お知らせ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 132




東郷青児作品をひとり贅沢に鑑賞しております。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)









「東郷青児」 油絵 『桃色のジュミーズ』 (33.0㎝✕24.0cm)

















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

Recently, there have been many reports of visitors to art exhibitions among the staff, but have you revived the opportunity to come into contact with art and culture? No matter where I go to the museum this weekend, I’m tired of checking and I’m restless.


By the way, the story changes, but from the other day, “Seiji Togo” works are displayed in our store gallery.

Therefore, I am lavishly appreciating Togo’s works alone at the store gallery, and I am working in a luxurious space.

First of all, let’s watch it together.


“Seiji Togo” oil painting “Peach-colored Jummies” (33.0 cm ✕ 24.0 cm)

It seems to be an early work of Seiji Togo.

It’s a small work, but it’s a work in which a pale white woman wears a pale pink chemise in a frame that is pale white but has a strong presence, and the softness and tenderness of a woman like Seiji Togo is tightly packed. Hey.

For me, who spent my childhood in the heyday of Togo’s work, I feel nostalgic, but it firmly burned into my mind, and the image of an adult woman I thought was cool at that time and the woman of Togo’s work are somehow linked. ..


Oh yeah, there was such a gorgeous actress with a loose perm at that time. Wearing a dress with a psychedelic pattern of synthetic fiber tele-tele, which was popular at the time, wearing a bullish make-up with false eyelashes, it seems that she was walking dashingly to see the softness and strength of women of the new era. I remember the adult woman at that time that it was such an era. I think it’s very emo for the Showa generation.


By the way, I was interested in the overall impression of this work and the frame that does not destroy the image of this work. Did this work dare to match the frame with the color of the work? In the latter half of the year, Togo also worked on prints and sculptures, and there were many designs for miscellaneous goods and book bindings, and from that time on, the picture frame must have been an important part of the work. I tried shooting from the side a little, but the depth of looking into the work makes it even more attractive. However, the pale white with a sense of unity that does not ruin the work warms the space.


How was it? The appreciation of the beginner antique art staff was laughing. We would like to hear from knowledgeable people and painting lovers, so please feel free to visit the antique art Fukosha Nagoya store.















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

秋の彩のブログリレー(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取致します 古美術風光舎)























Hello everyone. This is Staff Y.


Autumn Aya’s blog continues, but today I took over the blog relay from staff M.

However, the other day, I was wondering how to admire the autumn leaves with a sunshade because of the warmth that is not like autumn. As I’ve spelled out before, I usually love to find the material of the changing seasons, but the strange change of seasons these days makes it quite difficult to find them. increase. Certainly, in the past, such flowers bloomed around this time, and I was wearing such clothes and having such an event … Imagine pulling out old memories and imagining the divergence from the strange seasonal changes these days. It depends on how you fill it up.

By the way, today’s autumn Aya blog relay is not a spot like this lol.


This is a shot on my commute. This is the road right next to the “Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Garden” where the handsome gorilla, Shabani, which everyone in the country probably knows, is located, and if you are in the neighborhood, you will know it immediately. Oh

Let’s call it the forest of the Higashiyama area or the mountain. This area is adjacent to the flora and fauna garden, tennis courts, and the National Nagoya University, and is an area full of nature, culture, and academia. One of the nice things about a local city is that such an area of ​​relaxation for citizens can be reached within a 30-minute drive from the office buildings such as Meieki and Sakae.

It is such Higashiyama, but an old kiln was discovered in 972 (Showa 47). An excavated “climbing kiln” in the early Kamakura period. The old kiln is still on display in the Higashiyama Botanical Garden, and the “takiguchi” for putting in and taking out fuel and products, the “combustion chamber” for burning fuel, etc. will “climb” using the slope of the hill. You can see that it is made in. In the Higashiyama district of Chikusa Ward, nearly 100 old kilns from the latter half of the Kofun period to the Kamakura period, which is the earliest in the prefecture, have been excavated. It seems that it was a zone that combined the two conditions of high quality pottery clay and fueling, but it seems that this old kiln and Tokoname ware and Seto ware, which are local industries in Aichi, are also deeply related to Higashiyama old kiln. .. It is thought that the pottery technology that prospered in the Higashiyama area was passed on to the Sanageyama area of ​​Mikawa during the Heian period, and spread to the Chita Peninsula (Tokoname ware) and Seto (Seto ware) via that area. It seems that this is because I have to study this again. If you are interested, please drop in when you come to see Shabani.


I check the autumn leaves every time I commute while looking sideways at Higashiyama, but today I finally decided that I couldn’t post it on my blog, so I finally posted it. I wonder if this roadside tree is Acer buergerian, and the red color of Acer buergerian is not betrayed every year. Moreover, it turns red all at once, and many people may feel the autumn leaves in this red when living in the city.

It’s a road with no features, but while checking the small changes in Acer buergerian every day, I’m thinking about today’s work in the morning, and on the way back, I’m thinking about dinner and my house. We are passing by while hunting for autumn leaves alone and performing live alone. The autumn leaves spot, which is my favorite spot, is finally coming to autumn.

Aside from the story of my small Aya spot, what is your favorite Aya spot? I’d like to ask you right away, but let’s keep it a secret and save it for your own secret enjoyment.

See you again.














愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

色付く前の小國神社に行ってきました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術風光舎 名古屋店 骨董買取致します)











































Hello everyone. It is staff m.


Recently, the trees of the roadside trees have been colored and I feel autumn every day.

Oh yeah, there is a Fukagawa celadon vessel that feels autumn in Fukosha.

When you open this lapis lazuli vessel as if you tied a ribbon …


There were autumn leaves there.

The outside of the bowl is also nice, but when you open it, the inside is also studded with autumn, which makes you mesmerized.


By the way, the other day in the clear autumn weather, I went to “Okuni Shrine” in Mori Town, Shizuoka Prefecture.

Okuni Shrine is located in the Enshu region in western Shizuoka prefecture, and it takes about 10 minutes to get off at Enshu Morimachi PA on the Shin Tomei Expressway.

Okuni Jinja is the first shrine in the Enshu region. It is also said that Kotonomachi Shrine (Kotomachi = waiting for a wish) and Kotonomamahashi Shrine (as it is = as it is a wish), and it is said that it is a new shrine for spiritual testing.

The deity is Okuninushi no Mikoto, but Okuninushi no Mikoto.

Generally, it is called Daikoku-sama, and is revered as the guardian deity of Taihei Tenka and the nation-building, and is also revered as the god of good luck and marriage.

Once you enter the approach, you will see Kamidai cedar trees over 800 years old.

Perhaps that’s why it’s a shrine with a warm and welcoming atmosphere while feeling the sacred atmosphere.


What stands out is the place where the root of the fallen sacred tree is enshrined.

Surrounded by 2 meters square, it is fully decorated, so it can be inferred that it was finally thick when standing.

When I looked around, I couldn’t find such a thick tree, so I was convinced that it was the tree where God dwells.


There were a lot of cute children of Shichigosan on the approach and the hall of worship.

Everyone had a radiant look with the priest praying.

It was a nice day, so I think it was a perfect day to visit.

It was great to be able to visit me on such a good day.



There was a stream next to the hall of worship, and there were also autumn leaves.

It looks like it’s just starting to color, and I’m looking forward to changing the color every day.

If I could shoot in time lapse, I would like to take a picture of this changing nature every day. (smile)


By the way, the best time to see is from the middle of November to the beginning of December.

This time, it seems that the scenery of red, yellow, orange, and green was still early, but if there is another opportunity,

I thought that I would like to visit during the season when the mountains are colored.

And every year, in November, an antique market is held at Okuni Shrine.

I hope that such daily life will return soon.



************* ********












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

選挙の日ですね…(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術風光舎 名古屋店 高価買取いたします)


Happy  Halloween!














































Happy Halloween!

Hello everyone. Today October 31st is Halloween.

The shop next door, “London Cupcakes,” has been constantly receiving customers since the morning.

With small children …, alone …, with friends …, mother and daughter …,

Everyone, I will enter the store with an exciting look, and on the way back, I will take care of the pink box and go home.

The walking appearance of a small child in a disguise makes my face flutter.


As many of you may know, “London Cupcakes” is famous for its beautifully decorated cupcakes.

When it’s Halloween time, familiar Halloween items such as “Jack-o’-lantern”, “ghost”, and “spider” are decorated into cupcakes, and cute and delicious cupcakes are lined up in the shop.

I and the Fukosha staff sometimes go out to buy snacks and souvenirs.

If you have a Halloween party today, please enjoy it! !! !!



By the way, today, October 31st, is also the election day for the House of Representatives election in Japan.

Some people go to vote in the morning, some go slowly in the afternoon, and some go after work.

I plan to go after closing the shop.


A friend of mine who went to the election in the morning said, “I feel like I’ve finished a job.”

The future of Japan will change depending on the candidates you choose.

I think it is important to choose this one seriously with the same amount of heat as the person who is chosen.

The other day, when I was watching a TV news program with my family, I was asking young people if they would go to elections.


Reporter “Can you go to the election?”

Young man “I don’t think I’ll go because there is no one who wants to choose.”


I was having a conversation. Certainly, that is one of the rights.

Then, the eldest son who recently got the right to vote said, “If there is no one who wants to choose, you should put out a blank ballot and express your feelings rather than choosing not to go.”

A blank vote is certainly a spoiled vote.

However, it is said that the turnout of young people is low, but it means that it is a manifestation that you are not going to the election because it is troublesome.

That said, I’m sure some people will be happy with the invalid vote.

I think it is necessary to select a candidate who is as close to your ideal idea as possible, to be interested in what that person is doing, and to keep watching.




Again, a friend of mine wants to challenge a city council member.

He is a mother of two and is an ordinary woman.

She lives in a depopulated area and seems to have decided to challenge the election this time because she seriously wanted to manage the future of that area.

However, there is no connection such as the ground to inherit or acquaintances, and it costs so much for election funds! I jumped in without knowing anything.

At first, she seemed to be confused, but she said that her grassroots activities made it a lot of fun to let people around her hear about her ideal future.

The election method is not the same as the conventional public relations activities using the sound truck, but it is said that there is a method such as using SNS to make it easier for the younger generation to reach their opinions. I did.


Nowadays, the times are very fast, and I feel that the old way of doing things is increasing.

However, it may be difficult, but I wish we could become a world that is kind to everyone, leaving good things in the old and passing on wonderful things to various generations even in new ways.




I want to be in such a world, so I will go to the election on my way home from work.

(Staff m)


************* ********












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

フランソワ・ポンポン展に行ってきました。(名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎 名古屋店)












































Hello, everyone.


The other day, I went to the Nagoya City Museum of Art.

For the first time! ?? I feel like I visited for the first time in a long time. (Maybe I just don’t have memory …)

The Nagoya City Museum of Art is a short walk from the station, so I don’t go to any exhibitions other than the ones I really care about.

That means … I’m really curious about the exhibition I went to see this time.


Currently, the “François Pompon Exhibition” is being held at the Nagoya City Museum of Art.

Do you know “François Pompon”?

Or do you have a polar bear sculpture that comes to your mind?

François Pompon … It has a fluffy atmosphere, and it seems that even delicious sweets are on sale … Excuse me … Francois Pompon is the name.

One of the most famous works by Francois Pompon is “Polar Bear”.

Polar bears are white bears as you can imagine. The official name is polar bear.

François Pompon made many animal sculptures and became a well-known sculptor of animal sculptures.


François Pompon’s animal sculptures are simplified and have unique lines. Perhaps Constantin Brancusi is a similar writer of his time … his work is also simplified and has an original look. It’s more abstract than François Pompon, so I feel more familiar with the François Pompon sculpture.


In the days when François Pompon was alive, sculptures of people, not animals, were the mainstream, and early François Pompon also made sculptures of people. From there, he began to make animal sculptures, and as François Pompon’s animal sculptures became famous, the sculptors around him began to use animals as motifs.


The photo above is Francois Pompon’s “Polar Bear”.

It was the age that surprised me when I saw polar bears.

It looks like it can be used in modern times, and if you look at it without knowing anything, is it made in modern times? I will think.

However, this polar bear is a work made in 1933.

Speaking of 1933 … Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany, the year after the Manchurian Incident, and the year when His Majesty the Emperor was born.

I felt that the year when this work, which seems to make me happy just by looking at it, was completed was a very difficult time.


By the way … Speaking of sculptors, “August Rodon”.

A sculptor representing the 19th century, he is said to be the “father of modern sculpture.”

François Pompon seems to have worked as an assistant to Rodon.


As is often the case when you look at sculptures, the better the work, the more you want to touch it.

I want to touch! Don’t touch it! I want to touch! Don’t touch it! I was watching the exhibition while struggling with my heart.

In this exhibition, 90% of the exhibition was animal sculpture, and there was an explanation not only about the work but also about the characteristics of the animal that became the motif. That was also interesting.

And when I look at Francois Pompon’s work, I want it! Cuteness that makes you think … It has charm.

Works that are still required even when the times change … It’s good.


The “François Pompon Exhibition” is being held until November 14th.

The rest is short, but if you are interested, please go.














愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

ビールのブレンドが気になります。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)
















分かりやすいところでまずは色。ビールの色の濃淡は、光がどのくらい透過するかの数値によって科学的に細かく分類されています。代表的な色には、淡い順にPale Straw(淡い麦わら色)、Straw(麦わら色)、Pale Gold(淡い金色)、Deep Gold(濃い金色)、Black(黒色)などがあります。ビールをグラスに注いで光に透かして見てみると、グラスの中で渦巻く琥珀色の渦が早く飲んでくれと誘惑してきますが、ひとまずはソムリエ風に、薄い麦茶みたい?琥珀色?満月のような金色?などと、自分なりの言葉で表現して味わう前の儀式をいたします。
















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

I think that some people are enjoying sake at the store with a feeling of openness these days. It was good to have it at home, but staff Y reconfirmed the other day that it is a bit unmatched by the sake served by familiar members at the store, even though he is careful.

Sure enough, it’s from the usual “beer for the time being”, but recently I’ve been worried about craft beer. When I visited Nagano the other day, I had a beer from a young beer studio that was 3 years old. It was a refreshing beer with little bitterness, and it was also great to get on the spot and have a craft beer.

The reason for such “I was addicted to craft beer” was at home time these days, but I was distracted by ordering select sets of craft beer from various places, and this became a bit of a habit. It was.

In the first place, there are various theories about the definition of craft beer, but craft is a word that means “technology,” “craft,” “craftsmanship,” etc. in English. Craft beer refers to the diverse and unique beer produced by small breweries, and it seems to be characterized by its unprecedented variety and unique taste and brand. The workshop I was doing on TV the other day was also a really small brewing kiln, so it seems that there are products with a limited quantity of craft beer instead of going in and out at any time like the products of major beer companies.

In addition, each craft beer has its own unique aroma. I also compared the beer I ordered the other day by smelling the aroma of the beer poured into the glass. Is this the same genre of sake? There was a lot of individuality that made me think. It seems that the aroma spreads well after turning the glass lightly like wine.
The temperature of so-called “kinkin-chilled beer” is about 5 ° C, but it seems that each style has a suitable temperature. In order to enjoy the aroma and richness most, it is recommended that the temperature is a little warmer than Kinkin, but since I am a Kinkin sect, the rules for beer appreciation are likely to be secondary. However, since it is a craft beer, I also appreciate it a little.

First of all, the color is easy to understand. The shades of beer color are scientifically subdivided according to the numerical value of how much light is transmitted. Typical colors include Pale Straw (pale straw), Straw (straw), Pale Gold (pale gold), Deep Gold (dark gold), and Black (black) in order of lightness. When you pour beer into a glass and look through the light, the amber whirlpool that swirls in the glass tempts you to drink it quickly, but for the time being, it looks like a sommelier, like light barley tea? Amber? Golden like a full moon? We will perform a ritual before we express it in our own words and taste it.

Also, each person has their own way of feeling and expressing the scent, and green apples, bananas, grapefruits, green grass, peaches … Beer is fruity. I’m not sure, but I hope I can enjoy it, so I express it in my own words and pretend to be tasting.

Then, from the first moment you put it in your mouth, you start drinking (top), middle (medium), aftertaste and finish (finish), and various tastes such as bitterness, sweetness, and acidity change while drawing a gradation. It should be felt slowly, but it was a momentary event for me, and I was doing my best to confirm the difference between each beer, and I still haven’t talked about the characteristics of each.

I was a beginner and was interested in such craft beer, but the other day I decided to get to know advanced tech again.

The other day, I was watching a TV program where I enjoyed cooking and drinking, and the sommelier blended craft beer and offered it to customers. Customers were praised for the blended beer and the harmony with the food, and were gradually approaching TV.

In the first place, blending that unique craft beer is a high-level way of enjoying it. It depends on the experience and sense of the sommelier, who makes the best use of the goodness of the individual beer and sets the selection with the marriage with the food in mind, so it is probably the best part of the sommelier’s skill.


That’s why, from the other day, I can’t help but be worried about the world where the two flavors are mixed, so tonight I decided to become a home sommelier and definitely try blending beer.

Aside from the blending condition, we will report on the condition at a later date.
See you again.














愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

水の資料館へはまだ行っていませんでした。(愛知県千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


みなさまこんにちは スタッフYです。






東山給水塔 外観













Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Here, the story of the neighborhood of Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, where the antique art Fukosha Nagoya store is located, was occasionally posted on the blog, so I hope you could understand a little about what kind of district it is. I’m thinking, but I noticed that there was something I forgot to introduce at a nearby spot the other day. Although it was really close, it was a spot I had never been to even though it was close.


It is “Mizuno Museum”. A 5-minute walk from our store, this museum was established to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the water and sewage business in Nagoya. More than 800 historical materials and articles of the water and sewage business in Nagoya City are exhibited. The outdoor exhibition “Manhole lids” is irresistible for manhole lovers, as the museum staff guides the museum and holds seasonal events.



Also, if you drive near it, you will definitely see it, but this tower with a pointed roof. The Higashiyama Water Tower was constructed in March 1975 and was used as a water distribution tower to supply water to the hills in the Kakuoyama area of ​​Chikusa Ward for about 43 years until 1973. Since 1979, it has been reused as an emergency water supply facility for disaster countermeasures, but when I first saw it, I had the impression that it would appear in a Ghibli or Disney movie. Very playful for a public infrastructure facility. I wonder if there was any reason why the roof was slightly rounded. There are quite a few points in the design buildings at that time, such as “Hate?”, But it does not make you feel unpleasant, but rather it is like the warm and hard feelings of the designers and builders. Is very transmitted.


By the way, regarding the water situation in Aichi Prefecture, the tap water in Aichi Prefecture, which is blessed with abundant and good quality rivers and whose main water source is that water, is thankfully delicious nationwide. Is also famous. However, it seems that such water has not spread all over Aichi prefecture for a long time. That leads to “Aichi Irrigation Water,” which is similar to history textbooks.

There are no large rivers in the direction of the Chita Peninsula, where the current Centrair Airport is located, and water shortages used to be a serious condition. In the wake of the drought of 1947, which was such a situation, Aichi irrigation water, which was said to be a major project of the century, was carried out. The distance is 112km, and this construction is completed in just four years by dispatched American engineers and Japanese engineers, so I am surprised. And, the water for Aichi is still being delivered to Aichi prefecture. Thank you.


It seems that you can study the history of hydraulic engineering at the Mizuno Museum, so I will visit it soon.

See you again.















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

徒然なるままに…?!(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術風光舎 名古屋店 骨董買取いたします)












































Hello everyone.

It was raining all day in Nagoya yesterday. Even at night, the sound of rain did not stop, and I slept listening to the sound before I knew it.

And when I wake up this morning, it’s a clear blue sky!

The day after the rain, it feels like the whole city has been washed away and it’s very refreshing.

My car, which I’ve always been interested in, feels like some dust has flowed. (smile)


Meanwhile, I went to my usual routine, Posting, today.

Many people went out for a walk or shopping, so it was a posting while chatting with various people.


By the way, if you hand out leaflets in the morning, you will often batting with a garbage truck.

I often want to interview the driver of a garbage truck, “How can I make a posting without forgetting any house?”

Some people are wondering, “What? Why?”

The reason is that the method of collecting garbage in Nagoya is unique, and there is garbage in front of each house, and the collection truck collects all of them.

Are you surprised? !!

I think it’s even a craftsmanship that can’t be done without covering all the paths.


Before I moved to my parents’ house or Nagoya, I used to go to the designated garbage dump to get rid of garbage.

Most of them are like that, right?

So, before, after eating watermelon in the summer, it was heavy and the garbage dump was a little far away, so I sometimes wanted to cry because my fingers were about to tear.

Also, when my child was a baby, I felt the pressure to go to take out the trash at the right time to sleep …


In that sense, one of the things I really appreciate when I moved to Nagoya was how to collect garbage.

Each house has to prepare its own net, net case, pail box, etc., but this is by far the easiest way to get rid of garbage.


I moved from the story of posting to the garbage collection method in Nagoya, but I went back to the original and enjoyed posting today.

Then, when I handed over the leaflets, everyone said, “Because I got a job, there are almost no things.” Or “During this time, I got rid of all the various things and it was refreshing.”

It’s really great, isn’t it? Being able to spend time in a beautiful space.

I really want a clean life, and while I want to be that way, when I take it easy, I find myself in a house full of things.

It takes daily efforts to create a clean space.

Staff m, I will continue to do my best in the future. (smile)

Thank you for reading the rambling text today.



It’s the season when guardian dogs face each other. What a mess!

In this store where the west sun shines, in order to protect the guardian dogs from deterioration, they cannot be placed facing each other in the strong sunlight.

As the sun gradually loosens, they will line up in this way.

After all, Komainu-san must say “Ah” and “N”.














愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

柄香炉が使われる場面に遭遇しました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取致します 古美術風光舎名古屋店)



















そんな柄香炉ですが、実際に見に行くことはできませんでしたが今年の夏に東京国立博物館にて特別展「聖徳太子と法隆寺展」が開かれておりました時に、国宝の「鵲尾形柄香炉」飛鳥時代(東京国立博物館所蔵 法隆寺献納宝物)が展示されていたようです。柄の末端が三つに分かれて鵲(かささぎ)の尾に似ているため、この名称がついたようで、こちらの柄香炉はデザインがいたってシンプル。実際に鑑賞してみたかったですね。











Hello, this is Staff Y When I come into contact with antique art every day, I inevitably have many opportunities to study history and learn about the culture, lifestyle, and trends of the time. , How did you use this? ” I haven’t gotten to talk about antique art yet, lol.

That being said, I had the opportunity to go to Hase-ji Temple in Nara, perhaps because I was walking around a certain temple the other day, or maybe I was climbing a mountain. As for Hase-dera, it is a famous temple, so I think some of you may know it, so I decided to touch it on another day, and when I visited that day, the memorial service of the Danya-san was held. ..

I wonder if the memorial service is over, the priest stood up. Do you have a patterned incense burner in your raised hand? For the first time, I encountered the appearance of actually using the incense burner. At my parents’ house, the memorial service often welcomes a temple to my house, so I was very lucky to have never encountered such a scene.

A Buddhist priest who carefully holds a patterned incense burner in a dimly lit temple and enters the interior with a faint incense smoke. A series of flowing actions was very beautiful and often admired. In front of the large eleven-faced Kannon statue, it was like a picture of a beautiful scene that unfolds quietly.

Although I couldn’t actually go to see such a pattern incense furnace, when the special exhibition “Saintokutaiko and Horyuji Exhibition” was held at the Tokyo National Museum this summer, the national treasure “Uogata pattern” It seems that the “Incense Furnace” Asuka period (a treasure dedicated to Horyuji Temple in the collection of the Tokyo National Museum) was on display. It seems that this name was given because the end of the handle is divided into three parts and resembles the tail of a magpie, and this pattern incense burner has a very simple design. I really wanted to see it.

In the first place, the patterned incense burner is also called a hand furnace, and it is a Buddhist tool that is held in the hand and offers Kaoru incense to the Buddha, but its beginning is ancient India, the birthplace of Buddhism. It begins with the custom of laying flowers, burning incense, and offering fire to gods and people who should be respected. As a result of this being incorporated into Buddhism, the three flowers, incense, and fire have come to be considered as the three most basic offerings (offerings) dedicated to Buddhist statues. For this reason, incense burners, which are tools for burning incense, have been used in Buddhism from early on, and incense burners with a handle, “handle”, are attached to the incense burner.

The pattern incense burner is so important that it is one of the tools that Buddhist monks should have, and it has a long history among the tools related to Buddhism. It is said that Buddhism that originated in India was introduced to Japan via China and the Korean Peninsula in the middle of the 6th century, and as I mentioned earlier, the oldest existing work in Japan is now at the Tokyo National Museum. It is a pattern incense furnace in the 7th century of the Asuka period, which is one of the treasures dedicated to Horyuji Temple, and it is presumed that it was brought to Japan with the introduction of Buddhism in a short time.

There are various designs for the patterned incense burner, but the general feature is that copper is cast to make parts, and they are joined and finished. The part of the container with the mouth open like a morning glory is the furnace for incense, and underneath it is a flower-shaped seat that supports the furnace. A long handle is attached to the furnace, and two round copper plates are attached to the part where the handle touches the edge of the furnace. The tip of the handle is bent 90 degrees, and a lion-shaped “chin”, that is, a “heavy” is placed. Although it is said to be heavy, it has a strong meaning of decoration. The lion has a powerful appearance with its front legs fluffy and its tail raised high.

Actually, our shop also has a patterned incense burner, and I was appreciating it based on this feature, but our patterned incense burner has a delicate lotus flower-like carving and a gentle design. is not it.

When I opened the lid of the furnace, there was a slight amount of ash left inside.
It reminds me of a line of incense smoke that would have drifted in the past.
I really wonder where it was used.

See you again.














愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

寒さと眠気は同時にやって来る…?(名古屋市千種区姫池通 買取いたします 古美術風光舎 名古屋店)













































Hello, everyone.


It’s suddenly become cold these days …

It’s so cold that you might feel winter if you think it’s autumn.

I feel that the clothes of people walking outside have changed suddenly. I have seen some people wearing mufflers.

It’s so cold that I’d like to wear it honestly, but if I wear it now, I feel like I can’t stand it when winter comes, and even if I feel it’s cold every year, the first person will endure it.


It’s cold, of course, but lately I’ve been feeling a little sleepy …

Even if I go to bed before 12 o’clock, I’ll be sleepy the next day, and I’ll be drowsy during class.

Because I’m at the turn of the season without permission? I was thinking. Animals such as dogs lose more hair than usual at the turn of the season. Isn’t I sleepier than usual? I thought …


Looking into it, it seems that many people actually change their physical condition at the turn of the season.

When the seasons change from summer to autumn, it seems that the body cannot keep up with changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure. It seems that the temperature difference between daytime and nighttime will widen, the temperature regulation in the body will be disrupted, the balance of the autonomic nerves will be disrupted, and fatigue will accumulate. It is said to be fatigue due to temperature difference.

This fatigue seems to make fatigue and drowsiness stronger than usual.


Sun bathing and warming up are effective ways to prevent this fall.


As the hours of sunshine decrease, the substances in the brain, serotonin and melatonin, decrease.

When serotonin decreases, brain activity decreases and drowsiness tends to occur, and melatonin seems to be closely related to sleep, so if these two decrease, the body clock will go crazy and you will become sleepy.

Therefore, it is recommended to take sunlight in the daytime.

Prevention of temperature difference fatigue is to keep the body cool.

Therefore, if you warm it up, it will be preventive.

It might be a good idea to be alert when it’s hot today, go out in light clothes, and bring something to wear so that it doesn’t get cold at night.


And I don’t want to get drowsy during class, so I tried to find out how to wake up during class.

(It’s difficult to get up desperately because I’m a little drowsy after the class starts. Often, I suddenly wake up about 15 minutes before the end of the class. It’s too late … I am thinking…)


The first is to apply menthol.

A common practice is to apply Mentholatum medicated lips under the eyes. Actually, I have tried it too. I felt a stimulus and could wake up a little, but this was not enough …

By the way, this lipstick is soothing, so please be careful as it may get in your eyes even a little and it may get rough if you have sensitive skin.

Eye drops containing menthol are also good for waking up.

Ordinary eye drops alone are effective, but I feel that soothing eye drops with menthol are even more effective.


The second is to drink.

I also do this well. I feel like I can get up a little.

It may be more effective if it contains caffeine.


In addition, there were “pain such as pinching”, “pressing acupoints”, “sniffing aroma”, “moving lightly”, and “deep breathing”.


There are so many ways to wake up, but in the end, the most effective thing is to get a good night’s sleep.














愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN



