a friend from the Kanto region that I had never heard of the “Tori-no-matsuri (rooster festival) at Washi-jinja Shrine” in Asakusa in November, he was quite surprised. What is natural to me is not natural to others.

The Hatsuebisu Festival at Atsuta Shrine in Nagoya is also called “Itsuka-ebisu,” and is held at the Okuninushi-sha and Kotoshironushi-sha shrines located on the grounds of Kamichigama Shrine, a regent shrine. The festival starts at midnight on the fifth day of the month, and the shrine grounds are crowded with visitors throughout the day, eager to buy lucky charms such as “Ichiban-fuda” and “Fuku-kumade” (lucky rakes).

Ebisu Festival is a festival to pray to Ebisu-sama, one of the Seven Gods of Good Fortune, for prosperity in business and a good catch of fish. Holding a fishing rod (bamboo) in his right hand and a sea bream in his left, Ebisu-sama is regarded as the god of fishery, and is said to have abundant ears and a blessed face.

Daikoku-sama and Ebisu-sama are also present here at Fukosha. They are folk art from the Meiji era.

Ebisu-sama of the Fukosha is not holding a bamboo branch, but is sitting on top of a sea bream. It is a lovely figure.

Tokaebisu in Kansai is nicknamed “Ebessan,” and the three-day festival, Yoebisu on the 9th, Hon Ebisu on the 10th, and Zanbuku on the 11th, is as bustling as New Year’s Day, with people carrying lucky bamboo branches and rakes for good luck. The shrine grounds are filled with people carrying lucky bamboo branches, rakes, and other good luck charms.

Historically, it was customary for visitors to bring their own bamboos, to which the shrine would attach lucky charms. This custom has remained as the phrase “bring your own bamboos. The origin of the lucky bamboo branch comes from the fact that Ebisu-sama uses the bamboo branch as a fishing rod.

Imamiya Ebisu Shrine in Osaka is known for attracting one million visitors on January 10 alone. Every year, about 40 “fuku-musume” are chosen, and the number of applicants is said to be as high as 70 times higher than that of the previous year, making it a very narrow gate to the shrine. They give out lucky bamboo branches on Tokaebisu, and participate in various Shinto rituals throughout the year, such as greeting, mochi-maki (rice cake throwing) events, and dedication ceremonies of bugaku (traditional Japanese dance and music). I don’t know about now, but in the past, I remember watching a TV program on which a lucky girl was chosen, and my family and I would watch it together. I remember watching it as a child and longing to be a part of it.

Nishinomiya Shrine in Hyogo Prefecture is the head shrine of the 3,500 “Ebisu Shrines” in Japan, and is famous for the “Kaimon Jinji Fukuotoko-Selection” held every year on January 10. Even if you have never heard of Tokaebisu, you may have heard of Fukuo through news and other media. In fact, there are some female participants, but they have not yet been certified as “lucky women.

It is believed that it is good luck to run toward the main shrine at the opening of the gate at 6:00 a.m. and be chosen as a “Fuku-otoko” or “Fuku-onna” by winning the first place. The starting position at the opening ceremony is decided by lot drawing, so it is said that if you draw the lot with the number in the front, you have already received “good fortune. This year, a university student who belongs to the track team seems to be the lucky man. I hope a lucky woman will appear someday.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



剛毅朴訥仁に近し(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)












「剛毅朴訥近仁(ごうきぼくとつ じんにちかし)」。



また「剛毅朴訥近仁」と並んで記されている言葉に「巧言令色鮮仁(こうげんれいしょく すくなしじん)」があります。言葉巧みで表情を取り繕っている人は誠実な人が少なく、人として最も大事な徳である仁の心が欠けている。転じて言葉巧みな人には気をつけなさいという意味があります。














Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

This is my first post of the New Year. Please accept my best regards for the new year.

It has been cold all over Japan. I hope everyone is not getting sick.

As the New Year begins, I have been thinking about how I would like to spend the year, but since the beginning of the year, my mind has not been working well and I have not been able to come up with any ideas. Then, when I arrived at work, a book by Bakuzan Sakaki caught my eye in the store, and for some reason I became curious about it.

I was just looking at it, thinking that it was the calligraphy of Mr. Bakuzan Sakaki, who is well-known in old commercials. However, I finally looked it up, ashamed to admit that I should not just look at the calligraphy that I see every day.

The name is “Gouki Bokutotsu Jinnichi Kashi” (剛毅朴訥近仁).

This phrase is found in the Analects of Confucius, a posthumous record of the discussions between Confucius, a Chinese thinker and philosopher, and his disciples.

Gouki” means to be brave and unaffected by greed, and to have a strong will to accomplish what one sets one’s mind to do. Bokuhatsu” refers to a person who is simple, unpretentious, and reticent, and who has strong feelings but is unable to express them well. Such a person is said to have benevolence and to be a virtuous person.

Another term that is mentioned alongside “rigid and simple-minded chikan-nin” is “skillful words, commanding colors, and clear-cut benevolence. People who are skillful in their words and their expressions are rarely sincere, and lack the most important virtue of humanity, the heart of benevolence. In other words, it means to be careful of people who are skillful with words.

Although I think there are some things that cannot be said in general, I have always felt the “weight of words”. I feel that people who value the words they speak can be trusted.


Mr. Mozan Sakaki is a calligrapher known for his generous and friendly calligraphy. He was blessed with a talent for calligraphy from an early age and won the highest award at the Japan Calligraphy Institute Exhibition two years in a row when he was in his mid-20s. He rose to the top of the calligraphy world at a young age. However, he had doubts about the calligraphy world, which places great importance on tradition and formality, and gave up all of his positions at the age of 32.

He then sought to create “his own unique calligraphy” and published works using only one Chinese character in order to explore the essence of the written word. He also created “poetry, calligraphy, and painting in one” by adding his own poems to his favorite paintings. He continued to pursue his own style of calligraphy without relying on any organization.

From what I have seen in the commercials, Mr. Bakuzan seemed aloof and dynamic. I have no way of knowing whether or not he was a soft-spoken person, but he definitely had a strong will to accomplish what he set out to do without being swayed by others.


He was a man of “rigidity, simplicity, and honesty,” and I want to tighten my grip on him every time I see him. I would like to tighten my resolve every time I see him.

I hope to see you again.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



成人の日おめでとうございます。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)












































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Thank you very much for coming to the FUKOSHA FURUMAI-SAKE in the cold weather the other day.

We hope to have many chances to interact with our customers this year through events like this, so please look forward to our next project.




Now, with the afterglow of the New Year still lingering in the air, today is Coming of Age Day.


Congratulations to all of you who have reached the age of adulthood. The other day, I saw a group of young ladies sashaying down the street with their furisode sleeves swinging. They are so cute.

The lowering of the age of adulthood to 18 has complicated things, but whether you are 18 or 20, just the fact that you have grown up to this age is unconditionally wonderful. I hope you will enjoy this three-day weekend with your family and friends, and celebrate with them after a long time.


By the way, some of you may remember that January 15 used to be a national holiday called “Coming of Age Day. Since 2000, the law on national holidays has been amended to make it the second Monday of the month (under the Happy Monday system), but I have almost forgotten about it myself.


The original purpose of Coming of Age Day was to “celebrate and encourage young people who are aware that they have become adults and are trying to live on their own” in 1949. I am personally a bit curious about the origin of this national holiday, so I did some research on the subject.


As it turns out, the origin of the date is that before the Edo period, the ceremony of boys’ ceremonial dress was held on the fifteenth day of the first month.

According to the lunar calendar, the 15th of every month was almost a full moon. In particular, January 15 is the “Koshogetsu,” when the first full moon of the year is celebrated. It is said that the origin of this ceremony is that on this special full moon day, the “Genpuku” ceremony was held for boys who were entrusted with the future of the family. In the lunar calendar, the koshogatsu, when the Genpuku ceremony was held, was in mid-February. It was a suitable time for young people to take their first steps toward adulthood.


However, in 1867 (Meiji 6), the current solar calendar was adopted from the previous lunar calendar, and the seasonal festivals and other calendar events were moved to the same month and day of the solar calendar, resulting in a gap of about one month from the time when the events were held until then.


Thus, the original origin of the festival has disappeared. The fact that Coming of Age Day falls on a consecutive holiday (although the timing of the coming-of-age ceremony differs from region to region) seems to be a good thing in today’s lifestyle, as it allows people to return home, prepare, and have reunions with friends, but I would like to keep this meaning in my memory.


Going back to the origin again, many rites of passage have a “dress code. For example, at the “Genpuku” ceremony, a crown is allowed to be worn, and women are required to have their hair tied up in a bun. Even now, in the Imperial Household, there is a ceremony called the “Coming of Age Ceremony and Crowning Ceremony,” in which the Crown Prince is crowned and proclaimed a member of the young imperial family, both at home and abroad. The furisode (long-sleeved kimono) worn by the general public at the coming-of-age ceremony is also the first formal attire, so I wonder if the “dress code” still exists here as well.


Besides, in the ancient “Genpuku ceremony,” a young man would declare himself in Genpuku among many adults, and the adults would approve it, so if you were a samurai, you would be allowed to go to battle having received the Genpuku ceremony. In many historical dramas, the son of a shogun would often appeal to the adults to allow him to go to war, saying, “Please allow me to wear my uniform! You often see such scenes in historical dramas.


The vestiges of this custom can also be seen in the term “kanzoku funerary rites,” a four-part classification of the most important rituals in modern Japan. It has the character “kan” at the beginning, and you will notice that the “kan” corresponds to the “coming-of-age ceremony” or “coming-of-age ceremony,” which is derived from the “crowning ceremony.


The meaning of “Coming of Age Day” as a rite of passage has changed a little in the past, but the wish for a strong and vigorous life seems to be the same today as it has always been.


Today, I would like to give thanks for the fact that we have been safe and sound so far, and hope that you will walk through this chaotic era with strength and joy, even as a stranger to the adult world.


Have a good day.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



ご来店いただきありがとうございました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


















Happy New Year! This is Staff T.

I would like to wish you all the best for the New Year.




Today, we had a New Year’s celebration and offered free-flowing sake at the store.


Although the weather was a little chillier than yesterday, we had many visitors, including people on their way for a walk and customers who always read our Instagram.


We received many questions about the products in the store, and it was a good opportunity for us to explain not only about the products but also about antiques and antiques artifacts, and it was a good chance for people to learn more about our store.



We hope to create more opportunities like this in the future to connect with more customers, not only those who are interested in antiques and antique artifacts.

We will continue to make every effort to be close to you and be of service to you in the New Year. Thank you for your continued support.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



名古屋市千種区のお客様より買受いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






















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10:00-18:00 OPEN





