お知らせ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 120




2022年は千利休生誕500年にあたるそうです。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)















「2022年春季特別展千利休生誕500年 利休茶の湯の確」」が、開催されておりまして。







そのなかには重要文化財7件(《伝紀貫之筆 寸松庵色紙》・《佐竹本三十六歌仙 紀友則》・《清拙正澄筆 秋来偈頌》・《宗峰妙超筆 白雲偈頌》・《雪村周継筆 風濤図》・《千鳥蒔絵面箱》・《藤原定家・民部卿局両筆 讃岐入道集》)や重要美術品9件が含まれております。












そんな界隈にごさいます野村美術館、今回は展示は利休以前の室町時代の足利将軍家による唐物荘厳から、珠光の頃の茶寄合、そして茶の湯が確立し、武野紹鷗の活躍を経て利休に受け継がれ、大成されるまでをたどる作品を前期と後期に作品をかえて展示されているようでして。名品中の名品「利休休筆 妙一字」「伝珠光筆 山水図」「上杉瓢箪茶入」が是非拝見したく、前期の展示に訪れました。どれもため息の出るものばかりでありました。


ことに、  利休休筆 「妙」一字

















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


It seems that this year marks the 500th anniversary of Sen no Rikyu’s birth, but in a certain appraisal program, a letter from the Azuchi-Momoyama era master tea master, Sen no Rikyu, appeared in a timely manner.

The mysterious “surprise content” that leads to Rikyu’s seppuku is recorded, and as a result of the appraisal, it is appraised as Rikyu’s own, and the appraisal amount is 12 million yen. The studio was filled with surprises, but I’m sure some of you may have seen it.

It was found that the “Sen no Rikyu’s letter” appraised this time contained the content that Rikyu in his later years asked for valuable tea utensils for his acquaintances. It seems that it was a letter that clearly shows the situation where there are people who say “I want it.” If it is genuine, the appraisal amount will lead to the reason for Rikyu’s seppuku that “I was buying and selling tea utensils at an unreasonably high price”. It seems that the client’s desired amount was 1 million yen, but the appraisal amount far exceeded the expectation, and the amount was 12 million yen. I was very surprised.


Aside from the amount of money, this year marks the 500th anniversary of Sen no Rikyu’s birth, so special exhibitions related to Rikyu are being held at various museums.

I haven’t studied much about tea utensils, so I went to the Nomura Museum of Art, which I’ve always wanted to visit to study a little.


The reason is

“2022 Spring Special Exhibition Sen no Rikyu 500th Anniversary of Rikyu Tea Ceremony” is being held.




This museum is based on the collection of Tokushichi Nomura (1878-1945), the founder of Nomura Museum of Art, Nomura Securities, and the former Daiwa Bank, but it includes tea utensils, Noh masks, and Noh costumes. , Approximately 1,900 items including Tokushichi’s last works are in the collection.
Among them are 7 important cultural assets (《Denki Ki no Tsurayuki brush, Sesson-an Shikishi》, 《Satakemoto 36 Kasen Kitonori》, 《Seisetsu Shosumi brush, Akirai 偈堌》, 《Somine Myo super brush Hakuun 偈頌》 ・Includes 9 important works of art such as “Sesson Shukei’s Tempest”, “Chidori Masaki Face Box”, “Fujiwara no Teika and Sir Minbu Bureau’s Sanuki Iridoshu”).


The Nanzenji area, where the Nomura Museum of Art is located, is my favorite spot in Kyoto, and there are quiet villas here and there. While the sound of water flowing from Lake Biwa Canal flows out of nowhere, many political and business people have run villas for a long time, and I still love the quiet appearance. Recently, when I visited Kyoto, I noticed that I always stopped by this area.


Somehow I walked a little by the side of Nanzenji Temple and walked around while getting lost on purpose, but I could find a garden that was open to the public, or I could see a mansion with a large gate closed tightly. It’s a mansion that seems to have nothing to do with ordinary people like me, so this is a stroll while glancing at the garden with a glimpse.

Also, the Philosophy Road and Eikando are nearby, and it is also known as a famous place for cherry blossoms and autumn leaves, so Ginkakuji is a reasonable distance from the Nanzenji area to the Philosophy Road, but when you notice it, you can walk around. It’s a good place for you.



The Nomura Museum of Art, which is located in such a neighborhood, this time the exhibition was inherited by Rikyu through the success of Takeno Shogun, from the majesty of Karamono by the Ashikaga Shogunate in the Muromachi period before Rikyu, to the tea ceremony during the time of Juko, and the establishment of the tea ceremony. It seems that the works that traced to the completion are exhibited by changing the works in the first half and the second half. I visited the exhibition in the previous term because I would like to see the masterpieces “Rikyu Kyokubushi Myoichiji”, “Denju Kobushi Sansuizu”, and “Uesugi Gourd Chairi”. All of them were sighing.


Especially, Rikyu’s writing brush “mysterious”

Rikyu’s letter is not a certain appraisal program the other day, but it exists. However, there is no other example of such a large handwriting. When I actually saw it in front of me, it was a very simple axis.


For example, let’s say that this axis is hung in a tea room like Myokian and I was invited to the tea ceremony. (It’s definitely not possible …)
I’m sure this simple axis tightens the tea room very much, and a figure that stands out for the dignified and unmistakable brush strokes contained in this “mystery” has emerged. What kind of interpretation do customers make in front of the word “mystery”? Take a break while looking at the axis while imagining such “mystery”. For Rikyu, was it a “mysterious” character that assumed such a situation?

This is like Rikyu’s later book, and if this “mystery” is a word and territory that can only be reached at the end of rigorous training, no matter how much it is like me. Even if I had tea, I couldn’t understand it at all. I was reopening as if I was looking at it with the wind I knew.


Well, I was standing quietly in front of the axis, but with such a ridiculous imagination, I’m sure Rikyu would laugh or get angry … and so on, it was very noisy in my brain.



Next time, I would like to tell you about another exhibit that I was interested in, so please keep in touch with me again.


Well then, good luck.











愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

満開の桜を眺めると嬉しくなるDNAは受け継がれているのでしょうか。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)























平安時代の歌人である在原業平(ありわら の なりひら)が詠んだ桜にちなんだ歌を、一緒に復習いたしましょう。






















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

The long-awaited season for cherry blossoms is finally in full bloom.



Nagoya is finally in full bloom. How is the cherry blossoms in your area? I’m looking forward to the changing flowering front.


However, cherry blossoms, cherry blossom viewing, and the weather are also important points. While checking the weather forecast every day, I had to go to shoot today (I was worried about the weather), so I went to the Yamasaki River in Mizuho Ward, Nagoya City, which I told you the other day. rice field.


As I mentioned the other day, a 10-minute drive from the antique art Fukosha, the cherry blossoms on the Yamasaki River are famous nationwide cherry blossom spots that have been selected as one of the “100 Best Cherry Blossom Spots” by the Japan Cherry Blossom Association. Approximately 600 Yoshino cherry trees line the banks of 2.5 kilometers from Ishikawa Bridge to Ochiai Bridge, and there are many old trees with beautiful flowers, especially near the wooden and tasteful Kanae Kohashi. It is left behind and is one of the highlights in combination with the river surface.


Perhaps because the 2.6-kilometer row of cherry blossom trees continues through the quiet residential area of ​​Mizuho Ward, people in this area completely blend into their daily lives and live with love for such cherry blossoms. It’s an enviable area that makes me think it would be nice, and it’s also a row of cherry blossom trees that naturally welcomes and waits for people who visit only during the season like me.


Today we had a cherry blossom viewing for one person.



It’s good to be able to see the cherry blossoms by yourself and think about the cherry blossoms on your own, but in the end, I don’t think about anything every year and just dimly look at the cherry blossoms. However, if I can meet Sakura again in this way, I wonder if it is because of the DNA embedded in me, and only the “happy” switch will always enter this scene without any meaning. Is this just me?


No, I didn’t seem to be the only one. The song has been sung since the Heian period, when you can see that the DNA of cherry blossom lovers all over Japan has been passed down. Is this the work of DNA anymore?


Let’s review together the song associated with the cherry blossoms that Ariwara no Narihira, a poet of the Heian period, wrote.


“If you don’t have cherry blossoms in the world, the heart of spring will be better.”


This song is famous, isn’t it?

The meaning is that if there are no cherry blossoms in the world, you will not be worried about the flowers falling or regret, so you will feel relaxed in spring.


As you know, Ariwara no Narihira is a nobleman and poet in the early Heian period. He is famous as an unrivaled handsome playboy in Japanese history, but he also seems to have had a rare talent for waka poetry. He is the author of Hyakunin Isshu No. 17, and is famous as one of Rokkasen and Thirty-Six Kasen. “Ise Monogatari” is considered to be the model of the main character himself, and this song is also written in Ise Monogatari. Furthermore, it is also included in the Kokin Wakashū.


Since he was such a popular man, there are many songs that are obviously related to love, but this song has a slightly different taste and simply describes cherry blossoms.


However, behind that, while expressing that the spring season is calm, on the contrary, it is also a song that expresses the feelings of spring that make you feel fidgety and the attachment to the cherry blossoms that make you do so, so the point is cherry blossoms. I interpret it as if it was one of my favorite things like a lover.


In addition, the cherry blossoms bloom on a peaceful spring day, but they disperse in a blink of an eye, and the next year they are in full bloom and regenerate. I wonder if such a figure was projected on people’s reincarnation. Did Narihira feel the fragility in his joy as he dreamed of “regeneration” while thinking about dispersal? Did the repeated appearance of life match the feelings of the Japanese people through the cherry blossoms?


Narihira lived in the early Heian period in the 800s of the Christian era. The song itself was written about 1200 years ago, but it seems that the DNA that loves cherry blossoms all over Japan, which has continued from there, is definitely inherited throughout Japan this year as well.


Good luck











愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

名古屋市千種区のお客様より買受させていただきました。誠にありがとうございました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎)





名古屋市千種区のお客様より 絵画、ブロンズ、リトグラフ等 たくさん買受させていただきました。













愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

東別院暮らしの朝市(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎)




















そんな中、ご縁があった名古屋市の真ん中にある大きな東別院で2つ目の朝市を 毎月28日(親鸞聖人の命日)に開催することになり、暮らしを豊かにするアイデアと人とのつながりが楽しめる「東別院てづくり朝市」として、境内に約220店舗が立ち並び、愛知県最大の朝市にまで発展を遂げることになりました。

多くの人で訪れる朝市の想いも大切にしつつ、「もっと身近に、暮らしに寄り添って畑と食卓をつなげたい」と思いから、2020年愛知県津島市で畑や暮らしと直結した「みんパタ 暮らしの朝市」がスタートしました。



















Hello everyone

It is Staff N who jumps when he hears about the morning market, delicious food festival, gastronomy festival, etc.

Yesterday, I went to the morning market of living in Higashi Betsuin.

The cherry tomatoes I ate at the morning market of my life a few years ago are surprisingly sweet and unforgettable, and I am still looking for them.

Be aware that every time you go to the morning market, you buy too much and eat too much.

The cherry blossoms are also in bloom, and I feel that it was crowded with more people than usual.

A lot of pretty dogs were also taking a walk.

In particular, the Shiba Inu sleeping in the stroller was so cute that it was the focus of attention.

The morning market of living started when I decided to sell my own vegetables.
However, if you have a lot of trouble, “I want to put not only vegetables but also handmade items and make it a place where many people from children to the elderly can gather!”
With that in mind, in 2011, “Jimokuji Kannon Tezukuri Morning Market” was born in Ama City, Aichi Prefecture.
It started with a few stores, gradually expanded by word of mouth, and became a lively morning market with a flood of customers and hopes for opening stores.

Meanwhile, the second morning market will be held on the 28th of every month (the anniversary of the death of the Shinran saint) at the large Higashi Betsuin in the middle of Nagoya City, where there was a connection. As the “Higashi Betsuin Tezukuri Morning Market”, about 220 stores line up in the precincts, and it has developed into the largest morning market in Aichi Prefecture.
(Renewal started in July 2020 as a morning market for living in Higashi Betsuin (held on the 8th day))

While valuing the feelings of the morning market, which is visited by many people, we wanted to connect the fields and dining tables more closely to our daily lives, so in 2020 Tsushima City, Aichi Prefecture, we will have a direct connection to the fields and lifestyles. Morning market “has started.

Currently, he seems to be engaged in various activities centering on these three morning markets, valuing the lifestyle and connections between people.

The image is that there are many products that are pesticide-free, additive-free, and homemade, and that are kind to both the body and mind.

Some of them are surprising, such as handmade.

I also had chai tea, cheesecake, and taco rice from Zomeshiya.

As for miscellaneous goods, I bought a mini painting of a cat and a leather bookmark. I was also happy to have the cat written on the bag on the spot.

The official name of “Higashi Betsuin” is “Shinshu Otani-ha Nagoya Betsuin”, and it has been called “Gobo-san” in the Owari region for a long time. I did.

The teaching is “Jodo Shinshu” whose ancestor is Shinran Shonin. It is a temple of the “Shinshu Otani-ha” (Shinshu Otani) whose main mountain is the “Shinshuhonbyo” (commonly known as Higashi Honganji Temple) in Kyoto City.

The Shinshu Otani faction, to which Higashi Betsuin belongs, divides the whole country into regions, which are called “dioceses”. It is said that the parish including here in Nagoya and its surrounding areas is making efforts rooted in the area as “Nagoya parish”.

Higashi Betsuin (Shinshu Otani School Nagoya Betsuin) is said to be the center of indoctrination activities as the only annex in the Nagoya parish.

It will be fun to see how many people get together and look happy.

It may be fun to take a walk in the morning market to observe people.

See you soon












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

なんと初めてのノリタケの森へ行ってまいりました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)




名古屋在住15年というのに 訪れたことのなかったところってまだあるようでして。なんと初めて「ノリタケの森」へ行ってまいりましたよ。


















そんなミュージアムを含むかつての本社敷地内に、株式会社ノリタケカンパニーリミテドが創立100周年の記念事業として、2001年(平成13 年)10月5日、近代陶業発祥の地であるこの地に陶磁器に関する複合施設「ノリタケの森」をオープン。
































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


He has lived in Nagoya for 15 years, but it seems that there are still places he has never visited. I went to “Noritake Garden” for the first time.


The other day, I talked about sightseeing in Nagoya, but when I visited Nagoya, it was close to Nagoya Station, and I really wanted you to visit it, so let me introduce it. Today is the eye of the photo.


Noritake is a domestic ceramics manufacturer that manufactures Western-style tableware that you all know.

In 1874 (Meiji 9), former merchant Ichizaemon Morimura, who was aspiring to trade abroad, founded Morimura Gumi in Ginza, Tokyo, and wanted to start manufacturing and exporting Western tableware in Japan. , Established “Nippon Seito Co., Ltd.” (currently Noritake Company Limited). The history of Noritake begins with a single dinner plate made there in 1904.


Staff Y, for the first time, I went to the Noritake Museum on the premises.


Inside the museum, there is a corner explaining the manufacturing process of pottery, an experience space, and the old Noritake. I saw a work that made full use of techniques such as gold dot decoration. The footprints of Japanese craftsmen trying to get closer to Western tableware, yet the Japanese delicacy was everywhere, and it was really wonderful.


We also exhibited dinner wear that was once produced, and we were able to find some nostalgic series that were once in our home. You may find one of “This is at home!”


On October 5, 2001 (Heisei 13), as a commemorative project for the 100th anniversary of Noritake Garden Co., Ltd., on the premises of the former head office including such a museum, a complex related to ceramics was created in this area, the birthplace of the modern ceramic industry. Opened the facility “Noritake no Mori”.


This facility is a 12-minute walk from Nagoya Station, a 6-minute walk from Kamejima Station, and a 10-minute walk from Sakou Station. Based on the concept of a culture zone where you can meet culture, a commercial zone where you can enjoy your life, and a historical zone where you can feel the history, we have taken measures to discover new domestic demand, develop new commercial facilities that are different from the past, and “workers and companies. We are aiming for a new district that aims to integrate “offices that support growth”.

At the end of last year, a commercial facility was opened in it, and it seems that this “forest” is still evolving.


When I visit, the line between sightseeing, shopping, eating, working, and living is very vague. The overall concept of the new facility, which is a complex of all of them, was the impression that “a place where you can enjoy nature, enjoy, relax, work and live”.


Moreover, everywhere in the forest, there is a glimpse of the history of Noritake, which has been and will continue to exist.


Former red brick building made of red brick (former soil factory) (built in 1897)


6 chimneys (traces of tunnel kiln chimneys for firing ceramics) (built in 1933)


Red Brick Architecture (former Ceramic Center) (built at the end of the Meiji era)


The following buildings in Noritake Garden have been certified as certified regional building assets in Nagoya City in June 2012. This is a building that meets the registration requirements for registered regional building assets (buildings with landscape and cultural value that are more than 50 years old) and that characterize the historical and cultural landscape of the area. It seems to be a certification issued to the target.


In addition, as a group of modern industrial heritage that tells the history of the modernization of the ceramic industry in Chubu, Kinki, and Sanin due to the development of export products and the expansion of domestic demand, each building in Noritake Garden has been certified and awarded from various perspectives. It seems that they have won the award. In December 2018, the city of Nagoya has been accredited by the citizen green space certification system focusing on green spaces such as “citizen green space”, and it has become a place that is widely loved by citizens as a valuable green space in the center of Nagoya city. The social and environmental green space of the Urban Greening Organization, which has been evaluated and recognized as a valuable environmental resource that is excellent in “openness,” “safety,” and “consideration for the environment,” and gives people peace and relaxation. It seems that it has received awards from various fields such as new attempts in urban design such as “City Oasis 2019” certification, landscape design, and contribution to green spaces.


Based on these various awards, is this forest a new city, a green space that brings relaxation, a facility that preserves cultural and historical value, and a commercial area for living? After all, the boundary line is ambiguous. The ambiguity made me feel at home, but it seems that I am aiming for a “forest” that aims to integrate all of them (whether the ambiguity is a good expression).


And, after all, the appearance of the former chimneys and pottery kilns still quietly watching over the people who spend various time in the forest was very impressive, and it was an ideal appearance.


What you do here is up to you.

Please visit “Noritake no Mori” when you visit Nagoya.


Well then, good luck.















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN




南極に思いを馳せて(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎)




















































Hello everyone


Staff N has four umbrellas at home, buying more umbrellas every time he forgets.


Unfortunately it was raining today, but it was a nice day for me personally because the rabbit umbrella I bought recently made me feel good.


Today, March 26th is the day when the day of the heavenly fortune, the day of the heavenly fortune, and the day of the tiger overlap. It seems that the overlap of these three auspicious days is very valuable once a year.

It’s perfect for buying a new wallet.

I’m excited about what to buy after I get home. (I’m always too worried and I end up missing out on a date)


By the way, I went to the Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium the other day.

I love seals and beluga, but unfortunately the seals weren’t bleeding loans.

(* Bleeding loan is the renting of animals for breeding purposes. The purpose is to contribute to breeding by moving animals between zoos and aquariums.)


I’ll post a picture of a sea turtle instead.


If you live in Aichi prefecture, you may have visited the Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium.


Did you know that the Antarctic Museum and Former Ship Fuji is on display in front of the Nagoya Port Aquarium?


Many people know that the ship is always in front of the orange-colored Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium with a total length of 100m.

Fuji is the second Antarctic research ship that has been active for 18 years since 1965, and is the first full-scale icebreaker in Japan.
Today, the entire ship is on display at the Garden Pier.

Inside the ship, which is open to the public, there are cockpits, medical offices, and living rooms that were private spaces for the crew.
Since the appearance at that time is left as it is, you can experience a simulated trip to Antarctica.
In the exhibition room “Antarctic Museum”, which was created by remodeling the helicopter hangar, you can learn about the beauty of Antarctica and the history and achievements of Antarctic observations so far.

When the ice is thick and does not break, it is said that it will move forward with maximum horsepower after retreating about 200 m, ride on the ice while hitting the ice, and proceed with “charging” navigation that breaks the ice with its own weight (currently ramming). It is called navigation).

It’s amazing to break the ice with your body and weight.

This time, I only saw it from the outside, but it seems that you can see it inside if you pay the entrance fee.

On the net, it seems famous that real mannequins are too scary.


The companion I went with was excited to say, “It’s an Antarctic ship, it’s cool !!”, so I took a picture to see if it could be used on my blog.


And today, March 26th is the day when Asuka Station was opened in Antarctica. (If you happen to take a picture, you will be surprised at the connection with Antarctica)


Asuka Station was established as Asuka Observation Base by the 26th Wintering Corps. The name “Asuka” is said to have been named at the suggestion of Hiroshi Fukunishi, who was the captain of the 26th Wintering Corps. It was chosen because Asuka culture opened up a new era and the mountains behind the base resembled Yamato Sanzan. The distance from Syowa Station is 270km, and it takes one week to move while observing on the way with a snow vehicle (7-8km / h).

The 28th corps, which departed in 1986, and the 32nd corps, which departed in 1990, overwintered, but were closed in January 1992. Since then, it has been unmanned and only meteorological observations are being made. It is located in the ice shelf and is blessed with a stable wind force of around 5-20m / s, so it is said that the management equipment is operated by a wind power generator. Snowmobiles, snowmobiles, sleds, etc. were left around the base even after the closure, but a clean operation was carried out to bring them back to Syowa Station.

On April 1, 2004, the name was changed to Asuka Station.


After playing an active part as a sled dog of the 1st Antarctic Research Expedition, he survived for one year while being left behind in the Antarctic during the 2nd corps, and became famous for being rescued by the 3rd corps the following year. A bronze statue of “Giro” is also built.

As an animal lover, I was more attracted to dogs than ships.

I’m sure there are many seals I like in Antarctica.

It was a day when I thought about the distant Antarctic while watching the Antarctic Observation Ship Fuji.

See you soon












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPENと

ミモザ(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎)































特に3月8日の女性に感謝を伝えるイタリアの記念日「Festa della Donna(=女性の日)」別名「ミモザの日」には街中の花屋にミモザがあふれ、街を歩く人々の手にはミモザが。















Hello, this is Staff M.

Yesterday, the temperature rose for the first time in a long time and it was warm, and the weather was good, so I went for a walk in the park.

The buds of the cherry blossoms in the park also began to turn pink, and in sunny areas, one and two flowers began to bloom. It looks like it will be in full bloom next week!


It’s a story that has nothing to do with cherry blossoms, but I found something very cute during the walk.

The moment I found this, I felt very dear and kind.


“This is Mimosa. Please come back to me.”


Along with this message, about 10 mimosas were placed in a bucket. I’m sure it’s a message that a young child wrote so hard.I was fascinated by the beautifully blooming mimosa, but I felt that the message also shared happiness.

The mimosa in this house was very splendid, with fine, bright flowers blooming on tall trees, and the entire branch looked fluffy like a yellow cloud or cotton candy.

The flower language of mimosa varies depending on the country or region, but in Italy it is said to be “thank you”. It seems that it came from the place where it is a flower to express gratitude to women.


At first, violet flowers were listed as candidates, but for expensive violets, mimosa is a familiar flower that grows naturally in Italy, and if this is the case, everyone will be grateful to the women who are close to them regardless of the difference between rich and poor. It seems that Mimosa has decided that it can represent.

In Italy, the custom of giving flowers even at small times in daily life has taken root, and there are flower shops all over the city.Especially on March 8th, the Italian anniversary “Festa della Donna (= Women’s Day)”, also known as “Mimosa Day”, the florist in the city is full of mimosa, and it is in the hands of people walking in the city. Mimosa.

Not only from husband to wife, from son to mother, but also to female colleagues, regular customers, and even women give mimosas to each other. The mimosa you receive will be carefully decorated by attaching it to your chest or hanging it on the wall.


I’m sure this house wasn’t conscious of this kind of flower language.

But lately, in the midst of the dark news, such a little kindness and happiness have become very memorable to me. I hope that this little happiness I experienced will reach everyone who reads this blog, so I spelled it. May you have more little happiness like this.


By the way, as an aside, mimosa is a flower that easily drops water = a flower that dries easily, so you can make a beautiful dried flower in about a week to 10 days just by tying the stem tightly with a linen string or raffia.

If you hang the flower from the ceiling with the tip of the flower facing down and make it a dried flower in a fresh state, it will be colorful and beautiful. If I enjoy the flowers a little more, I would like to make them dried flowers and keep them carefully.











愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


名古屋市昭和区のお客様より買受させていただきました。誠にありがとうございました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)



名古屋市昭和区のお客様より 茶道具、贈答品等 買受させていただきました。
















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

名古屋市昭和区のお客様より買受させていただきました。誠にありがとうございました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)



名古屋市昭和区のお客様より、茶道具、贈答品等 買受させていただきました。

先日は、大切にされておりました御品をお譲りいただきまして 誠にありがとうございました。















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN

いい夫婦の日ではなくて”よい夫婦の日”(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)






































Hello, this is Staff Ⅿ.

It’s extremely cold today compared to yesterday. I woke up in the cold in the morning and started to live as a heater again … I thought I could finally say goodbye to the heater …


Everyone, yesterday was Vernal Equinox Day + Countdown Day. You probably know the vernal equinox day, but do you know the countdown day?

I also knew it for the first time when I heard from my father, March 21, 4321 … 4321

So it’s called the countdown day. In that case, February 1st, 3rd year of Reiwa last year will also be a countdown day, wasn’t it last year?


Recently, I feel that there are many petit anniversaries called “○○ Day”.

February 22nd of last month was called Super Nyan Day because “2” is lined up with February 22nd, 2022. Of course, I’m also a cat lover, so I gave him a snack.


In this way, there are some ○○ days every month, and for some reason I care about it. There is something special about ○○ days, and I don’t feel bad, but rather there are changes and I may like it ~.


By the way, I checked the ○○day of  next month, but surprisingly there was some kind of anniversary every day.

Personally, I was interested in “Good Couple Day” on April 22nd. I know November 22nd, Good Couple Day, but I feel that April 22nd, “Good Couple Day,” is a little overwhelming.


Even so, there are anniversaries, so why don’t you use these anniversaries as an excuse to ask your partners for something! It’s fun for everyone to find out what day it is today.


By the way, today is … Broadcast anniversary.

It is said that it was established on March 22, 1925 (Taisho 14) when NHK’s predecessor, Tokyo Broadcasting Station, started broadcasting Japan’s first radio broadcast.


On the way home, I’ll go home while listening to the radio that I don’t usually listen to! !!
















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN




