お知らせ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 136




Earth, Wind & Fireの〝September〟(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)










彼の弾き語りは昭和の洋楽ですと、Carpenters、Elton John、Eagles、Billy Joel、などなど。昭和生まれの方には懐かしさ極まりないですが、そこは平成生まれ、彼らしい自由な、そして揺らぐようなアレンジして弾き語りをしております。これもなかなかエモくて新しい。


その中に、Earth, Wind & Fireの〝September〟が笑。


ならばと思い、本家本元のEarth, Wind & Fireの〝September〟も聞いてみましたよ。










と、いうわけで少々ふさわしくないのですが、本日は店内にてEarth, Wind & Fireの〝September〟を流してみました。





Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


It’s a story that has nothing to do with antique art, but the other day there was a live broadcast by artist Fujii Kaze at Nissan Stadium.

Originally, it seems that they planned a live concert with an audience, but due to this situation, it was a solo live concert with a grand piano in the middle of the natural grass of that Nissan Stadium. He is a very young singer, 24 years old, who has spread from YouTube distribution to the world, but looking back on his past distribution, he often distributes Western music narration in the 70’s and 80’s.

Perhaps because of his father’s influence, he played a lot of hit songs from Showa Western music, and I’m impressed that he was born in Heisei but he knows it well, even if he goes beyond generations. The masterpiece is a masterpiece, and it seems that you like it.


His narration is Showa Western music, such as Carpenters, Elton John, Eagles, Billy Joel, and so on. Those born in the Showa era are very nostalgic, but they were born in the Heisei era, and they are free and swaying arrangements. This is also quite emo and new.


Among them, “September” of Earth, Wind & Fire laughs.

I also listened to “September” of Earth, Wind & Fire, the originator of the original family.


Somehow, in September, when a typhoon comes, the heat still remains, and the new semester begins, do you feel so cheerful? It’s a cheerful disco music, but I don’t understand what it means and it’s just cool. And how many years have passed since I recalled that it was such a song now? However, music doesn’t need words or age, it’s a masterpiece that leaves excitement in your brain no matter how many years.

I’m an amateur, so I don’t know the details of music, but I hope it will make you feel excited about what’s going to happen, with the rhythm being leaning forward, as if it were a sample of Western music from the Showa era. I think it’s a unique song.

However, now that I’m an adult who has a lot of experience and it’s difficult to have hope, I’m full of hope. It makes me think like “I can’t overflow …”. Also, it reminds me of the exciting and straightforward feelings of those days, so I think this song and the grown-up generation are listening to this song while shaking between both mysterious aspects.


Also, because of its hope and brightness, it’s perfect for use as an admission song for athletes, and although it’s covered by many artists, it’s addictive among people across generations. Masterpiece. Sure enough, September has been looping in my brain since the other day.


That’s why it’s a little unsuitable, but today I played Earth, Wind & Fire’s “September” in the store.

You may be surprised that the antique works of art in the store are “What !?”, but they are also items that have passed the times of the 70’s and 80’s. I’m sure they will miss various memories, saying, “No, I miss you. At that time …”.














愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

日進市のお客様より買受させていただきました。ありがとうございました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術風光舎名古屋店)










Today, from a customer in Nisshin City

We purchased hanging scrolls, tea utensils, etc.

Thank you for handing over a number of important items.

Also, thank you for visiting Fukosha the other day.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.













愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN



カラーコーデがなかなか素敵でした。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)













































Hello everyone. This is Staff Y.

I’m looking for flowers to replant potted plants that have failed in the summer, but I can’t find any good plants at the turn of the season. I gave up trying to put up with the lonely potted plant and was thinking about it during shopping.

Well, if you were driving a car for shopping as usual, oh! I caught my eye on the flowers on the street I found, and I was wondering what kind of flowers they were, so I turned back and tried to shoot.


Well, the flower that caught my eye was the flower on the street near the shrine, so I stopped by the shrine and took a picture of it as well.

“Narumi Shrine”

Surprisingly, this shrine seems to be old. It is a highly prestigious shrine that is said to correspond to the “Aichi-gun Narumi Shrine” that appears in the “Engi-shiki” that describes the annual events and systems of the Imperial Palace in the early Heian period. It was founded in the first year of Shucho (686). It is said that in 686, a shrine dedicated to Yamato Takeru was built in the land of Narumi related to the story of Yamato Takeru, and that is Narumi Shrine. However, it seems that this shrine was originally enshrined on Mt. Tenjin, a little further south of the current shrine (near the current Meitetsu Narumi station). At this point, Bura Tamori is activated alone. Currently, this area has become land and you cannot see the sea, but I know the area around Mt. Tenjin, which was originally there, but I can’t see the sea at all.

It moved to its current location in 1394, the early part of the Muromachi period. It is said that Munenori Yasuhara under Yoshimitsu Ashikaga built Narumi Castle (Negoya Castle) on Mt. Tenjin and moved the Narumi Shrine there to the present Mt. Otogo in the north. This is because it was to build a castle there, but this is the reverse version of the Suemori castle ruins, which I mentioned in my blog the other day, where the shrine was moved to the castle ruins. This is also historical.


Well, the Narumi Shrine, which has been enshrined here since then, was built in the 5th year of Enpo (1677), but it is very well managed and kept clean, and it has a very neat and clean feeling. It is a shrine with.

It’s not a flashy shrine, but over the years, the color of the wood has a distinctive character, which gives a very profound impression. ..


And one more. Impressive is the red of the Daruma doll.


Go through the torii gate and follow the long gravel approach to the main shrine, and go up the stairs to the left, where you will find “Daruma Mound”.

This “Daruma mound” is given a new paper daruma doll only to those who received the prayer on the day of Setsubun on February 3rd every year, and the old daruma doll given the previous year is put in this mound. It is said that the daruma dolls that have made their wishes are being sent one after another. As you know, Daruma has a slightly different facial expression because you put a brush in your eyes, but it’s different and laughs, and it makes me think that “everyone is different and everyone is good” is this. It was us. You can laugh at the sights that are lined up in a row for a while. Don’t be fooling around.


And another red. Red torii.

It is the red torii gate of the neighboring Inari shrine.

I don’t go to Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine in Kyoto, but why do I want to walk slowly through a small red torii gate that is luxuriously empty?


At this shrine, the luxurious monopoly red torii gate, the nice deep wooden main shrine, etc., people in the neighborhood often visit Shichigosan, the coming-of-age ceremony, or after a wedding ceremony, a secret photo spot where you can take a brilliant photo. That’s right. It seems that you can take pictures of high-quality Kyoto-like scenery here in Nagoya.


This time, I took some pictures of the scenery for the interview, but when I look back on it later, I like the vermilion of the torii gate and the daruma doll, and the deep wooden astringent tea. It was very impressive that I was able to take a picture of the tone.


I took a lot of pictures of nice color coordination, so if you have time, please come and take a picture. What? Should I have kept it a secret?


By the way, I completely forgot about the flowers that caught my eye. Let’s put this in a nice color coordination as well















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

ご趣味は…?②(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 覚王山 骨董買取致します 古美術 風光舎名古屋店)





















そんな歌が日常生活に根付いていた日本人ですが、西洋化の波と共に、民衆の歌のほとんどが姿を消してしまいました。そしていつしか歌は「プロ」のもので、そのレベル以下のものはカラオケでプロの歌真似をしていればいい、という風潮に変わってきたようです。そのカラオケも、今や緊急事態宣言で閉鎖され、日本人からは歌が完全に奪われてしまっています。でも、本来日本人のDNAの中に刻まれている歌が大好きという部分は、どうやっても消せない気がします。歌うことで元気になり、笑顔になり、楽しくなる。生きる気力も湧いてくるし、辛いことも忘れられる。しかも、歌うのには道具もなにもいらないのです。また、歌は一人で歌っても楽しいし、二人で歌ってもハーモニーが楽しめる、たくさんで歌ったら、その声の力に心が震えるような体験もできます。歌うことは、メリットしか思いつきませんね。(笑) でも、それくらい素晴らしい。だから、人は歌うんでしょうね。









Hello everyone. It is staff m.

In the previous blog, I talked about creating a hobby gospel team and starting practicing at zoom.

By the way, this time too, I would like to talk a little about my hobby, gospel. If you don’t mind, please go out with me.


First of all, what is gospel? from.

Gospel is an English word that means the gospel (the teaching of Christ) or the Gospel, and is said to mean a book that describes the words of Jesus Christ and the life of Jesus Christ. However, gospel here refers to gospel music, which is a genre of music that originated in the United States. Gospel is a style of music that originated from the spirituals sung when blacks were slaves.


At that time, blacks traveled from Africa to the United States as slaves, were not treated as humans, and were forced to work in harsh environments. Under that slavery, blacks knew the Bible, and the words “freedom” and “liberation” that appeared there became their hope of “liberation from slavery.” Blacks began to steal the eyes of their masters at night and gather quietly to create a place where they could sing and dance on their own. This rally, with no buildings, was called the “Invisible Church,” and for them it seems that they have become not only a religious role, but also a local community that endures tragic circumstances and supports each other.

Gospel music was created in this way, based on singing and dancing, hoping for relief from the suffering of slavery. This gospel is still popular, not because it’s hard or painful to live in different times and situations, and it feels like a soul that grabs the hearts of people who want to be freed from something. Is not it. The great proof is that people all over the world are singing high, regardless of race, nationality, or even religion.


So why did the people who applied for the gospel team I recruited this time want to sing gospel? This is my interpretation, but when I recruited, I emphasized “Let’s release myself by singing!”. This may be especially true in today’s world, but it’s like a darkness where you don’t know when it will dawn. Everyone is forced to put up with various aspects of their daily lives. Especially for women … The number of suicides is increasing due to the influence of the corona, but many of you may have seen the sad news that the suicide rate of women has risen significantly. For that reason, I wanted to free women as much as possible. Gospel came up as a way to do this. Although the times are different, gospel with a history of supporting each other by singing even in difficult situations, forgetting the pain, and keeping the heart, may fit into the current situation.

Another reason is that Japanese people love singing. A long time ago, Westerners who visited Japan were surprised to find “songs” in every corner of Japanese life. It seems that the country was rich in songs such as “folk songs,” “work songs,” and “celebration songs.” I have heard such a story. When I went to Nagoya Castle, I was surprised that the stones in the stone wall for building the castle were so big that I was curious about how I carried them and asked. Then, since they were old people who didn’t have cars, they had no choice but to use human power, but at that time, it seems that everyone sang and carried them together. It seems that singing gave rise to the immeasurable power of human beings, and could carry large stones that seemed impossible to carry. It seems that the song has a mysterious power.

Such songs have taken root in everyday life, but with the wave of westernization, most of the popular songs have disappeared. And it seems that the trend has changed to the trend that songs are “professional” songs, and those below that level should just imitate professional songs at karaoke. The karaoke has now been closed due to a state of emergency, and the songs have been completely deprived of the Japanese. However, I feel that I can’t erase the part that I love the songs that are originally engraved in the DNA of Japanese people. Singing makes you feel better, smiles, and makes you happy. The energy to live will spring up, and the pain will be forgotten. What’s more, you don’t need any tools to sing. Also, singing alone is fun, and you can enjoy harmony even if you sing together. If you sing a lot, you can experience the power of your voice. Singing can only come up with merits. (Laughs) But that’s wonderful. That’s why people will sing.

I decided to sing gospel because of this situation. I want to overcome difficult situations by singing. If you are prepared and move, the results will come naturally. So I’m sure this gospel will work too.

I would also like to write a status report. At that time, please do not be disciplined and keep in touch.


(Staff m)













愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL;  052(734)8444

MAIL;   fuukousya@gmail.com

10:00-17:00 OPEN


ご趣味は…?①(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 覚王山 骨董買取致します 古美術 風光舎名古屋店















































Suddenly, do you have any hobbies that you are enjoying now?

As you read the blog of the antique Fukosha Nagoya store, I’m sure you have a noble hobby, such as appreciating art and collecting antiques. It is worthy of respect for me, who works as a staff member and has little knowledge of antique art.

I started writing this blog at the beginning like a matchmaking, but today I would like to talk about my hobby that I am addicted to.


Actually, I recently created a gospel team.

The trigger was the movie “Love Song for Angels …”. Certainly, it was a movie that was done about 30 years ago, and it has been broadcast on TV many times, so I think many of you know it.

I was a kid at the time, so I watched it on my home TV instead of in the cinema, but it was really exciting just watching it.

And I still remember that I was very envious of America when I got a glimpse of cultural differences in the appearance of Americans who honestly express and share feelings of joy and enjoyment.

In retrospect, I think that my longing for America may have been the ability to express emotions as they are, for better or for worse.

The Japanese at that time, or rather, I was shy and Uchibenkei, and I thought it was normal for me not to express much emotion in public.

There is no such thing as a standing ovation storm in Japan that releases the heart by singing songs like this, giving the listener a feeling of exhilaration.


And about 10 years ago, when the time was right, I was in the middle of raising my child. I watched a special program on TV about a woman who joined the gospel team and sang. Seeing that, my childhood longing for gospel rekindled!

You can do gospel in Japan too! It may be natural to think about it now, but for me, who lived in the country and raised children, I never thought that I could do that, so I thought that the scales would fall from my eyes.


After that, moving to an urban area made it easier for the gospel team to find it. But when it came time to get in, I had the courage to put my son in a gospel team. There is an adult section and a children’s section, and when a concert is held, everyone will appear, so you can see the adults as well. My son seemed to fit in there, but I couldn’t afford it yet, so I forgot to enter at that time.


Over time, I saw a recruitment of my son’s junior high school mom chorus. Since there is no difference in singing songs, I entered with a light feeling to try, but the direction and attitude of the song was a little different between me who wants to sing gospel and the group who sings the chorus. Even so, I had been doing it for almost 5 years. .. .. .. However, I decided to quit because my work was so busy that I couldn’t continue.


I haven’t sung for a while after that, but recently I still want to sing! I came to think so. Perhaps it was because of the influence of Corona that made it difficult for everyone to go to karaoke, or because of various patience.

If possible, I have never sung gospel, but I want to try it, and I want to form a group with people who have the same feelings as me. And there was a place to miraculously perform the song.

I tried to recruit lightly by following the flow, saying that there is no way I can not do this without starting the gospel team.

Immediately after that, there were as many applications as I had expected, and the piano accompaniment was decided smoothly.

However, since I live in different areas all over Japan, I have no choice but to practice remotely.

So, I started practicing using my favorite zoom.

Zoom has the advantage of being easy to meet even for people living in remote areas, but it also has the biggest disadvantage of singing songs.

That is, there is a slight time difference. I can still forgive about 2 people, but when it comes to 10 people or a large number of people, the singing voice is chaos.

It doesn’t come together at all, so it feels bad to hear it anyway!


Although there are such disadvantages, I am currently looking for ways to cover it in a different way.

I will talk about that situation again in my next episode.

Thank you for reading.

(Staff m)













愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL;  052(734)8444

MAIL;   fuukousya@gmail.com

10:00-17:00 OPEN

モンドリアン展に行ってきました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎)

















































Hello, everyone.


The other day, I went to the Toyota Municipal Museum of Art to see the “Mondrian Exhibition”.

I went there on weekdays, but I was surprised that it was unexpectedly crowded. I think there were many young people, probably because it was summer vacation. I think high school students have already finished their summer vacation, but many college students are surely still on summer vacation, right? Considering that the parking lot was also crowded, I think there were many college students. I think.

The Toyota Municipal Museum of Art has many Instagram-worthy buildings and scenery, so I think it is popular with people who are not interested in art. Recently, I often see fashionable people in the city at the Toyota Municipal Museum of Art.

Excuse me for saying this … I feel that the Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art and the Toyota Municipal Museum of Art have different customer bases. After all, I think that the exterior and interior are important.


By the way, do you all know Mondrian?

Personally, I feel a mysterious discomfort with the name “Mondrian”, and I feel that it is different every time even though it matches with Mondrian.

Furthermore, in the exhibition, Mondrian is written as “Piet Mondrian”, which also makes me feel uncomfortable. Piet and Mondrian … Hmm. It’s like that.

No, it’s rude to a person’s name!

By the way, my real name is “Pete Cornelis Mondriane”.

Let’s stop talking about the name before you all collapse in Mondrian to Gestalt!


Even if you don’t know Mondrian, you’ve seen his work! I think there are many people who say that.

His work is famous for so-called abstract painting, and he is also a master of abstract painting.

Mondrian is also said to be the founder of abstract painting.

By the way, an abstract painting means a painting that does not copy a concrete object, and the opposite is a concrete painting.

In this exhibition, you can see the paintings by Mondrian in chronological order.

To be honest, I felt that there were few Mondrian’s works and there were few exhibition halls, but it was an exhibition where I could see works I did not know. The work I didn’t know was his early work. When he started painting, he seemed to be a concrete painting rather than an abstract painting. I thought that I was drawing such a picture at the beginning.

Mondrian’s work has a clear impression with few colors, but I was surprised that the concrete painting had a surprisingly dark and dull atmosphere, and a large brush stroke remained. This is an exhibition where you can see a little how this painting created a work that is said to be the founder of abstract painting.


There were many things that could be photographed at the exhibition, but this time I would like to introduce two.


The first is the “large red color plane, yellow, black and blue composition”.

There are many people who want to see such pictures and things! As soon as you see it, this is Mondrian! It will be.

However, at the exhibition, there are works by people who were active at the same time as Mondrian and were also friends, but the style was very similar and I thought that it was Mondrian’s work, but there was something like that.

By the way, “composition” in the title of this picture, which appears many times, means “composition” and “composition”.

Isn’t this picture just a line drawn and a square painted? Some people may think that.

Of course not. As a result of my thoughts, I arrived at this painting.

If you look closely, the black line does not reach the edge of the screen. This shows the expanse of the painting.

Then, if you reduce the red square in the screen to a quarter, it becomes the black square below. And inside that black square, there are more black squares. (If you look closely at the real thing, the inside of the black square was also divided into four equal parts.)

This work is a work that was conceived by the ratio.


Next is “Line and Color Composition”.

It’s just a black line and a blue rectangular color plane. Even the three primary colors are gone.

Here, in order to give depth to the abstract painting, we are trying to destroy the plane by doubling the lines and changing the thickness, or by making multiple lines. It certainly feels like there is space compared to the previous one.













愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL;  052(734)8444

MAIL;   fuukousya@gmail.com

10:00-17:00 OPEN

にわか鉱物女子になってみました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取致します 古美術風光舎名古屋店)















































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

The other day, I muttered a little about “Taikoishi” in our shop on Instagram, but for later study, when I researched and dug deeper into the world of stones, this is another deep world, and this is just one word. I can’t talk about it, I don’t want to talk about it, and it’s awkward … Isn’t it the world? Therefore, we are muttering shallowly, so if you are interested, please feel free to contact us.


First of all, for those who don’t know about “Taikoishi” in our shop, I would like to give you a brief explanation.

Taihu stone, a strange limestone stone from Taihu (Dongting Lake) in Suzhou, China, often has a strange shape with dents and holes on the surface of the stone due to erosion by lake water and wind and rain.
It is said that the discoverer of Taihu stone was Bai Juyi (Bai Juyi), a poet of the Tang dynasty. It seems that he was very much loved. When you think of a Chinese garden, you think of the rugged stones that you often decorate. That’s a strange stone.


It seems that it was placed for appreciation and meditation in gardens in Suzhou and other parts of China, and the background of the epidemic was not only that the strange shape was pleased, but also the Chinese writers at that time. Did he look at the Taihu stones and reflect the Taoist worldview on the landscape paintings in his study? They thought that the intricately vacant holes in the decorated Taihu stones were the entrance to another world, and that the Taihu stones with many holes were considered to be a collection of microcosms. In other words, was it a tool for meditation to dissociate the spirit from the world?


Although it is far from such a spiritual world, in the recent situation in Japan, a girl who likes stones, a mineral girl, has uploaded her favorite stone collection and coordinated with her room on Instagram etc. The way of interacting with the stones seems to be “friendship”. A little while ago, the fathers of the Showa era might be a symbol of affluence, and minerals were gracefully displayed in the alcove and in the living room. Shrines have existed for a long time, and their relationships with stones and minerals are various.


However, it seems certain that stones and ores were attractive, longing, or worshiped for “I like stones”, although the situation is different depending on the times and countries.


By the way, minerals are also related to Vermeer’s paintings the other day (which may be called again).


Yes, that blue with the nickname “Vermeer Blue”.


It is a famous story that lapis lazuli, a jewel, is used as a raw material, and many of you may know it. The pigment used as Vermeer Blue is called “Ultramarine”, which is made by refining lapis lazuli powder, and is called “Ruriiro” in Japan. It is said that they will be powdered and dissolved in oil.


Lapis lazuli was first used as a pigment around the 6th century and is said to be the first mineral pigment. At the time of the 17th century, the main production area was Afghanistan, so it seems that European painters named it “Ultra Marine” which means “beyond the sea”, but “longing” is already hidden in this name. Hey.


Since the raw material of Ultramarine is gemstone, it is of course very valuable and very expensive, and it is said that it was more than 100 times more expensive than other pigments and more than pure gold. Raphael and Botticelli use this expensive ultramarine only in the garments of the Virgin Mary because it is such a valuable pigment. Perhaps it was a special color to paint the robes of the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ.


Vermeer used such ultramarine luxuriously. Despite being in a relatively wealthy environment, he was in huge debt for that. Among the painters who are often evaluated after his death, Vermeer reached its heyday in the 17th century, so he was blessed with patrons and was able to work on the production carefully. “The Milkmaid” and “Woman with a Pearl Necklace” are works of this period.


Even now, natural ultramarine is precious and seems to attract many painters, but it is a luxurious pigment that can be said to be studded with jewels in paintings. Lapis lazuli as a jewel is also called a cloisonne in Buddhism, and is a jewel that is loved all over the world over time.

Well, there was a story here that minerals are always attracting people.


By the way, I took a picture of the entrance to another world through the hole in our “Taikoishi”.

What kind of world is the other world you can see?















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

フェルメールの名画鑑賞の続編がありまして(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風向舎名古屋店)












今回復活したキューピッドは、1979年に行われたX線分析で初めて発見されていたのですが、研究者たちは、フェルメール自身がキューピッドを塗りつぶし、背景に余白を作り出したのではないかと考えられていたようです。ですが、2017年にドレスデン国立古典絵画館の絵画修復家、Christoph Schölzel氏が総合的に検査したところ、フェルメールの死後、18世紀に何者かによって上塗りされたことが明らかになったようです。






同絵画館のディレクター、Stephan Koja氏は「背景にキューピッドが復活したことで、画家(フェルメール)の本当の意図が明らかになった」と述べ、「表面的な色恋の文脈を超えた、“真の愛”を表現しているのではないか」と考察しているいるのですが、それよりも、気になるのは、修復前と修復後の絵の全体的な印象。




















Hello, this is Staff Y.


You posted about Vermeer’s paintings the other day …

“To enjoy art, you need some knowledge. The more you know about art, the more interesting it becomes. Not only unstable and sloppy things such as sensibility and aesthetic sense, but also intelligence and reason are mobilized. “I have to do it.” “The other day, I picked up the beginner’s edition of how to appreciate masterpieces, and there was amazing news about Vermeer’s paintings.


The restoration of Vermeer’s masterpiece “Girl Reading a Letter at the Window (around 1657)” in the Dresden National Classical Painting Museum in Germany has been underway for about three years. The appearance of Cupid has been revived. (Unfortunately, the actual painting cannot be posted)


The painting was thought to belong to the Dutch painter Rembrandt for many years, and then to Pieter de Hooch in the Netherlands, but was later appraised by a French art critic, Vermeer in 1880. It seems to be a painting that was determined to be a thing, and it seems that it was a mysterious work from before. Of course, you can see it by searching the photo before restoration.


The revived Cupid was first discovered in an X-ray analysis conducted in 1979, but researchers suspect that Vermeer himself filled the Cupid and created a margin in the background. It seems that it was. However, a comprehensive inspection by Christoph Schölzel, a painting restorer at the Dresden National Classical Gemäldegalerie in 2017, revealed that it was overcoated by someone in the 18th century after Vermeer’s death.


Also, in the X-ray photograph, it is pointed out that the curtain in the foreground was also drawn afterwards, and it seems that the table with the glassware was originally drawn on the right side of the screen. It is understood that this is Vermeer’s aim to express the depth of the room by placing a curtain in front, but this composition is the same as the work “Allegory of Painting Art” introduced in the previous blog. The composition is like peeping through a curtain to a beautiful woman doing something by the window.

The effect of placing a curtain in the foreground is often used as a deception technique that blurs the boundary between the painting world and the real world, taking advantage of the custom of attaching a curtain to protect the painting actually decorated from that time. By the way, Vermeer probably added a curtain aiming at such a viewer’s “peep” effect.

“The resurrection of Cupid in the background has revealed the true intentions of the painter (Vermeer),” said Stephan Koja, director of the painting museum. I’m thinking that it may be expressing “true love”, but what is more worrisome is the overall impression of the painting before and after restoration.


If you have time, I would like you to compare them by google, but before and after the restoration, the appearance gives the impression that the dullness is removed and the vivid colors are revived and “rejuvenated”. At the same time, a very large picture of Cupit (the picture in the picture is called “Gachuga”) appears on the wall in the background where there was nothing before, so “Gachuga” appears in the whole picture. The “Omase” tool (it seems to be an attribute)

It is also increasing.


Also, the woman in this painting is reading a letter. Until now, I had no clue other than that the woman was reading the letter, and I had no idea what the contents of the letter were or what kind of woman was drawn. Also, before the restoration, it seemed a little plain, and did you read the letter from her parents? It seems that it is safe to catch it.

However, since I knew from the X-ray photograph that the picture of Cupid was on it, I was wondering if this picture was reading a love letter, and with the impression of the vivid picture after restoration, it was already. Everyone thinks that this woman is reading “Love letter.”


I see a special feature on research and restoration with the help of various modern sciences on TV etc., but the technology is really wonderful, and there are times when unexpected truths are hidden, so it is always exciting. , This Vermeer painting, Cupid, which symbolizes “love”, has a picture in the picture, so the story and impression of the picture is so confusing that it can be decided that the woman in this picture is reading a love letter. It has been changed.

Also, who was the reason for painting Cupid in this picture-in-picture in the 18th century? The next mystery just deepens. Coupled with such a mystery solving, I was impressed by this recent topic that painting is really mysterious and profound.


his work, which has regained its perfect appearance, is scheduled to be open to the public at the same building in September this year. Also, when I come to the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum in Ueno in January next year, I heard that. I definitely want to go see it.















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

巻き込み事故にあいまして…(愛知県名古屋市千種区 覚王山 買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)




















































Hello everyone. It is staff m.


When I went to work today, I had a minor accident.

Speaking of an accident involving you, did you get involved in a car accident? Is there anyone who is worried?

No, it’s not.


I commute by bicycle to Fukosha, but today I came in a long skirt.

When I left home, I was worried about skirts, but when I came near the store and waited for a traffic light,

Perhaps I was relaxed, and I started to move forward without worrying about anything. Then something gets entangled and the bicycle moves

I can’t. When I look back in a hurry, the hem of the skirt gets stuck in the chain of the rear wheel, and I’m sorry.

It doesn’t work at all.

“Wow, I’ve done it!”, But I managed to keep the skirt off the chain.

Was forcibly pulled.

But it can’t be removed so easily …


A man who seems to be running appeared there and came to help.

That person is willing to turn his hands black and works hard on the skirt wrapped around the chain.

You tried to remove it.

“Maybe it’s okay if it breaks?” He said, “Yes, scar from the chain.

It’s okay as long as it comes off. I’m sorry. I can’t move because my skirt is caught

Just apologize.

“You don’t have to be afraid of that,” he said comforting me.

Loosen the cloth a little and pull the cloth at that timing repeatedly. Do it for about 10 minutes

Repeatedly, the skirt finally came off the chain!

The man’s hand, which had been pulling hard all the time, was trembling when it was over.


When I asked the gentle man for his name and address, he said, “No, no, it’s okay. It helped me a little.

It was good. Words of gratitude are enough

that’s why. I ran away again.

I could only say “Thank you.”


If you ask people to help you in this way regardless of the rewards, you can’t live alone.

I think again.

And I honestly want to send the benefits I received in this way to someone else.

There has been a long-standing saying that “compassion is not for people,” but what this gentle man did is

I think this is exactly what it is.

This time, when I was in great trouble, a helping hand appeared, and I was filled with gratitude from the bottom of my heart.

That’s why I wish I could be someone like that.


Thank you for reading.

(Staff m)














愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


季節の変わり目を発見することが好きです。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


In Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, where the antique art Fukosha Nagoya store is located, the forecast for rain from the other day was off, and a clear blue sky came out from the morning.

When the low pressure system left and I looked up at the sky saying, “No, it’s fine weather,” there is a word, “Autumn high in the sky,” which looks like clouds are rising above the sky, unlike last month’s sky. It looks like the sky is higher than in summer. The cicadas are still ringing and the seasons are still in a mixed transition period, but the change of seasons can be seen in trivial places.


As I spelled in my post the other day, I somehow like the changing seasons, and I’m looking for it with all my five senses, but is it unconscious? Trying to sense it like a wild animal? No, I will detect it.

When I found a turning point early, I secretly made a fist and got a little self-satisfaction. Today, I looked up at the sky that had risen in my heart and secretly satisfied that I found it. I was there.


Putting that story aside,

Although it is related to the long rains of autumn the other day, mobile high and low pressures alternate over Japan in autumn. Therefore, the weather is volatile, and if the rain is long, it will be autumn rain.


In the case of clear autumn, a mobile high pressure is born and the hometown comes over Japan by the westerlies from mainland China. This continent-born mobile high pressure contains less water vapor than the Pacific High, which comes over Japan in the summer, which means it is dry. It’s sunny in autumn and it’s crisp.


In addition, the atmosphere contains a lot of water vapor, and the summer sky looks whitish due to the scattering of sunlight, but when it is covered with the dry mobile high pressure in autumn, the blue color of the sky looks clearly dark. It seems that the sky feels high. Clouds and the like look high, and the sky is not really high, it just feels high.



In summer, due to the strong sunlight, the convective activity of the atmosphere mixes up and down, making it more active. Then, clouds like cumulonimbus clouds are likely to occur. Therefore, in the summer when the moist Pacific High covers the sky over Japan, cloudy clouds are likely to occur even in the lower part of the sky, but in the fall, when the sunlight becomes a little weaker, this atmospheric convection As the activity calms down, the muffled clouds will decrease. It seems that you will be able to see the clouds in the high places of the sky.







The sky from Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine and Suemori Castle Remains, located just behind the antique art Fukosha Nagoya store.










So why did you realize that the sky is high today? For those who like old castles, we will drop the image. I noticed here.



As I mentioned in the previous blog of Suemori Castle, Shiroyama Hachimangu is now relocated, and if you visit, you can experience the ruins of the castle without exception. One of them is the remains of Kubori in the photo. According to Staff Y’s research, Suemori Castle is located on a small mountain when you take a walk, but the remains of Sorabori remain in other places as if surrounding the castle.


Suemori Castle started here in 1547 when Oda Nobunaga’s father, Oda Nobuhide Oda, built it as the main castle in this area located at the southern end of the Higashiyama hill and moved from Koto Castle. It is also reported that Nobuhide, Dota Gozen, Nobuyuki (Nobunaga), Nobunaga, Hidetaka, Oichi, dogs, etc. spent time together. It is the main castle of the Oda clan.


Suemori Castle, also known as the “miracle ruins left in a city of 2 million people,” is Hirayama Castle, which is 43 meters above sea level, 200 meters east-west, and 160 meters north-south. As you can see from the view, the view is very good. It seems that it made a complicated remains around the double moat centering on Honmaru and Ninomaru, and it is known as the castle ruins where the state of the Warring States period remains most well in Nagoya city, and it still conveys the appearance close to the original shape. .. According to “Suemori Village Kojo Ezu” (Hoza Bunko), the south side square in front of the current Shinto gate is the Honmaru ruins, and the vicinity of Showa Jukudo is the Ninomaru Kuruwa ruins. In addition, there was a half-moon-shaped round horse-shaped horse called “Mikazukibori” at the Koguchi in the north of Uchibori, which goes around the main enclosure, which was very rare, but it seems that it does not exist now. In addition, it is said that it was in the form of a “total stance” that surrounded the castle (Suemori Village) at the southeastern foot of the castle ruins and went around the moat, but the remains that can be seen now seem to be around 1584, and at that time Owari was dominated. It seems that it was thought that Nobukatsu Oda, who had been doing this, prepared for the battle between Komaki and Nagakute.


As anyone who actually came will know, the ruins of the castle during the Warring States period suddenly remain in the city, so it really feels like a time trip from the city.




And here is a picture of the sky with the guardian dog of Shiroyama Hachimangu.






Well, the story has become confusing, but if you sharpen your five senses and look for something different at the turn of the season, the usual scenery will look different. Even so, the sky is beautiful.















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN



