お知らせ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 106




名古屋のモーニング(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

Today, we were on our way to a customer’s place of purchase when suddenly there was a torrential downpour. It was raining so hard that I thought I was in a car wash machine! I was completely soaked, but we managed to purchase the car without incident. When I was about to return home, the rain had completely stopped, and I was smiling as I realized that I am a woman who gets drenched in the rain.
My apologies, shopkeeper.

By the way, the morning meal in Nagoya is becoming well-known even to people outside of the prefecture. I am not so serious, but I would like to talk about mornings in Nagoya for those of you outside the prefecture.

The other day, on a Sunday, I went to a restaurant in Nagoya City. The restaurant is located in Nagoya City.
On holidays, the restaurant is often completely full at this time of the day, but the other day I managed to get a seat. The customers are diverse, including families, couples, elderly couples, and even solo customers, which is typical of Nagoya.

Morning meals are usually coffee and other drinks served with toast and a boiled egg for free, but there are many morning meals in Nagoya that offer a variety of morning dishes for a small charge. For 350 yen, you can get such a hearty morning meal.

Most of the morning dishes are served until 10:00 a.m., but the reason why I went there at 9:30 a.m. is because it was quite a big portion for me, so I decided to have it as a brunch and lunch. I ate it well.

One of the joys of mornings in Nagoya is that you can go on a morning tour like this. This morning, a local TV program in Nagoya showed a program that introduces a morning store every time they have a morning service.

If you are ever in Nagoya, whether for business or pleasure, please take advantage of our morning specials.

Have a good day.










愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN

お盆明けお気をつけください。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取致します 古美術風光舎名名古屋店)





























年稿には、木の葉や花粉、火山灰や黄砂などが含まれていて、1年で1対、年平均0.7mmの薄さの 稿模様となります。これらを分析することで、過去の気温や水温、気候などの自然環境を復元することができます。








Hello everyone. This is staff M.

It’s quick, but a recent painful story…


The other day, I went to a beach in Fukui prefecture. It was the end of Obon, but it was still hot, so many people came to play, and I immediately went into the sea. About 10 minutes after entering, I felt a tingling sensation all over my body, and at first I thought it was just being scratched by my beloved cat. It hurt so badly that I rushed out of the water and found that I had eczema all over my body and was stung by jellyfish! !


Now I’m completely healed without any problems, but the pain immediately after being stabbed is really intense. Looking around, it seems that there were many other people besides me who were suffering from jellyfish damage. It’s been said that jellyfish will come out after the Obon festival.


As for the reason why many jellyfish are said to appear at the end of the Obon period, it seems that the “polyps” grow into adult jellyfish all at once during the Obon period and drift in the sea. The term “polyp” refers to juvenile jellyfish. In the polyp state, it sticks to the bottom of the sea and rocky areas, and its shape is different from that of jellyfish, so it is difficult to see its existence. Adult jellyfish prefer a water temperature of 20 to 30 degrees Celsius, and the period from the Obon period to the end of the Obon period is the most comfortable time for jellyfish.


If you have plans to go to the beach, I think you should wear something like a rash guard! ! Please be careful .


I had a painful story from the beginning, but I also discovered a very beautiful sight on the way home from the sea.


It is “Lake Suigetsu”. Lake Suigetsu is the largest lake among the Mikata Five Hus. Mikatagoko is a general term for the five lakes of Lake Mikata, Lake Suigetsu, Lake Suga, Lake Hyuga, and Lake Kugushi, which straddle Wakasa-cho, Mikatakaminaka-gun and Mihama-cho, Mikata-gun in the southern part of Fukui Prefecture.


It is located on the west side of the depressed area that fell due to the Mikata fault that runs north-south at the western foot of Mt. Yahazu. It also meets the criteria of “wetlands supporting a significant proportion of endemic fish species and families” and “important food sources for fish, spawning grounds and nursery grounds for juvenile fish”, and the entire lake is In 2005, it became a registered wetland under the Ramsar Convention as a special area of ​​the Wakasa Bay Quasi-National Park, where conservation of the natural environment is being promoted.


In particular, at the bottom of Lake Suigetsu, one of the Five Lakes of Mikata, there is a manuscript-like sediment called “nen-gaki” that has accumulated about 45m over 70,000 years. Annual manuscripts contain tree leaves, pollen, volcanic ash, yellow sand, etc., and the manuscript pattern is one pair per year, averaging 0.7 mm per year. By analyzing these, it is possible to restore the natural environment such as past temperature, water temperature, and climate.


The research results of the Lake Suigetsu Chronicles are famous for their dramatic improvement in the accuracy of dating in archeology and geology as a “world standard ruler”. The reason for this is that Muddy water flows into Lake Mikata and makes it muddy brown, but Lake Suigetsu does not show any major changes, and it is said that it is formed under favorable conditions without disturbing the chronology.


I was surprised that the scenery I found by chance was so famous that it was attracting attention from all over the world, but the sunset time in the evening was also the best. The feeling of being a little chilly reminded me of the end of summer again, and I felt indescribable.










愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN







一周忌についてお勉強(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取致します 古美術風光舎名名古屋店)




























































法要の名称 行う時期 法要の一般的な内容
一周忌 満1年 遺族・親族と友人・知人が参列し、僧侶による読経の後焼香・食事をする。
三回忌 満2年 遺族・親族と友人・知人が参列し、僧侶による読経の後焼香・食事をする。
七回忌 満6年 遺族・親族で供養する。
十三回忌 満12年 遺族だけで供養する。
三十三回忌 満32年 遺族だけで供養する。



1.僧侶の入場 僧侶は祭壇の前に座ります。祭壇を中心とし、右側が施主・遺族および親族の席、左側が近親者・友人および知人の席です。祭壇に近い上座には、故人と縁が深かった人が座ります。
2.施主による挨拶 開始の挨拶を簡潔に行います。
4.焼香 最初は施主、その後は上座に座っている人から焼香します。
6.墓参り 墓地が近い場合のみです。
7.施主の挨拶 終了の挨拶を簡潔に行います。
























・お布施 3万円程度
・お車代 5,000円~1万円
・御膳料 5,000円~2万円













様式 表書き
仏式 御仏前、御佛前、御供物料など
神式 御神前、御玉串料など
キリスト教式 御花料など




















Hello everyone, this is Staff N.

Summer vacation will be over in 3 days.

I don’t know if it’s summer fatigue, but I’ve forgotten that I was drinking Pocari from a cup and added tea, and I tried to put bath salts in the bath and dropped the lid into the bath.

Yesterday, BS broadcasted a live broadcast of fireworks in Omagari, Akita Prefecture.

It’s beautiful to watch on TV, but it’s best to see it live.

Speaking of summer-like things, I ate watermelon this year, but let’s say that summer is good.

The other day, an international student asked me Japanese, and I’m at a loss as to how difficult it is.

Next to you, next to you, what’s the difference between you?

What does gaki mean?

Oh my god, what are you serious about?

And so on, it’s all words that I don’t know how to explain.

Since I’m studying Japanese through anime, there are plenty of unique endings such as “kana”, “desu no yo” and “daai”.

Chimudondon Itate is Okinawan dialect, so I am proud of myself that Japanese people are amazing.

For the time being, an acquaintance was teaching an international student “Kyun desu”.

By the way, I talked about the lotus the other day, but the Buddha at the Buddhist altar in our house was also on the lotus.

It’s a Buddhist altar that has been around for a long time, but I don’t look at it that closely, so it was interesting to discover something new this time.

When I was preparing for the first anniversary of my grandmother’s death, I received a gift of mochi from Nekoposu.

Perhaps because it was just an offering, there was no wrapping paper, and the perfectly round and soft mochi came out of the cardboard box.

Will it be a digital grave when I get older…

I was preparing an incense stand, but the charcoal did not ignite, and when I watched the video, I found out that the candle was lit directly instead of the match.

I was told that I would need it in the future, but now I can find it if I research anything. I came to the conclusion.

Well, this time I tried to find out about the first anniversary for my study.

I think most of you know, but please come along.


The first anniversary memorial service is a memorial service held on the first anniversary of the death of the deceased.

It is considered to be the most important of the memorial services.

The first anniversary memorial service is attended by people who were close to the deceased, such as bereaved family members, relatives, friends and acquaintances.

After the monks recite sutras, it is common to burn incense and eat (Osai: Otoki).

If the date of his death falls on a weekday and it is inconvenient for work or school, you can change the date.

However, in that case, it is customary to move forward rather than after the anniversary of death.

The annual memorial services for the first anniversary of the death include the following.

Name of legal requirement Timing General contents of legal requirement
One full year anniversary of the death Bereaved families, relatives, friends and acquaintances attend, and after the sutras are read by the monk, incense is burned and a meal is served.
3rd anniversary 2 years after the death Bereaved family, relatives, friends and acquaintances attend, and after the sutras are read by the monk, incense is burned and a meal is served.
7th anniversary 6 years old Memorial service for bereaved family and relatives.
13th anniversary 12th anniversary A memorial service is held only for the bereaved family.
The 33rd anniversary of the death 32 years A memorial service is held only for the bereaved family.

The flow of the first anniversary memorial service is generally as follows.

1. Entrance of the monk The monk sits in front of the altar. With the altar in the center, the right side is for the beneficiary, bereaved family and relatives, and the left side is for close relatives, friends and acquaintances. A person who had a close relationship with the deceased sits on the upper seat near the altar.
2.Greetings by the client A brief opening greeting will be given.
3. Buddhist monks recite sutras

4. Incense Burning Incense is first burned by the client, and then by the person sitting on the seat of honor.
5.Monk’s sermon

6. Grave Visit Only if the cemetery is nearby.
7.Greetings from the owner Give a concise closing greeting.
8. Meal (Osai)

1. Schedule

When holding a memorial service for the first anniversary of the death, the schedule is decided first. The first anniversary of the death is the first anniversary of the death, but if it falls on a weekday, it will be moved forward and held on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. Please confirm the schedule with your relatives who will be attending.

2. Decide on a venue

Decide whether to hold the first anniversary memorial service at your home or rent a place such as a temple or hotel.

3. Contact the temple

Those who have a relationship with the temple

A bodaiji is a temple where ancestors’ graves are located. If you have a family temple, contact the family temple and request a sutra reading.

Those who do not have a relationship with the temple

If you don’t have a family temple, you can ask your acquaintance to introduce you to a temple, or consult with the temple that took care of you at the time of the funeral.

Others Recently, more and more people are using monk arrangement services on the Internet.

It is convenient for those who do not have a family temple, as it can be held not only at home but also at the temple of the monk who arranged it.


Depending on the circumstances of the temple, it may not be possible to meet the desired date, so we recommend that you make a reservation for the temple arrangement about 1 month to 2 weeks in advance.

4. Meal arrangements

Make reservations for catering and restaurants as needed. When making a reservation, let them know that you are going to use it for a memorial service, and be careful not to make it a celebratory menu such as spiny lobster or sea bream.

5. Guide attendees

If the event is small, such as only bereaved family members or relatives, it is best to contact the attendees by phone. If the event is large-scale, such as a company-related event, we will create and send a letter of invitation.

6. Arrange gifts

Gifts for the first anniversary memorial service also have the meaning of repaying the funeral gifts brought by the attendees. The market price is generally between 2,000 yen and 10,000 yen. For items, you can use daily necessities such as soap, detergent, towels, and food, as well as catalog gifts.

The noshi is written with words such as “Kouyo” and “Wisdom”, and the mizuhiki uses black and white or silver knots. If you do not have a seat for a meal after the memorial service, we will prepare a packed meal and a small bottle of sake and give them to the attendees along with the gifts.

7. Prepare an offering

As a thank you gift to the monk, we will prepare an offering (sutra fee), the cost of the car, and if the monk declines to pray, we will prepare a meal fee. The estimated amount for each is as follows.

・ Donation: about 30,000 yen
・ Car fee: 5,000 yen to 10,000 yen
・Meal fee: 5,000 yen to 20,000 yen

The most polite way to put the money in is to put it inside a paper envelope and then fold it over a piece of paper to make it look like a happy occasion, but you can also use a commercially available white envelope.

However, choose a plain one without a zip code field. The cover letter is written in regular black ink, not light ink. Instead of handing it over directly, it would be nice to put it on a small tray and hand it over.

8.Arrange flowers and offerings

Flowers and offerings will be arranged by the bereaved family, relatives, and attendees by the day before. In addition to incense sticks, it is common for the offerings to be shared among attendees. In addition to fruits and flowers, if the deceased liked alcohol or beer, it would be fine.

Let’s take a look at the etiquette when attending the first anniversary memorial service.


If you are able to contact the legal requirement by phone, answer on the spot or call again after consideration. When we receive a letter of invitation, we will send the reply part of the reply postcard or return postcard by the designated date.

For the first anniversary memorial service, it is common for the client and relatives to wear mourning clothes. If you are invited to attend, wear mourning or informal mourning attire and choose a black tie.

Students should wear a uniform, or if they do not have one, they should wear a white blouse or shirt and a black, navy blue or gray skirt and pants.

When attending the memorial service for the first anniversary of the death, we will prepare a condolence gift. It is common to use silver, indigo silver, or yellow and white knotted ribbons rather than black and white for gift bags. Write it like the table below.

Buddhist style: before the Buddha, before the Buddha, offerings, etc.
Shinto ceremony, before the shrine, Otamushi fee, etc.
Christian-style flowers, etc.

In addition to donations, there are various expenses such as sutra chanting, carriage charges, and meal charges for memorial services and memorial services. In total, it will cost more than 100,000 yen on average.

Also, since it varies depending on the temple and region, some people may be wondering how much they should prepare.

When I looked into it this time, there were many things I didn’t know that I thought I knew.

As a Japanese person, I would like to study so that I can speak with the correct knowledge when asked by a foreigner.

Tears came to my eyes when I thought about my grandmother.

It may be important to have time to remember the deceased like this.

Sometimes I feel lonely, but knowing that there are people watching over me from heaven gives me a little peace of mind.

If you feel sad, rub your hand on her chest and stomach and give her a self-hug.

See you soon








愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN






染付蛸唐草文様について(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取致します 古美術風光舎名名古屋店)
































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


As I have many opportunities to look at old things in the course of my work, I am constantly reminded that the further back in time we go, the more we realize that each item has its own meaning, including its existence, shape, color, and design, and that even its meaning has been carefully inherited and passed down to the next generation. I work with the sense that each item is passed down to the next generation with great care.


The other day, when I saw a tea bowl with an octopus arabesque design, I wondered if this octopus arabesque design is one of those that have been handed down with great care and meaning. In the past, we did not have an abundance of things and information, and of course we did not have the tools to communicate them, so it was a natural process to express the meaning and information with patterns…I thought absent-mindedly. Still, I wonder what the sense of security or mischievousness that comes from this octopus arabesque pattern is, lol.


The octopus arabesque pattern is one of the most familiar arabesques among the patterns, but the arabesque pattern gives me an image of a furoshiki wrapping cloth being carried out by a thief in the Showa period…. (The arabesque pattern was very popular from the Meiji period to the Showa period.) I am sure that the arabesque pattern would say, “What do you think of this? There is no doubt that they are strong.


The roots of the arabesque pattern are long and distant, originating in Egypt and Mesopotamia, and the ancestral form of the “ninja winter arabesque pattern” is thought to have been introduced from China along with Buddhism. This pattern can also be seen in the Tamamushi kitchen of Horyuji Temple. The message from the vine motif in the design is “prosperity and longevity,” as the vine has a strong and uninterrupted life force and will continue to grow.


The vine is read as “man,” which is pronounced “mann,” and since the vine is strung like a belt, the belt is read as “tai,” which is read phonetically as “tai” and “tai” as “dai,” which is read as “ten thousand generations,” so in short, it has the meaning of prosperity and longevity for the family for many generations, so its origin and meaning are old and venerable. It seems to be correct.


The octopus arabesque, one of the types of arabesque patterns, was named after its resemblance to the legs of an octopus. We also have some underglaze blue and white porcelain vessels with the octopus arabesque pattern, and when you hold them in your hands, you can’t deny that the continuous pattern of round tendrils gives you a sense of security and a mischievous impression. Moreover, because these vessels were hand-painted at that time, the colors and patterns of the underglaze blue patterns are slightly different one by one, and they have their own charm points.


This is an Imari Imari tea bowl from the end of the Edo period.


The octopus arabesque pattern seems to have been one of the most frequently drawn patterns in Ko-Imari, and it can be seen in the middle of the 17th century in the early ones, and in the latter half of the 17th century, the tip of the vine is like a sucker of an octopus’s foot. In the late 17th century, the tips of the vines became rounded like the suckers on the legs of an octopus, and in the 18th century, the drawing style was simplified. In the latter half of the 18th century, the vines were drawn with a single thick line, rather than being outlined with thin lines and carefully filled in with paint, and the whorls became multiple, like those of a spring. In the 9th century, arabesque designs with the tips of the leaves slightly bent and bulging, like leaves of a sheep’s tooth painted in gold on a red ground, became popular. This style has survived in Japan to the present day while undergoing gradual changes.


I think that the reason it has survived this long is because people have long been familiar with and passed on this sense of security and mischievousness. (Back to the story.) More than that, I would like to see the evolution and change of the octopus arabesque pattern, which will undoubtedly continue to survive, while my eyes are still black.


So long, and have a good day.










愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN






ナイトZOO&GARDENに行ってまいりました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)




























Hello everyone. This is staff M.


The other day, I went to Higashiyama Zoo & Botanical Garden Night ZOO&GARDEN. In this blog, I often talk about going to Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens for a walk, but it was my first visit at night, so I really enjoyed it.


We left around 17:00 in the evening, the weather was cloudy, but anyway it was hot and humid, and I was sweating like a waterfall even before entering the park. By the time we arrived, it was getting dark little by little, and the botanical garden was lit up everywhere, creating a fantastic atmosphere.


I had some time before the greenhouse in the botanical garden, which I was most looking forward to this time, so I thought about going to the zoo, but it was hot anyway, so I waited in the greenhouse while cooling down until the light up. Especially.

The plants in the greenhouse were also lit up, and what was particularly interesting was that the carnivorous plants were lit up.


There was only a short time left until the greenhouse was lit up, and when we moved outside, large drops of rain began to fall, gradually turning into a guerrilla-like rain. and waited for the rain to stop. (This is the first time I’ve used a rain cloud radar, but it’s an excellent app! I was so impressed with the accuracy that I wish I had used it sooner.)


When the rain finally stopped, I went outside and looked at the long-awaited illumination of the greenhouse. It was so beautiful that I was speechless. According to the rain cloud radar, it would start raining again soon, so I hurriedly took pictures and returned home.


I regret not being able to go to Night ZOO, but I was able to see more of that beautiful sight, so I’m happy.


Night Zoo reminds me of the Night Zoo at the Singapore Zoo that I went to a long time ago. It was a top-class tropical rainforest zoo in the world, and it was a masterpiece to see the animals living freely in the great outdoors. Also, since the exhibition method does not use cages or fences, I remember being thrilled to be so close to the animals. Singapore Zoo is ranked high in staff M’s ranking of wanting to go again!









愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN


偶然いいことがありました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


















































Hello everyone, this is staff Y.


It was a coincidence the other day, but a good thing happened.

I wonder if it’s just me, but I feel that the probability of good things happening is higher when I face various things without a plan. The Atsuta Jingu Shrine, which I recently visited at the invitation of a friend, was a perfect example of this.

It was about two days before I decided to go, so I have a good interpretation that I was called by the sword.


Arrive at Atsuta Shrine in the morning. As I headed towards the main shrine, there was a crowd of people around the next car payment. Of course I’m curious. let’s go.


Coincidentally, several craftsmen involved in the production of Japanese swords were lined up in front of the shrine, and the “sword technique dedication” was being performed all at once. The other day, swordsmiths from various regions were presenting techniques of “polishing” and “shirasaya”.


Dressed in traditional white clothing, the craftsman concentrates on sharpening the sword. The whole body is used to polish the blade, but even though it is sacred, it is still a blade, so it must be handled with care. The gesture looks like a beautiful “form”. It seems that there are various swordsmen all over the country, and each one is slightly different. When you see them up close, their movements are so beautiful and soothing. I was fascinated by the repeated “type” for a while.




By the way, as you all know, Atsuta Jingu is a sacred shrine that enshrines one of the Three Sacred Treasures, the Kusanagi no Tsurugi.

In recent years, there have been fewer opportunities to make Japanese swords, and the number of successors to the techniques has decreased. The technical dedication at Atsuta Jingu is a shrine that represents Japan, and it must be of great cultural significance. In addition, there are many exhibits of swords dedicated to the shrine.


As a series of ceremonies at Atsuta Jingu, the “sword training dedication” is held in July every year, and in August, the “sword polishing and other techniques dedication” that I happened to encounter are held.


Every year on July 7th, the “sword training dedication” takes place over the next three weekends at a training place in front of the shrine. In the afternoon of the day, general worshipers can experience training by swinging a mallet. It seems that many people participate every year.


The Japanese sword made with the forging technique in July is dedicated, but in the dedication in August, several craftsmen involved in the production of Japanese swords line up in front of the shrine, and the technical dedication is performed all at once. The techniques offered at this time are “polishing”, “shirasaya”, “habaki”, “sword carving”, and “lacquering”. It was a technical dedication.

Literally, polishing is to sharpen and polish a Japanese sword, bringing out its sharpness and beauty. Shirasaya was to make a scabbard that matches the sword using unprocessed wood, but at this point my interest was piqued and I asked a polisher. How much do you polish a single sword? When I asked about it, they said it would take about two weeks. Also, when I asked an unprofessional question about the elements that make a beautiful blade pattern, I was told that the blade pattern is not a pattern that naturally occurs, but the stages of creation and sharpening. It is produced by various elements.

It felt like one of the arts created by the sensibility of a swordsmith. Therefore, the sharpening “form” that I was able to see was the moment when the thought put into the sword that created the beautiful hamon was conveyed. it should be beautiful. Also, it seems that the swordsmith’s specialty is different depending on the swordsmith’s disciple, so this is a technique that must be inherited.


It was a coincidence, but I was grateful to my friend who invited me.

Depending on the timing, the onlookers will be allowed to hold a Japanese sword, and like me (thank you for that section), they will answer questions, or they will give you a sharpening experience, and you will be able to learn various techniques. This is a rare opportunity to see it up close at once, so all swords fans out there should definitely visit.

At that time, you can also complete the Nagoya specialty kishimen in the precincts.


Good evening.









愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN


蓮根は蓮の茎(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎)





甲子園、東北勢初 仙台育英高校優勝おめでとうございます。































今日は秋田市千秋公園 大手門前お堀の蓮の花のお写真をお届けいたします。






















ハス(蓮、学名:Nelumbo nucifera)は、インド原産のハス科多年性水生植物でございます。












































Hello everyone, this is Staff N.




Congratulations to Sendai Ikuei High School for winning Koshien, the first for the Tohoku group.


An acquaintance of mine loves Koshien, and we used to watch it together.


I used to feel like a high school baseball player, but now I feel like a high school baseball player’s mother, and I can’t help but worry.


My stomach hurts when I think about making an error in an important scene or thinking about the pressure of the last ball being hit by me.


An acquaintance said that Koshien is important to experience the frustration of losing.


An acquaintance of mine said that he couldn’t go to Koshien even though he wanted to, and he still works hard because of that frustration.


She also says every year that she wants to go back to high school and aim for Koshien.




This year, I only saw the finals because I always cry whenever I see N.




Sendai Ikuei is famous, so I had an image of winning many times, but there were many runners-up.


At Sendai Station, it seems that there was a crowd in the extra edition.


And it seems that today is baseball day established by the Korean Baseball Committee.

On this day in 2008, the South Korean national team won the baseball competition at the Beijing Olympics.


I was once shown a baseball glove by an acquaintance overseas, and was surprised at how big it was.


It’s big and easy to take, so it’s unfair. I thought about it for a while, but it doesn’t seem to matter.


I’m sure your acquaintances in Akita will be very pleased with the winner of the Tohoku team.


Today, I’m sending you a photo of the lotus flowers in the moat in front of the Otemon Gate in Senshu Park, Akita City.




5 minutes walk from Akita Station West Exit.

Pale pink and white lotus flowers begin to bloom from late July in the Otemon Moat at the entrance of Senshu Park, which is located on the remains of Kubota Castle, the residence of the 200,000-koku family of the Satake clan of Akita. It blooms for about two months until early May.

From 2021, the lotus flowers will be illuminated in seven different colors with LED lights (from 19:00 to 22:00), and a “sound and light illumination show” will be held (from 19:00 to 21:00, three times an hour). times) are being implemented.


It was noon when N went, so I couldn’t see the light up.


The lotus flower on one side was a masterpiece.


From a distance, it looks like a field, and it looks like you could go inside and take an Instagrammable photo, but when you get closer and look down, it’s a pond, so be careful.


N was also fascinated by the lotus and forgot that there was water many times.


I did some research on lotus here.


Lotus (scientific name: Nelumbo nucifera) is a perennial aquatic plant of the lotus family native to India.


As you all know, lotus root is written as “lotus root” in kanji, but it is actually not a lotus root, but a lotus stem.


It is commonly believed that the ancient Japanese name “Hachisu” was derived from the shape of the flower holder, which resembles a beehive.



“Renge” refers to lotus flowers and water lilies.


Come to think of it, when I was little, a temple would come and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.


The place of origin is the Indian subcontinent and its surroundings.




The height of the plant is about 1 meter, and the stem has a hole for ventilation.


Some leaves rise above the surface of the water (water lilies do not).



It has green, acorn-like seeds that are peeled to reveal white berries.


It seems that this can be eaten raw as it is.


Tubu-Tubu hole seeds often appear in images of things that people with agoraphobia are not good at.



The lotus is the national flower of India, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam, and is also designed on the district flag of Macau, People’s Republic of China.

In Vietnam, where the lotus is the national flower, it is drunk as lotus tea.


In Japan, the easy-to-eat stems are used as an ingredient in simmered dishes.

In Akita Prefecture, where it is produced, it is said that sugar pickles are made using the stems.


The lotus flower, or lotus flower, is often celebrated as a symbol of purity and holiness.


Since the time of the Indus Valley civilization, the lotus flower has been regarded as a sacred flower in India since ancient times, and has been associated with the worship of the Mother Goddess, and has been regarded as a symbol of the sacred.


Certainly, the lotus flower is an image of Buddhism.


In Hindu mythology, Vedas, and Purana scriptures, the lotus is a distinctive symbol that appears repeatedly.


Speaking of lotus, LiSA “Gurenka”, the theme song of the anime Kimetsu no Yaiba, is famous.


It is said that the lotus flower with red or pink petals, which is particularly dark in color among lotus flowers, is called “ Guren ”.

“Guren” is originally a Buddhist word and is called “Padma” in Sanskrit.

It is sometimes called “Gurenge”, but this word does not refer to the “water lily” of the genus Nymphaea, but to the “lotus”, a perennial aquatic plant of the lotus family.


Lotus flowers bloom in muddy water such as rice fields and swamps, but they are an important symbol of Buddhism because the way they grow and bloom beautifully is connected to the way Buddhism should be.

In other words, the lotus flower contains the teachings of Buddhism, likening mud to human worldly desires and sufferings, and to live beautifully without polluting one’s heart, no matter what kind of hardships one encounters in one’s life. .


It’s perfect for high school players.


Lotus paintings are often drawn in the patterns of antique art.


You can look at it, you can eat it, and the lotus flower is full of blessings.


At Antique Fukousha, we are waiting for you to purchase lotus vases and paintings.


See you soon








愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN




デンマークからのお客様(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎)



















































































ロイヤルコペンハーゲン(Royal Copenhagen)は、デンマークの陶磁器メーカーでございます。


正式名称は「ロイヤル・コペンハーゲン陶磁器工房」(The Royal Copenhagen Manufactory)で、絵付けはすべて手描きで、製品の裏側にはロイヤルコペンハーゲンのマークと、アーティストのサイン、シェーブナンパーが入れられております。























バイエルが描いた 1802点にも及ぶオリジナルはローゼンボーグ城に保存されております。











Hello everyone, this is Staff N.


Staff M was talking about summer vacation homework, but N was the one who ripped it up (laughs).


I still don’t remember why I did that, but I guess I was sharp because I was in a rebellious phase…


Staff Y’s Gujo dance also seemed to be fun.


At my previous workplace, there was a person who always went to Gujo Odori with his friends every year, and he used to go to clubs a lot.


Dancing for four nights in a row is similar to a club in a way, and may be rock.


N also wants to go next year.


In fact, a student from Denmark is currently staying at an acquaintance’s house, and N has also visited.


Another child from New York has come to the homestay before, but they are both tall and have long noses and are cool, so it seems that the country town of an acquaintance’s house gets a little noisy every time.


Because it is a Japanese house in the countryside, the ceiling is low, and the homestay guests have to pass through while moving.


In Denmark, dairy farming is thriving and there are many dairy products, and it seems that people drink 1 to 2 liters of milk.


I see, so that’s why you’re so tall.


When I gave him Japanese milk as a trial, he said that the milk fat content was high.


When I looked it up, the milk fat content of Japanese milk is 3.5%, and it seems that in Denmark, low-fat milk, such as 1%, is common.


I was surprised because I had never thought about milk fat before.


I was under the impression that Japanese milk would be unsatisfactory because it would be thicker overseas.


And this is also the first time, Calpis, which is familiar in Japan.


I was asked, “What is this?”, but I didn’t know how to explain it, so I answered, “Yogurt juice” (laughs).


If anyone can explain Calpis to people overseas, please let me know.


When I looked it up, it seems that Calpis means “cow pee” in English, and it is called “Calpico” overseas.


An acquaintance of mine described miso soup as a “misosil drink,” so I immediately said, “No, that’s miso soup!”


After that, an acquaintance spoke to me in broken English, and I couldn’t stop laughing.


There were many other horizontal characters that were not understood, so it must be Japanese English.


Actually, N is not very good at English.


When she was little, she went to an English conversation class, and the teacher there was a lively, bright, passionate, and very big, plump woman, and every time she was hugged passionately, she was scared. I remember.


However, she regretted that she should have studied English more, so she thinks that she will come into contact with English little by little.


Check out Denmark here.


Denmark is composed of the Jutland peninsula, which is connected to the European continent, the mainland consisting of 406 large and small islands (75 of which are inhabited), the Faroe Islands off the coast of the Norwegian Sea, and Greenland, the world’s largest island.


Greenland and the Faroe Islands are self-governing.


The mainland is about the same size as Kyushu, bordering the Scandinavian countries across the sea to the north and Germany to the south.


Citizens pay about half of their income as taxes, and the consumption tax is at a high level of 25%.


It seems that the happiness ranking is the second place after Finland.


By the way, Japan was ranked 46th.


Phrases such as “It was hygge” and “That’s hygge” often appear when talking to Danes.


“Hygge” is a Danish word that means “comfort”.





Danish people value “hygge” very much on a daily basis, and whether it is hygge (whether it is comfortable or not) is one of the criteria in private life.


This hygge may be the difference between Denmark, which looks similar to Japan but does not.


Andersen, who gave birth to numerous fairy tales such as “The Snow Queen” and “The Little Mermaid,” was born in Denmark, and his works have been translated from Danish into 160 languages.


When I searched for antiques related to Denmark, I found a famous one.

As you all know, Royal Copenhagen is a luxury tableware company.

Royal Copenhagen is a Danish porcelain manufacturer.


The official name is “The Royal Copenhagen Manufactory”, all the paintings are hand-painted, and the back of the product has the Royal Copenhagen mark, the artist’s signature, and the Shave Namper.


Since its founding, it has been strongly influenced by oriental blue dyeing, and is characterized by its hand-painted cobalt blue pattern.


The hand-painted blue pattern “Blue Fluted” that has been produced since 1868 is one of the best sellers.


The brand’s characteristic arabesque patterns and lace technology are delicate and elegant, and are loved all over the world, but are especially popular among Japanese people.


The year plate (Christmas plate), which has continued without missing a year since 1908, is also one of our popular products.


The history of Royal Copenhagen begins with the discovery of high-quality kaolin on the island of Bornholm, and in 1773, Franz Henrik Müller completed the first hard porcelain in Denmark.




In 1775, with the support of King Christian VII and Queen Dowager Juliana Maria, it became the Royal Warrant of the Royal Copenhagen.


In 1779, Queen Juliana Maria gathered engineers from Meissen, and this kiln, which was a private company, was bought by the royal family and became the Royal Danish Porcelain Factory.


In 1868, the royal family sold its stake in the kiln to the tycoon Brak, on the condition that it retain its royal title, making it a private enterprise and in 2012 it was acquired by the Finnish company Fiskars.


The pattern name “Flora Danica”, which is touted as a timeless masterpiece as the world’s most luxurious dinner set, was created in 1885 when the company was founded.


This dinner set was created by Prince Frederik to present to Empress Catherine II of Russia, who had a close relationship with Denmark at the time. .


Over the course of 12 years, the painter Beyer faithfully continued the work of drawing Danish flowers from the picture book on each tableware one by one, but Catherine II died before the work was completed, and this project was suspended it was done.


His 1802 originals painted by Bayer are preserved in Rosenborg Castle.


The tableware with this pattern is still used as the tableware for official dinners in Denmark.


At Antique Fukousha, we also purchase high-end tableware such as Royal Copenhagen.




See you soon










愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN




暇つぶしがもはや暇つぶしではありませんでした三井美術館(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎)





















「 茶の湯の陶磁器 “景色”を愛でる 」  三井美術館


今回の展示は、三井家が収集した茶道具の中で、その中心となるのは陶磁器のなかでも茶碗や茶入、花入や水指などには、釉薬の変化や器の姿などに「景色」を感じ、そのインスピレーションから多くは文学的な銘が付けられている名品の数々の展示でして、是非拝見してみたかった 国宝 「志野茶碗 銘卯花墻」も楽しみであります。




たとえば、高麗茶碗のうちの斗々屋ととや茶碗。全体に枇杷色を呈するなかに一部薄青色に変化した釉景色が、あたかも春霞がたなびくような自然景を連想させ、まさにそれは「かすみ」。私も一見したところその銘以外には考えられませんでした。室町三井家十二代 高大たかひろ(1908〜69)が最晩年に枕辺に置いたという遺愛の品ですので、彼はこの茶碗の中の深い「かすみ」の景色の世界に癒されたのでしょうね。






国宝 志野茶碗 銘卯花墻。



「やまさとのうのはな かきのなかつみちゆき ふみわけし ここちこそすれ」

















Hello everyone, this is staff Y.


This is sudden, but I would like you to tell me, how do you spend your time while you are traveling or out and about waiting or having extra time? If you have any good ways to pass the time, please let me know.


I was running out of time in the Tokyo station area, but there were a lot of people in the station premises who didn’t take care of me.

The Mitsui Art Museum is just a short ride from the Yaesu side of the free tour bus (which is convenient), so I went there for the first time in a while.




I got off at a few stops from Yaesu by bus, in front of the Mitsui Honkan.

However, before entering the museum, the building of the Mitsui Main Building where the Mitsui Memorial Museum is located.


As a stately Western-style building that represents Japan in the early Showa era, it has been designated as a national important cultural property. , I’m excited that foreign hotels and Sembikiya’s Nihonbashi main store are in it, but I’ll look forward to it later.


to the museum entrance. The museum is on the 7th floor of the main building, and you can go up by elevator, but the elevator has a classical design as it is.

Then, you will be drawn into the museum, but of course photography was prohibited inside the museum, so I will report it in my poor report.


“Admiring the ‘scenery’ of tea ceremony ceramics” Mitsui Art Museum


Among the tea ceremony utensils collected by the Mitsui family, this exhibition focuses on ceramics such as tea bowls, tea containers, flower vases, and water jars. Inspired by this, many of the masterpieces are on display with literary names attached.


Many of the tea bowls that are considered to be famous have their own “mei”, a name associated with the bowl’s unique shape and pattern, and even a name associated with the owner’s name. A major factor in determining the name of the tea ceremony is probably the aesthetic sense of “scenery” that has long been shared among tea masters.


For example, the Totoya and Toya tea bowls among the Korai tea bowls. The color of the glaze, which is loquat-colored as a whole and partially changed to pale blue, is reminiscent of a natural scenery, like a spring mist, which is exactly what it is called “kasumi.” At first glance, I couldn’t think of anything other than that inscription. Takahiro Takahiro (1908-69), the twelfth head of the Muromachi Mitsui family, placed this bequest on his pillow in his final years, so he was healed by the scenery of deep “haze” in this teacup. I bet it was.


Kohiki Kohiki tea bowl is also one of Korai tea bowls. Kobiki is a technique in which white mud is applied to the base material, and then a transparent glaze is applied over it. I think it’s an image. Come to think of it, a thin layer of snow still remains there. No, it looks like it already. The inscription is thought to have been made by Masayuki Kobori, the son of Kobori Enshu (Second generation of Enshu School, 1620-74), so perhaps he recalled the memory of the remaining snow in the garden he once saw.


And it is not limited to tea bowls, but the name given to it is “mei”, and when a literary background is added to it and the depth of education is added, and the image of waka is added, it is called “kamei”. Then, the writing on the box and small colored paper on which the poem is written are added. If you come this far, is it an art that expresses a single world view?


National Treasure Shino Tea Bowl Named Unhanakyo.

Among the ceramics made in Japan, there are only two national treasures, and this is one of them. Ceramics painted with paints began in the Momoyama period, but the earliest ones were Shino and Oribe. This tea bowl is boldly decorated with a potter’s wheel and sawing spatula, and a simple fence is drawn with iron painting under the Shino glaze. is marked with. There is a box inscription and a small colored paper that is said to have been written by Katagiri Sekishu (1605-73).


“Yamato no Naka no Nakatsu Michiyuki Fumiwake and his comfort”


And so to speak, it will be named after this waka poem.


As for my impression of the “scenery” that I saw without actually thinking about it, my first impression was of a surprisingly rustic and cute tea bowl, but some image comes to mind in the tea bowl.


Furthermore, if you look again at the “gome” and “kamei”, the delicate grilled Shino looks like a cute unohana, and you can see the refreshing and calm spring scenery peeking out from between the fences. floating…. In my brain, the image of the “scenery” spread further.


It takes an hour and a half to enjoy the “scenery” of such various brands. It’s already beyond the area of ​​killing time, and I’m impressed for some reason.


At that time, there was no TV or SNS, and our predecessors were educated, knowledgeable, and imaginative, respecting and inheriting these products, and above all, learning how to enjoy them. What is our boredom in the age of information overload…? . And in the end, I ended up revising my values ​​lol.


From within the “scenery” of a small vessel, various meanings of the world view and scenery popped out of the vessel with ease, and it was a killing time that made me think that it spreads widely and deeply. No, it was already beyond that range.


Thank you very much for your attention. how do you do.









愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN




これぞ青春(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取致します 古美術風光舎)































Hello everyone. This is staff M.


Staff M’s summer vacation is over again this year. Summer vacation goes by in the blink of an eye… Unlike when I was a student, I’m not overwhelmed with homework, but for some reason I feel like I’ve left a lot of things unfinished.


Are you a group that does your summer vacation homework first? Do you want to do it last? Or do you plan? By the way, when I was a student, Staff M finally started working on it in the latter half of August, and I remembered that I was about to cry at the approaching opening ceremony and unfinished homework .


Speaking of my last summer vacation this year, I was just cheering for high school baseball in front of the TV at home. For high school baseball players, one match is everything, and in the case of a third-year player, retirement will be decided at that point, so I can’t watch it without tears! Isn’t there a lot of people who say? Yesterday, the quarter-final match between Sendai Ikuei and Aiko Daimeiden started, and although they were rooting for their hometown Aiko Daimeiden, they both gave their all to win the match.


As a result, Aiko Daimeiden lost 6-2, but we cried together through the screen at the scene where captain Arima’s emotions overflowed with the final ace.


National high school baseball tournaments are held twice in spring and summer, with the spring tournament being called the “Selective High School Baseball Tournament” and the summer tournament being called the “National High School Baseball Championship”. It is also called Spring Koshien and Summer Koshien.


In 1924, the first tournament was held at Yamamoto Stadium (now JR Tokai Yagoto Stadium) in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. This is the only time that a national high school baseball tournament was held outside of Kansai. It started with just 8 schools, gradually increased to 12 schools in the 2nd tournament, and 16 schools in the 3rd tournament, and now has 32 schools as a base. increase. For this reason, the 70th tournament in 1998 and the 80th tournament in 2008 saw a record 36 schools participate.


And speaking of Koshien tradition, there is a tradition that the losing team takes back the dirt from the field. In the history of Koshien, there are various theories as to who was the first ball player to bring back dirt, but it seems that the player from the Kyushu region was the first.


However, as part of measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, the benches will be disinfected between matches, so it is said that the players will have to leave quickly. It is said that Along with the frustration, I feel that the act of taking the soil home is also one of the memories… but it’s nice to have the consideration of giving the soil later.


Aiming for Koshien, I was moved again this year by the sweat and tears of the high school baseball players who devoted themselves to practice on their days off and after school. The best 4 are all set, and in the semi-finals on the 20th, I am looking forward to the Tohoku showdown between Miyagi representative Sendai Ikuei and Fukushima representative Seiko Gakuin.









愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN



